In order to attract females, the male Bowerbird of Australia constructs elaborate structures called "bowers" on the forest floor. His bower is made from twigs, leaves, and moss, and is decorated with colorful ornaments such as feathers, pebbles, berries, and shells. If a female is sufficiently impressed with a bower, she will mate with the male who built it. This is an example of which of the five evolutionary forces? mutation gene flow non-random mating genetic drift


Answer 1


non-random mating


In animals, most cases of non-random matings are related to behavior. There are three main possible ways of non-random mating:

Harem reproduction ⇒ Dominant males mate with their group of femalesDiscriminated mating ⇒ Individuals mate with genetically similar partnersSexual selection ⇒ One of the couple members chooses the other one.  

Sexual selection

In many bird and mammal species, and even in some fish species, one of the sexes selects the other one to mate. In general, the one that chooses is the female.  

Intrasexual competition between males to get access to females plays a significant role in sexual selection. Males can develop weapons that make them greater fighters.

There is also intersexual selection, in which members of each sex apply selective pressures on the other sex, modeling their phenotype by choosing partners.

As notorious structures and behavior make males be more vulnerable to predation, sexual selection seems to operate against other types of natural selection, as it might affect males´ survival.

However, there seems to be a compensation between sexual selection and natural selection.


In the exposed example, the construction of elaborated and noticeable structures is done to attract females. If females are impressed with a bower, she will choose the male that built it to mate. The better the nest is, the better the male genetic quality. So the female chooses this male because his genetic charge is significant and reflects a higher fitness for their progeny.

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Lymph ______ are found throughout the body and are a signal of a disease, infection, or problem if they become and remain swollen for long periods of time.
______ are pathogens that cannot be killed with antibiotics because they are non-living. They take over cellular organelles to replicate and spread.
Because they are also eukaryotes with their own cell membranes and membrane-bound organelles, ______ are often difficult to combat with medicines.
A cell signal called ______ is produced by mast cells. These molecules cause more fluid to spread to an infected area.
_______ are the types of cells that produce antibodies.
All pathogens have unique identifying molecules on their surfaces called ______. Antibodies bind to these, and targeting the pathogen to be destroyed by the immune system.
______ is a non-specific response to disease, in which the body temperature rises










When a paper cut breaks the skin, it introduces outside microorganisms into the cut. The body recognizes the break in the skin. Mast cells produce histamines, which cause more blood and lymph fluid to flow to the wound. This increased flow brings phagocytic white blood cells to the area, which destroy invading organisms until the blood can clot and the skin can heal over the cut, preventing more organisms from entering the body. If a cut is too deep or too wide, special care such as stitches and antibiotics could be needed to prevent infection.



List five Characteristic of fruits.​



Quality factors for fruits include the following— maturity, firmness, the uniformity of size and shape, the absence of defects, skin and flesh color.


Hope this helps. Have a nice day.^_^


the five characteristics of fruit are:- maturity, firmness, the uniformity of size and shape

which of the following is a density- independent factor?
1 mate availability
2 parasitic infestation
3 disease transmission
4 lack of rainfall



4. Lack of Rainfall


the matter in an animal body is not capable of moving and changing without ?





The matter in an animal body is not capable of moving and changing without energy.

the body is not capable of moving without energy .

The valves in the heart open and close to move blood in between heart chambers. O a) three directions O b) two directions O c) four directions d) one direction


d) one direction



The valves in the heart open and close to move blood in between heart chambers.


d) one direction

why is growth important to living things?​



However, growth in living things is because of different internal processes occurring inside the body of the living organisms mainly because of the formation of new cells. The increase in number and mass of individuals are two unique characteristics of growth. Multicellular organisms exhibit growth by cell division.

Which statement is not true about the field of science?
it is based on observations and explanations of the natural world.


You are right with your answer please

Actual Question:
Which statement about the purpose of the field of science is false? (1 point)

Science is used to investigate the natural world.

Events of the natural world can be explained by science.

Science works to establish a collection of unchanging truths.

Useful predictions come from derived explanations of science.

Science works to establish a collection of unchanging truths.


I took the test

4. What is the best type of graph to show the proportion of dogs that are poodles, labs,
golden retrievers, and beagles.
A. Pie graph
B. Bar graph
C. Line graph
D. Histogram



I think a bar graph or a pie graph

Pie graph because it shows percentage

Role of mitosis in plant growth and development



The mitosis cell division helps in vegetative growth in plants. It also helps in healing of wounds

how are traits which are not beneficial to a living organism removed from its gene pool



recessive traits is the answer

Organisms who carry those traits are less likely to be chosen as a mate, slowly reducing that gene from the species

The second generation of purebred cross of -hom-ozygo us recessive organism, with a —hom-ozygous dominant organism, contain a ratio of approximately _______ expressed dominant traits to recessive traits.
A. 2:1
B. 1:1
C. 1:3
D. 3:1



D. 3:1


Gregor Mendel, in one of his numerous studies, performed a cross between purebred dominant (TT) pea plants and purebred recessive (tt) pea plants. All the offsprings of this cross appeared heterozygous tall (Tt) in the F1 generation.

However, when he self-crossed the F1 generation i.e. Tt × Tt, Mendel obtained a phenotypic ratio of 3 tall plants (dominant traits) : 1 short plant (recessive). This showed that the masked gene (recessive) was still present.

which climate does sparrow live hot or cold



Hot ok please give me brilliance



Marianela takes a huge drink of her coffee, assuming that it is at a tolerable temperature, and the heat sears her mouth. Although the pain is so great that her reflex is to spit out the coffee, she does not do so. The reflex to spit out the coffee is inhibited at the



This question lacks options, options are:

A) glial cell

B) interneuron

C) sensory neuron

D) motor neuron.  

The correct answer is D.


The brain sends instructions to the muscles that control voluntary movement through nerve cells called motor neurons. The function of the motor neuron is basically to carry the information that comes from the descending pathways of the spinal cord, in order to generate an activation in the tissues of the skeletal and visceral muscles of all parts of the body. Motor neurons need the information sent to them by sensory or efferent neurons. Since in order to perform the appropriate muscle movements for the situation, our brain must receive information from the outside. By sending sensory stimulation through interoreceptors, motor neurons can regulate visceral activity, stimulating or inhibiting the activity of their effector tissues. In this way, our nervous system integrates the information from both types of neurons and allows us to move and react according to the demands and circumstances of our external context.

Is the podocyte process of the glomerular capillary wall the same as the endothelial layer?



The podocytes have long foot processes called pedicels, for which the cells are named (podo- + -cyte). The pedicels wrap around the capillaries and leave slits between them. Blood is filtered through these slits, each known as a filtration slit or slit diaphragm or slit pore.

What are micronutrients and why do we need them?



Micronutrients are one of the major groups of nutrients your body needs. They include vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are necessary for energy production, immune function, blood clotting and other functions. Meanwhile, minerals play an important role in growth, bone health, fluid balance and several other processes.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest.. thanku

1. Sensation is to as perception is to a. vision, olfaction b. conscious, unconscious c. awareness, interpretation d. taste, vision.​



opt (c)


What allows humans to have different traits from each other?
A. They store DNA in different places.
B. They have different genes.
C. They have different haploidnumbers.
D. They have different number



B. They have different genes.


What is the correct chronological order of the steps leading to protein synthesis?
rRNA, mRNA, DNA, protein
mRNA, DNA, rRNA , protein
DNA, mRNA, rRNA, protein
rRNA, DNA, mRNA, protein



the third option is the right one.


m RNA gets its information from DNA and then sends it to rRNA which will later turn the message into a protein.

QI the father
13. A father and mother claim they have been given the wrong baby at the hospital. Both parents are
blood type A. The baby they have been given is blood type o. Does the genetic evidence support
their claim?


No, the claim is not based on scientific evidence because to heterozygous parents with genotype AO may have offspring with O phenotype and therefore OO genotype (proportion 1/4 of descendence).

What is the ABO blood type?

The ABO blood type is a group of phenotypes controlled by a single locus, which is based on the alleles that encode surface antigens in red blood cells. The O phenotype is due to the recessive allele, while the A allele is dominant and therefore masks the O allele in heterozygous individuals.

Therefore, we can conclude that parents having the AO genotype may produce offspring with OO genotype

Learn more about the ABO blood type here:


7. Which substances are produced by the hydrolysis of an
(1) water and nucleic acids
(2) amino acids and dipeptides
(3) fatty acids and glycerol
(4) glucose and water



3) Fatty acids and Glycerol

Name the organ of locomotion of englena and chlamydomonas



Paramecium:The primary locomotory organ is cilia which is covers the whole body of paramecium. They also have flagella as its secondary locomotary organ. Euglena: They have flagella and they move by beating up the flagella. Chlamydomonas :A flagellum is a long, whip-like projection of a cell made up of microtubules.

The data table and the cladogram below provide information about the evolutionary history of several different species of animal. Using this information, which of the following is true of trout?

They are more closely related to salamanders than they are to birds.

They are more evolved than salamanders and lizards.
They evolved into a separate species due to the presence of lungs.
They have jaws and lungs but lack claws or nails, feathers, and mammary glands.



They are more closely related to salamanders than they are to birds.


According to the data, trout are more closely related to salamanders than birds.

The first data table shows how the salamander only has one extra trait that the trout does not have (lungs).

On the other hand, birds have three extra traits that the trout doesn't have (claws/nails, feathers, and lungs).

The cladogram further shows how trout are more closely related to salamanders compared to birds.

Trout and the salamander are closer together on the cladogram, while the bird is further away. This means they are more related on the evolutionary timeline.

So, the correct answer is that They are more closely related to salamanders than they are to birds.

The statement which is true about Trout is as follows:

They are more closely related to salamanders than they are to birds.

Thus, the correct option is A.

What is Cladogram?

A Cladogram may be defined as a type of family tree or classification tree which is based on evolutionary relationships. It is also known as a phylogenetic tree.

Trout and the salamander are positioned closer to one another on the cladogram while the bird is being far away. The presence of lungs is marked from the salamander, so trout do not have lungs.

Trouts evolved from Hagfish but not from salamanders and lizards. Trouts only have jaws but lungs, claws or nails, feathers, and mammary glands.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Cladogram, refer to the link:


Which of the following controls the involuntary actions in the body​


medulla oblongata

Involuntary actions are under the voluntary control of the medulla oblongata which is generally referred to as the midbrain. The involuntary movements are characterised by relatively slower speed. The best example of this movement is the beating movement of the human heart.

Raw materials required in the autotrophic mode of nutrition involve:​



Water,mineral salts and carbon dioxide

Which part of plant carries water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant


Answer: The xylem distributes water and dissolved minerals upward through the plant, from the roots to the leaves. The phloem carries food downward from the leaves to the roots. Xylem cells constitute the major part of a mature woody stem or root.

explain how typical cells are adapted to their function​



Many cells are specialized. They have structure that are adapted to their function. For eg : muscle cells bring parts of the body together. They contain protein fibres that can contract when energy is available, making the cells shorter.

hi can u Help me in my hw, Define the following terms:1)Epicenter 2)Seismograph(don't answer if u don't know the answer plz)​



Epicenter is the point on Earth's surface directly above the focal point of the earth quake.

Actually it's above the hypocenter.

Seismograph: Is an instrument that records the seismic waves caused by action of earth quake effect.


The picture shows two containers filled with a gas, both initially at room temperature.

Which statement is correct?

The gas particles in both containers have the same average kinetic energy because they have equal number of particles.

The gas particles in both containers have the same average kinetic energy because they have the same volume.

The average kinetic energy of the gas particles is greater in container A because it has a lower temperature.

The average kinetic energy of the gas particles is greater in container B because its particles move faster.



1) CO₂

2) 0.2551 g


The balanced reactions are:

CaCO₃ + 2HCl → CaCl₂ + H₂O + CO₂

MgCO₃ + 2HCl → MgCl₂ + H₂O + CO₂

1) The gas produced is CO₂.

2) Calculate mass of CaCO₃:

(0.5236 g) (0.4230) = 0.2215 g CaCO₃

Convert to moles:

(0.2215 g CaCO₃) (1 mol / 100.1 g) = 0.002213 mol CaCO₃

Find moles of CaCO₃:

(0.002213 mol CaCO₃) (1 mol CO₂ / mol CaCO₃) = 0.002213 mol CO₂

Convert to mass:

(0.002213 mol CO₂) (44.01 g / mol) = 0.09738 g CO₂

Calculate mass of MgCO₃:

(0.5236 g) (0.5770) = 0.3021 g MgCO₃

Convert to moles:

(0.3021 g MgCO₃) (1 mol / 84.31 g) = 0.003583 mol MgCO₃

Find moles of MgCO₃:

(0.003583 mol MgCO₃) (1 mol CO₂ / mol MgCO₃) = 0.003583 mol CO₂

Convert to mass:

(0.003583 mol CO₂) (44.01 g / mol) = 0.1577 g CO₂

Total mass of CO₂:

0.09738 g CO₂ + 0.1577 g CO₂ = 0.2551 g CO₂


The average kinetic energy of the gas particles is greater in container B because its particles move faster.





B.UAA is correct answer

What. Is black i will mark as brinelist ​


Just black?
Well it’s a colour which results from the absence of visible light. In technical sense black and white aren’t colour, but shades however, many people disagree since you combine other pigments to get black. Black is also associated with darkness, evil, despair and night (if it’s Literature related). It’s the darkest shade and it’s an achromatic colour.

simple. black. Is a color and it is dark

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