Imagine that you are creek leader opothleyahola. Write a short autobiographical statement that talks about who you are


Answer 1


Prominent Creek chief Opothleyahola was most likely born circa 1780 to Davy Cornell, a mixed-blood Creek, and a woman of the Tuckabatchee town in present Montgomery County, Alabama. He became noteworthy beginning around 1820 as speaker for the council of the Upper Creeks, primarily full bloods who held to their traditional culture, as opposed to the Lower Creeks, who adopted the lifestyles of the non-Indians around them. Adding to this divisiveness, a number of the Lower Creeks looked with favor upon the exchange of their eastern homeland for land west of the Mississippi River. One of their leaders, William McIntosh, was executed by Upper Creeks for signing a 1825 treaty that would have given up all Creek land in Georgia. Opothleyahola led the Upper Creeks in their resistance to removal to the West, but eventually he came to see it as inevitable. By 1832, after a large number of the Lower Creeks had removed voluntarily, he was the Creek Nation's acknowledged leader. He was instrumental in negotiating the treaty of March 1832, which led to the exodus of the remainder of the tribe to Indian Territory in present Oklahoma.

The Civil War (1861–65) deepened factionalism within the Creek Nation. After the Creek council made a treaty of alliance with the Confederacy, Opothleyahola led a mass exodus of Creeks and members of other tribes who were loyal to the Union to seek refuge in Kansas. Confederate forces followed in late 1861, leading to the Battle of Round Mountain on November 19, the Battle of Chusto-Talasah on December 9, and the Battle of Chustenahlah on December 26. Forced to leave most provisions behind in their haste to escape the pursuing Confederates, the Indians suffered hardship in refugee camps in Kansas. Opothleyahola died of illness there on March 22, 1863.


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Jerry is going to mix up 2 1/2 times a single recipe of sugar cookies. The recipe calls for: 2 1/4 c flour 3/4 c sugar 1/4 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 1/4 c butter 2 eggs 1 1/2 tsp vanilla



just multiply everything by 2


so 2 1/2 convert into 2.50 the 2.50x 2= 5 c of flour then 0.75x2= 1.5 or 1 1/2 c of sugar , 1/4 into 0.25 the 0.25x 2= 0.5 so 1/2 c of baking powder , 1/2 into 0.5x2= 1 c of salt , 1 1/4 into 1.25x2= 2.5 or 2 1/2 c of butter , 2 eggsx 2 times = 4 eggs and finally 1 1/2 into 1.5x 2= 3 c of vanilla there double everything the was honestly a drag lol

How does Rousseau describe the government and the sovereign friction between them



He claims that aristocracy, or rule by the few, is most stable, however, and in most states is the preferable form. Rousseau acknowledges that the sovereign and the government will often have a frictional relationship, as the government is sometimes liable to go against the general will of the people.

The national debt increases when:
A. the government borrows money to fund programs.
B. the government forces banks to lower interest rates.
C. the government raises taxes while cutting spending.
D. the government increases imports from other countries.


Answer:A the government borrows money to fund programs is correct


I just took the quiz

Which statement best describes the human cost of the Civil War based on this

There were more Civil War deaths than all other wars combined from

There were nearly as many Civil War deaths as in all other wars
combined from 1775-1991.

There were more Confederate deaths than Union deaths during the Civil

There were more Americans killed in the Revolutionary War than in the
Civil War.


B. There were nearly as many Civil War deaths as in all other wars combined from 1775-1991


B.  There were nearly as many Civil War deaths as in all other wars combined from 1775-1991.


I just took the unit test!  Good luck guys and girls!

Explain how civil service examinations influenced the development of a strong
central government in China.



The civil service examination system, a  

method of recruiting civil officials based on  

merit rather than family or political connections, played an especially central role in  

Chinese social and intellectual life from 650  

to 1905. Passing the rigorous exams, which  

were based on classical literature and philosophy, conferred a highly sought-after status,  

and a rich literati culture in imperial China  


Civil service examinations connected various aspects of premodern politics, society, economy,  

and intellectual life in imperial China. Local  

elites and the imperial court continually influenced the  

dynastic government to reexamine and adjust the classical curriculum and to entertain new ways to improve  

the institutional system for selecting civil officials. As a  

result, civil examinations, as a test of educational merit,  

also served to tie the dynasty and literati culture together  


Premodern civil service examinations, viewed by  

some as an obstacle to modern Chinese state- building,  

did in fact make a positive contribution to China’s emergence in the modern world. A classical education based  

on nontechnical moral and political theory was as suitable  

for selection of elites to serve the imperial state at its highest echelons as were humanism and a classical education  

that served elites in the burgeoning nation-states of early  

modern Europe. Moreover, classical examinations were


an effective cultural, social, political, and educational  

construction that met the needs of the dynastic bureaucracy while simultaneously supporting late imperial social structure. Elite gentry and merchant status groups  

were defined in part by examination degree credentials.

Civil service examinations by themselves were not an  

avenue for considerable social mobility, that is, they were  

not an opportunity for the vast majority of peasants and  

artisans to move from the lower classes into elite circles.  

The archives recording data from the years 1500 to 1900  

indicate that peasants, traders, and artisans, who made  

up 90 percent of the population, were not a significant  

part of the 2 to 3 million candidates who usually took the  

local biennial licensing tests . Despite this fact, a social  

byproduct of the examinations was the limited circulation in the government of lower-level elites from gentry,  

military, and merchant backgrounds.  

One of the unintended consequences of the examinations was the large pool of examination failures who used  

their linguistic and literary talents in a variety of nonofficial roles: One must look beyond the official meritocracy  

to see the larger place of the millions of failures in the  

civil service examinations. One of the unintended consequences of the examinations was the creation of legions  

of classically literate men who used their linguistic talents  

for a variety of nonofficial purposes: from physicians to  

pettifoggers, from fiction writers to examination essay  

teachers, and from ritual specialists to lineage agents.  

Although women were barred from taking the exams,  

they followed their own educational pursuits if only to  

compete in ancillary roles, either as girls competing for  

spouses or as mothers educating their sons.

This timeline shows 20th century genocide. Timeline of 20th century genocide. 1915, Armenian genocide. 1932, the beginning of genocide in Ukraine. 1933 to 1945, the Holocaust occurred. 1937, Parsley Massacre Dominican Republic. 1975 to 1979, Cambodian genocide. 1981, Start of the Mayan genocide in Guatemala. 1994, Rwandan genocide. 2003, Beginning of genocide in Darfur. What generalization can be made based on the information presented in the timeline



No major genocides occurred during the 1950s and 1960s.


In the given timeline of the major genocides, the major events occurred during the first half of the 20th century. This was then followed by some years of rest which then again revealed the occurrence of such genocides from 1975 onwards, but mostly outside of Europe.

The longest duration of such genocides is the holocaust where millions of Jews were killed under the regime of Adolf Hitler. But this is not to say that the other genocides are less damaging or horrendous.

Based on the information presented in the timeline, we can make the generalization that no major genocide occurred during the 1950s and 1960s.


A- No major genocides occurred during the 1950s and 1960s.


:) Have  a  great  day.

Disability rights organizations backed laws requiring
A. public places to provide access for people with disabilities education for all children
C.programs such as Medicare
D.private homes to provide access for people with disabilities



The answer is A


The Americans with Disabilities Act or ADA provides the protection against discrimination and the accommodations for people with disabilities in public spaces. This legislation was passed in 1990 with the urging of organizations and individuals with disabilities.

In 35 words or fewer, identify a potential drawback to only recording
history orally.



The history is not preserved as long as it would if it did not exist only in people's memories and passed down verbally. If it was written down, it would be preserved longer.

Explanation: Hope this helps!

There is a potential drawback to record history orally. As when obtaining factual data, such as specific dates, places or times, people rarely remember such details accurately.

What is Oral History?

Oral history means recording, preservation and interpretation of historical information, based on the personal experiences and opinions of the speaker.

When using Oral History as a source material, several problems exist. As Oral Histories rely on the memory of individuals the person being interviewed may not accurately recall factual information such as names or dates, and they may exaggerate.

A narrator can also conceal/hide important information. Some information or facts may be forgotten or omitted since oral traditions depend heavily on human memory.

So, these were potential drawbacks to recording History orally.

Hence, the answer was given and explained above.

To learn more about Oral History refer-


how does a filibuster protect the minority party?



The filibuster in the U.S. Senate protects the rights of Senators to debate and amend legislation,


Which statement best summarizes the relationship between investments and
A. Companies improve their productivity using money from
B. Companies decide on their level of productivity based on their
C. Companies use investments to avoid having to improve
D. Companies with low levels of productivity have no need for


The correct answer is A. Companies improve their productivity using money from investments.


An investment is an economic concept to refers to a contribution of capital (money or other) to obtain a future profit. This placement supposes an election that resigns an immediate benefit for a future one. On the other hand, productivity is an economic term that refers to a measure that determines the profit obtained from the goods or services produced concerning the minimum indispensable production quota. According to the above, when a company has enough capital, it invests it to improve its production, advertising, sales equipment, among others, to obtain better production processes and see that improvement reflected in its profits. For example, a company that makes T-shirts may invest in sewing machines and employees to produce more T-shirts and earn higher profits. So the correct answer is A.

¿cuales son las actividades económicas que se pueden incluir en el sector terciario?


El sector terciario cubre una amplia gama de actividades como: -

→ comercio

→ administración,

→ transporte,

→ actividades financieras e inmobiliarias,

→ servicios comerciales y personales,

→ educación,

→ salud y trabajo social.

Algunos ejemplos de las actividades económicas del sector terciario:
Eliminación de desechos.
Servicios financieros.
Servicios legales.

1. What changes did the National Security Act of 1947 make to the way the
United States organized its military and gathered information? (7 points)



The National Security Act of 1947 changed the way the United States organized its military and gathered information by establishing better coordination and communication among the types of branches, as well as among the leaders.

What was important about the Trade Compromise where slavery was involved? The Congress was allowed to place a tariff on the slave trade in the South. It gave abolitionists hope that the slave trade could be brought back to life again. The Congress was not allowed to place any tariff on the slave trade for twenty years. Although it seemed that the South had won, it gave abolitionists hope that the slave trade could be brought to an end by means of tariffs in a fairly short period of time. The Congress was not allowed to place any tariff on the slave trade for fifty years. It gave slave owners more possibilities in trading of their slaves.



The three-fifths compromise increased the South's representation in Congress and the Electoral College. In 12 of the first 16 presidential elections, a Southern slave owner won. Extending the slave trade past 1800 brought many slaves to America.



The Congress was not allowed to place any tariff on the slave trade for fifty years.


Which characteristics of capitalism provide an opportunity for entrepreneurship and allow both buyers and sellers to feel they made a return on an investment? (Select all that apply.)


Answer: Profit motivation, Innovation


Capitalism refers to an economic system whereby the individuals and the firms own and control the trade and industry in the country.

The characteristics of capitalism which provide an opportunity for entrepreneurship and allow both buyers and sellers to feel they made a return on an investment are profit motivation and innovation. Firms go into businesses in order to make profits.

In the primary market, what determines the cost of a share of stock?
A. The corporation
B. The investment banks
C. The interaction of consumers
O D. The regulations of the government



I think it is A.

characteristics of Jesus true brethren​



equality of man before god

Match each description to its corresponding civilization





I see nothing on the screen.

Where is the question of topic? There is nothing on the screen.

The International Criminal Court's main responsibility is to


The Main responsibility of the International Criminal Court in The Hague prosecutes those accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Which action would more likely take place in a modern family rather than in a
traditional family?
O A. A poor worker encourages his parents to move into his home after
they retire.
O B. A woman works in an office full-time rather than staying home
with her children.
O C. A student decides to attend a college because it is close to his
family home.
D. A son continues to live with his parents and grandparents after
getting a job.





Traditionally the women would stay home with their kids

What was the Truman Doctrine?
the United States' promise that it would remove itself from active participation in world affairs
the United States' promise that it would allow the Soviet Union to dominate eastern Europe
the United States' promise that it would give up its nuclear weapons program
the United States' promise that it would help free countries fight communism


What was the Truman Doctrine?

The United States' promise that it would allow the Soviet Union to dominate eastern Europe.

> With the Truman Doctrine, President Harry S. Truman established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.

> The Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy with the primary goal of containing Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War.

Hope it helps!!

How did colonists show good faith to King George Ill after he repealed the stamp ta?
O A) The Sons of Liberty put up a flagpole in New York City's square
OB) The Daughters of Liberty put a statue of him in Boston's town commons
O C) The colonial assembly made an official holiday in his name
D) The colonists put up a statue in New York City's square


The answer would be B

Which of the following correctly completes box #2 in the chart above? A. city B. state C. family D. federal MULTIPLE CHOICE



The answer would be A. City




Read the excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank. Miep (Hurrying up to a cupboard). Mr. Frank, did you see? There are some of your papers here. (She brings a bundle of papers to him.) We found them in a heap of rubbish on the floor after . . . After you left. Mr. Frank. Burn them. (He opens his rucksack to put the glove in it.) Miep. But, Mr. Frank, there are letters, notes . . . Mr. Frank. Burn them. All of them. What does this interaction reveal about Mr. Frank?



C-He knows that seeing the papers will be very painful.



C) He knows that seeing the papers will be very painful.


Edge 2022

What inferences can you make about Abraham Lincoln’s intended audience? In other words, who would read this text and why? How can you tell?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to specify to what address you are referring. Abraham Lincoln delivered too many speeches throughout his political career.

What was the speech? Where is it?

However, trying to help you, we are going to assume you are referring to the Gettysburg Address. If that is the case, then we can comment on the following.

Abraham Lincoln’s intended audience was the American people, including the people who lived in the southern territories. President Lincoln was calling people to unite again, despite their differences.

Lincoln structured his speech chronologically speaking about the past present and future.

During his "Gettysburg Address," President Abraham Lincoln makes a recount since the signing of the Declaration of Independence to actual events. Indeed, he began his speech by saying "Fourscore and seven years ago..." and then he refers to the founding father's creation of the new United States, a country of freedom, rights, and liberties. The speech was delivered on November 19, 1863, next to the battlegrounds of Gettysburg, one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.

The speech was so short, simple, but powerful.

please help me
In which way were the American and French revolutions similar?
a. The kings of both Britain and France faced financial difficulties and increased taxes.
b. Both American and French revolutionary leaders wanted to create a republic.
c.The legislative bodies of both Britain and France placed limits on the monarchy.
d. Both revolutions resulted in the establishment of a stable, democratic government.



a. The kings of both Britain and France faced financial difficulties and increased taxes.

Wants something you wanna get off your chest but are too ashamed to?


i’ve stolen like 100 $ from my brother in the past 2 months

Which best defines a “talkie” during the 1920s?
a film with sound
a radio broadcast of a speech
a singer who performed at concerts
a musical with lyrics



Explanation: taught in school there’s really no real reason to know this lol

What best defines a “talkie” during the 1920s is a film with sound.

What is a talkie?

A talkie can be regarded as the movie that posses a synchronized speech and singing and it is common during 1920s.

In the olden days, talkie was very popular because of it's unique feature of cinema film that is been made with sound, this sounds could be inform of singing, drumming and others.

Therefore, option A is correct because talkie” during the 1920s is a film with sound.

Learn more about talkie at:

What happened economically in the United States by the early 19th century?





The U.S. economy of the early 19th century was characterized by labor shortages, as noted by numerous contemporary observers. The labor shortage was attributed to the cheapness of land and the high returns on agriculture.

The main responsibility of a state court of last resort is to
A. decide whether a case should be in criminal or civil court.
B. apply federal laws to crimes committed in a state.
c. deliver a ruling that cannot be appealed in state courts.
D. conduct trials in order to reach initial verdicts. I think option a don't know tho




A court of last resort's role and purpose is to provide legal transparency and uniformity for the lower appellate and trial courts.

What is the main reason to use a microscope to veiw cells



Because cells are very tiny functional units which cannot be seen with our naked eyes and microscope has the definite functions to observe very tiny substances .

Other Questions
What is the price after taking 25% off $62? I need help on the crossing movie 1. How many Hessians were taken prisoner and how many Americans were killed or wounded at the Battle of Trenton?2. How many months after the American Declaration of Independence was the Battle of Trenton fought? 3. In the Battle of Trenton, the Continentals outnumbered the Hessians almost 2 to 1. The Hessians were surprised and were poorly led. Why was this victory considered so important?4. Where did the Hessians come from and why were they fighting for the British? 5. What would probably have happened to the American Revolution had Washington not crossed the Delaware and engaged the Hessians at Trenton at the end of December, 1776? 6. One of the memorable incidents shown in the film is Washington making a joke at the expense of General Knox, his commander of artillery. The novelist and screenwriter, Howard Fast, found a reference to this in the memoirs of some of the soldiers who were present. What role did Washington's joke play in his leadership at the Battle of Trenton? 7. Describe three actions other than cracking the joke about General Knox that Washington took which showed leadership at Trenton. 8. Washington was described as one of those rare few who, under fire, appeared to be without fear. Why is this important in a military leader? 9. After the battle, the character of General Greene asks the character of General Washington to speak with Colonel Rall before Rall dies. Washington replies: "Do you want me to weep for those b******, men who kill for profit?" General Greene responds that: "Our own cause at its heart is a fight against taxation, is it not? In the end, we all kill for profit, the British and the Hessians and us." Do you agree with the character of General Greene that the American Revolution was fought for money?10. (Be honest; Don't deceive, cheat or steal; Be reliable -- do what you say you'll do; Have the courage to do the right thing; Build a good reputation; Be loyal -- stand by your family, friends and country) The Battle of Trenton shows the Continental troops demonstrating this Pillar. What did they do? What happened in American factories during world war 2 WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!What is the meaning of the simile in lines 93-96?And, as a hare, whom hounds and horns pursue, Pants to the place from whence at first she flew, I still had hopes, my long vexations passed, Here to return-and die at home at last Do the two trapezoids in the figure appear to be similar? Why or why not?options:A) They're not similar because only one pair of corresponding angles in the two trapezoids is congruent.B) They're similar because two pairs of corresponding angles in the two trapezoids are congruent.C) They're similar because one pair of corresponding angles in the two trapezoids is congruent.D) They're not similar because two pairs of corresponding angles in the two trapezoids are congruent. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.The Declaration of Independence,Thomas JeffersonBased on the passage, what is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?to provide a set of rules and regulations for the United Statesto justify the American colonists desire for freedom from British ruleto establish new settlements and colonies in Americato encourage England to become a democracyIT'S B I JUST DID IT!!!! Asian Lamp Company manufactures lamps. The estimated number of lamp sales for the last three months for the current year are as follows: Month Sales October 10,000 November 14,000 December 13,000 Finished goods inventory at the end of September was 3,000 units. Ending finished goods inventory is budgeted to equal 25 percent of the next month's sales. Asian Lamp expects to sell the lamps for $25 each. January sales is projected at 16,000 lamps. In going from the sales budget to the production budget, adjustments to the sales budget need to be made for a. cash receipts. b. finished goods inventories.c. factory overhead costs. d. selling expenses which statement BEST completes the diagram: colonists bring diseases like smallpox in North America, Colonists believe land can be owned by individual people, American Indian peoples suffer greatly.A- colonists refuse to teach American Indians how to farmB-colonists become the leaders of american indian religious groupsC- colonists introduce steel weapons and guns to american indiansD- colonists force american indians into slavery on plantations HELP ME PLSSS SUMMER SCHOOL A HARD could I have some help, please! Thank you so much Can you help with this 6 ^ 2 equals to 6 ^ 10 What is the greatest common factor of 10 and 13?ANSWER IN LESS THEN 3 MINS AND I'LL GIVE BRAINLIEST A health club sold ten memberships in one week for total of $3000. If male memberships cost $300 and female memberships cost $300, then how many male memberships and how female memberships were sold? Find the surface area of each figure. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. What is the HCF for 20 40 35 Plzz answer this questionParagraph writing Select the correct answer.A student read this excerpt from an argument against school uniforms and agrees with the author. Which statement belowwould help the student defend this argument?excerpt from The Debate over School UniformsSupporters of school uniforms assert that when students wearuniforms, their attendance Improves. They claim that studentswho wear uniforms have more school spirit, which encouragesstudents to attend school more often. In Irving, Texas, schoolshave been able to improve average daily attendance through astrict uniform policy. Though students do not wear officialuniforms, they wear white shirts, khaki pants, and leather shoesthat must meet certain uniform requirements. However, innearby Euless, Texas, no uniforms are required, and yetstudents have higher average daily attendance rates than at thecharter school in Irving. This fact seems to demonstrate thathigher attendance rates have little to do with uniforms. Aschool in Polk County, Florida, has the most restrictive uniformpolicy in the nation. It was enacted in 1999, and since then, theschool has found that its average daily attendance has fallendramatically. In 2000, the school broke a national scholasticabsentee record for the same school year. These results showthat uniforms have no effect on attendance. In fact, theyprovide evidence to the contrary: strict uniform policies have anegative effect on attendance.OA Enforcing school uniforms will improve campus culture.OB.Charter schools and public schools are unfair comparisons in the matter of school uniforms.OC. There is a relationship between uniforms and school attendance.ODThere is no connection between school uniforms and Improved attendanceResetNext what were the disadvantage of the permanent settlement of Bengal Which would increase the reaction rate?O A. Decreasing the reactant concentrationsB. Removing heat from the systemO C. Adding a catalystO D. Lowering the value of k