In terms of its relations with neighboring powers, the Song Group of answer choices reconquered the northern region controlled by the Uighurs. met their ultimate demise at the hands of the Mongols. were able to maintain a permanent dominance over the Jin Dynasty of the Jurchens. learned from the mistakes of the Tang and avoided a similar fate. conquered Japan, the first time that this had happened.


Answer 1


B). met their ultimate demise at the hands of the Mongols.


As per the question, the second statement most adequately states that the song connects to their eventual passing away at the Mongolian hands. In the context of its association with the adjoining authorities, it relates that how they ended up giving up to the Mongolian power and strength which not only marks the beginning of the Mongolian domination but also marked the end of their authority by displaying their fragility and deficiencies that led them to suffer this downfall. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

Related Questions

Question 1
1 pts
What did Johnson do to move the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress?
O He made Senator Barry Goldwater look like a radical for not supporting the Act.
O He urged Congress to pass the Act in honor of President Kennedy.
O He threatened to go around the House Rules Committee with a special petition.
O He went to men with power and worked with them to approve the Act.


Answer: He urged congress to pass the act in honor of president kennedy

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics



the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia

the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics

the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa


"The Prince" is a political treatise written by Niccolo Machiavelli during the sixteenth century. It is considered more of political philosophy. Machiavelli criticized the moralistic view of authority. He escalated the thought that judgment of legitimate and illegitimate power should not be practiced on the basis of morality. Machiavelli proposed the thought that acquisition and maintenance of power is the real and only concern of the political ruler. The primary purpose of the text is to persuade the readers and the secondary purpose is to inform the readers.

The text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose are: the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia; the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics; and the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa. The correct options are C, D and E..

Machiavelli discusses historical examples of Rome's conquests and explains how they maintained control over these conquered territories. : He emphasizes the danger of leaving any remnants of liberty or republican sentiment intact in conquered territories.

Machiavelli references the historical event of the Florentines losing control over the city of Pisa. He attributes this loss to the Florentines' failure to destroy the former republic and its institutions completely.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C, D and E.

Learn more about Machiavelli here:


The complete question might be:

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options.

A. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered

B. the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta

C. the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia

D. the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics

E. the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa

Which identifies Matteo Ricci?

the founder of the Society of Jesus
the Chinese emperor who persecuted Christians
a successful Italian Jesuit missionary in China
a Japanese warlord who accepted Christianity


The answer to this fantastic question is C

which part of this map is the subregion central america?


Subregion 1 is Europe because it s located North of Africa, on the West of Asia. Subregion 2 is Asia because it is located on the North-West of Australia

The diagram is an example of



Dont know if you still need an answer 3 days later but there is no diagram. If you still need help with this just comment on my post and edit your question and I would be more than happy to help you out.


Who was the first president?


George Washington was the first president of the United States of America
George Washington was the first US president

What led President John F. Kennedy to blame Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev for causing a threat to world peace?

the Soviet role in the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista

the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba

the Soviet enforcement of a naval blockade of Cuba

the Soviet role in the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion



the building of Soviet nuclear mise sites in Cuba


B. the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba


The initial development of textile mills was made possible, in part, by the ability
to move coal and raw materials by
a) railroad
b) truck
c) horse and wagon
d) canals


I’m think the answer is A, railroad
I believe horse and wagon

only the PCI can reflect the true state of economic development justify the statement​



The per capita income can not reflect the true state of economic development because if the income of a particular group have increased or have become rich and the income of other groups remain the same, it will reflect an increase in the per capita income.

Which scientist is often called the "father of the atomic bomb" because of his work as the head of the Manhattan


Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer

Match the following people to their accomplishments world history


Ig u need to add a picture..the options are not given

add the picture otherwise we wont be able to help

Which action prompted the start of the Persian Gulf War?


Saddam hussein's invasion of Kuwait prompted The start of the Persian Gulf War.

Elect the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Choose the best way to complete the sentence. The slaves of were the first to rebel against rule and become an independent nation.



The slaves of HAITI were the first to rebel against the FRENCH rule and become an independent nation.


French settled in Haiti in 1659 and became one of the wealthiest colonies producing sugar and coffee mainly, but it was all at the expense of the working force: the Haitian slaves.

Haitians lived in very poor conditions and were treated harshly, as a result over 100,000 slaves and black people revolted against their tyrannical rule in 1789 and the French rule started to weaken. The so-called Haitian Revolution lasted long 15 years, but the Haitians were the victorious ones: they defeated Napoleon Bonaparte's army and abolished slavery, becoming the only nation in the world established as a result of a slave revolt and the first Latin American country to rebel against France rule.

hope it helped! ^_^

identify each description as direct or indirect imperial control


Incomplete question. However, I provided explanations about the terms.


Basically, the term direct imperial control is used to describe a governance system in which the imperial masters directly control the day-to-day affairs of the colonies they govern, relinquishing little powers to the indigenous rulers.

Meanwhile, in the indirect imperial control, some form of authority is granted to the indigenous rulers by the imperial masters. Thus, this enables the rulers to set some of their own rules, administer headship, etc.



Edmentum answers

Which statement best explains why the Constitution limits the power of the executive branch?


Which statement best explains why the Constitution limits the power of the executive branch? The Constitution limits the executive branch to keep the president from becoming too powerful.

Answer: The Constitution limits the executive branch to keep the president from becoming too powerful.


What was the Calhoun doctrine? I need help :( ( no links aloud )


I believe that it is option B
He wanted states to have rights to nullify national laws.

Charles I became Charles V Holy
Roman Emperor by



Pope Clement VII


On 28 June 1519, Charles became the top bidder and gained the throne. It was crowned in Germany on 26 October 1520 and was the last emperor, Pope Clement VII, to obtain papal consecration, at Bologna, some 10 years later, on 22 February 1530.

The Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 helped to show


espero te ayude <3

a batalla de Bunker Hill tuvo lugar el 17 de junio de 1775, como parte del sitio de Boston durante la guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos. El General Israel Putnam estaba a cargo de las fuerzas revolucionarias, mientras que el General de división William Howe mandaba las fuerzas británicas. Aunque la batalla es conocida como de la colina Búnker, la mayor parte de la lucha se desarrolló realmente en la cercana Breed's Hill.

Why did many Puerto Ricans dislike the Foraker Act?



The Foraker act gave only partial citizenship to Puerto Ricans


This is the belief that the Foraker act gave only partial citizenship to Puetro Ricans & Roosevelt believed that the US had a responsibility to civilize other nations

The independence movements in Latin America between 1810 and 1822: a. created new nations that economically developed at a very fast rate. b. gained very little sympathy in the United States because of atrocities committed by revolutionaries. c. paralleled in some ways the independence movement that created the United States. d. created seventeen different nations, each headed by a person of Indian ancestry. e. led Spain to crack down and succeed in consolidating its power in the Americas.


Answer: c. paralleled in some ways the independence movement that created the United States.


Napoleon invaded Spain in the early 1800s and Spain's colonies in the Americas decided to use this as an excuse to wrestle independence from Spain. In most cases wars of independence were fought and only after the colonies won, did they get independence.

This paralleled the struggle for independence in the United States as they had to fight the British in the American Revolution in order to gain independence.

The Equator is the line that __________.



The Equatar is the line that runs around the center of the earth at 0 degrees latitude

Which was the more important reason for the progress of African- Americans in 1960? Was it:

The actions of the civil rights organisation (eg: Martin Luther King, Black power movement etc


The Federal Government

(12 Marks)



The actions of the civil right organization (eg: Martin Luther King, Black power movement etc)

The actions of civil rights movement

Explain the significance of the ATOM BOMB during WW2 (8 marks)

somone please help me with this ​



The use of atomic bombs during WW2 led to an arms race between the United states and the Soviet union.

in what wat did WW1 represent a turning point in modern world history



I think the answer is . The destination caused by the war led countries to isolate themselves from the world. When WW2 broke out countries wanted to stay apart from other countries because. They were afraid that the other country would join the war and bring destruction to their country.

What was the cause of heavy taxes?





ncnmdksks so you see cjkdkskekwlalxocnnfnd

which listing correctly ranks the classes of ottoman society from the bottom down


In the Ottoman empire, there were four different types of major social classes. These were men of the pen, men of the sword, men of negotiation, and the men of husbandry


I don't see any options provided, however B) men of the sword, men of the pen, men of negotiation, men of husbandry is the correct answer I believe.


The correct order of ranks from top on down of the classes within the Ottoman society was men of the sword, men of the pen, men of the negotiation, and men of husbandry.

^Hope this helps! :D

In this activity, you’ll analyze an advertisement and a political cartoon to examine different perspectives on “The White Man’s Burden.”

Part A

In 1899, British poet Rudyard Kipling published the poem “The White Man's Burden.” Read the poem and then think about this prompt:

The poem dramatically expresses some issues and difficulties of imperialism. Readers interpret the poem in different ways. Some say it’s a justification of colonization. The poem says that colonizing foreign regions was necessary to develop and modernize the world. It was the white man’s burden to lead this task. Others say the poem is a satire. It makes fun of imperialists for believing that they were doing their colonies a favor.

What do you think Kipling’s attitude was toward imperialism? Support your answer with information from the poem and this lesson. Your answer should consist of 75 to 100 words.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

I think Kipling’s attitude toward imperialism was of supporting the idea that white people were superior to blacks and indigenous people.

Indeed, his poem dramatically expresses some issues and difficulties of imperialism. We could say the poem includes a justification for colonization. Kipling stated that colonizing foreign regions was necessary to develop and modernize the world. That is why he called the white man’s burden to lead this task.

English author Rudyard Kipling wrote the poem in 1899, in the times when the United States had won the Spanish-American War, and as a result of this, the US took possession of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, which were part of the Spanish monarchy.

At that time, Europeans sadly believed that they were a more evolved race who deserved to take over others. This is related to the term "Social Darwinism," which is considered to be imperialistic and racist.

What did Reagan present as the main goal of his foreign policy?

to support global rebellions against ruling governments
to supply arms, bases, and fighters to freedom fighters
to limit aggressive actions and promote diplomacy among democratic allies
to protect democratic values and prevent the spread of communism



To protect democratic values and prevent the spread of communism.


The Reagan Doctrine was the name for the strategy implemented by the United States during Ronald Reagan's presidency, which aimed to limit the influence of the Soviet Union by supporting anti-Communist guerrilla movements in the Soviet satellite states. The aid that the US gave to anti-communist movements went to, among others, the Contras in Nicaragua, the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and UNITA in Angola. The strength of the strategy lay in the relatively low cost of supporting guerrilla movements without the direct deployment of American troops, as opposed to the high costs incurred by the Soviet Union in supporting the communist governments in the countries concerned.


D: To protect democratic values and prevent the spread of communism.


When working with sources, a writer can avoid plagiarism by:
A. paraphrasing ideas from the sources without copying their
B. not citing sources that are too similar to his or her own ideas.
C. relying on sources that do not list an author for their contents.
D. not keeping records that could prove which sources he or she


A would be the answer because you're not. Using these exact words you're adding your spice

De que manera se desarrolló la guerra fría


Answer: Su Origen Es situado entre 1945 y 1947 a causa de las tensiones de la posguerra, esta fue prolonged a hasta la disolucion de la union sovietica!

Explanation: simple response

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