In the Fourth Party System, Democrats versus Republicans (GOP), which party was the “liberal” party in terms of wanting to use the power of the federal government and which is the “conservative” party?


Answer 1


In the Fourth Party System, the "liberal" party in terms of wanting to use the power of the federal government was the Republican Party, while the "conservative" party was the Democratic Party.

During this political period, which lasted from the 1890s until the presidency of F.D. Roosevelt and his New Deal, the Republican Party dominated politics almost alone at the federal level, establishing through this domination a system of non-interference by the federal government in regulatory matters, thus favoring large companies that, except in matters of monopolies They did not have major regulations and could carry out their activities practically without controls.

Related Questions

Why did the people of Jericho build a wall around their city?


Answer: to build fortresses in Europe during the Medieval Age



The walls of Jericho were built to keep human intruders out of the settlement and its water supply.


Britannica, Walls of Jericho

Standing your ground is primarily about protecting an individual from criminals chargers. What the correct answer question true or false


Answer: True


Sometimes people who are in danger of being harmed by criminals resort to deadly violence which can gravely injure or even kill the criminal. There are states in the U.S. that protect a person's rights to do this under "Standing Your Ground" laws.

These laws protect the individual who acted in self-defense from prosecution because it completely nullifies the need to even go to court in the first place. If this law is applied, the individual is protected from criminal charges because they never even reach the trial stage.

How did the election of 1876 end Reconstruction efforts to ensure African American equality in the South?

Hayes won the election with a promise to his voters that he would ensure the repeal of the 14th and 15th Amendments.
Once the federal troops left the South, African Americans lost many of the rights they recently gained during Reconstruction.
Since a Democrat won the election, the old leaders of the South were able to come back to power.
Hayes appointed many African Americans to his cabinet, which helped ensure equality for all citizens in the South.



I'll say B. (Once the federal troops left the South, African Americans lost many of the rights they recently gained during Reconstruction.)


maslow's hỉearchy of needs level 4



Needs for Self-Esteem: The need for appreciation and respect is found at the fourth level of Maslow's hierarchy. When the needs at the bottom three levels have been met, the esteem needs take over as the primary motivator of behaviour.  

A leading thinker on Old World history and author of books such as Man Makes Himself and Dawn of European Civilization, V. Gordon Childe moved beyond classification, seeking to understand:_______



Growth and development of society.


Explains man's ability to make his own living with the help of tools and techniques. It traces the development of as food producer, and emergence of cities nd the rise of foreign trade along with the urban revolution.

What is responsible for regulating the programs we see on television?
A. Watchdog groups
B. The U.S. government's V-chip
C. The Radio-Television News Directors Association's code of ethics
D. All of the above





Ummm yea

The answer for the question is : C

Del texto Pedro Paramo, extrae:
1. Una oración interrogativa
2. Una oración exclamativa
3. Una oración imperativa
4. Una oración enunciativa afirmativa
5. Una oración enunciativa negativa



1) Una oración interrogativa es una oración que se utiliza para pedir información, usualmente, en forma de pregunta.

Es decir, podemos elegir cualquier pregunta del texto, como:

"¿Y a qué va usted a Comala, si se puede saber?"

Pregunta que le hacen al narrador en la segunda pagina.

2) Oración exclamativa es aquella que se usa para expresar algun sentimiento con algun dado enfasis.

En Pedro Paramo encontramos:

"¡Padre, queremos que nos lo bendiga! "

Cuando le piden al padre Renteria que bendiga al cuerpo.

3)  Una oración imperativa es aquella que se usa para dar una orden o demanda.

En el texto podemos encontrar:

"De hoy en adelante le darás de comer a  esa mujer lo mismo que a mí, no le hace que se te ampolle el codo. "

4) Una oración enunciativa es aquella que anunca o expresa ideas, conceptos o sucesos, las cuales pueden ser positivas o negativas.

Para el caso positivo, tenemos:

"Voy para abajo, señor."

Donde se afirma que se va a un dado lugar.

5) para el caso negativo, tendriamos:

"No pienso inquirir por ella, si es eso lo que te preocupa"

Donde tenemos la negación de una idea.

Is there bias in the Pearl Harbor speech? Where is this bias found?

Thank you!!


Answer:Essentially, Roosevelt's speech and timing extended his executive powers to not only declaring war but also making war, a power that constitutionally belongs to Congress.  Yesterday, December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.


Just to confirm the guy that answered was right ^

1.3. An example of human resource is-
a. Sunlight
Natural gas
d. Geothermal energy
If the statement is true, write T-​


I think answer is True

have a great day


the statement is false


because human resources involve;


HR Letters,

Compensation & Benefits Training Process,

Induction & Joining Formalities, and

Employees Provident Fund.

Women's suffrage in the United States was a hot button issue that culminated in the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution in August, 1920. At the time, how do you think functionalists would address the issue of women voting and participating in the political process and why? If someone stepped forward in a public forum and worked to repeal the Nineteenth Amendment in 2020, how would functionalism interpret that pursuit?



Every component or aspects of society is important.


Functionalists would address the issue of women voting and participating in the political process because they thought that every component and subject of society are important for the betterment and development of the society. Functionalism is a theory which states that all aspects of a society serve a purpose and necessary for the long-term survival of the society. If someone repeal on the Nineteenth Amendment in the year 2020, the functionalism interpret that pursuit as a violation of rights of women and defend it at any cost.

Explain why ancient Egypt's rulers had more authority than most rulers today



Ancient Egyptian rulers commonly had absolute power, with nobody willing or able to argue their demands. Modern governments typically divide power among several different groups or people.

Cause Egyptian Rulers were giga Chads and modern governments fold to the people

What are romans? Like what are they?



Angry romans. Spartans. They are similar to greeks. They Also were part of a empire called Rome. Expect them to be military like. Also brilliant fighters.


What is the credibility of the source?
Historical sources?


Primary source is the answer

explain how the governments of two different countries are similar and different. Use at least two of the following terms in your response: autocracy, oligarchy, democracy, unitary, federation, confederation, parliamentary.



They are similar if both have same type of government.


The governments of two different countries are similar if their government is similar to each other and different if they have different government. For example, if both countries have democracy or autocracy, we can say that they are similar to each other while on the other hand, if on country has democracy and the other has autocracy then they are different from one another.

Which clause, outlined in Article one, section 8, clause 18 of the U.S Constitution, grants Congress the power and right to make and carry-out laws?
A. Judicial Review Clause
B. The Supremacy Clause
C. The Necessary and Proper Clause
D. The Inherent Clause



B. The Necessary and Proper Clause

Which branch of the federal government must approve a budget ?



The Constitution puts Congress in charge of the budget, granting it the power to collect taxes, borrow money, and approve spending

The Constitution puts Congress in charge of the budget, granting it the power to collect taxes, borrow money, and approve spending

2. Describe the debate in the South Carolinian colonial legislature. In the movie patriot


The debate takes place in Charleston where people including the lead actor Benjamin Martin, a veteran of the French and Indian war is called support the Continental army. It is stated that other states like Massachusetts and Virginia were at war and the war was for a greater good, i.e. the independence of America. However, the lead actor persists that there are alternatives to war. Haunted by his past war experience and the responsibilities towards his 7 children he denies to be the part of the war against England. 3. How would you characterize the British view of the American colonists (don’t assume rebels)? The British view the American colonists as nobodies. They believe that they had the ultimate power against the colonists. 4. Near the end of the Battle of Yorktown, shortly before he surrendered, the actor playing General Cornwallis stated, “Everything will change…everything has changed.” What does he mean? By that statement he is admitting that he was wrong in thinking how the British had the ultimate power over the colonist and how they could never win the war. He is acknowledging his defeat and the win of the colonists in the war. 5. How did the colonists defeat the British? They defeated the British with strong unity, perseverance and a strategic plan. After Gabriel is taken hostage, Martin entered the continental army to avenge the death of his son. The continental army got support from the French soldiers and they fought the war with tactics they learnt about the British. With all the war that went on, Martin was able to fight Tavington and stab him to death. After Tavington is killed, the British accept their defeat. I have very similar views. The Sons of Liberty could be seen as both mob or patriots. They were mobs for the British but Patriots for Americans. Although the methods they used to revolt were violent, maybe they needed it to achieve the political goals and grab the attention of the British. Had it been a peaceful protest at that time the impact may not have been as powerful as the violent method Sons of Liberty choose

Immediately before the 1960 election, Nixon was:
O Governor
O Mayor
O Vice President
O Senator
O House member
Question 5


i believe vice president

khái niệm phương pháp ngôn ngữ


True! good point make sense

which regions in india were invaded by Mahmud Ghazni?​



Kabul, Delhi, Kanauj, Mathura, Kangra, Thaneshwar, Kashmir, Gwalior, Malwa, Bundelkhand, Tripuri, Bengal and Punjab.


These are the regions in india that were invaded by Mahmud Ghazni.

Beginning in the Middle Ages, what did most people in England come to believe about government in England?
O Governments should be given all the power they need.
Monarchs should have authority to make all decisions.
O People need their civil liberties protected from government abuse.
Kings and queens best represent the interests of the people



Kings and queens best represent the interests of the people


Beginning in the Middle Ages, most people in England came to believe that kings and queens best represent the interests of the people.

This was due to the fact that a monarchical system of government was already in place and they believed that the rulers had the interest of the people at heart.

Answer: D


edge 2023 the person above is right im just simplifying it

Why are you a great match for this role? Warehouse packages



it just talented player as well as hardworking

Which scenario is an example of a technological development that could cause historical accounts to change over time?

Researchers find several arrowheads buried beneath a Viking church.
Artifacts uncovered in the Alps show scientists that early humans dressed in fur.
DNA extracted from an Egyptian mummy reveals the way the person may have died.
Scientists learn about the impact of volcanic eruptions by studying remains from Pompeii.



DNA extracted from an Egyptian mummy reveals the way the person may have died.


Technological development like CT scans, Radiocarbon and DNA extracting cause historical changes over time.

Technology plays an enormous role by allowing historians to analyze data. The technology of CT scans, DNA testing and other x-ray devices assist us in looking and understanding mummification without harming the body and wrappings. Technology has also allowed more detailed examination that cannot be achieved in the past.




8. The Delawares lived primarily among the: (10pts)
middle colonies
none of the



middle colonies


The Native American native tribe, the Delaware, also known as the Lenape lived close to the Delaware River and spoke the Algonquian language.

They lived primarily among the middle colonies which were made up of the colonies of New York, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania

tegese tembung pageblug yaiku
a akeh pari
b akeh lelara
c wayah panen
d wayah tandu​


Please I don’t understand the language how may I answer the question if you don’t understand question how will you answer the question

24. Which of the following did Genghis Khan succeed in doing before he forged an empire?
uniting divided tribes
converting to monotheism
building a trade network
inventing gunpowder



Uniting divided tribes

Write a paragraph overview of the purpose and structure of the Declaration of Independence.




The purpose of the Declaration of Independence is to declare the reasons and causes of the colonists to separate themselves from Britain. The Declaration begins with a short introduction called the Preamble. The Preamble explains the reason for the document, which is to declare the causes that have created the need for the colonies to "dissolve the political bands" with England, and to create itself as an independent nation. The preamble leads into the next section that is "long train of abuses and usurpations". This section describes how the people will take action in creating a new government for themselves. This gives the reasons of the revolution by explaining all of the wrongs that have been committed against the colonies by England. After these facts have been listed the next section details the ways that the colonies have responded to England's actions by trying to help the king to understand the injustice of England's actions. The final section lists specific functions that our new government has the power to carry out as a new nation among the other nations among the world.

What did the Homestead strike show?



Correct Answer would be: A) the government usually sided with business owners

Explanation: They where willing to use force to end strikes.  

Which country is not a former soviet republic?

A. Tajikistan
B. Pakistan
C. Kazakhstan
D. Turkmenistan



Pakistan is not a soviet republic


B. Pakistan was not a former soviet republic

What happens during stagflation? Check all that apply.

A. high unemployment
B. high prices
C. increased production
D. increased wages earned
E. falling production


High prices
Increased wages earned
Falling production




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