If you have one, you want to share it. But once you share it, you do not have it. What is it?​


Answer 1




Once you share it its not a secret any more

Answer 2
It’s a secret! I’ve actually heard this one before!

Related Questions

why didnt george washington want to become a king



he believed in a government ruled by the people, and even though he had the respect of many people, he didn't want to be treated like royalty.


its democracy not monarchy

They just got rid of a king so it be pointless to make someone else a king

7. What foreign policy strategy was the United States promoting during its involvement in the
Vietnam War?

A. blitzkrieg
B. brinkmanship
C. containment
D. détente

The following excerpt about United States foreign policy.

On April 10, 1971, nine American players, four officials, and two spouses, accompanied by 10
journalists, crossed a bridge from Hong Kong into mainland China ... [On] April 14, the
United States lifted a 20-year-old trade embargo against China ... and that summer, in the
aftermath of the goodwill established ... President Richard M. Nixon announced that he, too,
would go to China the following year. ...

8. The excerpt describes which U.S. government program?

A. Open Door Policy

B. Monroe Doctrine

C. Dollar Diplomacy

D. Ping-Pong Diplomacy

9. Which statement correctly compares the foreign policy of Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and
Richard Nixon?

A. Both made decisions affecting Vietnam, but Nixon had to deal with the U2 Crisis.

B. Both made decisions influenced by the Domino Theory, but Nixon wanted to improve
relations with China.

C. Both made decisions affecting Vietnam, but Eisenhower had to deal with the spread of
nuclear weapons to Cuba.

D. Both made decisions influenced by the Domino Theory, but Eisenhower supported the
construction of the Berlin Wall.



7.) C. containment

8.) D. Ping-Pong Diplomacy

9.) B. Both made decisions influenced by the Domino Theory, but Nixon wanted to improve  relations with China.

A person who supports aliases-faire economics believes in



little government interference in the economy


laissez faire is free market capitalism. people who support this would prefer little government interference in the economy.

(pls mark brainliest if correct <3)

Why was there a propsal to establish different time zones?



I think that this was established for the expansion of transport and communication during the 19 century. Before the clocks were invented, the people just kept using the time from different instruments which help them observe the sun while it pass at noon.

What impact did the instability of the post colonial era have on the new Latin American republics

Help ASAP please



Latin America's citizens are angry at their political systems due to corruption and a lack of results on citizen security and economic promises. They are upset about inequality, low growth and the increasing cost of living. Urbanization and youth with cell phones made rapid organization of protests in cities possibleatin America's citizens are angry at their political systems due to corruption and a lack of results on citizen security and economic promises. They are upset about inequality, low growth and the increasing cost of living. Urbanization and youth with cell phones made rapid organization of protests in cities possiblery at their political systems due to corruption and a lack of results on citizen security and economic promises. They are upset about inequality, low growth and the increasing cost of living. Urbanization and youth with cell phones made rapid organization of protests in cities possible

How have nations responded to global environmental challenges?





they have fully responded nowhere

Which statement is true?
A. The Bantu lost most of their technology as they migrated.
B. The Bantu lost their language as they migrated.
C. The Bantu learned agriculture only after migrating to South Africa.
D. The Bantu learned new technology as they migrated.





because they were mixed with lot of foreigners that makes them learn new technology

Which of the following was a result of the low wages paid by factories in the
late 1800s?
A. An increase in child labor
B. An increase in the price of goods
C. A decrease in labor unions
D. A decrease in working hours


Child labor increased as a result of the low salaries that businesses offered in the late 1800s.

Which of the following consequences resulted from factories' poor pay as in late 1800s?

Many workers in the late 1800s had quite low standards of living because of their meager pay. As immigrants and people from rural areas moved to cities to participate in the industries, there occurred a housing crisis.

What contributed to the poor working conditions for factory workers in the late 1800s?

Industrialization led to more jobs, but it also resulted in less acceptable treatment of workers for the expanding industrial labor force. The crew had to operate in dangerous conditions with heavy equipment. Unskilled workers performed routine tasks and required little training.

To know more about late 1800s Visit:



What part of western food industry was among first to start large scale production


Agriculture was established in 10 thousand B.C.E in Middle East by Fertile Crescent Company.

The company produced different cultivated crops which included wheat, barley, chickpeas, lentils and cereal crops.

The first food mass production started in Ancient Rome in 350 B.C.E. The mass production was for bread which Roman empire  used to provide to every citizens every day.

About almost 120,000 were provided with free loaves of bread everyday who were living in annona.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24339079

What were the two reasons President Eisenhower thought the bombs were unnecessary? How did its use
affect him?



Truman stated that his decision to drop the bomb was purely military. A Normandy-type amphibious landing would have cost an estimated million casualties. Truman believed that the bombs saved Japanese lives as well. Prolonging the war was not an option for the President.


plz follow

24 is high and low is 15

What policies did Spain, Portugal, and other countries use to make Latin American countries economically dependent?


I believe it was called the Mercantilist Policies which made them economically Dependant

Which event is an example of citizens making a successful effort to change
public policy?
A. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment protected African Americans'
voting rights in response to a public campaign.
B. Scientific discoveries during the 1960s led the government to ban
certain pesticides.
C. The oil crisis of the 1970s led government agencies to ration
D. The Civil War determined that the United States would remain one



B. Scientific discoveries during the 1960s led the government to ban

What occurs when individuals make decisions in which benefits exceed costs?

A. They are removing the opportunity costs of decisions.

B. They are using a rational decision-making model.

C. They are making irrational economic decisions.

D. They are eliminating all trade-offs of the decision.


Answer:Scarce resources diminish as they are used and almost all resources are scarce.

In order to use a scarce resource, you are inherently using the resource for one purpose and not an alternative.

The cost of using a resource is called the opportunity cost: the value of the next best alternative that you could be using the resource for instead.

Key Terms

Scarce: Insufficient to meet demand.

Opportunity cost: The value of the best alternative forgone.


Tiền tệ là gì? Anh chị hãy phân tích chức năng của tiền tệ?



Explanati lolon:

Explain the extent to which the Columbian Exchange had beneficial effects on both the
Native Americans and Europeans.


Answer:A positive effect of the Columbian exchange was the introduction of New World crops, such as potatoes and corn, to the Old World. A significant negative effect was the enslavement of African populations and the exchange of diseases between the Old and New Worlds.


The native cuisine was preferred by the Native Americans. However, the Native Americans readily borrowed animals from the Eurasian stables. Horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and a variety of other beneficial species were introduced to the Americas through the Columbian Exchange.

What are the pros and cons of the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange solely had beneficial effects on Europeans' life in terms of benefits. They acquired a variety of goods, including slaves from Africa, land in the Americas, and crops like maize and potatoes. The spread of disease, mortality, and slavery, on the other hand, are some of the negative effects of the Columbian Exchange.

By bringing new crops from the Americas, the Columbian Exchange increased Europe's population and sparked the continent's economic transition to capitalism. Ecosystems were upset by colonization, which introduced new species like pigs while entirely eradicating others like beavers.

Learn more about The Columbian Exchange here:



Which of the following WAS NOT an accomplishment of Yongle?

A. Launched voyages of exploration
B. Invaded Japan
C. Expanded the Great Wall of China
D. Commissioned the Forbidden City


Which of the following WAS NOT an accomplishment of Yongle?

A. Launched voyages of exploration

B. Invaded Japan

C. Expanded the Great Wall of China

D. Commissioned the Forbidden City.

It is option C

I already investigated it and I swear it is option C.

The expansion of the Great Wall of China cannot be credited under the accomplishments of Yongle.

Who was Yongle?

Yongle was the Emperor of China for a short but an effective period, as he was able to gain several important accomplishments for the Chinese Empire during his reign.

He led the voyages for exploration to the different parts of the world. He was also responsible for invasion of Japan and commissioning of the Forbidden City of Beijing.

Hence, option C holds true regarding the accomplishments of Yongle.

Learn more about Yongle here:



30 Points.
What threatens crops, livestock, and even people in Southwest Asia?



high rainfall




I believe it is D


I could be wrong but I think it's D...very sorry if I am incorrect I hope you can forgive me

...there I fixed it

The answer to your question is sandstorms

Who was the 1st president
A George Washington
B Albert Einstein​



George Washington


Albert Einstein was a mathematician

who is dajjal?????
One of the greatest devils ever It will appear to deceive people to worship and worship. Intoxicated people into ignorance and ignorance, society will be filled with vile, vile, vain, and chaos. It will enslave people. lead people to misery The era it occupied was an era full of vices and vices. unfair People will suffer great tribulation because they will reap benefits from the land and from the people. and forced people to be under its power. and it has both material and spiritual powers. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called it "Ad-Dajjal" or "Dajjal", meaning "Dajjal" in Arabic means "liar and deceitful". or "the deceiver" from the evidence that has been taught more than 1400 from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is found in the texts that have been reported inherited by the narrator (Al Hadi) d) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that can be summarized as follows:1- Its face is bright white. but his right eye is completely blind. and his left eye lit up. and looks bulging out (Reported by Bukhari 77:68-92 and Ahmad's Musnad, Volume 1, pages 240–374)
2- It will appear from the eastern territories. There was a vehicle of a “white donkey”, the length of each ear was 30 yards, one step of it. equal to walking one day Its vehicles will travel faster. Like a cloud blown by the wind (Reported by Abu Dawud, Sunan, Khanz al-Ummal, volume 7, pages 1998 - 2104, and in Mishkat al Masabih chapter Fina. h)
3- It can control the rain to fall to the ground. and it will produce crops
(Mishkat Al Masabih chapter Fitnah)
4- It will cause great misery to mankind. which has never been in trouble Or any test will be equal to the test of Dajjal from the creation of man until the day of resurrection.
(Mishkat Al Masabih and Khanz Ab Ummal Chapter 7, page 2028)
5- His wealth will be innumerable upon the face of the earth. And it can suck up the property that is everywhere. to live with him like the bees that follow its queen (Mishkat al-Masabih verse Fitnah).
6- When the Dajjal appears It couldn't put all the people under the sly power. and its false beliefs For there will be many more people who will not be subject to its deception (Mishkat al-Masabih chapter Fitnah).
7- At the time of the Dajjal It appears there are many women. will look like a man And there will be many men who look like women (Kanz al-Ummal, Volume 7, page 2998).
8- It will establish itself as a god and will force people to call it god of heaven and earth and will force people to worship The foolish people would surrender and worship him. like a god On its face there is an inscription of the word Kafir, "Tyler". Those who are virtuous or believers, even illiterate, can read them. (Musnad of Ahmad, Volume 2, pp. 228-250).
9- There will be a large number of people following him as his followers. Even if they knew it was a tyrant, they would follow him as his disciples claiming. Even though we know that Dajjal is a tyrant but we will be loyal to it because we want to benefit from it (Kanz al-Ummal, Volume 7, page 2092).
10- The Dajjal will have its own army and mighty armies, and it will enslave people by using its armies.



ok,Is that a substitute for your answer earlier?

thanks because you are responsible


The Dajjal is the fake Messiah (anti Christ) and will also

- come from a righteous family

- have curly hair

- come during a time of drought and come with water

- be chased and destroyed by the real Messiah - Prophet Isa PBUH

May Allah save us all

Warm-Up Activity
1. According to this Cold War political
cartoon, how were the Soviet Union
and United States going to resolve their



by war


attacking each other till one wins and gain the right of the reason like real men


The Soviet Union and the United States would settle their dispute by fighting on, but without using bombs, according to this Cold War political cartoon. This is because neither is sure if the other has created anything greater and both are afraid. Therefore, both parties are adhering to their traditional, old-school fighting techniques out of concern for reprisals.

In which section of land were the British encouraging American Indians to fight American settlers



Ohio, Pennsylvania and the Great Lakes area

How did the United States respond to Japanese imperialism in the 1930s?
O A. It organized a bombing campaign targeting the Japanese
O B. It encouraged Japan to expand its empire further into eastern
O C. It froze Japanese assets in U.S. banks and ended U.S. oil exports
to Japan.
O D. It quickly began seizing its own territories in East Asia and the


A. It organized a bombing campaign targeting the Japanese


Write short notes on surveys



A survey is a research method used for collecting data from a predefined group of respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest. ... The process involves asking people for information through a questionnaire, which can be either online or offline.

The five relationships that Confucius describes help society to be ordered. The first person is subservient and respectful to the second.

Select all correct ones
wife to husband

All of the above or below

ruled to ruler

friend to friend

younger brother to older brother

son to father



All of the above or below


I took the quiz :D

Mark me brainliest pls

In what manner was the genocide carried out?



according to United Nations General Assembly, genocide is defined by

killing members of a group

causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of a group

deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of Life calculated to bring about its physical destruction

imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

forcibly transferring Children of the group to another group

how did the arrival of europeans affect both native american and european culture



European colonization of North America had a devastating effect on the native population. ... The natives, having no immunity died from diseases that the Europeans thought of as commonplace. They also brought guns, alcohol and horses. The effect of these was to change the way of life for the Native Americans.


 The arrival of the Europeans affected the Native Americans because they brought guns, horses, and alcohol. The Native Americans showed the Europeans how to fertilize crops and make farming easier.  

The Europeans brought diseases that Native Americans were not naturally immune to due to never being exposed to the sickness like Europeans did, and many Native Americans died. Europeans would (much later) end up stripping Native American children of their culture with Indian boarding schools, remove the Native Americans from their land and move them to different countries to try to make more room for European settlers, and were generally not very nice to the Native Americans.  

In free-enterprise systems around the world, there are



Some restrictions on business ownership and business activity.

Harassment becomes unlawful when it:
A. Affects an individual's employment or becomes a condition of
continued employment
B. Unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance
C. Creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive workplace
D. All of the above


D - All of the above would be your answer

Encouraging successful business ventures in other countries to carry American values and culture is called:
A. International diplomacy
B. Dollar diplomacy
C. Moral diplomacy
D. Big stick diplomacy


The answer should be moral diplomacy

Encouraging successful business ventures in other countries to carry American values and culture is called 'Moral diplomacy.'

What do you mean by business venture?

The business venture is a new business which is formed with a plan and with expectation of its growth with huge profits. A business venture involves lot of planning and risk. Without a successful plan and without taking risk, a business venture cannot be successful.

In the start of a business venture, small amount of financial resources are needed, to check how the business flourishes. Business ventures can encompass a lot of different things. Anything from restaurants to multimillion-dollar Silicon Valley tech startups to and even the milkshake stand run by your neighbor can be considered a business venture.

What is Moral diplomacy?

President Woodrow Wilson in 1912 proposed Moral diplomacy in his United States presidential election. Moral diplomacy refers to the support which is given only to countries whose beliefs are the same to that of the supporting nation.

Moral diplomacy also refers to encouraging successful business ventures in abroad countries which carries and promotes American values and culture to the world.

Hence, option C is correct.

To learn more about Moral diplomacy here:



What year was the first civil war



Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865


The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States fought between states supporting the federal union and southern states that voted to secede and form the Confederate States of America

Other Questions
What type of creation story describes how earth originated from water Write the gradient and the y intercept of the line y=-2x +4 A family has two cars. The first car has a fuel efficiency of 35 miles per gallon of gas and the second has a fuel efficiency of 15 miles per gallon of gas. During one particular week, the two cars went a combined total of 1825 miles, for a total gas consumption of 75 gallons. How many gallons were consumed by each of the two cars that week? The volume of a gas with a pressure of 1.2 atm increases from 1.0 L to 4.0 L. What is the final pressure of the gas, assuming constant temperature?(a) 1.2 atm(b) 0.30 atm(c) 3.3 atm(d) 4.8 atm(e) 1.0 atm Escriba (infiera) el significado, sinnimos, antnimos, familia de palabras, oracin; de las siguientes palabras: fascinacin, comunidad, tradicional, lgico, adicional, comunicacin, humanidad, ausencia, extensin, impreso, coincidencia, artificial, biodiversidad, desertificacin, deforestacin, gigantesca, farolillos, popular, cronolgico, jcara, mcura, pnfilo, sanitaria, fauces, incandescente, bitico, escaseaba, resplandecienteAYUDA PLIS ES PARA AHORITA Some of the sentences below have conjunctions that require you to use the subjunctive, while some have conjunctions that require you to choose between subjunctive and indicative. Based on the conjunction, help me choose the best conjugation from the three choices???1. Trabajo para que mi familia ______ comida. (tenga / tiene / tuvo)2. Vamos maana a la fiesta despus de que _______ tu trabajo. (termines / terminas / terminaste)3. Hasta que ______ a vivir juntos, habr conflicto. (aprendamos / aprendemos / aprendimos)4. Cuando ______, me vas a ayudar? (puedas / puedes / pudiste)5. Fuimos a la biblioteca en cuanto _______ de clase. (salgamos / salimos / salimos)6. A menos que _______ un cambio, la economa se empeorar. (haya / hay / hubo)7. Siempre bebo caf tan pronto como ______. (me levante / me levanto / me levant)8. Ella normalmente ______ cuando vuelve a casa. (se duche / se ducha / se duch)9. En caso de que ______ necesario, traemos papel. (sea / es / fue)10. Preparemos las defensas antes de que _____ los monos. (ataquen / atacan / atacaron) A criminal intelligence tool that uses graphic visuals to show the relationship between individuals and organizations is called 14% of all Americans live in poverty. If 35 Americans are randomly selected, find the probability thata. Exactly 3 of them live in poverty.b. At most 7 of them live in poverty.c. At least 4 of them live in poverty.d. Between 1 and 8 (including 1 and 8) of them live in poverty. Order the expressions from least to greatest.Anwser4 then 5 then 6 How do you think the world will end just asking for creative ideas you can also right in comment section Need helppppp asappppppp Why do you think engineers working on the Venice Tide Barrier project are following the Engineering and Design Process?A. A creative, effective solution an be developedB. The Engineering and Design Process costs more time and moneyC. It eliminates the need for creativityD. Over time, there will be no need to brainstorm or test ideas ASAP!! PLEASE Will mark the brainliest answer If a + b = 7 and ab = 12, then find the value of a2- ab+ b2 and a3+b3 please answer this fill in the blanks fast. i am really stuck in this question. A company is considering eliminating a department that has an annual contribution margin of $33,000 and $66,000 in annual fixed costs. Of the fixed costs, $16,500 cannot be avoided. The annual financial advantage (disadvantage) for the company of eliminating this department would be: Multiple Choice ($33,000) $33,000 ($16,500) $16,500 Find Term 20 for the sequence a= 4 6 8 10...... 1) This image from the outside of a building suggestsan Islamic design because of help please...what is the locus of the midpoints of all chords that can be drawn from a given point on a circle with a radius of 6. be exact with your answer. If a person invests $190 at 8% annual interest, find theapproximate value of the investment at the end of 10 years. Simplify. Rewrite the expression in the form x^n (x^2)^{4}