In the feedback loop, the impact the message has on the receiver's knowledge, attitude, or behaviors during the communications process is referred to as


Answer 1




Communication can be defined as a process which typically involves the transfer of information from one person (sender) to another (recipient), through the use of semiotics, symbols and signs that are mutually understood by both parties.

The linear model of communication comprises of four (4) main components and these are;

1. Sender (S): this is typically the source of information (message) or the originator of a message that is being sent to a receiver. Thus, they are simply the producer of a message.

2. Channel (C): this is the medium used by the sender for the dissemination or transmission of the message to the recipient. For example, telephone, television, radio, newspapers, billboards etc.

3. Message (M): this is the information or data that is being sent to a recipient by a sender. It could be in the form of a video, audio, text message etc.

4. Receiver (R): this is typically the destination of information (message) or the recipient of a message that is being sent from a sender.

In the feedback loop, in which the recipient (receiver) sends a feedback (response) to the sender. Thus, the impact of the message on the receiver's knowledge, attitude, or behaviors during the communication process is referred to as a response.

Related Questions

10. ________ is the ability to experience the world from the other person's point of view. According to your book, there are dimensions of empathy. Which of the following is a dimension of empathy





In simple words, Empathy can be understood as the ability to comprehend or experience what some other individual is going through from their point of view, or the ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes. Empathy may be defined as a wide spectrum of emotional emotions.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that the correct answer is empathy.

Which southern African country was ruled by the dictator Robert Mugabe
after he led a successful rebellion against its earlier white-controlled



Libya, a country in North Africa




How does the Appalachian Mountains important to the US development


Explanation: The Appalachians have played and important role in the American history. Long a natural barrier to westward expansion of European colonial immigrants, the mountains were a theater of war during the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and most prominently, the American Civil War.

     Like this the Appalachian Mountains are important to the US development.

Ashley has average technical skills but her real strengths lay in visualizing the benefits of other's ideas and in finding financial and political support for these ideas. Ashley is an excellent example of a(n) _____.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question.

However, trying to help you we can say the following.

Ashley has average technical skills but her real strengths lay in visualizing the benefits of other's ideas and in finding financial and political support for these ideas. Ashley is an excellent example of an idea champion.  

When we talk about an idea champion, we mean that this individual is the kind of érson who learn the core concept of an idea and can grasp their true potential. So this individual can visualize all the possibilities, advantages, and disadvantages and how to use the idea in the best way possible.

That is why Ashley is considered to be considered as an idea champion.

Question 1. Devonia hits her head with a closed fist when her one-on-one teaching assistant leaves her side to interact with another student. Usually, when Devonia does this, her teaching assistant returns to her side, asks her to stop hitting herself, and soothes her. She rarely engages in head hitting when her assistant works directly with her. What is the most likely function of Devonia's problem behavior?





Devonia's problem is most likely caused by attention. Based on the details given in the scenario, it could be seen that Devonia craves the attention of craves the attention of her teaching assistant such that she is either irritated or comfortable when she isn't being attented to. Additionally, her personal assistant's treatment of her anytime she exhibits such attitude also has her having an increased desire for attention due to the warmth treatment she's given once she displays her dissatisfaction.

While growing up, Chuck did not receive much encouragement from his caretakers. In fact, he was often harshly criticized in an unfair manner. As a result, Chuck will likely develop _____ based on Adler's theory of individual psychology. Group of answer choices



An inferiority complex


In layman's terms, inferiroty complexes is defined as "a mix of an individual's mistaken conviction that they are not sufficient to deal with some element of life due to a genuine or perceived bodily or mental weakness, emotions of sadness as well as a halt of dealing attempts in that field." "A generic word for a personal attitude of inadequacy," in another meaning.

A mystery writers group wants to hold public book discussions, with the group facing the audience and talking informally without prepared speeches and with the audience members asking them questions. What format would work best


A one way mirror in front of the mystery writers, with the mirror facing the audience would work best.

A defining element of the process referred to as diaspora is _____. displacement traveling for pleasure voluntary immigration acculturation





Diaspora: The term "diaspora" is described as a process of dispersion of various individuals from their "homeland".

Displacement: The term "displacement" is described as a situation whereby individuals are being forced to leave the specified place where they tend to live.

As per Angelika Bammer, displacement is referred to as the separation of individuals from their native culture through physical dislocation such as migrants, refugees, etc. and colonizing imposition on individuals of a foreign culture as well.

In the question above, the given statement represents "displacement".

Research has found that securely attached infants are more likely to be ______ attached relationship partners.





Secure attachment: The term "secure attachment" is distinguished by specific children who tend to show some kind of distress when their parents or caregivers leave a particular place but are capable of composing themselves rapidly when the caregiver or parents returns. A securely attached child reacts familiarly to a stranger as he or she reacts with his or her caregiver.

The secure attachment is associated with specific "abusive situations" as well.

In the question above, the given statement represents "securely attached" relationship partners.

where is the longest floating bridges located?​



Seattle, U.S.A


Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, Seattle, U.S.A., 2,350 meters (floating portion of bridge), completed 2016. The six-lane bridge carries State Route 520 across Lake Washington from Seattle to its eastern suburbs.

what conclusions can you draw about the field of psychology in the united states from the years 1983 to 1991?



The male employment has dropped while the women employment has increased simultaneously from 1983 to 1999 . Within 17 years a lot changes has taken place in phsycology employment .

Last week, Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. It is possible that Tate would be diagnosed as having:Last week, Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. Amazingly, he did not seem worried beforehand, and he showed no signs of autonomic nervous system arousal. In addition, Tate seems to lack a conscience for wrongdoing. It is possible that Tate would be diagnosed as having:



Tate would be diagnosed as having: antisocial personality disorder


Antisocial personality disorder is related to crime, violence and delinquency. Individuals who present it treat others insensitively, without apparent concern, without feeling of guilt, even motivated by opportunities to manipulate others. People with this personality disorder are extremely rigid, they cannot adapt to reality, which weakens their operational capacity. Antisocial people develop a relatively small fear of the threat of physical punishment, although they are motivated to avoid the loss of tangible rewards. In addition, there is a chronic low response of the autonomic nervous system, which is heavily involved in emotional responses.

While out at a club, your friend comes up to you and says she feels elated, confident, and has tons of energy. You suspect she may be on drugs. What drug has she possibly taken to elicit the symptoms



Las reacciones adversas a un fármaco pueden considerarse una forma de toxicidad; sin embargo, el término toxicidad suele aplicarse con más frecuencia a los efectos de las sobredosis (accidentales o intencionales) o a la presencia de altas concentraciones sanguíneas o de efectos farmacológicos exacerbados que aparecen durante la utilización correcta del fármaco (p. ej., cuando el metabolismo del fármaco se encuentra inhibido temporalmente por una enfermedad o la administración de otro fármaco).


Which theory links the onset of delinquency to the weakening of the ties that bind people to society



Hirschi links the onset of criminality to weakening of the ties that bind people to society. He assumes that all individuals are potential law violators, but most are kept under control because they fear that illegal behavior will damage their relationships with friends, family, neighbors, teachers, and employers.

Which statement best describes the Loyalists?



Wich statement best describes the Loyalist?


D) They believed all conflicts should be settled peacefully

When people are asked to recall a list of words they had earlier memorized, they often substitute common synonyms for some of the words on the original list. This best illustrates the effects of



This best illustrates the effects of semantic encoding.


The encoding process is the brain's way of understanding information and converting it into memory for storage and retrieval. The encoding process occurs when information is first processed and categorized. Semantic coding is the process that best solidifies a new concept in a person's understanding because it is understood within a meaningful context. During this stage, a new concept can be understood in a more applicable way that goes beyond learning its sensory aspects, as occurs in visual and acoustic coding.

What is the highest peak in North America? A. Mt. Saint Helen B. Mt. McKinley C. Mt. Whitney D. Mt. Rainier Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D





It is common for a person with a personality disorder to also suffer from another disorder, a relationship called:


They include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

Stage the differences betwen the the hunting gathering stage and animal rearing stage​


I think the answer is d hope it helps

Chuya was born to a Japanese-speaking mother and English-speaking father and is fluent in both languages. She recently participated in a study of bilingual university students. When she took a personality test in Japanese the results were very different from those when she took the same test in English. According to Whorf, this difference is due to:


Answer: linguistic determinism


Linguistic determinism refers to the range of views whereby the way we think is determined by language. Linguistic determinism explains that our language and its structures determine our thoughts and human knowledge.

Since she took a personality test in Japanese the results were very different from those when she took the same test in English, then this difference is due to linguistic determinism.

The Family Research Council, whose lobbying activities focus on a wide range of policies from gay marriage to estate taxes, is an example of a


I'dont know you answer alright

What is a factor that influences population growth is female education in an Less-developed countries


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include a question. Here we just have a sentence, but not a question.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

If this is a true or false question, then the answer is "true."

It is true that a factor that influences population growth is female education in less-developed countries.

In developing countries and poor nations, women can't access education. Most of them stay in the family environment, doing any kind of chores or jobs to earn some money and support the family.

They don't have access to quality education, and they do not learn about family birth-control procedures. They easily get pregnant due to this situation. And at an early age, these women are mothers, single mothers, which makes their lives even more complicated.

qualities that are important to ensure good relationships



honesty is a good quality to have in a relationship



Lynn Brown and Carol Gilligan conducted in-depth interviews of ________ to learn their views on friendships.



Preadolescent girls


Properties/Characteristics of an in-depth interview

1. The interviewer brings discussion back if it goes off topic

2. The interviewer says much less than participant because they agree to the viewpoint

3. They also never passively listens due to the fact they absorb and analyze all content

4. There is a collaborative meaning making process.


This is refered to as the stage or period in growth and development of a child that starts toward middle childhood and ends usually with 13th birthday.

It is also said to ranges from 9- 11 years for girls and 10-12 years for the boys.

Which Enlightenment idea is reflected in the excerpt?



c tthe social contract of the governmen


social contract or social compact

(in the theories of Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others) an agreement, entered into by individuals, that results in the formation of the state or of organized society, the prime motive being the desire for protection, which entails the surrender of some or all personal liberties

Tommy fell and skinned his knee. The scrape did not bleed. He must have only damaged the __________.



The answer is epidermis.


I hope this helped you out.

A good indicator of the overall condition of the hair and its ability to withstand a relaxer service is:



Perform a preliminary strand test


Subject to the application of hair treatment or intended alteration of hair color or properties, a preliminary hair strand test may be performed in other to examine and establish if the hair in question is suitable for the process. The preliminary strand test will give insight and idea about the possible result of the intended process, and the stylist will be able to infer if the hair is suitable to undergo such process or not. Hair stragd test may be necessary prior to relaxer application, hair color change and so on.

The Internet has made it possible for most people to order all of their clothing online. While this may be a preference for some people, most people still go to shopping malls and stores to purchase their clothing. People might give a variety of reasons for not wanting to use the Internet exclusively. What likely accounts for the difference in preference?
A. There is fear, often generated by advertisers, discouraging consumers from making online purchases.
B. There is a cultural lag between having the Internet and using the technology to its full capacity.
C. Many people are not knowledgeable about how to order clothing online.
D. Many consumers don't have their own personal computer which makes online shopping difficult.



I think it's A. <:

There is a cultural lag between having the Internet and using the technology to its full capacity likely accounts for the difference in preference. The correct option is B.

There is a cultural lag between having the Internet and using the technology to its full capacity. This means that even though most people have access to the Internet, they are not yet comfortable using it to make all of their purchases.

There are a number of reasons for this, including:

Lack of trust: Some people are not comfortable giving their credit card information online.

Fear of fraud: Some people are afraid that they will be scammed if they make online purchases.

Preference for in-person shopping: Some people simply prefer to shop in stores where they can see and feel the products before they buy them.

Option A is incorrect because there is no evidence that advertisers are discouraging consumers from making online purchases.

Option C is incorrect because there are many resources available to help people learn how to order clothing online.

Option D is incorrect because many people do have their own personal computers and use them to shop online.

Here are some additional reasons why people might prefer to shop in stores instead of online:

They want to try on clothes before they buy them.They want to see the clothes in person to get a better sense of the quality.They want to be able to return clothes if they don't like them.They enjoy the experience of shopping in stores.

It is likely that the cultural lag between having the Internet and using it to its full capacity will eventually disappear. As more and more people become comfortable with online shopping, the number of people who prefer to shop in stores will likely decrease. B is the correct option.

Learn more about cultural lag, here:


Australia is also called _____
(a) Namib
(b) saudi Arabia
(c) Oz
(d) Anadaman island​



c) OZ

Australia is also called oz because the stereotypical Aussie or Ozzy accent renders it "Oztralia". ... Frank .

hope it is helpful to you ☺️

The other name for Australia is the Oz coming from Ozzies

Julie's younger sister died suddenly from an undiagnosed heart defect. The next day, Julie fell into a trance-like state. Two days later, Julie became reanimated and began experiencing auditory hallucinations. Concerned for her well-being, Julie's family took her to the local hospital. After a week of inpatient care, Julie started acting like her old self again. Given this information, Julie's diagnosis would be __________.



Given this information, Julie's diagnosis would be brief psychotic disorder.


Brief psychotic disorder may take place after a stressful or traumatic event. In the period of one day to one month, the person affected will present at least one psychotic symptom - delusion, hallucination, incoherence, catatonic behavior, etc. As we can see, Julie's case fits into that description. After a traumatic even (the loss of her sister), she showed a couple of psychotic symptoms (catatonic behavior and hallucinations). After a couple of weeks, she went back to her normal self.

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