If your not busy mind helping me on this ​


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

add all the numbers and divide them by how many numbers there is(in this case 15) to find the average of the prices

Related Questions

Which of the following characteristics best describes the given function of f(x) = 3x - 6?

A) exponential function, always increasing, linear
B) linear absolute value function, always increasing, linear, maximum
C) linear function, always increasing, straight lines, no maximum or minimum
D) exponential function, always decreasing, linear




Step-by-step explanation:

degree 1 ( linear function

Find the measure of the indicated angle.



i think it the measured of the indicated angle is 55

What are the solutions to the system of equations?




x = 1, y = 5

x = 5, y = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

y = x² − 4x + 8 .......(1)

y = 2x + 3 .......(2)

Substitute the value of y in equation 2 into equation 1

y = x² − 4x + 8

y = 2x + 3

x² − 4x + 8 = 2x + 3


x² − 4x − 2x + 8 − 3 = 0

x² − 6x + 5 = 0

Solve by factorization

Find the product you x² and 5. The result is 5x²

Find the factors of 5x² such that their sum will result in −6x. The factors are −x and −5x.

Replace −6x in the equation above with −x and −5x. This is illustrated below:

x² − x − 5x + 5 = 0

x(x − 1) − 5(x − 1) = 0

(x − 1)(x − 5) = 0

x − 1 = 0 or x − 5 = 0

x = 1 or x = 5

Substitute the value of x into equation 2 to obtain the value of y.

y = 2x + 3

x = 1

y = 2(1) + 3

y = 2 + 3

y = 5

x = 5

y = 2x + 3

y = 2(5) + 3

y = 10 + 3

y = 13


x = 1, y = 5

x = 5, y = 13

what is the answer to
(35+5)[16+(12÷ 4)]


12÷4=3| |3+16=19| |35+5=40| 40+19=59|
|if I’m correct the answer to the equation should be 59 <3

Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Calculating the answer...}}\\\\(35+5)[16+(12\div 4)]\\------------------\\\text{Follow \textbf{PEMDAS}}\\\\\rightarrow 35+ 5 = 40\\\\40[16+(12\div 4)]\\\\\rightarrow 12\div4 = 3\\\\\rightarrow 16 + 3 = 19\\\\40(19)\\\\\rightarrow 40 * 19\\\\\boxed{760}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

I don’t know how know if it a -,+ am confused on how you measure




Step-by-step explanation:

What is 7 1 in expanded form


Step-by-step explanation:



write tens and then ones

Edwin works at a fast-food restaurant. Every Tuesday, he helps unload a delivery truck. This
table shows how many boxes of hamburger buns and how many boxes of potatoes he
unloaded last Tuesday,
What is the weight of each box?



Each box of buns weighs 18 pounds and each box of potatoes weighs 35 pounds

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's say each bun box weighs b pounds and each potato box weighs p pounds. For each box of buns, we add b pounds. Therefore, for 40 boxes of buns, we add 40 * b pounds. Similarly, for 35 boxes of potatoes, we add 35 * p pounds.

For Tuesday, the total weight of the buns boxes is equal to 40 * b. The total weight of the potato boxes is equal to 35 * p. Adding these two together, we get the total weight of the boxes to be equal to

40 * b + 35 * p = 1945

For Friday, we can apply similar techniques to get

60 * b + 70 * p = 3530

We therefore have the two equations

40 * b + 35 * p = 1945

60 * b + 70 * p = 3530

One way to solve this would be to convert this into a matrix and use Guass-Jordan Elimination. With the amount of bun boxes representing the first column, the amount of potato boxes representing the second, and the total weight of each day representing the third, we have


One thing that we can do here is multiply the first row by -2 and add it to the second. That way, there would be a 0 in the 2nd column in the 2nd row, making an equation of the form

something * b = something else, enabling us to solve for b.

We thus have

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}40&35&1945\\(-40*2+60)&(-35*2+70)&(-1945*2 +3530)\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}40&35&1945\\-20&0&-360\end{array}\right][/tex]

Therefore, we can say that

-20 * b = -360

divide both sides by 20 to isolate b

b = 18

Therefore, each box of bunds weighs 18 pounds. Plugging that into an equation, we have

40 * b + 35 * p = 1945

40 * 18 + 35 * p = 1945

720 + 35 * p = 1945

subtract 720 from both sides to isolate the p and its coefficient

1225 = 35 * p

divide both sides by 35 to isolate p

p = 35

Therefore, each box of potatoes weighs 35 pounds

For num in range (1,10) : if num is %2 = = 0: print (num)


yfd sat fltfurjbhviccyvihkjobkb 47 I have

A hot air balloon is released into the air. During its straight ascent, the angle of elevation was 15° and, 3 minutes later, the angle of elevation increased 20°. How fast is the balloon traveling, in km/h, if the angle measurements were taken 300m away from the launch site?



The speed of the balloon is 0.16 m/s.

Step-by-step explanation:

CD = 300 m

Let AD = x

AB = y

time, t = 3 min

Triangle, ADC

[tex]tan 15 = \frac{AD}{BC}\\\\0.27 \times 300 = x \\\\x = 80.4 m[/tex]

Triangle, BCD

[tex]tan 20 = \frac{BD}{BC}\\\\0.36 \times 300 = x + y \\\\x + y = 109.2 m[/tex]

So, y = 109.2 - 80.4 = 28.8 m

Speed = 28.8/180 = 0.16 m/s

Question 1
Points 2
Find the number in which 8 has the highest value.



Step-by-step explanation:

the number which has the highest value as8 is





The distribution is positively skewed.

Step-by-step explanation:

It's not symmetric because the distribution in the chart isn't equally shown or marked. It's not negative skewed either because for it to be negative the graph would have to go down in a negative direction, usually the left, but in the picture you posted the graph is going down in the right direction. Lastly, positively skewed graphs or charts look like the one you posted. They go down in the right direction, hence why they're called "positively" skewed. The right tail of the distribution is longer in positively skewed graphs or charts.

please help with me


360-53-44-46= 217 (reflex angle)



Step-by-step explanation:

53 + 44 + 46 = 143

360 - 143 = 217

Find the value of x that will make L||M.
2x - 3
X + 4
x = [?]


X =7 I hope that helped

Will give us many points as possible thank you very much



27 1/2 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a parallelogram is

A = bh

A = 5 * 5 1/2

Change to an improper fraction

A = 5 * (2*5+1)/2

A = 5*11/2

A = 55/2

Change back to a mixed number

A = 27 1/2

Helppp plssss help meeee



C. $1,260

Step-by-step explanation:

80 × 14.5 = 1,160

2,500 × 0.04 = 100


C. $1260

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a prism with side lengths measured in millimeters is 20. How could this measurement be written? Check all that apply.

20 millimeters
20 mm3
20 mm2
20 square millimeters
20 cubic millimeters



20 mm^3, 20 cubic millimeters

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a prism is length times width times height.

Length, width, and height can have units of mm.

mm * mm * mm = mm^3

The units of a volume must be cubic units.

Answer: 20 mm^3, 20 cubic millimeters

Kenya solved the equation below. Negative 6 (x minus 2) + 3 x = negative 3 (x + 3) + 21 What is the solution to Kenya's equation? –4 12 no solution infinitely many solutions


Answer: No solution

Step-by-step explanation:

-6(x - 2) + 3x = -3(x + 3) + 21

-6x + 12 + 3x = -3x - 9 + 21

Collect like terms

-6x + 3x + 3x = -9 + 21 - 12

-6x + 6x = - 9 + 9

0 = 0

In this scenario, it can be deduced that there is no solution to Kenya's equation.


infinitely many solutions

Step-by-step explanation:

i got it right

Will Mark Brainlest helpppp​



R = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}-3&-2\\1&-3\\\end{array}\right][/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

P - Q + R = I ( I is the identity matrix )

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}2&4\\3&5\\\end{array}\right][/tex] - [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}-2&2\\4&1\\\end{array}\right][/tex] + R = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&0\\0&1\\\end{array}\right][/tex] ( subtract corresponding elements )

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}2-(-2)&4-2\\3-4&5-1\\\end{array}\right][/tex] + R = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&0\\0&1\\\end{array}\right][/tex]

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}4&2\\-1&4\\\end{array}\right][/tex] + R = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&0\\0&1\\\end{array}\right][/tex]

R = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&0\\0&1\\\end{array}\right][/tex] - [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}4&2\\-1&4\\\end{array}\right][/tex] = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}-3&-2\\1&-3\\\end{array}\right][/tex]

the circumference of a circle is 11pi ft. find its diameter, in feet​



The diameter would be 11 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

C = pi * d

we don't know D so we rearrange the equation to solve for D by dividing both sides by pi:

C/pi = d

Now we plug in everything

11pi/pi = d

The pi cancel each other out leaving with 11 feet

Therefore D = 11 feet

A company's stock price flucated over a period of four days. The table shows the change in stock price per day. The net change in the company's stock price over the four days



The net change is -.30

Step-by-step explanation:

increase means add

decrease means subtract







The net change is -.30

plss help me with this :(​



(k) cos(θ)·√(1 + cot²θ) = √(cosec²θ - 1)

From trigonometric identities, we have;

1 + cot²θ = cosec²θ

On the Left Hand Side of the equation, we get;

cos(θ)·√(1 + cot²θ) = cos(θ) × cosec(θ) = cot(θ)

On the Right Hand Side of the equation, we have;

√(cosec²(θ) - 1) = √(1 + cot²(θ) - 1) = √(cot²(θ)) = cot(θ)

∴ √(cosec²θ - 1) = cot(θ)

By transitive property of equality, therefore;

cos(θ)·√(1 + cot²θ) = √(cosec²θ - 1)

(l) sin⁶A + cos⁶A = 1 - 3·sin²A·cos²A

sin⁶A + cos⁶A = (sin²A)³ + (cos²A)³

(sin²A)³ + (cos²A)³ = ((sin²A) + (cos²A))³ - 3·((sin²A)·(cos²A))·((sin²A) + (cos²A))

∴ (sin²A)³ + (cos²A)³ = (1)³ - 3·((sin²A)·(cos²A))·(1) = 1 - 3·((sin²A)·(cos²A))

sin⁶A + cos⁶A = (sin²A)³ + (cos²A)³ = 1 - 3·((sin²A)·(cos²A))

sin⁶A + cos⁶A = 1 - 3·((sin²A)·(cos²A))

(m) (sinA - cosecA)² + (cosA - secA)² = cot²A + tan²A - 1

(sinA - cosecA)²  = sin²A - 2×sinA×cosecA + cosec²A = sin²A - 2 + cosec²A

(cosA - secA)² = cos²A - 2×cosA×secA + sec²A = cos²A - 2 + sec²A

∴ (sinA - cosecA)² + (cosA - secA)² = sin²A - 2 + cosec²A + cos²A - 2 + sec²A


sin²A - 2 + cosec²A + cos²A - 2 + sec²A = sin²A + cos²A  - 2  - 2 + cosec²A + sec²A

sin²A + cos²A  - 2  - 2 + cosec²A + sec²A = 1 - 4 + cosec²A + sec²A

1 - 4 + cosec²A + sec²A = cosec²A + sec²A - 3


cosec²A = cot²A + 1

sec²A = tan²A + 1

∴ cosec²A + sec²A - 3 = cot²A + 1 + tan²A + 1 - 3 = cot²A + tan²A - 1 = The Right Hand Side of the equation

∴ (sinA - cosecA)² + (cosA - secA)² = cot²A + tan²A - 1

(n) [tex]\sqrt{1 - 2\cdot siaA\cdot cosA}[/tex] = sinA - cosA

Squaring the Right Hand Side of the equation, we get;

(sinA - cosA)² = sin²A -2·sinA·cosA + cos²A = sin²A + cos²A -2·sinA·cosA

sin²A + cos²A -2·sinA·cosA = 1 - 2·sinA·cosA

∴ (sinA - cosA)² =  1 - 2·sinA·cosA

Taking the square root of both sides gives;

√((sinA - cosA)²) = [tex]\sqrt{1 - 2\cdot siaA\cdot cosA}[/tex]

∴ sinA - cosA = [tex]\sqrt{1 - 2\cdot siaA\cdot cosA}[/tex]

By symmetric property of equality, we have;

[tex]\sqrt{1 - 2\cdot siaA\cdot cosA}[/tex] = sinA - cosA

Step-by-step explanation:

Liang bought a basket of apples to make pies for her friends. The basket of apples weighed ppp pounds. Before she had time to make the pies, she ate 3 pounds of apples. There are 17 pounds of apples left to make pies.


Answer: The equation to describe the situation is  p-3= 17

And, the total weight of the basket of apples was 20 pounds.

Step by step: Now, to write an equation to describe the situation. And to find the total weight of the basket of apples.

So, the basket of apples total weighed = p pounds

Liang ate apples weighed = 3 pounds.

And the apples left for the pies weighed = 17 pounds.

Now, to write an equation describing the situation:

p-3=17 .

Thus, the equation is p-3=17

Now, to get the total weight of the basket of apples:


adding both sides by 3 we get : p=20

Hence, the basket of apples total weighed = 20 pounds.

Therefore, the equation to describe the situation is p-3=17

And, the total weight of the basket of apples was 20 pounds.



If a and b are parallel and c and d are parallel, which pair of angles are congruent?

A. 1 and 16
B. 5 and 8
C. 9 and 11
D. 12 and 13


was there any pic added to this equation?

Question 8 If f (2) = (1 + 3) and g (2) VO+ 7, find g (f (x)). 9(f()) = 1 + 10 O g(f ()) = VI + 3 +7 Og(f (x)) = v= + 10 Og(f (2)) = 2? + 10​




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = (x+3)^2 and g(x) = sqrt(x)+7

g(f(x)) =

Replace f(x) in for x in the function g(x)

        = sqrt((x+3)^2)+7

        = x+3 +7

         = x+10

what should I do?
in the picture


The expression has y and x variables in denumerator and numerator, these variables will form the results as y^1/2 / x^3/2.

This expression is given in choice A.

The correct expression will place the y in denomerator with change in power sign in the numerator and x value will become in denomerator form the expression under root power 3 over 2.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24378446

Instructions: Given the following coordinates complete the glide reflection
Transformation: Reflection over the y-axis and a translation of shifting up 5 units






Step-by-step explanation:

Solve simultaneous equations 3x-2y=17 +2x-2y=10




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]3x - 2y = 17 \\ - 2y = 17 - 3x \\ 2x + 17 - 3x = 10 \\ 2x - 3x = 10 - 17 \\ - x = - 7 \\ x = 7 \\ - 2y = 17 - 21 \\ - 2y = - 4 \\ y = 2[/tex]

How many solutions does this equation have x^4 - 6x^2 -7 = 0



2 solutions

Step-by-step explanation:


Replace x^2 by y



D=b^2-4ac= (-6)^2-4*1*(-7)= 36+28=64



y2= (-b+sqrtD)/2a=14/2=7

x^2=-1(n0 roots)    x^2=7 x=sqrt7 or x=-sqrt7

2 roots

Click an item in the list or group of pictures at the bottom of the problem and, holding the button down, drag it into the correct position in the answer box. Release your mouse button when the item is place. If you change your mind, drag the item to the trashcan. Click the trashcan to clear all your answers.

A(1, 1), B(-3, 0), C(-4, -1), D(3, -2)



is this geomtey

Step-by-step explanation:

Make sure to put what kind of maths (geometry algebra ect.) this is so others can meet your needs better. Also might want to put what unit or type of problem this is as well.

CAN SOMBOBY HELP ME find the surface area of each figure. Round it to the nearest tenth if necessary.​




Step-by-step explanation:

you can find the formula online

Right circular cone.
Solve for surface area.
A - 389.85.
Using the formulas.
A= arl+ar².
Solving for A.
A= ar (r+.
\/h²+r ).
= T·6·(6+/ 13.4+6' )~ 389.84579.
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