If u= 70% and o=5%, what % of scores fall within 3 standard deviations from the mean?


Answer 1


"85%" is the right answer.

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\mu = 70[/tex] (%)

[tex]\sigma = 5[/tex] (%)

As we know,

The 99.7% observation fall within the 3rd standard deviation, then

⇒ [tex](\mu \pm \sigma ) = (70-(3\times 5)) \ to \ (70+(3\times 5))[/tex]

                [tex]=(70-15) \ to \ (70+15)[/tex]

                [tex]=55 \ to \ 85[/tex] (%)

Thus the above is the correct solution.  

Related Questions

Answer is D , others say it’s 64 but I got it wrong



Oh no I am sorry! If you want answers to be done the real way let me know

Answer:I'm so sorry for you but congrats you did get the answer right it's just the test I guess

Step-by-step explanation:

Assume you are selling pizzas at $ 8 per pizza. Your fixed costs (rent, salaries, and utilities) are $4,438/month. The food costs and other variable costs are 40 percent of the selling price. What is your break-even point in units if you need to make 25% target return on the sales revenue? (enter only the value)


A company breaks even for a given period when sales revenue and costs incurred during that period are equal. Thus the break-even point is that level of operations at which a company realizes no net income or loss.

A company may express a break-even point in dollars of sales revenue or number of units produced or sold. No matter how a company expresses its break-even point, it is still the point of zero income or loss.

In order to grasp the concept of breakeven, it’s important to understand that all costs are not created equal: Some are fixed, and some are variable. Fixed Costs are expenses that are not dependent on the amount of goods or services produced by the business. They are things such as salaries or rents paid per month. If you own a car, then your car payment and insurance premiums are fixed costs because you pay them every month whether you drive your car or not. Variable Costs are volume related and are paid per quantity or unit produced. For your car, your variable costs are things like gas, maintenance, or tires because you only incur these costs when you drive your car. The more miles you drive, the more your gas expenses go up—such costs vary with the level of activity.

Before we turn to the calculation of the break-even point, it’s also important to understand contribution margin.

7 root 3 by 3 minus 3 root 2 by root 15 minus 3 root 2 minus 2 root 5 by root 6 + root 5 ​



Hill doctoral tricot trivial paint Tahiti he who Olney of Accokeek if Dogtown k park pectin rabbit tabernacle numbed.

What is the sum of 2 and 3 subtracted from the product of 2 and the difference of 7 and 4? The answer is 1, but how is it solved?


Answer: -1

Step-by-step explanation:

sum of 2 and 3   subtracted   from the product of 2    difference of 7 and 4

            (2+3)            -                         2                                 (  7    -    4   )   =  -1  

       (2+3)-2(7-4) =

        5 - 2(3) =

         5-6 = -1

The sum of 2 and 3 subtracted from the product of 2 and the difference of 7 and 4 is equivalent to 1.

What is Equation Modelling?

Equation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis, observations and results of the given problem.

We have the sum of 2 and 3 subtracted from the product of 2 and the difference of 7 and 4

From the question, we can model the equation as -

x = 2 × (7 - 4) - (2 + 3)

x = 2(3) - 5

x = 6 - 5

x = 1

Therefore, the sum of 2 and 3 subtracted from the product of 2 and the difference of 7 and 4 is equivalent to 1.

To solve more questions on Equation Modelling, visit the link below -



solve this set of equation, using elimination or substitution method.


Answer of the set is x=-11.2 and y=3


X =224

Y= -10

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this question it's better to convert the fractions to decimals this way it will be easy to solve.

0.25x+0.6y= -4








To find x you replace the value of y in any of the equations






I hope this helps and sorry if it's wrong

Solve by elimination.
16x – 8y = 16
8x – 4y = 8
A. infinite number of solutions
B. (-2,-5)
c. (-20, -4)
R. (2,0)



Step-by-step explanation:

16x-8y = 16 ⇒ 8x - 4y = 8, which is identical to the second equation.

The equations are equivalent, so there are an infinite number of solutions.

Geometry please help me!!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

Find first derivative of f(x)=(x+1)(2x-1)




Step-by-step explanation:

Which choice shows 14•(8 · 2) correctly rewritten using the associative property and then correctly simplified?
(14.8) · 2 = 112 · 2 = 224
(14 . 82) = 1, 148
14. (2.8) = 14 - 16 = 224
14.2.8 = 28. 8 = 224



14.(8.2)= 14.16 = 224

Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is the first one

Can somebody help me



The x interceprs are (-3,0) and (2,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

The reason is that when you plug in a -3 in the left parentheses it would become 0, and any number times 0 would be zero, making the equation equal to zero. The same would be true for the terms in the right parentheses, plugging in a two would make it equal to zero. This would make the entire equation equal to zero, finding you the x intercepts.

The Cinci Company issues $100,000, 10% bonds at 103 on October 1, 2020. The bonds are
dated January 1, 2020 and mature eight years from that date. Straight-line amortization is used.
Interest is paid annually each December 31. Compute the bond carrying value as of December
31, 2024.


According to the given values in the question:

The Amortization period is:

= [tex]8 \ years\times 12 \ months[/tex]

= [tex]96 \ months[/tex]

Number of months of Amortization is:

= [tex]3 \ months \ in \ 2020+(4 \ years\times 12 \ months)[/tex]

= [tex]3+48[/tex]

= [tex]51 \ months[/tex]


On bonds payable, the premium will be:

= [tex]Issue \ price - Face \ value[/tex]

= [tex](100000\times 103 \ percent)- 100000[/tex]

= [tex]103000-100000[/tex]

= [tex]3000[/tex] ($)

The Unamortized premium will be:

= [tex]Premium - Unamortized \ premium[/tex]

= [tex]3000-(3000\times \frac{51}{96} )[/tex]

= [tex]3000-1593.75[/tex]

= [tex]1406.25[/tex] ($)


The carrying value as of December  31, 2024 will be:

= [tex]100000+1406.25[/tex]

= [tex]101406.25[/tex] ($)

Learn more about the bond carrying value here:






Step-by-step explanation:

From triangle Given :

The sides of the missing angle given are the Adjacent and hypotenus.

Since the triangle is right angled, we can apply trigonometry :

cosθ = adjacent / hypotenus

Cosθ = 16 / 19

θ = Cos^-1(16/19)

θ = 32.6368

θ = 32.64°





Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\int e^{sin^2x} sin 2x dx=?[/tex]

is this statement?

if so


[tex]put~sin^2x=t\\differentiate\\2 sin ~x~cos~x~dx=dt\\sin~2x ~dx=dt\\\int e^t~dt=e^t+c\\=e^{sin^2x}+c[/tex]

what is Newton's Law of Cooling?



Newton's law of coming states that the rate at which an object cools is proportional to the differences in temperature between the object and the object's surroundings.


It is the rate of heat loss of a body that is directly proportional to the difference in the temperatures between the body and its surroundings.                                                  Q= h* A* (T(object) -T(environment) )

Need tha answer explained



Bri what do you mean explanation your answer is correct

Please mark me brainliest thanks


It is 77.2, so your anwer is correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

Finding decimal divided by decimal too hard? Don't worry, I've got your back! To do division, you can do it the hard way by just dividing it, but there's something more simple.

Move the dividend's decimal point to the right until it's not a decimal. Do the same with the divisor, but it depends on how many decimal places on the dividend was moved by. So in this case, you move it by 2 decimal places for BOTH! Then you just simply divide it. It gives you the same answer.

BTW if I didn't make my explanation clear, please comment.

An education researcher would like to test whether 2nd graders retain or lose knowledge during the summer when they are presumably not in school. She asks nine 2nd graders to take a comprehension exam at the end of the school year (May), and then asks those same students to come back after the summer (late August) to retake a different but equivalent exam, to see if their level of comprehension has changed. Using the data below, test this hypothesis using an (alpha level of 0.05.)

May August
95 100
72 80
78 95
50 65
89 85
92 98
75 70
90 96
65 87

What is the appropirate test?



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data:

May August

95 100

72 80

78 95

50 65

89 85

92 98

75 70

90 96

65 87

The appropriate test is a paired t test :

d = difference between May and August

d = (-5, -8, -17, -15, 4, -6, 5, -6, -22)

The hypothesis :

H0 : μd = 0

H1 : μd ≠ 0

The test statistic :

T = dbar / (Sdbar/√n)

Where, dbar and Sdbar are the mean and standard deviation of 'd' respectively.

Using calculator :

dbar = - 7.777 ; Sdbar = 9.052

Test statistic = - 7.777 / (9.052 /√9)

Test statistic = - 2.577

The Pvalue, df = n - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8

Pvalue(-2.577, 8) = 0.0327

At α = 0.05

Pvalue < α ; WE reject the H0 ; and conclude that there has been a change in score

¿How you solve?

A pool is 8 m long, 6 m wide and 1.5 m deep. It is painted at $6 per square meter.

a) How much will it cost to paint it?
b) How many litres of water will be needed to fill it?


9514 1404 393


  a) $540 cost to paint

  b) 72000 liters to fill

Step-by-step explanation:

Relevant formulas are ...

  P = 2(L +W) . . . . perimeter of a rectangle of length L and width W

  A = LW . . . . . . area of a rectangle of length L and width W

  V = LWH . . . volume of a cuboid of length L, width W, and height H


a) The total painted area is the area of the pool walls plus the area of the pool bottom. The wall area is the product of pool perimeter and wall height. The bottom area is the product of pool length and width.

  A = PH + LW = 2(L +W)H +LW

  A = 2(8 m +6 m)(1.5 m) + (8 m)(6 m) = 42 m² +48 m² = 90 m²

At $6 per square meter, the cost of painting the pool is ...

  ($6 /m²)(90 m²) = $540 . . . . cost to paint the pool


b) The volume in liters is best figured using the dimensions in decimeters.

  V = (80 dm)(60 dm)(15 dm) = 72000 dm³ = 72000 L

72000 liters will be needed to fill the pool.

question is in picture


Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation:

(tangent is opposite over adjacent)


Change the following to percentages:
a) 83 out of 100
b) 24 out of 50
c) 9 out of 25
d) 7 out of 20
e) 6 out of 10
f)72 out of 200
g)12 out of 40
h)36 out of 60




b. 48%







Solve the inequality is it a,b,c,d?




Step-by-step explanation:



x>-15 1/2


x > - 15 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

-2/3 x -10 < 1/3

Multiply each side by 3

3(-2/3 x -10 < 1/3)

-2x -30 < 1

Add 30 to each side

-2x-30+30 <1+30

-2x < 31

Divide by -2 remembering to flip the inequality

-2x/-2 > 31/-2

x > -31/2

x > - 15 1/2

A truck can be rented from Company A for $120 a day plus $0.80 per mile. Company B charges $50 a day plus $0.90 per mile to rent the same truck. Find the number of miles in a day at which the rental costs for Company A and Company B are the same.​



700 miles driven in a day

Step-by-step explanation:

Create an equation to represent the situation, where x is the number of miles.

0.8x + 120 = 0.9x + 50

Solve for x:

120 = 0.1x + 50

70 = 0.1x

700 = x

So, the rental costs will be the same at 700 miles driven in a day.

14. The data below show the average ages and number of volunteer hours for five randomly chosen persons. Given the equation of the regression line is y' = 9.309x - 167.012, predict the number of hours a person will volunteer if her age is 27.5 years. Age, x Volunteer Hours, y 24.9 66.5 25.6 70.0 26.1 74.8 27.3 89.6 27.0 82.6​


The Predicted time a person will serve is "88.9855 months". A complete solution is provided below.

Given equation is,

→ [tex]\hat{y}=9.309x - 167.012[/tex]

Her age,

→ x = 27.5 years

By substituting the value of "x" in the given equation, we get the predicted time,


→ [tex]\hat{y}=9.309\times 27.5 - 167.012[/tex]

     [tex]= 255.9975- 167.012[/tex]

     [tex]=88.9855 \ months[/tex]

Thus the above is the right answer

Learn more:


3/4 of the households in a rural area have pets. how many households have pets in this area if there are 1500 total households



1,125 households would have pets in the area.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have 1,500 total households. We also know that 3/4 (or 0.75) of these households have pets. We would multiply 1,500 by 0.75 (which is equal to 3/4), resulting in 1,125. Therefore, 1,125 households would have pets in the area.


1125 households

Step-by-step explanation:

3/4 of total households in area = # of households that have pets in the area

3/4 of 1500 = # of households that have pets in the area

3/4 · 1500 = # of households that have pets in the area

75/100 · 1500 = # of households that have pets in the area

0.75 · 1500 = 1125

1125 households

what is the value of g​



the value of g is gram .

may this answer is helpful for you

Need the value of P please



B. 35°

Step-by-step explanation:

First, find the two interior angles that are adjacent to angles 90° and 125° respectively.


Interior angle 1: 180° - 90° = 90° (linear pair)

Interior angle 2: 180° - 125° = 55° (linear pair)

P + 90° + 55° = 180° (sum of interior angles in a triangle)

P + 145° = 180°

Subtract 145° from each side

P = 180° - 145°

P = 35°

If y varies inversely with the square of x, and y = 26 when x = 4, find y when x = 2.

A. 13
B. 52
C. 208
D. 104



D. 104

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]y \: \alpha \: \frac{1}{ {x}^{2} } \\ \\ y = \frac{k}{ {x}^{2} } [/tex]

when y is 26, x is 4:

[tex]26 = \frac{k}{ {(4)}^{2} } \\ k = 416[/tex]

when x is 2:

[tex]y = \frac{416}{ {x}^{2} } \\ \\ y = \frac{416}{ {(2)}^{2} } \\ y = 104[/tex]


D; 104

This is the correct answer

Given f (x) = 3x - 5 find f (x - 2)




Step-by-step explanation:

f (x) = 3x - 5


Replace x in the function with x-2

f (x-2) = 3(x-2) - 5

           =3x-6 -5


add 10 and g, then subtract f from the result​



(10+g) -f

Step-by-step explanation:

Add 10 and g

10 +g

Subtract f from the result

(10+g) -f

Twice a certain number is subtracted from 9 times the number. The result is 21. Find the number.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the number.

Create an equation to represent the situation, and solve for x:

9x - 2x = 21

7x = 21

x = 3

So, the number is 3.

Please I need the answer ASAP!!!!


Step-by-step explanation:


*not sure about this answer pls tell me i ak right or wrong

The answer is B.

The points are written as (X,Y)
So if the number written in the place of “x” is negative, that means it is underneath the “X” axis.
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