I’m steel, the solvent is And the solute is. .


Answer 1
iron is the solvent and carbon is the solute.

Related Questions

How does mercury differ from other metals?(1 point)

It does not conduct electricity.
It is not lustrous.
It is not solid under normal conditions.
It does not chemically react with other elements.



It is not solid under normal conditions

Mercury differs from other metals as It is not solid under normal conditions. It is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature, therefore the correct answer is option C

What is the matter?

Anything which has mass and occupies spaces is known as matter, mainly there are four states of matter solid liquid gases, and plasma.

These different states of matter have different characteristics according to which they vary their volume and shape.

Because it is not solid under normal circumstances, mercury is different from other metals. Because it is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature,

Thus the correct answer is option C

Learn more about the matter here



2) Define volume. Explain in detail how can volume of irregular object be determined?



The three dimensional space of a body is called volume

A car travels 100 km to the east. If the first half of the distance is driven at 50 km/h and the second half at 100 km/h, what is the average velocity


First half:

50 km at 50 km/hr ... 1 hour

Second half:

50 km at 100 km/hr ... 1/2 hour

Total distance = 100 km

Total time = 1.5 hours

Average speed = (100 km) / (1.5 hrs)

Average speed = 66 and 2/3 km/hr

Average velocity = 66 and 2/3 km/hr East

The average velocity of the car would be 66.67 Kilometers / hours.

What is Velocity?

The total displacement covered by any object per unit of time is known as velocity. It depends on the magnitude as well as the direction of the moving object.

As given in the problem a car travels 100 km to the east. If the first half of the distance is driven at 50 km/h and the second half at 100 km/h,

The average velocity of the car = Total displacement / total time

                                                     =100 / 1.5

                                                     =66.67 Kilometers / hours

Thus, the average velocity of the car would be 66.67 Kilometers / hours.

To learn more about Velocity from here, refer to the link given below;



express in standard form



3.8 x 10^-5


all you doing is putting it in the standard form I hope this help

What are the phases of scientific method?


The scientific method has five basic steps, plus one feedback step:
Make an observation.
Ask a question.
Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
Test the prediction.
Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.

define electrical resistance in a metal conductor​



Resistance is defined as the property of a conductor to resist the flow of charges through it. The resistance of conductor is numerically given as the ratio of potential difference across its length to the current flowing through it.


Để có 100 lít nước ở 370C. Người ta pha nước đang sôi với nước ở 150C. Tính thể tích nước mỗi loại cần dùng.Biết khối lượng riêng của nước là 1000kg/m3



nước sôi: 440/17 l

nước 15°C:1260/17 l

Luis rushes 40m toward his truck. He notices he forgot his shoes and returns back to his house. His total travel time is 60s.

What is Luis’s average speed over the 60s?
What is Luis average velocity over the 60s?


1. The average speed of Luis over the 60 s is 1.33 m/s

2. The average velocity of Luis over the 60 s is zero.  

1. The average speed can be calculated with the following equation:

[tex] S = \frac{d}{t} [/tex]


d: is the total distance traveled

t: is the total time = 60 s

The total distance can be calculated by the sum of the distance traveled to the truck (40 m) and the distance traveled to his home (the same 40 m), as follows:

[tex] d = 40 m + 40 m = 80 m [/tex]

So, the average speed is:

[tex] S = \frac{d}{t} = \frac{80 m}{60 s} = 1.33 m/s [/tex]

Hence, Luis's average speed over the 60 s is 1.33 m/s.


2. Now, the average velocity is a vector given by:

[tex]v = \frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t} = \frac{x_{f} - x_{i}}{t}[/tex]


[tex]x_{f}[/tex]: is the final distance traveled (the way to his home) = 40 m

[tex]x_{i}[/tex]: is the initial distance traveled (the way to his truck) = 40 m

Δt: is the total time = t = 60 s

Given that Luis in his journey, returns to the same starting point (his house), the total displacement is zero, and so the average velocity is also zero:                              

[tex]v = \frac{x_{f} - x_{i}}{t} = \frac{40 m - 40 m}{60 s} = 0[/tex]

Therefore, Luis's average velocity over the 60 s is zero.  

You can find more about average speed and average velocity here: https://brainly.com/question/12322912?referrer=searchResults

I hope it helps you!                                              

As shown in the figure below, Luis rushes 40 m toward his truck. He notices he forgot his shoes and returns back to his house. His total travel time is 60 s.


What is Luis’s average velocity over the 60 s period?

Answer: 0 m/s

What is Luis’s average speed over the 60 s period?

Answer: 1.33  m/s

How does modulus of elasticity change with the rise of temperature ​



With rise in temperature, the length of the material increases which decreases its stiffness. Thus, we can say that with rise in the temperature, the Young's modulus decreases.

Answer the following questions 1 What is the difference between mass and weight of an object. Will the mass and weight of an object on the earth be same as their values on Mars ? Why? ​



difference between mass and weight is that mass is amount of matter in a material while weight is a measure of how the force of gravity acts upon that mass.the mass of an object will be same on earth and mars but its weight on both planets will be different.

state the advantages and disadvantages of alkaline battery over a lead acid accumulator​



Alkaline batteries have longer shelf life than other batteries of the chloride type electrolyte batteries. They have a much higher energy density compared with other batteries. This allows the battery to produce the same energy while lasting longer than other batteries.


1) Alkaline battery lasts long than other batteries  

2) It have a  much higher energy density

Disadvantage :

1) They are heavier and bulkier

2) They have high internal resistance

What is alkaline battery ?

An alkaline battery is a type of primary battery that derives its energy from the reaction between zinc metal and manganese dioxide.


Alkaline battery   can produce same amount of energy by lasting longer than other batteries  as it have longer shelf life than  lead acid accumulator​

Alkaline battery  have a much higher energy density compared to lead acid accumulator

Disadvantage :

Alkaline battery  are heavier and bulkier

Alkaline battery   have high internal resistance

learn more about Alkaline battery  



what is required for force to come into play​



An interaction of one object with another object results in a force between the two objects. Thus, at-least two objects must interact for a force to come into play.

A carnot engine has an efficiency of 50% when its sink temperature is 27°C. The temperature of source is: a) 300°C b) 327°C c) 273°C d) 373°C​



327 degrees

Have a great day!

the slope of a line on a position vs time graph is the

a. velocity
b. time
c. distance
d. displacement


It's the velocity, but only the magnitude. It can't show the direction of the velocity. So it's better to call it speed.

a teacher drives from school to the mall. then she goes to the doctors office for a physical examination. what is the magnitude of her displacement


The magnitude of the teachers displacement is the difference between

the location of the school and the location of the doctors office

The reason behind the above expression are explained as follows

The known locations of the teacher;

Initial location; The school

Second location; The mall

The eventual location; The doctors office

The required information;

The magnitude of the teachers displacement

The method of obtaining the displacement of the teacher;

Qualitatively, the displacement of the teacher can be obtained by applying the definition of displacement as follows;

The definition of displacement is an object's change in position, given by the difference between its start and finish locations

According to the definition of displacement, therefore, the magnitude of

the teachers displacement is the distance between the school and the

doctors office which is given by the difference between the coordinates of

the location of the school and the location of the doctors office

The magnitude of the displacement of the teacher = The coordinate of the location of the doctors office - The coordinate of the location of the school

Learn more about displacement here;


whats the beginning of life called



Abiogenesis in evolutionary science, not sure about creation science


"Measurement is essential in our life. Justify the statement.​



Measurement plays an important role in our daily lives because they are useful to do basic tasks, such as taking the temperature of a child with the help of a thermometer,making time estimations,measure out medicines and find out weights, areas and volumes of different substances

A 4000 N force acts on an object that initially has a momentum of 400 kg-m/s for 0.9 seconds. What is the final momentum of the system?



4360 Kgm/s



Ft = M-M'................. Equation 1

Where F = force, t = time, M = Final momentum, M' = Initial momentum.

make M the subject of the equation

M = Ft+M'............ Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 4000 N, t = 0.9 seconds, M' = 400 kg-m/s

Substitute these values into equation 2

M = 4000+(0.9×400)

M = 4000+360

M = 4360 kgm/s

Hence the final momentum is 4360 kgm/s

Why does a small piece of steel rod sinks while a large steel oil tanker floats?

Plss help thanks! pls include EXPLANATION and EXAMPLES that I can proof to people that has no knowledge ​



Too what i know its because of the air


The steel rod is more dense and doesnt have air whil'st the oil tanker is less dense with lots of air

A group of students are designing a field study to investigate the length of time a traffic light remains yellow.



3 to 7 seconds.


According to the traffic engineers the length or the duration of the signal to turn form yellow or amber to green is more than 5 seconds. A time interval is needed to easy out the traffic flow.

How can you say gravitational force is a field force



because gravity pulled us in the land if there is no gravitational force there will not be field force too


hope it's will help you

a sphere of diameter 6.0
cm is moulded into a thin wire of diameter 0.2 mm calculate the length of the wire in metres ​



V1 = 4/3 pi R^3 = pi D^3 / 6     D = 2 R       volume of sphere

V2 = pi r^2 L = pi d^2 L / 4       volume of wire

V2 / V1 = 1 = 3/2 d^2 L / D^3     since volumes are equal

L = 2/3 D^3 / d^2 = 2/3 * 6^3 / .02^2 = 360,00 cm = 3600 m

A city bus travels along its route from Jackson Street 8 km to Aurora Avenue, where it turns and continues 13 km.
What is the total distance that the bus has traveled? km
The total displacement of the bus is approximately 15 km northeast northwest southeast southwest.


im a bit confused on what the question is:(

if its just asking for the total number of km traveled it would be 21 km

Hess's law states that:

A. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only change form.
B. The enthalpy change when 1 mole of a substance undergoes complete combustion under standard conditions is equal to molar masses of the compounds.
C. When the enthalpy changes under standard conditions, 1 mole of a substance is formed from its elements.
D. The overall enthalpy change for a reaction is independent of the route the reaction takes.



D. The overall enthalpy change for a reaction is independent of the route the reaction takes.

Answer: Hess's law states that the overall enthalpy change for a reaction is independent of the route the reaction takes. Option D is correct.

It is given Hess's law.

It is required to state the Hess's law.

What is Hess's law ?

Thermochemical equations can be manipulated to give the data chemical reactions. We find exactly how much energy will be absorbed or released by the reaction because we may face various explosions.

There are mainly two ways to calculate ΔH of any reaction. First If the reaction has ΔH then the reverse of the reaction will have opposite ΔH and the second is if double the ΔH of the substances, double the ΔH.

Therefore Hess's law states that the overall enthalpy change for a reaction is independent of the route the reaction takes.

Learn more about Hess's law states here:



What is conserved in a thermodynamically closed system?
A. Both energy nor matter
B. Energy
C. Both energy and matter
D. Matter



C. Both energy and matter

Indoor pollution experts conducted an analysis of the paint used in many office buildings which revealed that the paint contains traces of lead. The lead seems to rise to the surface of the paint and escape into the building's air supply. Tests show that because of the chemical drying process, the lead is not discernible on the surface until the paint has been on the walls for at least six months. To meet safety standards, owners should repaint walls at least every six months, or cover the walls with a different material.Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion above?A) The indoor pollution experts had no clear understanding of why it took six months for the lead to become discernible on the paint's surface.B) The indoor pollution experts neglected to examine the paint for traces of other toxic substances such as cadmium and mercury.C) The amount of lead found on the surface of the paint after six months remained constant for the next two years.D) The indoor pollution experts found that even in those offices painted with a different brand of paint, traces of lead were still found in the air workers breathed.E) The indoor pollution experts' research shows that the amounts of lead that come into contact with the air people breathe, even in the office buildings that used the greatest amount of paint, are too low to affect workers.



E) The indoor pollution experts' research shows that the amounts of lead that come into contact with the air people breathe, even in the office buildings that used the greatest amount of paint, are too low to affect workers


The conclusion that would weaken the above statement if true was that the amount of lead found in air was not hazardous for the people living in building and the effects of such paint was quite low o affect workers.

How does a fuse work?
A. A material burns out when current is excessive

B. A material burns out when resistance is excessive

C. A material burns out when voltage is excessive

D. A material acts as a switch to prevent electricity from flowing when voltage is excessive



A. a material burns out when current is excessive

which two phenomena make up electromagnetism?

A) moving charges in an electric current attract each other
B) permanent magnets form a magnetic field from one pole to the other pole
C) an electric current causes a magnetic field around a core of magnetic metal
D) a moving magnet causes an electric current in a magnetic metal



the correct answer is option ( C ) and ( D )

Ploughing field with harrow pulled by a tractor is a modern technology​


Ploughing field with harrow pulled by a tractor being a modern technology​ is true.

What is Technology?

This involves the use of scientific knowledge to tackle different life problems and has different sectors.

Ploughing field with harrow pulled by a tractor involves machines and not manual labour which makes it a modern technology.

Read more about Technology here https://brainly.com/question/7788080


why does apparent depth of different liquids vary


It’s due to the refraction of light rays as they traverse the boundary between water and air. The greater the viewing angle, the more the bending of the light and therefore the less the apparent depth. An object placed in a denser medium, when viewed from rarer medium appears to be at a lesser depth than its real depth due to refraction of light.
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