In a given chemical reaction the energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants which statement is true for this chemical reaction


Answer 1

Group of answer choices.

A. Energy is absorbed in the reaction.

B. Energy is released in the reaction.

C. There is no transfer of energy in the reaction.

D. Energy is lost in the reaction.


B. Energy is released in the reaction.


A chemical reaction can be defined as a chemical process which typically involves the transformation or rearrangement of the atomic, ionic or molecular structure of an element through the breakdown and formation of chemical bonds to produce a new compound or substance.

Basically, there are two (2) main types of chemical reaction and these include;

I. Endothermic reaction: it's a chemical reaction in which heat is absorbed

II. Exothermic reaction: it's a chemical reaction in which heat is liberated into the environment.

In Chemistry, all chemical equation must follow or be in accordance with the Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed by either a physical transformation or a chemical reaction but transformed from one form to another in an isolated (closed) system.

Generally, energy is released in a chemical reaction when the energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants and it is referred to as an exothermic reaction.

However, when the energy of the products is greater than the energy of the reactants, energy is absorbed and it is referred to as an endothermic reaction.

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what will happen to the gravitational force between two bodies if the distance between them is halved keeping their masses constant ?..


Since Fg=(Gm1m2)/r^2, if the masses are halted the gravitational force will be effected as well. In this case, the gravitational force would be lessened as well.

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I looked it up so it may be wrong

Which two changes to the can opener would increase its mechanical efficiency?
A shorten the paddle so that they are closer in size to the axle that they turn
B grease the rotating wheel of the opener so that there is less breaks in between moving parts
C replaced it with a straight handle the act as levers with shorter pieces of metal
D sand the cutting surface of the metal piece so that it is perfectly smooth and sharp





Como surgiu a capoeira?


La capoeira se desarrolló en Brasil, derivada de las tradiciones traídas a través del Océano Atlántico por africanos esclavizados y alimentadas por el ardiente deseo de libertad. Pronto se practicó ampliamente en las plantaciones como un medio para romper los lazos de la esclavitud, tanto física como mentalmente.

The energy required to change the state of a substance was determined to be E(H).
If the mass of the substance was DOUBLED, the value of E(H) will

(A) be halved
(B) be doubled
(C) be quadrupled
(D) remain constant



ccccccccc or bbbbbbb or aaaaaaaa or ddddddd

im just guessing

the weight of a body is 420 newton.calculate it's mass​





the mass of a body is given by




I hope this helps

when an apple falls towards the earth the earth moves up to meet the apple. Is it true? If yes, why is the earth motion not noticeable ?



Yes, this is true.

-- While the apple is falling, the same gravitational force acts on both the apple and the Earth.

-- The mass of the apple is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1/4 kg.

-- The mass of the Earth is about 5.972 x 10²⁴ kg.

-- Since the Earth has roughly 2.389 x 10²⁶ times as much mass as the apple has, the apple has roughly 2.389 x 10²⁶ greater acceleration than the Earth has, and moves roughly 2.389 x 10²⁶ times as far down as the Earth moves up, before they smack together.

-- That's why you don't notice the Earth's motion.

-- Also, you're standing on the Earth, moving up with it, toward the apple.  Maybe it would be different if you were sitting on the apple, riding it down to the ground, and you were able to notice the motion of the ground coming up to meet you at a speed that's 0.00000000000000000000000000419 of YOUR speed.  

Answer From Gauth Math

The moon Phobos orbits Mars
(mass = 6.42 x 1023 kg) at
a distance
of 9.38 x 106 m. What is its period of




We are basically needing to solve for the time in the equation d = rt, where d is the distance around Mars (aka the circumference), r is the velocity, and t is time. We need to find the circumference and the velocity. We will begin with the velocity.

Because the gravitational attraction between Phobos and Mars provides the centripetal acceleration necessary to keep Phobos in its (sort of) circular path, the equation we use for this is:

[tex]F_g=F_c[/tex] which says that Force supplied by gravity is equal to the centripetal force. Expanding that:


When we move that around mathematically to solve for the velocity value, what we end up with is:

[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{Gm_{Mars}}{r}[/tex] and filling in:

[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{(6.67*10^{-11})(6.42*10^{23})}{9.38*10^6} }[/tex] and we get that

v = 2100 m/s

Now for the circumference:

C = 2πr and

C = 2(3.1415)(9.38 × 10⁶) so

C = 5.9 × 10⁷

Putting that all together in the C = vT equation:

5.9 × 10⁷ = 2100T so

T = 2.8 × 10⁴ sec or 7.8 hours

If the box of 500N is placed over the land of area of 2m²,what pressure is experted by the box on the land?​



250 Pa or N/m^2


Pressure(P)=F/A=500/2=250 Pa or N/m^2

A man stands still on a moving walkway that is going at a speed of 0.2 m/s to
the west. What is the velocity of the man according to a stationary observer?
A. 0.2 m/s north
B. 0.2 m/s west
C. 0.2 m/s South
D. 0.2 m/s east


When,a man stands still on a moving walkway that is going at a speed of 0.2 m/s to the west,then the velocity of the man according to a stationary observer would be 0.2 m/s west,Therefore, the correct answer would be option B.

What is Velocity?

The total displacement covered by any object per unit of time is known as velocity. The velocity of an object is depend on the magnitude as well as the direction of the object.

the mathematical expression for velocity is given by

velocity = total displacement /time

The speed and velocity of the object are very different from each other because speed does not depend upon the direction of the moving  object but velocity depends on the magnitude of speed as well as the direction of the moving object.

As per given in the problem a man stands still on a moving walkway that is going at a speed of 0.2 m/s to the west therefore from the perspective  of a stationary observer the velocity of man would be 0.2 m/s towards West.

Hence the correct options for the problem would be option B.

Learn more about Velocity from here


what is the relation between centre of gravity and stability



tilting it will raise the height of its center of gravity.

the gravitational force between two masses at distance of 2.5×10^6 metre is 250 Newton . what should be distance between them to reduce the gravitational force by half?​



distance between should be 1.25 × 10^6 m


Force is proportional to separation distance.

[tex]250 \: newtons = 2.5 \times {10}^{6} \: metres \\ ( \frac{1}{2} \times 250) \: newtons = d \\ \\ d = \frac{125 \times 2.5 \times {10}^{6} }{250} \\ d = 1.25 \times {10}^{6} \: metres[/tex]


distance between should be 1.25×10^6.


force Is proportional to separation .

mrk above answer branilest .

define simple machine​



simple machine, any of several devices with few or no moving parts that are used to modify motion and the magnitude of a force in order to perform work. ... The simple machines are the inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw.

What is 98.907 rounded to 1 significant figure?


The answer to the digits rounded to one significant figure is 100.

Significant figures are the most important figures in a number of digits.

The closer a digit is to the beginning of a number, the more important  or significant  it is.

But, the rule for rounding up a set of numbers to the first significant or to one significant figure is that:

If the next number is 5 or more, we round up.If the next number is 4 or less, we do not round up.

From the numbers 98.907, 9 is the most significant digit followed by 8.

8 is greater than 5 so we should round up by adding one to 9 making the number 100.

learn more here:

The unit of work in terms of Newton and metre is _______





the unit of work is Joule determined by the letter J.




Joule is defined as the work done by a force of one newton causing a displacement of one meter. Sometimes, newton-metre (N-m) is also used for measuring work.

Define SI units. Also mention their importance. SI unit The​



SI unit is an internationally accepted system and have the same value all over the world .

I don't know the importance sotry


SI unit is an internationally accepted system that have same value all over the world.

what is the role of the communicator in a dc generator?

A) it keeps the electric current flowing in one direction
B) it keeps the magnetic fields of the permanent magnet steady
C) it causes the magnetic fields of the permanent magnets to reverse
D) it causes the electric current to constantly reverse its direction








it keeps the electric current flowing in one direction

Why is velocity proportial to pressure?​



Pressure and velocity are inversely proportional to each other because if pressure increase, the velocity decrease to keep the algebraic sum of potential energy, kinetic energy and pressure constant.

4 A student says that he has made a magnetic field with some iron filings. What would
you say to him?



Yes but no


Here the kid cant say that he has created s magnetic field as iron fillings do not have magnetic properties

define one standard kg ​



The mass of platinum iridium rod whose diameter and height are equal an kept at international bureau of weight and measurement in Paris of France is called as one standard kg.

What do is mean by environment friendly behaviour?​


Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment

Why does the weight of a body differ on different celestial bodies of the universe?​


An object's weight is dependent on its mass and how strongly gravity pulls on it. The strength of gravity depends on how far away one object is from another.

A certain superconducting magnet in the form of a solenoid of length 0.28 m can generate a magnetic field of 7.0 T in its core when its coils carry a current of 80 A. The windings, made of a niobium-titanium alloy, must be cooled to 4.2 K. Find the number of turns in the solenoid.



The number of turns in the solenoid is 19506.


Length of solenoid, L = 0.28 m

Magnetic field, B = 7 T

Current, I = 80 A

Let the number of turns is N.

The formula used to find the magnetic field is

[tex]B = \frac{\mu 0N I}{L}\\\\7 = \frac{4 \times 3.14\times 10^{-7}\times N\times 80}{0.28}\\\\N = 19506[/tex]

pls someone help me pls…. and pls explain to me how



1.12 × 10⁴ m/s


The escape velocity of the object v = √(2GM/R) where G = gravitational constant = 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg², M = mass of the Earth = 6 × 10²⁴ kg and R = radius of the Earth = 6.4 × 10⁶ m

Since v = √(2GM/R)

Substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

v = √(2GM/R)

v = √(2 × 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg² × 6 × 10²⁴ kg/6.4 × 10⁶ m)

v = √(13.34 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg² × 6 × 10²⁴ kg/6.4 × 10⁶ m)

v = √(80.04 × 10⁻¹¹ × 10²⁴Nm²/kg/6.4 × 10⁶ m)

v = √(80.04 × 10¹³Nm²/kg ÷ 6.4 × 10⁶ m)

v = √(80.04 ÷ 6.4 × 10¹³ ÷ 10⁶Nm/kg)

v = √(12.50625 × 10⁷ Nm/kg)

v = √(125.0625 × 10⁶ Nm/kg)

v = 11.18 × 10³ m/s

v = 1.118 × 10 × 10³ m/s

v = 1.118 × 10⁴ m/s

v ≅ 1.12 × 10⁴ m/s

Two forces whose resultant is 100N are at right angle to eachother. if one of them makes an angle of 30° with the resultant, determine its magnitude​


Let F₁ and F₂ denote the two forces, and R the resultant force.

F₁ and F₂ point perpendicularly to one another, so their dot product is

F₁ F₂ = 0

We're given that one of these vectors, say F₁, makes an angle with R of 30°, so that

F₁ • R = ||F₁|| ||R|| cos(30°)

But we also have

F₁ • R = F₁ • (F₁ + F₂) = (F₁ F₁) + (F₁ F₂) = F₁ F₁ = ||F₁||²

So, knowing that ||R|| = 100 N, we get that

(100 N) ||F₁|| cos(30°) = ||F₁||²

(100 N) cos(30°) = ||F₁||

||F₁|| ≈ 86.6 N

(And the same would be true for F₂.)

why is it important to have regular super vision of the weights and the measurements in the market?



Obeying to weights & measurement regulations in both national and international metrology legislation, standards and test procedures is a requirement to participate in any market because it's aimed to safeguard the consumers and promote fair competition, which provides efficiency and saves unnecessary costs to U.S. businesses and stakeholders.


In the U.S., the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has an Office of Weights and Measures (OWM) that represents the country in the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)

Which of the elements below have seven electrons in their outermost energy levels? A.) Cr, Mn, and Fe B.) Br, I, and Ci C.) O, S, and Se D.) He, Ne, and Ar





the Halogen families have 7 valence electrons

Un auto se desplaza por una carretera recta a una velocidad de 85 km/h. Al cabo de 2 horas, ¿qué distancia habrá recorrido, en metros?



Distancia, D = 170,000 metros


Dados los siguientes datos;

Velocidad = 85 km/h Tiempo = 2 horas

Para encontrar la distancia recorrida, en metros;

Matemáticamente, la distancia recorrida por un objeto se calcula mediante la fórmula;

Distancia = velocidad * tiempo

Sustituyendo los valores en la fórmula, tenemos;

Distancia = 85 * 2

Distancia = 170 kilómetros

A continuación, convertiríamos el valor en kilómetros a metros;


1 kilómetros = 1000 metros

170 kilómetros = D metros

Multiplicación cruzada, tenemos;

D = 170 * 1000

D = 170,000 metros

Por lo tanto, habría viajado 170,000 metros después de 2 horas.

if a person buys 10 kg apples in himalayan region and sells in terai region will he get profit or loss. why?​



he will be in profit


Himalayan region are high above the sea level so the gravity will be less there compared to the Terai region

Terai lies way below he Himalayan region so the pull of gravity will be more compared to Himalayan region

that's why he will be in profit but not loss

which physical property of the gas molecules gives the measurement of temperature​


The temperature of a gas molecule is measured by the average translational kinetic energy


The temperature of a gas is a measure of the average translational kinetic energy of the molecules. In a hot gas, the molecules move faster than in a cold gas; the mass remains the same, but the kinetic energy, and hence the temperature, is greater because of the increased velocity of the molecules


This is also from Go0gle because my explanation would've been an essay long .

but in shorter version if the gas molecules move fast it's hot an if it moves slow its cold hope this helps .

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