the _________ siren made us jump out of our seat.

a. Afraid
b. amusing
c. awesome
d. awful
e. angry
f. ashamed


Answer 1

The answer would be 'D. Awful'

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.

Friar Laurence: Stay not to question, for the watch is coming;
Come, go, good Juliet.—[Noise again.] I dare no longer stay.

Juliet: Go, get thee hence, for I will not away. [Exit FRIAR LAURENCE.]
What’s here? a cup, clos’d in my true love’s hand?
Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.
O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop
To help me after! I will kiss thy lips;
Haply, some poison yet doth hang on them,
To make me die with a restorative. [Kisses him.]
Thy lips are warm!

First Watch: [Within.] Lead, boy: which way?

Juliet: Yea, noise? then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger! [Snatching ROMEO’S dagger.]

Which phrases from the passage are oxymorons? Select 2 options.

true love’s hand
happy dagger
good Juliet
lips are warm
timeless end



happy dagger  

timeless end


An Oxymoron is one of the figures of speech in which words of opposing meanings are placed beside each other. The words help in creating an effect in the meaning of the sentence. The words contradict in meaning and helps in presenting rhetorical effect in the sentences.  

In the given excerpt, 'happy dagger' and 'timeless end' are the examples of oxymoron. 'Happy' is a positive term and 'dagger' is a negative term. 'Timeless' denotes the unlimited span of time while 'end' denotes the end of the time.

Match each example of characterization with the correct type.
Mrs. Boggs's generosity inspired us to
study harder.
Mrs. Boggs agreed to tutor us all before
the test.
"Of course I will tutor you before the
test," she said
I believe that Mrs. Boggs is the most
caring teacher I know.



Reaction: Mrs. Bogg's generosity inspired us to study harder.

Dialogue: "of course i wiil tutor you before the test", she said.

Thought: I believe that Mrs Boggs is the most caring teacher i know.

Action: Mrs. Boggs agreed to tutor us all before the test.

Explanation: U welcome :p

‘Without any doubting or quiddit,’ What does ‘quiddit ’mean? a. A quiet laugh b. Without any prediction c. An objection d. A sarcastic answer to a question


The answer would be the letter c

The teacher complied ____ our request fill in the blanks



The teacher complied to our request

Which statement provides an example of evidence?

Walking just 15 minutes per day provides unbelievable health benefits.
I have several friends who walk 15 minutes a day.
If people are not capable of walking 15 minutes a day, then something is wrong with them.
In one study, people who walked 15 minutes each day lost an average of two pounds per month.


D. In one study,people who walked 15 minutes each day lost an average of two pounds per month

The study is considered the evidence

Question 8 of 20 Which story idea best fits the traditional definition of tragedy O A. An executive runs his business into the ground because of his arrogance. O B. A high school student starts having a bad day that just gets worse and worse O c. A couple is about to get married, but the groom leaves the bride at the altar. O D. An old woman is careful to wrap up all her affairs in life before her death PREVIOUS​



c. A couple about is about to get married, but the groom leaves the bride at the altar

The answer is C. A couple is about to get married but the groom leaves the bride at the alter

who is Arthur and what are his or here qualifications​



His best known works are the script he wrote with American film director Stanley Kubrick for 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and the novel of that film. Clarke was interested in science from childhood, but he lacked the means for higher education.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

Katie wants to order a new shirt online. What should she do once she gets to the store's website?


Check the credibility, locate her shirt, put it in her cart, checkout.

Identify all of the parts (subject, verb, direct object, indirect object) of the sentence

Wendy bought Joria a new video game for Christmas.



Subject: Wendy

Verb: Bought

Direct object: Video Game

Indirect Object: Christmas

In act I of shakespeare's Macbeth,the witches declare,"Fair is foul,foul is fair".This statement is central to which theme of the play?
B.fate versus free will
C.appearance versus reality
D.power and tyranny


B fate of warrior man I love ya ya wanna get mad ya ya wanna get me ya gotta ya wanna ya gotta ya ain’t do it tho I jus don’t like how yo yo ya gotta gotta free will power

Please revise this sentence: "Only then did I realize how annoyed a cat must have got when it couldn't catch the mouse, and eventually how happy a cat can get when the mouse dies without it trying." (Context: A mouse dies from fright under a couch while a mom, her son, and their cat try to coax it to come out.)


yes, cats can catch a mouse.

Guys helping I can't think of 5 questions I can ask the clouds WRITE A LIST OF UP TO 5 QUESTIONS THAT YOU WOULD ASK THE CLOUDS?




Do you ever get lonely?Do you have any friends?Do you ever get bored just floating around?Would you ever like to come down to earth?What do you do in your free time?


Hopefully this is what you mean-

writing a persuasive paragraph for someone to buy a pen

Please I need it quickly.



U should describe the pen in its best words and maybe give it an affordable price


Just trying hope it helps


:I'd recommend selling the pen below in 4 steps.

Ask the person what they do.

Acknowledge how important their job is and get them talking about the last time they used a pen.

Highlight an emotional use for the pen.

Hand them back the pen and close the deal.


Explain this expression in your own words. " a place less prone to water scarcity" Please please help me



a situation less of a risk

Which of the following includes words that create a joyful mood?
O The bright red leaves shred off the branches as if torn and plucked by evil hands.
O The salty air floated around us in a shroud of mist, cloaking us in a dark and wet envelope.
Owe can only take the course most logical to us at any given point in time.
O We galloped along as if even gravity had no effect on our lighter-than-air bodies.


I think the answer is the last choice.

We galloped along as if the gravity has no effect on our lighter-than-air bodies.
We galloped along as if even gravity had no effect on our lighter than air bodies

The earliest newsletters were inscribed by educated slaves.








It was illegal for slaves to be educated

What is the purpose of a body paragraph


Answer: Nice colk

Explanation:Nice colk

Answer: to provide supporting details for the main idea of the essay

Explanation: hi

What things about the book did Margie and Tommy find strange? *
they found that words stood still instead of moving like on a computer
they found that the book was old.
they found that the book was well maintained
they found that the book had clear and clean typing


Answer:B or C



Hamlet shows throughout the play he is inconsistent, indecisive and unsure of himself and his actions . critically discuss the extent of which you agree with the above statement in an essay​


Answer and Explanation:

"Hamlet" was written by Shkespeare and tells the story of how Prince Hamlet seeks to avenge the death of his father, King Hamlet, who was murdered by his own brother, Claudius.

Prince Hamlet, although determined to avenge his father's death and even after learning that his uncle, Claudius, was the murderer, finds himself very confused and undecided on how he should promote this revenge. This indecision makes him miss out on very beneficial opportunities to achieve his goals.

Hamlet, is as confused as melancholy, has instability and doesn't know how to act. He is contemplating and structuring endless plans that are never put into practice, and he spends a lot of time rambling on philosophical issues.

This type of behavior causes Hamlet to be seen as someone troubled and that causes many problems all around him. Amid his indecision to get revenge on his uncle, he ends up causing problems to his mother, his kingdom, his friends, his fiancée and even himself, while his uncle remains free and unpunished for his brother's murder.

What is a great a hook for a life goal essay?



Essay on goal of my life – The main goal of every person in today's world is to become successful. Every person wants to taste success as early as he can. ... My main aim or goal of my life is not to become a doctor, engineer, businessman or a politician, because all this profession is just a material part of our life.


Maybe starting off with a question to catch the readers attention. For example where do I see myself 10 years from now?

1. Before reading: (Prediction)From reading the title, what do you think this story is about? Explain your answer.
2. During reading: As you read the selection, take notes about important details in the story. Narrow your list to the five (5) most important events.
3. After reading: Summarize the main idea with a “One Sentence Summary.”
4. Was your 'prediction' in questions one (1) accurate? Why or why not?
5. Can you identify a theme in Sara Crewe?
6. List three facts you learned about Frances Hodgson Burnett by visiting the links.
Further Study:
Visit these links to learn more about the author of this story.







Aeolus- A part I forgot

They stay with King Aeolus for 2 months and he gives Odysseus 2 bags of winds, the west which will blow them toward Ithaca and a bag of unfavourable windsThe men open the wrong bag and they are blown back to Aeolus who refuses to help them a second time


The remaining men and Odysseus land here which is home to Helios' blessed cattle. The men are desperate for food and Odysseus tells them not to eat the cattle but they kill and eat one (Odysseus doesn't)Zeus strikes the ship to appease Helios and only Odysseus survives

Ogygia (Calypso)-

Odysseus washes up on Ogygia, home of the nymph Calypso. She becomes infatuated with him and holds him prisoner on her island for 7 years until Hermes (sent by Zeus) tells her to let him build a raft and leave


After Poseidon once more sinks his boat, Odysseus washes up on Scheria and meets King Alcinous. He regales him with the story of his adventureWhen he is sleeping, he is put on a boat sailing for Ithaca (thanks Athena)


When he awakens, he doesn't know he is home until Athena tells him and helps to disguise him so the suitors (who have been plaguing Penelope for her hand since Odysseus left) won't recognize him.Penelope thinks the beggar is Odysseus so she arranges for an archery contest that only Odysseus can winHe wins in his disguise then shows himself and with the help of his son, Telemachus,  they kill all of the suitors.

Which sentence from the passage provides the best example of the author’s use of parallel
A. It is more than likely that these governments would begin to base decisions on their
own self-interest and self preservation and not on what was best for the people.
B. No government is perfect, and the ability to escape the consequences of one's actions
would, in turn, encourage their repetition.
C. Our ability to assess the actions of government during a time of crisis would also be
severely hindered.
D. How could we assess the correctness of going to war, of sacrificing our soldiers, of
spending enormous amounts of money on defense without some assessment of these


Answer: B would be answer


I took the test :)



D. How could we assess the correctness of going to war, of sacrificing our soldiers, of

spending enormous amounts of money on defense without some assessment of these


20 pts + BRAINLIEST!!

Read the passage.

Looking back, I suppose my life started with that letter. I don’t think everything necessarily happens for a reason—there’s too much tragedy in the world for that. But there’s no doubt that some misfortunes turn into pivotal moments that can alter the course of a person’s life for the better. Alma and I have been together for 30 years now, and I still wonder what that other life—the one in which my letter said “congratulations”—might look like. I expect it would have been pretty grand, full of its own triumphs and pitfalls. My children are fresh to the adult world, and when I see their tears as plans go sideways, I like to imagine that someday they’ll sit where I am with people to love, hobbies to pursue, and maybe even a spare dollar in the bank.

Which statement best describes the narrator’s viewpoint regarding obstacles his children face?

A. He ignores their struggles with obstacles because he believes everything happens for a reason.

B. He works to help his children avoid obstacles so that they will never have to wonder how their lives could have gone.

C. He fears the obstacles and worries that life will not turn out as well for his children as it did for him.

D. He regards the obstacles calmly, with the perspective of someone who has faced obstacles and lived through them.

((( I report spam answers )))




Let's start with the answer. It has to be D.

The key sentence is this one:

My children are fresh to the adult world, and when I see their tears as plans go sideways, I like to imagine that someday they’ll sit where I am with people to love, hobbies to pursue, and maybe even a spare dollar in the bank.

He's calm because he's been through it all before. Most of all, he knows that this to will end -- whatever problems his children have are only momentary. (As an aside, I would like to hear what his wife says).

A: Not the answer. He doesn't ignore the troubles. If he believes it happens for a reason, he doesn't say what it is.

B: Not the answer: Nowhere does it say anything about future considerations or at least that one.

C: He doesn't fear for them. He has a calm confidence that they will work through it. Not the answer.

Suppose your younger brother or sister has failed an exam. Write a short letter do encouraging him/her to do better in the next term. ​



address city state dear your brother name we have received two letters from the principal of your school complaining about your irregular pretty in summiting O mark and not doing your exam properly so you have scored low marks in your current India test so you should read based i

Dear Megan, i know school is only getting tougher as the years go on.. i’m sure you’re devastated on your exam but there’s only room for improvement now! let’s look at it in a positive way for a second yeah? a lot of the time how to teacher teaches their class might just not work for you, and that’s ok sometimes. you just need to try and focus more on finishing your work, and becoming more prepared. next time exams come around let me know which week it is and we’ll start studying earlier on! motivation gets hard but i’ll be your cheerleader! that show you love? why don’t you apply it do what you’re doing! that’s what i use to do. look at each task as a battle you have to win to save your people, this is the only way of being able to defeat what’s coming and studying/training will induce the chances of winning!

how will you utilize your education and experiences to make your community a more equal, inclusive place for everyone?


By using my education and experiences, I will make my community a more equal and inclusive space for everyone by setting up community groups to raise awareness for certain issues. for example, I will use my knowledge on setting up community groups to put together a club for drawing. This club will include drawing about current issues such as social justice, equality, and other crucial issues what need more light. (Let me know if this is good!)


An inclusive society is a society that over-rides differences of race, gender, class, generation, and geography, and ensures inclusion, equality of opportunity as well as. capability of all members of the society to determine an agreed set of social institutions. that govern social interaction. Encourage positive interaction within the community. We should avoid creating clicks within our communities, it divides rather than celebrate our diversities and create an environment for inclusion. We must learn to consciously respect and value people in all ramification.


hope it to help you

(Now HELEN begins groping, sensing something, trembling herself; and KATE, falling one step in onto her knees, clasps her, kissing her. HELEN clutches her, tight as she can. KATE is inarticulate, choked, repeating HELEN’S name again and again. She wheels with her in her arms, to stumble away out the doorway. . . .)

How do these stage directions add meaning to the play?

The stage directions explain the characters’ facial expressions.
The stage directions illustrate the appearance of the room.
The stage directions reveal the historical time period.
The stage directions describe the characters’ emotions.





without stage directions the whole play would be a mess

the answer is D. The stage directions describe the characters’ emotions. i got it right on my test

Anyone know this question



I'm pretty sure the answer is C. Topical.

V)-Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.
34. The four planets closest to the sun – Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - (be) ____________called the terrestrial planets because they have solid, rocky surfaces.
35. Our grandparents (come)____________ to stay with us next weekend.
35. Our grandparents (come)____________ to stay with us next weekend.
36. People (wonder) ____________ for ages whether we are alone in the universe.
37. This time next week, we (take)___________ an English test.
38. By the end of this year, I (learn) ____________ English for 6 years.
39. By the end of this century, scientists (discover) ___________ intelligent life.
40. Beagle 2 - the first British spaceship to Mars - (look for)_____________signs of aliens this time next month.
41. Astronauts (travel) _____________ to planets outside our solar system by 2050.
42. I expect your English (improve) __________ a lot by the time you got back from England.
43. NASA (develop)___________ new aircraft to replace space shuttles by the end of this decade.



34. are

35. will come

35. are coming

36. have been wondering

37. will be taking

38. will have been learning

39. will have discovered

40. will be looking for

41. will have traveled

42. to have improved

43. will have developed


Hope this helped!



35.will come

36.have wondered

37.will take

38.will have learnt

39.will have discovered

40.will be looking for

41.will travel

42.will have improved

43.will develop


Hope this helps u

which feature is commonly found in odes


Answer: Deep praise of a specific subject.

Explanation: An Ode is a lyrical poem that that expresses emotion and deep feelings about a particular person or subject. It is usually in praise of a particular person. This type of poem is usually highly ceremonious and serious in its tone and subject matter and its tone is formal.

Other Questions
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