Simplify. Rewrite the expression in the form x^n (x^2)^{4}


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


We know a^b^c = a^(b*c)



Answer 2


x^8 <33

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Help Now Pleaseee!!!!
Find the volume of the sphere



7235 using 3.14 for pi

7238 using the pi button

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a sphere is given by

V = 4/3 pi r^3

V = 4/3 pi (12)^3

V = 2304pi

Letting pi = 3.14

V = 7234.56 and rounding to a whole number

V = 7235

Using the pi button

V =7238.22947 and rounding to a whole number

V = 7238

Answer: 7238

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula used is 4/3πr³

Now let's substitute the radius: 12





but since we are rounding it to the nearest whole number the answer would be 7238

Which pair of angles are corresponding angles?



angles 3&7

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose you had d dollars in your bank account. You spent $22 but have at least $28 left. How much money did you have initially? Write and solve an inequality that
represents this situation.

a.) d-22 28; d 50

b.) d - 22 > 28; d > 50

c.) d + 22 s 28; d s 72

d.) d + 22 28; d 272


Your answer she be letter b

Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  

d – 22 ≥ 28

d ≥ 50  

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Information Given:}}\\\\d - \text{Initial amount of money}\\\\\text{22 dollars was spent, and there are 'at least' 28 dollars left.}[/tex]

⸻⸻⸻⸻[tex]\boxed{\text{Setting up an inequality:}}\\\\\text{22 dollars was spent from the initial amount, 'd'.}\\\\d - 22\\\\\text{There are \textbf{at least} 28 dollars left. "At least" indicates a \underline{greater than or equal to} sign.}\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{d-22\geq 28}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\text{Solving the inequality:}}\\\\d - 22\geq 28\\-------------\\\rightarrow d - 22 + 22 \geq 28 + 22\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{d \geq 50}[/tex]


[tex]\text{Your answer should be: }\boxed{d-22\geq 28; \text{ }d \geq 50}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  


What’s the rate of change in this question y=0.860x+3.302



The equation is in a linear form, which means its in y=mx + b

M is the slope.

Slope is a fancy word for rate of change.

Therefore, the slope/rate of change is...


if a(b+c)=d and a, b, c and d are all integer, then which of the following must be true?
A. ab+c=d
B. ab+ac=d
C. a(b+c)>10
D. ab



B. ab+ac=d

Step-by-step explanation:


ab + ac = d

Step-by-step explanation:


Distribute the a

ab + ac = d

what is the measure of m?



[tex]n^{2} +18^{2} =x^{2}[/tex]

[tex]6^{2} +x^{2} =m^{2}[/tex]

[tex]6^{2} +18^{2} +n^{2} =m^{2}[/tex]

[tex]m^{2} =n^{2} +360[/tex]

[tex]n^{2} +36=m^{2}[/tex]



Out of 100 students in a school, 42 take English, 35 take Chinese and 30 take French. 20 take none of the subjects, 9 take French and English, 10 take French and Chinese, 11 take English and Chinese. Find the number of students who take 3 subjects?​



1 student

Step-by-step explanation:

From the Vann diagram attached below,

Let x represent the number of students who took 3 subjects.


100 = (42-9-11-x)+11+x+9+10+(35-10-11-x)+(30-9-10-x)+20

100 = 22-x+11+x+9+10+14-x+11-x+20

100 = 97-2x

2x = 100-97

2x = 3

x = 3/2.

x = 1.5

x = 1 student

Anybody knows the answers to the monomial functions ?


Step-by-step explanation:

A monomial function is an expression with only one term. ... For example, a polynomial function is the sum of many monomial functions; If there's only one term in a polynomial function, then it is a monomial function [2]. Monomial functions can take many forms: A monomial (a number by itself is a “monomial”).

Answer two questions about Equations A and B:
A. 3(x+2) = 18
r + 2 = 6
1) How can we get Equation B from Equation A?


Step-by-step explanation:





help!! need to find the area



10*5 +2(2*2)



Step-by-step explanation:


58 units

Step-by-step explanation:

The range of a sequence consists of________.

A. functions
B. terms in the sequences
C. negative numbers
D. natural numbers



B. terms in sequences

Step-by-step explanation:

When graphed, a sequence is a scatter plot, a series of dots. (Do not connect the dots). The sum of the terms of a sequence is called a series.

OPTION B is correct.

The range of a sequence consists of terms in the sequences.

We have a statement the range of a sequence consists of.

We have to find which of the given options is a constituent of range of sequence.

What is a sequence?

A sequence is an arrangement of objects in a particular order. They are of two types - finite and infinite.

Range of a sequence is the set of elements that can be used to plot it graphically. These elements are in general the y - coordinate of the point, with the x coordinate being x = n = 1, 2, 3,4 .... and so on. An example of a range of sequence is Set S = {2, 1, 5, 7, 8}.

Hence, the range of sequence consists of terms of sequence.

To understand more about sequence, visit the link below -


find the common difference in the linear sequence sequence 69,53,47,30​


Initial request is certain

Q 14. Two friends Tina and Reeta simplified two different expressions during the revision
hour and explained toeach other their simplifications,
Tina explains simplification of Torta by rationalising the denominator and Reeta
explains simplifications of (72 + V3) (12 - 13) by using identity,
By rationalising the denominator of
Tina got
c) V5 – 13
b) V7(13-va)
Reeta apply
a) (a+b)
identity to simplify(V2 + 13) (12 – 73).
b) (a-b)?
c) (x+a) (x+b) d) (a+b)(a-b)
(12 + V3) (72 - 73) =
a) 5 b) (74 + 6
c) 1
d) -1
All the rational and irrational numbers make up the collection of
a) Whole numbers
b) Integers
b) c) Real Numbers
d) Irrational Numbers


I really don’t know the answer I’m sorry

Which set of ordered pairs could be generated by an exponential function?
(negative 1, negative one-half), (0, 0), (1, one-half), (2, 1)
(–1, –1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 8)
(negative 1, one-half), (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4)
(–1, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4)



(–1, –1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 8)   (y = x^2)

(–1, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4)   (y = x^3)



Step-by-step explanation:

Find P(blue and even).

A. 3/5
B. 1/10
c. 7/10


Answer: A. 3/5

Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming that they are colorful blocks,

There are in total 10 blocksThere are in total 2 blue blocksThere are in total 5 even blocks

Blue blocks: 1, 2

Even blocks: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

The net total of blue and even blocks:

2 + 5 = 7 blocks

However, as we can see from above, the number [2] is repeated in both cases, thus we shall subtract one of them from the total number.

7 - 1 = 6 blocks

We analyzed at the beginning where there are 10 blocks in total. Then, utilizing the probability formula below:

6/10 = 3/5

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

What value of x will make the equation true?

(Square Root of 5) (square root of 5)=x




=5 ans.

If this is incorrect forgive me

I hope this will help you

stay safe

Bob placed a 17- foot ramp against the side of a house so the ramp rested on a ledge that is 8 feet above the ground. How far was the base of the ramp from the house?



Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Now graph the points C(2, 8) and D(8, 7). (Try entering the coordinates through the input window.) Measure the lengths of and . Do the points C and D lie on the circle? How do you know? Take a screenshot showing the points and their distances from the center, and paste it below.



this was from plato

Step-by-step explanation:


Any point on the circle must be at a distance from the center equal to the length of the circle’s radius. In this example, the radius is 3.61 units, AC = 4.24, and AD = 3.61. Point D, which lies on the circle, has the same distance from the center as the length of the radius. Point C, which lies outside the circle, is at a different distance from the center than the length of the radius.

A pile of bricks has 93 bricks in the first row, 89 bricks in the second row, 85 bricks in the third row, and so on.
How many bricks are there in the 12th row?
OA) 49 bricks
OB) 69 bricks



49 bricks

Step-by-step explanation:

because it's getting smaller my 4

Answer: 49

Explanation: it’s getting smaller by 4, they already gave us the first three, so now we multiply 4 by 9 and get 36 ( I multiplied 4 by 9 since that’s how many numbers were left to get to 12 from 3) and subtracted 36 by 85 then got 49. Hope this helps ^_^

A circle has a radius of 3. An arc in this circle has a central angle of 20°. What is the length of the arc? Either enter an exact answer in terms of or use 3.14 for 1 and enter your answer as a decimal.​



[tex]\frac{\pi }{3}[/tex]

[tex]2 * \pi * 3 * \frac{20}{360}[/tex]

120[tex]\pi[/tex]/360 = [tex]\frac{\pi }{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Which expression is equivalent to ((2x²) (3x) (4x)??




Step-by-step explanation:

((2x²) (3x) (4x)

Add the exponents when multiplying

2*3*4 x^(2+1+1)


Instructions: Find the missing side lengths. Leave your answers as radicals in simplest



x = 40

y= 20

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin 60 = 20 sqrt(3)/ x

x sin 60 = 20 sqrt(3)

x = 20 sqrt(3)/ sin 60

x = 20 sqrt(3)/ sqrt(3)/2

x = 20 *2

x = 40

tan theta = opp /adj

tan 60 = 20 sqrt(3)/y

y = 20 sqrt(3)/ tan 60

y = 20 sqrt(3) / sqrt(3)

y = 20

please explain this to me.



Equation of line:- y=2x-7


slope of parallel line (m)=2

∴ Equation of parallel line:- y=2x+b

it passes through the point (-3,6)

6=2(-3)+b   6+6=b


∴ y=2x+12


need help with this!!



{ 1,3,4,6,7}

Step-by-step explanation:

Do B∩C first

This is B intersect C which  means what they have in common

B∩C = {3,6,7}

Then A∪(B∩C)

A union   {3,6,7} which means join together ( combine with no duplicates) the two sets

{ 1,3,4,6,7}

Which expressions are equivalent to the given expression?



The answers are option B and E.

The answer is B and E

“The length of a rectangle is two feet greater than twice its width. If the perimeter is 25 feet, find the width.” Which of the following translations is correct?



b is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

This table shows the relationship of the total number of pieces of fruit to the number of bananas.
Why is StartFraction 6 Over 5 EndFraction not equivalent to Three-halves?



The table that shows the relationship of the total number of pieces of fruit to the number of bananas.

To find:

Why is [tex]\dfrac{6}{5}[/tex] not equivalent to [tex]\dfrac{3}{2}[/tex].


If a, b, c are real numbers, then

[tex]\dfrac{a}{b}=\dfrac{a\times c}{b\times c}[/tex]

The given fraction is [tex]\dfrac{3}{2}[/tex]. It can be written as:

[tex]\dfrac{3\times 2}{2\times 2}=\dfrac{6}{4}[/tex]

The number 3 is multiplied by 2 to get 6. So, the 2 should also be multiplied by 2. The ratio should be [tex]\dfrac{6}{4}[/tex], not [tex]\dfrac{6}{5}[/tex].

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Find sin 0
A. 16/20
B. 12/16
C. 12/20
D. 16/12




Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle

sin theta = opp side / hypotenuse

sin theta = 16/20



[tex]{ \tt{ \sin( \theta) = \frac{opposite}{hypotenuse} }} \\ \\ { \tt{ \sin( \theta) = \frac{16}{20} }}[/tex]

convert into power notation -1/81​



-1/9^2 is the power notation for your questions

Step-by-step explanations

Identify the equation of the circle that has its center at (9, 12) and passes through the origin.



(x-9)^2 +(y-12)^2 = 225

Step-by-step explanation:

First find the length of the radius

If is the distance from the center to the point

d = sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 )

   = sqrt( (0-9)^2 + (0-12)^2)

   = sqrt ( 81+144)

  = sqrt(225)

  = 15

The equation for a circle is

( x-h) ^2+ (y-k)^2 = r^2

(x-9)^2 +(y-12)^2 = 15^2

(x-9)^2 +(y-12)^2 = 225

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