If the net external torque acting on the particle is zero, the it satisfies - 1st condition of equilibrium - 2nd condition of equilibrium - Both 1st & 2nd condition of equilibrium - 2nd law of motion


Answer 1


a) the distances are zero, Both 1st & 2nd condition

c)  the torques are equal but of the opposite sign, 2nd condition of equilibrium


The equilibrium conditions are

1 translational

        ∑ F = 0

2 rotational

        ∑ τ = Σ (F_i x r_i) = 0

They tell us that external torque is zero.

Therefore we have two various possibilities

a) the distances are zero, in this case we have a pure translation movement

    for this situation the two equilibrium relations are fulfilled

b) the forces are zero, there is no movement

    It does not make sense to use the equilibrium relations since there are no forces

c) the torques are equal but of the opposite sign, the forces are on the opposite side of the body.

    In this case the 2 equilibrium relation is fulfilled, but not the first one that the force has the same direction

Related Questions

A free-fall parachutist eventually reaches a top speed where air resistance prevents further acceleration. What name is given to this ‘top speed'?


The name given to it is "terminal velocity".

In reality, it isn't a velocity, and it doesn't happen in free-fall.

Go figure.

used to measure temperature
used to measure force
prefix that means 1/100
prefix that means 1,000
prefix that means 1/1,000



prefix that means 1/100 = Centi

prefix that means 1,000 = Kilo

prefix that means 1/1000 = Milli


Help me please Ima give brainiest


Sand. You can identify tiny sugar crystals.

Answer: vinegar

A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout the mixture. ... A heterogeneous mixture consists of two or more phases. When oil and water are combined, they do not mix evenly, but instead, form two separate layers. Each of the layers is called a phase.

Hope it helps...

(Please help if you can, I need this last answer done by tonight.)
Use the universal law of gravitation to solve the following problem.

Hint: mass of the Earth is = 5.97 x 1024 kg

A scientific satellite of mass 1300 kg orbits Earth 200 km above its surface. If Earth has a radius of 6378 km, what is the force of gravity acting on the scientific satellite?

a. Write out the formula for this problem.

b. Plug in the values from this problem into the formula.

c. Solve the problem, writing out each step.

d. Correct answer




[tex]F =G \cdot \dfrac{M \cdot m}{r^{2}}[/tex]


[tex]F =6,378 \times 10^{-11} \times \dfrac{5.97 \times 10^{24} \times 1,300}{6,578^{2}}[/tex]


[tex]F =6,378 \times 10^{-11} \times \dfrac{5.97 \times 10^{24} \times 1,300}{6,578^{2}} = \dfrac{9.519165 \times 10^{18}}{832117} \approx 1.144 \times 10^{13}[/tex]

d. 1.144 × 10¹³ N


The universal law of gravitation is presented as follows;

[tex]F =G \cdot \dfrac{M \cdot m}{r^{2}}[/tex]

The given mass of the scientific satellite, m = 1,300 kg

The height of the orbit of the satellite, r = 200 km above the Earth's surface

The length of the radius of the Earth, R = 6378 km

The mass of the Earth = 5.97 × 10²⁴ kg

a. The formula for the universal law of gravitation is presented as follows;

[tex]F =G \cdot \dfrac{M \cdot m}{r^{2}}[/tex]


M = The mass of the Earth = 5.97 × 10²⁴ kg

m = The mass of the satellite = 1,300 kg

r = The distance between the Earth and the satellite = R + r = 6,378 km + 200 km = 6,578 km

G = The Gravitational constant = 6.67430 × 10⁻¹¹ N·m²/kg²

b. Plugging in the values from the problem into the formula gives;

[tex]F =6,378 \times 10^{-11} \times \dfrac{5.97 \times 10^{24} \times 1,300}{6,578^{2}}[/tex]

c. Solving gives;

[tex]F =6,378 \times 10^{-11} \times \dfrac{5.97 \times 10^{24} \times 1,300}{6,578^{2}} = \dfrac{9.519165 \times 10^{18}}{832117} \approx 1.144 \times 10^{13}[/tex]

The force acting between the Earth and the satellite, F ≈ 1.144 × 10¹³ N

d. 1.144 × 10¹³ N

Which nutrients are needed in soil in larger doses?
Mineral Nutrients


Non-mineral Nutrients




The primary nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

The intermediate nutrients are sulfur, magnesium, and calcium.

The remaining essential elements are the micronutrients and are required in very small quantities.


The primary nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

The intermediate nutrients are sulfur, magnesium, and calcium.

The remaining essential elements are the micronutrients and are required in very small quantities.


A student starts a stop-watch when the bob reaches to point M.He counts each time the bob changes direction and stop the watch on the tenth change in direction.The watch shows a time of 12.0 seconds.calculate the time period






Which statement describes how chemical formulas, such as H20, represent compounds?



They show the elements that make up a compound.

They show the three-dimensional shape of a molecule.

They show the types of atoms that make up a molecule.

They show the number of each type of atom in a molecule.


❣️(◍Jess bregoli◍)❣️

#keep learning!!

A stone is thrown upward with a kinetic energy of 10J. If it goes up to a maximum height of 5 m, find the initial velocity and mass of the stone ​




Begin by remembering that at the stone's max height, the final velocity there is 0. Being in possession of that information along with the fact that the pull of gravity due to acceleration is -9.8 m/s/s, we can use the equation

[tex]v^2=v_0^2+2a[/tex]Δx where v is the final velocity, v₀ is the initial velocity, a is the pull of gravity, and Δx is the displacement. Filling in:


0 = v₀² - 98 so

98 = v₀² and

v = 9.9 m/s Now we can put that into the KE equation.

[tex]10=\frac{1}{2}m(9.8)[/tex] and

[tex]m=\frac{2(10)}{98}[/tex] so

m = .20 kg



Answer: Yes, I know

Explaination: Rough words and roaster

What form of energy is needed to make photosynthesis happen?
A. Proton energy
B. Chemical energ
C. Electron energy
D. Solar energy



Photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy.

your answer is solar energy

hope it helps

The specitic heat capacity of oxygen is 918 J/kg °C. The specific heat capacity of water is 4181 J/kg °C. Which substance will require more energy to raise its temperature by 1°C?​





Given the specific heat of oxygen is 918J/kg °C and the specific heat of water is 4181 J/kg °C.

Consider 1Kg mass of each substance.

Now 1 Kg of oxygen needs 918 J of energy to raise its temperature by 1 °C

Also, 1 Kg of water needs 4181 J of energy to raise its temperature by 1 °C.

Clearly water requires more energy when compared to oxygen.

Basically, specific heat capacity is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a 1 kg body by 1 °C.

If the amplitude of a sound wave is increased by a factor of four,how does the energy carry by the sound wave in each time interval change?



The energy will be increased by a factor 16


Mathematically, we have it that the energy carried by the sound wave is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude

So we have it that;

E = k * A^2

where E is the wave energy

K is the constant value

A is the amplitude value


If E1 = k * (A1)^2

E2 = k * (A2)^2

But A2 = 4A1

E2 = k * (4A1)^2

E2 = k * 16(A1)^2

Divide E2 by E1

E2/E1 = k/k * 16(A1)^2/(A1)^2

E2/E1 = 16

E2 = 16 * E1

so simply, the energy will be increased by a factor of 16




1= Kidneys

2= Ureters




Functions of kidney: Regulations of water balances, excretions of nitrogenous wastes(urea)

Functions of Liver: Detoxifications, protein synthesis

Functions of Skin: Temperature regulations, Metabolic functions, Excretion

Functions of lungs: Respiration, Water balance regulations

Tip: If you want faster and correct answers you should label your questions under the correct subject.

The unit of area is a derived unit. Why?



area=length(m) ×breadth(m) . The unit of area is expressed in terms of fundamental units m^2.thus it is derived unit

A student starts at position (4,4) m and undergoes three displacements:
d1 = (2, -3) m, d2 = (-5, 0) m, and d3 = (1, 6) m.
What is the final position of the student? Show your solution graphically and numerically.
please help!!



The final position is  (2, 7)m


When we work with coordinate pairs, the addition works as:

(a, b) + (c, d) = (a + c, b + d)

So, for example, if we start at (a, b), and we have a displacement d = (1, 1)

we just need to solve:

(a, b) + (1, 1) = (a + 1, b + 1)

Now, in this case, we start at (4, 4)m

first, we have d1 = (2, -3) m

After this displacement, the position is:

(4, 4)m + (2, -3)m = (4 + 2, 4 - 3)m = (6, 1)m

Now we have a displacement d2 = (-5, 0) m

After this, the position is:

(6, 1)m + (-5, 0)m = (6 -5, 1 + 0)m = (1, 1)m

After this, we have the final displacement d3 = (1, 6) m, so the final position will be:

(1, 1)m + (1, 6)m = (1 + 1, 1 + 6)m = (2, 7)m

Below you can see a rough sketch of the path that the student take, where he/she starts at point A.

A young student drops a stone off the side of a cliff that is 41 meters high. How long does it take the stone to hit the ground below?

2.89 s

8.36 s

3.20 s

2.04 s


Im sure it’s B
Explanation: because 41 meters in feet is 134 feet 6.173 inches and every 33.5 feet should be dropping by 2.09 seconds so it should be 8.36

2.09 x 4= “8.36”

value of the refractive index of lens is 2.5 The curved surfaces are having The radius of curvature 10 cm and -12cm Out The focal length of the lens respectively find out the focal length of the lens?​




dhsfb ffhgchbvffffggcg




Una prenda de 320gramos de ropa gira en el interior de una lavadora si dicha lavadora tiene 40 cm y gira con una frecuencia de 4 hz halla el periodo la velocidad angular la fuerza con la que gira la prenda y la velocidad lineal de la lavadora



Período del tambor: [tex]T = 0.25\,s[/tex], fuerza sobre la prenda: [tex]F \approx 80.852\,N[/tex], velocidad lineal del tambor: [tex]v \approx 10.053\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], velocidad angular del tambor: [tex]\omega \approx 25.133\,\frac{rad}{s}[/tex].


La expresión tiene un error por omisión, su forma correcta queda descrita a continuación:

"Una prenda de 320 gramos de ropa gira en el interior de una lavadora si dicha lavadora tiene un radio de 40 centímetros y gira con una frecuencia de 4 hertz. Halle a) el período, b) la velocidad angular, c) la fuerza con la que gira la prenda y d) la velocidad lineal de la lavadora."

El tambor gira a velocidad angular constante ([tex]\omega[/tex]), en radianes por segundo, lo cual significa que la prenda experimenta una aceleración centrífuga ([tex]a[/tex]), en metros por segundo al cuadrado. En primer lugar, calculamos el período de rotación del tambor ([tex]T[/tex]), en segundos:

[tex]T = \frac{1}{f}[/tex] (1)

Donde [tex]f[/tex] es la frecuencia, en hertz.

([tex]f = 4\,hz[/tex])

[tex]T = \frac{1}{4\,hz}[/tex]

[tex]T = 0.25\,s[/tex]

Ahora determinamos la fuerza aplicada sobre la prenda ([tex]F[/tex]), en newtons:

[tex]F = m\cdot a[/tex] (2)

[tex]F = \frac{4\pi^{2}\cdot m \cdot r}{T^{2}}[/tex] (2b)


[tex]m[/tex] - Masa de la prenda, en kilogramos.

[tex]r[/tex] - Radio interior del tambor, en metros.

([tex]m = 0.32\,kg[/tex], [tex]r = 0.4\,m[/tex], [tex]T = 0.25\,s[/tex])

[tex]F = \frac{4\pi^{2}\cdot (0.32\,kg)\cdot (0.4\,m)}{(0.25\,s)^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]F \approx 80.852\,N[/tex]

La velocidad lineal de la lavadora es:

[tex]v = \frac{2\pi\cdot r}{T}[/tex] (3)

([tex]r = 0.4\,m[/tex], [tex]T = 0.25\,s[/tex])

[tex]v = \frac{2\pi\cdot (0.4\,m)}{0.25\,s}[/tex]

[tex]v \approx 10.053\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex]

Y la velocidad angular del tambor de la lavadora:

[tex]\omega = \frac{2\pi}{T}[/tex]

([tex]T = 0.25\,s[/tex])

[tex]\omega = \frac{2\pi}{0.25\,s}[/tex]

[tex]\omega \approx 25.133\,\frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

What is kinetic and potential energy?



the energy produced in a body due to its motion is kinetic energy.

energy produced in a body due to its position is potential energy.


kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a body in motion

Potential energy is the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position with respect to a reference level

ΡΟ. . When preparing for any of the golf variation games (golf foot golf, disc golf), a person should consider the following before they start.
O Distance
O Terrain
O Wind Speed
O All of the above​



All of the above


To ensure the ball go to where we expected it go

An elevator of 3 × 10^4N is raised to a height of 100m in 20s . The work done by electric motor is equivalent to?​



there it is fella tried on ma own observation

What is an example of a series circuit




The most famous and common example is Christmas tree lights. You can't tell easily by looking at them whether they are in series or parallel. But you sure know the difference when one of them burns out. When that happens, the whole string goes dead. No matter what you do (other than find out which bulb burned out) will not fix the problem.

Another example is anything that is temperature controlled. For example a furnace is controlled by a thermostat. When the room temperature reaches a certain point, the thermostat is constructed in a certain way so that it forms an open circuit and no current can flow through it. The furnace motor turns off and the furnace stops pumping hot air into a room.

Which of the following could be used to create an open circuit?


A switch
What are the answers choices

outs each inning?
Each team gets (how many).
o 2
(Basketball )


It is 2 - hope it helps
2. Hope it’s right :)

when a car drives in a circle there must be ?


no net force axting on it


I think none of above


hioe it's right answer

A girl travels 50m in 12s and then another 30m in 5s .Calculate her average speed?​





Average speed = Total distance travelled ÷ Total time taken.




Average speed = Total distance travelled ÷ Total time taken.

In this question,

Total distance travelled = 50m + 30m

                                                = 80m.

Total time taken = 12s + 5s

                                     = 17s

So, Average speed would be 80 ÷ 17

= [tex]\frac{80}{17}[/tex]

 = 4.71 m/s. or 4.71 meter per second.

A circuit diagram with a power source labeled 12 V is connected to 3 resistors in series. The resistors are labeled 1.0 Ohms, 2.0 Ohms, and 3 Ohms. Calculate the equivalent resistance in the circuit shown.

0.55 Ω
1.8 Ω
2.0 Ω

Its A "0.55" I guessed and got it right



there it is fella u were right with ur answer

Brass is made by melting a mixture which contain 67% by mass of copper and 33% by mass of zinc if no change in volume.Calculate the density of brass​



The density of brass is approximately 8,261.73 kg/m³


The percentage composition by mass of brass is given as follows;

The percentage by mass of copper = 67%

The percentage by mass of zinc = 33%

The density of copper, ρ₁ = 8.96 g/cm³

The density of zinc, ρ₂ = 7.133 g/cm³

Therefore, where we have, m = 100 g of brass, we have;

The mass of copper, m₁ = 67 g

The volume of copper, V₁ = m₁/ρ₁

∴ V₁ = 67 g/(8.96 g/cm³) ≈ 7.47767857 cm³

The volume of zinc, V₂ = m₂/ρ₂

∴ V₂ = 33 g/(7.133 g/cm³) ≈ 4.62638411 cm³

The volume of the brass, V = V₁ + V₂

V = 7.47767857 cm³ + 4.62638411 cm³ ≈ 12.104 cm³

The density of brass, ρ = m/V

∴ ρ = 100 g/(12.104 cm³) ≈ 8.26 g/cm³

The density of brass, ρ ≈ 8.26 g/cm³ = 8,261.73 kg/m³

A capacitor stores 7.77 x 10-7 J of

energy when 4.29 x 10-8 C of

charge is on the plates. What is the

voltage across the capacitor?

[?] V

No links please


Answer: [tex]36.22\ V[/tex]



Energy in a capacitor [tex]E=7.77\times 10^{-7}\ J[/tex]

Charge [tex]Q=4.29\times 10^{-8}\ C[/tex]

Energy of a capacitor is given by

[tex]E=\dfrac{1}{2}CV^2=\dfrac{1}{2}QV\quad [\text{Q=CV}][/tex]

Insert the values

[tex]E=\dfrac{1}{2}QV\\\\\Rightarrow 7.77\times 10^{-7}=\dfrac{1}{2}\times 4.29\times 10^{-8}\times V\\\\\Rightarrow V=3.622\times 10\\\\\Rightarrow V=36.22\ V[/tex]

Thus, the voltage around the capacitor is [tex]36.22\ V[/tex]

A 75.0 kg man pushes backward on a 300.0 kg boat with a force of 150.0N causing the boat to accelerate backward at 0.5m/s^2. What is the acceleration of the man?

A) 150.0 m/s^2
B) 8.00 m/s^2
C) 2.00 m/s^2
D) 4.00 m/s^2



C) 2.00 m/s^2


F = m*a

150N = 75kg(a)

a = 150N/75kg

a = 2.0m/s²

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