In relation to the study of education, the __________ perspective would emphasize the daily activities within the schools, the various forms of communication between teachers and pupils, examine the influence of peer groups, and look at the reaction when school rules are broken or followed. Group of answer choices


Answer 1


In relation to the study of education, the symbolic interactionist perspective would emphasize the daily activities . . .


Simply put, the sociological theory known as symbolic interactionism analyzes human interaction at a micro-level. It takes into consideration the relationships of individuals with society and the importance of communication. According to this perspective, communication is the means through which we make sense of the world. When communicating, we exchange meaning, which is the purpose of our interactions.

Related Questions

corruption is a social crime.why?​



Corruption is the single greatest obstacle to economic and social development around the world. But it does not just steal money from where it is needed the most; it leads to weak governance, which in turn fuels organized criminal groups and promotes crimes such as human trafficking, arms and migrant smuggling, counterfeiting and the trade in endangered species.

In the run up to the 13th United Nations Crime Congress being held in April, different crimes are being highlighted, showing their impact on development and how vital it is to tackle them to achieve sustainable development. In February 2015 the focus is on corruption, outlining the scale of the problem and telling its transnational story.


It is taken as a social problem due to the following reasons: Corruption slows down the development activities. It discourages the spirit of skilled and honest citizen. Corruption affects the fair distribution of resources and opportunities negatively.

Hoped I help you.

Choose the CORRECT sociological statement regarding social institutions: Group of answer choices Social institutions are cultural universals Social institutions refer to bureucratic organizations such as General Motors Social institutions refer to famous locations, buildings, and monuments such as Wall Street, The White House, and Mount Rushmore All of the above



The White House


Its in the picture!!!!!!



Review the map above. WHich American Indian group lived in the darker-shaded area on this map?

B. Iroquois

write the major social problems prevailing in your community and measure to solve it.. ​



The major social problems prevailing in my society are: 1) Child marriage2) Dowry system3) Untouchability4) Dowry system5) Superstition6) Robbing7) Alcoholism8) Drug abuse9) Gambling10)Human trafficking The measures to solve these problems are:1) Education should be compulsorily be provided to all.2) Awareness Programme should be done.3) Strict rules and laws should be implemented.4) Government should do something to decrease Poverty in country5) Providing job opportunities to the people

Hope this will help you alot:)

What privileges and facilities have been made for senior citizens in our country



Federal Resources: The National Institute on Aging (NIA) “leads the federal government in conducting and supporting research on aging and the health and well-being of older people. The Institute seeks to understand the nature of aging and the aging process, and diseases and conditions associated with growing older, in order to extend the healthy, active years of life. Its Health & Aging Initiative features resources about Alzheimer's Disease, Caregiving, Disability, Doctor-Patient Communication, End of Life, Exercise, Healthy Aging and Longevity, Legal and Financial Planning, Memory and Cognitive Health, Men's Health, and Women's Health. The U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) reports “Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1965 in response to concern by policymakers about a lack of community social services for older persons. The original legislation established authority for grants to States for community planning and social services, research and development projects, and personnel training in the field of aging. The law also established the Administration on Aging (AoA) to administer the newly created grant programs and to serve as the Federal focal point on matters concerning older persons. Although older individuals may receive services under many other Federal programs, today the OAA is considered to be the major vehicle for the organization and delivery of social and nutrition services to this group and their caregivers. It authorizes a wide array of service programs through a national network of 56 State agencies on aging, 629 area agencies on aging, nearly 20,000 service providers, 244 Tribal organizations, and 2 Native Hawaiian organizations representing 400 Tribes.”

State resources: The National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) “represents the nation’s 56 state and territorial agencies on aging and disabilities and supports visionary state leadership, the advancement of state systems innovation and the articulation of national policies that support home and community based services for older adults and individuals with disabilities.” The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center is one example of NASUAD activities. Seniors and their families can find general services to help them at state websites such as Minnesota’s Long-Term Care Choices Navigator, and more specific information about issues such as housing at websites like this one maintained by the Massachusetts Department of Elder Affairs. They can get special services through programs such as the Texans Feeding Texans: Home-Delivered Meal Grant Program. Georgia won the 2011 AoA Excellence in Action award for Outstanding Achievement in Changing Systems by a State. According to the Georgia Division of Aging Services, "the honor recognizes the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services for developing programs that improve services and support for older adults and people with disabilities. The Georgia programs that have attracted national attention help organizations coordinate activities and streamline processes to give older adults and people with disabilities more control over services and efficient access to information. Initiatives with widespread attention include the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC), the Community Living Program (CLP), and the new Veterans-Directed Home- and Community-Based Services Program (VD-HCBS)."

The 2009 SSL Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act: establishes procedures for determining where jurisdiction lies in guardianship and conservatorship proceedings when the parties are not all in the same state;

provides for jurisdiction in states with a significant connection to the incapacitated person;

defines “significant connection;”

provides for cooperation between courts of different states;

allows for special circumstances if an incapacitated person is in a state that does not meet the “significant connection” standard;

provides procedures for the transfer of jurisdiction to another state; and

allows for registration of protective orders from other states.

why do you think the constitution makes it obligatory to elect a minimum number of women and members of dalits or minority communities in village or town?​



I) to make our country inclusive

ii) to upraise the living standard of people from all backgrounds

iii) to ensure that special privileges are provided to unprevilized ones

iv) to make our government just and promote social justice.

v) to make sure that women, Dalits and minority group have equal opportunity to develop themselves.

Social and economic development is not possible unless conflict is resolved locally.justify this statement.​



Social and economic development is not possible unless conflict is resolved locally.justify.

Economic system: 1,capitalist economy 2,command economy 3,mixed economy Define and write 1characterstic 2advantage 3disadvantage


Answer and Explanation:

The capitalist economy is one that is based mainly on private property and the use of the means of production with extremely profitable objectives. The capitalist economy focuses on high-scale production and strong competition between institutions. One of the advantages of this type of economy is that it encourages technological innovation and allows a large number of product options for consumers. The downside is that this type of economy encourages the accumulation of wealth, dishonest competition and social inequality.

The command economy can be characterized as the economic system in which the government determines how the production of all economic sectors will be done, which products will be produced and how much of each product will be produced. This type of economy is highly regulated and controlled by the government. An advantage of this type of economy is the high investment in the production of products and services, which guarantees low prices and low unemployment. The downside is that this production is often inefficient and has supply shortages. We can also mention that this type of economy encourages the existence of monopolies, which limits the options of consumers and can encourage inefficiency in labor rights.

Mixed economy is one that combines the characteristics of economic economy and command economy. In this case, the government controls all production in the country, but encourages profit and the use of private property. The advantage of this type of economy is the application of large productive investment, with the existence of controlled competition and strong supply. The disadvantage is that there can be an exploitation of the worker and the consumer, due to the stimulation of maximum profit linked to maximum production.

Which is the famous district for sculpture in Nepal



The famous district for sculpture in Nepal is Kathmandu valley.

what is the level of development not the same everywhere? ​


Because the resources , topography, capital etc are not same everywhere......

As a child, Raoul loved to prance around the neighborhood wearing silly outfits. As he got older, he realized that he couldn't continue this kind of behavior unless he found some way for it to be viewed as more socially acceptable. On realizing this, Raoul decides to pursue a career as a circus clown. According to Freud, Raoul's __________, which operates on the __________ principle, is responsible for finding a socially acceptable outlet for his desire to run around wearing silly outfits.



Hence the answer is ego and reality.


As a child, Raoul loved to prance around the neighborhood wearing silly outfits. As he got older, he realized that he couldn't continue this kind of behavior unless he found some way for it to be viewed as more socially acceptable. On realizing this, Raoul decides to pursue a career as a circus clown. According to Freud, Raoul's ego, which operates on the reality principle, is responsible for finding a socially acceptable outlet for his desire to run around wearing silly outfits.

what type of change can't be called development​



What is development what type of change Cannot be called development? Developmental – May be either planned or emergent; it is first order, or incremental. Transitiona Seeks to achieve a known desired state that is different from the existing one. Transformational – Is radical or second order in nature


4. What was DNA stand for?​


Answer: deoxyribonucleic acid


what is the fundamental difference between rural society and urban society?​



a rural society is one which has not been industrialized while an urban society is one that is urbanized and industrialized.

life in a rural society is very simple while life in an urban society is complicated and complex.

I hope this helps

donde comienza la frontera entre honduras y guatemala


Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d) Individuals can learn to manage the change in their lives.

explain the three causes of world war 2.



hope it is helpful to you

On a job interview, Mary is asked to describe herself. She begins to talk about her earliest memories and the favorite places she visited as a child. Although this is a description of herself, this type of _____ is probably NOT what the interviewers were looking to hear.


The answer is going to be introduction probably

what was the last sen state occupied by prithvi Narayan Shah?



died 1775), member of the ruling Shah family of the Gurkha (Gorkha) principality, Nepal, who conquered the three Malla kingdoms of Kāthmāndu, Pātan, and Bhādgaon in 1769 and consolidated them to found the modern state of Nepal. He also established the capital of Nepal at Kāthmāndu.

Someone pls answer this be serious illl BRAINLIST
Select the correct answer.
Which system has a central government and local units that implement the central government’s decisions?
federal system
parliamentary system
monarchical system
unitary system


Federal government is the answer

What is one of the advantages of globalization?
a. greater markets for goods and services
b. better communication among countries
c. improved ability to monitor economic trends
d. expanded capacity for selling and buying


a. greater market for goods and services

how does social and environmental responsibility help fight unemployment​



It fights or enables people to earn a living.


most people blame others when in fact their attitude was the problem . justify this statement in your own word



people blame others because they can't tolerance other's ideas. they think only their opinion is correct. it is a problem with his atitudes.



In my own words,people's nature is of their attitude related with upcoming circumstances.Every people look upon others in the same way they are.For instance,a good king always sees good qualities in his subjects or his people.Likewise,such attitude of some people leads to fail guess and they blame others looking with the same attitude glowing inside them.So,never blame others for ur mistake and if ur mistake isn't there,always ignore them walking with a smile.

Keep smiling and hope u r satisfied with my answer.Have a good day :)

Draft a model of questionnaire to ask to a famous historian of Nepal



who is pasang lamu sherpa .why she is called the brave girl?

Mention the structure of the federal system of government of Nepal​


The structure of the federal system of government of Nepal are:~federal level, seven provinces and 753 local government.


Hope it will be helpful!

An influential, though unproven, taxonomy dividing killers into the organized and disorganized categories, makes a questionable leap from features of the _____ to the _____ of the perpetrator. Group of answer choices suspect; name crime scene; name suspect; personality traits crime scene; personality traits



Crime scene; personality traits


Murder Types.

This is usually based on:

1. The number of murders involved

2. The type of motivation

3. The timing aspects of the murders (cooling-Off Time)

Modus Operandi

This is simply known as the method of operation used by the offender. That is the actions needed to commit the crime.

Criminal Profiling

This is simply known as the process of identifying: these traits includes

1. Personality traits,

2. Behavioral tendencies,

3. Geographical location,

4. Demographic/biographic descriptors of offenders

5. Based on crime scene characteristics

Organized-Disorganized Typology

This is often known as the FBI Model. In this case, it deals with if the crime scene is left organized or disorganized as it is said to provide clues about the offender's criminal grade and personality.

Organized crime scene shows the offender who commits crime out of a

need for power and are motivation associated with psychopathy. Organized crime scene are often planned and victim is a targeted stranger.

According to the laws of supply and demand, what will happen to the supply of automobiles if automobile prices fall?

The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at higher prices.
The supply of automobiles will increase because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.
The supply of automobiles will increase because consumers will buy more of them at higher prices.
The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.


I believe it's B. If the price of automobiles falls, then more people will want to buy cars because they are cheaper, meaning the amount of car sales will go up.


D. The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.

The declaration of independence reflect the principle of


Answer Expert Verified. The Declaration of Independence reflects the principle of natural rights of life, liberty, and property, using them in part to justify the document. ... They always talked about being born with natural and equal rights.

what do you mean by federal system


The federal system is power shared by a government and states or provinces that are given considerable self-rule, usually through their own legislatures.
Examples: The United States, Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany.
Hope this helps and please give me a brainliest:)))

which element is the most important element of our society why​


Cooperation is the most important elements of society.

The drawing of district boundaries for legislative districts in the Texas Legislature must follow the rule of ______. a. one person, one vote b. proportional party representation c. gerrymandering d. keeping counties in the same district to the maximum degree possible



d. keeping counties in the same district to the maximum degree possible


Destricting is the process of creating new districts for state legislature in the United States of America. Under US law, a state legislature may create a new district after 10 years after which population census must have conducted. Districts are created by the state legislature and vetoed by the governor. Dstrict requirements include including as much of counties into a district as possible while also aiming to keep equal populations among districts.

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