Increasing line of sight and path of travel is a good idea when driving at higher speeds because it helps a driver to remain prepared.


Answer 1
the answer is true!!!
Answer 2

It is true that Increasing line of sight and path of travel is a good idea when driving at higher speeds because it helps a driver to remain prepared. Thus, the correct answer is option (a).

What is a line of sight?

The fictitious line that connects the observer and the target is called the line of sight (LOS). Line of sight in communications refers to both the straight path between a transmitter and a receiver and any potential obstacles in that path.

Line of Sight, also known as Sight Distance, is the length of the road surface that a driver can see while maintaining a reasonable reaction time.

The series of consecutive positions your vehicle takes as it moves toward your destination is known as the path of travel. Unless other circumstances modify the location of your car and cause you to change your direction of travel, you will typically stay in the middle of a driving lane when travelling straight ahead.

Therefore, the statement is true.

To learn more about line of sight, click here:


Related Questions

Can I sue a teacher if they claim my work for themselves?


Yes that is plagiarism

The following is NOT one of the stages of licensing in Georgia:

A. Class CP (Learned’s permit);
B. Class D (Graduated license);
C. Class C (full license)
D. Class CDL (beginner commercial license)


The correct answer is d

Class CDL (beginner commercial license) is not one of the stages of licensing in Georgia and is denoted as option D.

What is Licensing?

This is referred to as an official permission to do something. Permit is always given after different stages.

Licensing in Georgia has the following stages such as:

Class CP (Learned’s permit)Class D (Graduated license)C. Class C (full license).

Read more about Licensing here


Which of the following is an example of procedural law? A. The order in which the steps of a trial take place B. The specific civil rights listed in the U.S. Constitution C. What an individual is allowed to do in public locations D. The amount of a certain chemical that can be present in manufacturing waste ​



A. The order in which the steps of a trial take place


Procedural law is actual law in which procedures are followed in-order to administer it. For example, some one accused of theft, there is need to follow a procedure in-order to validate whether the person is guilty or not. At the initial time, it would be assumed that, the person is not guilty till proven otherwise.

Why statutory protection (legislation) is needed to protect consumers entering into contracts with businesses and traders.



In simple words, Both companies and consumers benefit from consumer protection. Consumers must have access to reliable, unbiased information about the goods as well as services consumers buy. This allows individuals to make the best decisions for their own interests and protects them from being exploited or mislead by corporations.

The 1986 Consumer Protection Act aims to promote and defend customers' interests in the face of flaws and faults in goods as well as services.  Also it aims to protect a consumer's rights from unfair or discriminatory trade practices.

cơ sở để phân biệt quan hệ kinh doanh và quan hệ dân sự





batho pele principles​



it is based on 8 principles


service standards






value for money

13. Supporters of Madison's view about the inclinations of members of Congress could point to which of the follow ing actions ? (A) Members of Congress voting to authorize increased military spending (B ) Members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal money to local projects Members of Congress requiring federal oversight for cleanup of toxic waste sites ( ) Congress authorizing the use of states " National Guard units to patrol the country's borders


Answer: (B ) Members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal money to local projects


James Madison believed in a strong federal government that would yet be balanced by the members of Congress being both loyal to the nation as a whole and to their states.

He believed that state governments should not worry too much about the federal government taking power from them because members of Congress were from various states and would work to advance the interests of those states at a federal level.

Supporters of this view would point to members of Congress using earmarks to direct federal funding. A process which allowed Members of Congress to fund projects in their home states directly from federal funds which showed that the members of Congress were advancing state interests at a federal level.

What is the South African law that is unjust​



The South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment provides a comprehensive, systematic exposition of the principles of the law of unjustified enrichment. It sets out the general requirements for enrichment liability, differentiates between the main types of situations in


hope this helps...

many people have argued that Ghana has no laws. Do you subscribe to this class of people.​



No, I do not. Ghana does have laws.


Ghana has a very operational legal system. Its judicial universe is patterned after that of Britain's Common Law system.

Besides having a functional and healthy legal complex, Ghana is known for the adroitness of its judges, the independence of its legal system from the politics or the influence of the political class, and the ability to dispense justice fairly.

The republic of Ghana's legal system rests on the foundation of its constitution. Her constitution which exists as the supreme law of the Republic was approved by 92 percent of the electorate through a national referendum on the 28th day of April nineteen-ninety-two.


The Secret Service was assigned responsibility for protecting the president and his family following the assassination of which U.S. official?

a.President Abraham Lincoln
b.President John F. Kennedy
c.President William McKinley
d.President Ronal Reagan


The answer should be C.President McKinley.
C is the answer I looked it up

Many of you may remember when Target decided to allow those who identified as a different gender to use the restroom of the gender they identified with. After this decision, Target's stock prices dropped dramatically. After reading the section on The Business Judgment Rule, please tell me in your own opinion if you think a decision that devastates a stock price like this one did is a breach of the executive officer's duty to their shareholders? Explain your answer.


Answer:well its kina,hard ro explain my thought ands opinion on this but,as in diffrent genders could be a dif but not as well


The business judgment rule is a legal principle that gives executives and directors of a corporation a presumption of good faith and reasonableness in their business decisions, provided that they act in the best interests of the corporation and with a reasonable amount of care and diligence.

What is the business Judgement rule principle?

The business judgment rule states that if a director's actions can be proven to have been taken logically, a court will not pursue them. with good intentions. knowing they were acting in a way that was advantageous to the company.

The rule recognizes that business decisions often involve risks and uncertainties and that decision-makers should be allowed to exercise their judgment without undue interference or second-guessing.

In the case of Target's decision to allow individuals to use the restroom of the gender they identify with, it can be argued that the decision was made in the best interests of the corporation, as it reflects the company's commitment to inclusivity and diversity.

While the decision did result in a drop in stock prices, it is important to note that stock prices can be affected by a variety of factors beyond the control of the executives, such as market conditions, competition, and global events. Moreover, the long-term effects of the decision on the company's reputation and customer loyalty may offset the short-term drop in stock prices.

Learn more about the business Judgement rule here:


What’s The answer to this question ?!



both parties


looked up the definition

If you refuse to take a blood urine breath test to determine if you are under the influence


It’s drugs or alcohol

Suppose a plaintiff alleges that a North Carolina campaign-financing law violates his First Amendment (to the United States Constitution) free speech rights. This case _____, and it falls under _____ jurisdiction



raises a federal question; concurrent


A plaintiff is a party or an individual who files a case against another party in the court of law.

The [tex]\text{First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America }[/tex]prevents the Government or the Congress to make any law that regulates the establishment of any religion or it prevents the free exercise of any religion or abridge the freedom of press or of speech and he right of people for peaceful assembly.

Concurrent jurisdiction exits where more than one court is involved and where the hearing is done in two or more courts together and simultaneously over the specific case.

In the context, a person files a case against a campaign-financing law of North Carolina stating that the law violates the plaintiffs First Amendment freedom of speech rights.

Thus his lawsuit raises a federal question and the case falls under a concurrent jurisdiction where more than one court will have jurisdiction over the case.

11. In relation to existing duties, which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) b) c)
Performance of existing duties can never amount to good consideration.
Where the existing duties are exceeded, this may amount to good consideration
Where the promisee confers a benefit on the other party, this may amount to good consideration.
Where the promisee assists the other party in avoiding a detriment, this may amount to good consideration
12. An
a) Between friends and social acquaintances
b) Between husband and wife
c) Where parties in a commercial relationship have established the agreement between them is
'in honour only'
d) Between parties in a commercial relationship
13. Where a meaningless term is used in an agreement, the effect is?
a) The entire contract will be held unenforceable.
b) It has no practical effect on the contract - the whole contract is enforceable
c) This term, rather than the entire contract, may be held unenforceable.
d) The courts will order the parties to re-write the contract to more accurately identify what
their intentions were.
14. In relation to minors, which of the following types of contract is not voidable but binds the minor?
a) Contracts involving the sale of shares
b) Leasingproperty
c) Contracts of partnership
d) A contract for necessities
15. Which of the following is NOT a type of mistake in contract law?
a) Frustrated mistake
b) Common mistake
c) Mutual mistake
d) Unilateral mistake
16. Which of the following elements is incorrect in establishing an actionable misrepresentation?
a) A statement of material fact that induces the other party into the contract
b) A false representation
c) The innocent party did or did not believe the statement to be true
d) The representation induced the party into the contract.



11. Performance of existing duties can never amount to good consideration.

12. Between husband and wife.

13. It has no practical effect on the contract. The whole contract is enforceable.

14. A contract of necessities

15. frustrated mistake

16. The innocent party did or did not believe the statements to be true.


A contract is a binding agreement in which both the parties are liable to fulfill the duties agreed in the contract. There can be terms listed in the contract on which both parties agrees. If there is a vague term, it needs to be cleared while if there is some meaningless term it has no effect on the contract.

For what crime might a person need to appear in front of a Federal Magistrate?

speeding ticket
stealing someone’s mail
assaulting a policeman



b . shoplifting .


by definition of magistrate , they deal with less serious cases like minor theft .

A crime might a person need to appear in front of a Federal Magistrate is shoplifting. Option B is correct.

What is shoplifting?

Shoplifting is the theft of merchandise from an open retail outlet.

Typically, the offender leaves the store without paying after concealing a store item on their person, in their pockets, under their clothing, or in a bag.

Shoplifters may put on apparel and leave the store wearing it after stealing other items. In most legal contexts, the phrases "shoplifting" and "shoplifter" are not defined. Larceny is the legal category under which shoplifting typically falls.

Further Federal magistrate in United States has the authority to order criminal arrests, civil penalties, or both, based on the retailer's policies as per state laws for shoplifting crime.

Thus Option B is correct.

Learn more about shoplifting refer:


cộng sản Việt Nam đã vận dụng lí luận chủ nghĩa Mác Lê nin về hình thái kinh tế xã hội vào xây dựng chủ nghĩa xã hội trong thời kì quá độ ở nước ta như thế nào ? rút ra ý nghĩa đối với sinh viên


TCCS - Thời kỳ trước đổi mới, ở Việt Nam cũng như ở các nước trong hệ thống xã hội chủ nghĩa (XHCN) đã đồng nhất sở hữu với tư cách là một quan hệ pháp lý với sở hữu là quan hệ kinh tế khách quan. Chúng ta đã không tuân thủ những chỉ dẫn của C. Mác và Ph. Ăng-ghen về xóa bỏ chế độ tư hữu nên đã có tư tưởng chủ quan, nóng vội, duy ý chí muốn xóa bỏ chế độ sở hữu tư nhân và kinh tế tư nhân trong một thời gian ngắn. Trước yêu cầu đòi hỏi của thực tiễn hiện nay, chúng ta cần tiếp tục hoàn thiện các vấn đề về sở hữu trong thời kỳ quá độ lên chủ nghĩa xã hội (CNXH) ở Việt Nam.

4. What should you do when you come behind a stopped school bus which is unloading children?

A. Slow down before passing the bus.

B. Make a full stop before passing and move slowly.

C. Stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing.

D. None of the above


C. Stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing.

it’s c

stop behind the bus and remain stopped as long as lights are flashing

Cuáles son los aspectos que influyen en la correcta alimentación? Para los 4 aspectos inventar un ejemplo.



Una dieta sana es una dieta que garantice el suministro de todos los nutrientes y la energía necesarios en cantidades que coincidan exactamente con las necesidades del cuerpo. Según el conocimiento médico moderno, este tipo de dieta no se puede definir con precisión, porque la demanda de nutrientes es diferente para cada persona debido a las diferencias individuales, la edad, el sexo, el estado de salud, el estado fisiológico, el estilo de vida, el tipo de trabajo, las condiciones culturales, el lugar de residencia, temporada y disponibilidad de determinados alimentos.  

La mayoría de las instituciones científicas gubernamentales o independientes que se ocupan del tema de una dieta saludable generalmente se limitan a recomendaciones generales sobre la cantidad de nutrientes (como grasas, carbohidratos, proteínas, fibra, vitaminas y micronutrientes) que deben consumir las personas de cierta edad y con un estilo de vida determinado.

Which level of gov relies the most on income tax? Federal ,state ,local





Taxes go straight to your local government then up to county, state, then federal. Local government is where taxes first end up and that is why local government relies on taxes the most.



Explanation: Local governments mostly rely on the income from local properties, such as from the land they own and lease. The income tax, in contrast is the main source of the revenue of the federal government

What does visual lead time refer to?


the time and distance a driver visually scans ahead of their vehicle

Visual lead time refers to the duration between perceiving a visual stimulus and initiating a corresponding action or response.

It encompasses the processing time required for the brain to interpret visual information, make decisions, and initiate a motor response. This concept is crucial in various domains, including sports, driving, and everyday tasks.

A shorter visual lead time indicates faster reaction speed and can provide a competitive advantage. Factors influencing visual lead time include individual perceptual and cognitive abilities, task complexity, and environmental conditions.

By understanding and optimizing visual lead time, individuals can improve their responsiveness and decision-making, leading to enhanced performance in activities that rely heavily on visual processing.

Learn more about  visual lead time here


According to California law leaving her children ——-of age or younger attended in the vehicle is illegal


six years of age or younger, hope this helps :/

Why do you think a credit card company would agree to lend people money to buy things before they p ay for them


Because of interest. When we ask for money, we have to pay an extra amount per month, week, year (interest) That’s how your bank, card company etc makes money. It’s off of your money.

Bentham and Kant agree on which of the following?



In fact, Bentham would first take into account the consequences of all acts to determine whether each action induces pleasure or suffering, while Kant would consider perform the act & decide whether this action is moral "right" or "wrong." The theory of Bentham only recognises the best possible happiness induced.


A prosecutor discovers possible exculpatory evidence about the defendant but decides to withhold that evidence so that the defense will be at a disadvantage. What is a way that some jurisdictions have sought to ensure the fair exchange of information between parties?



Withholding evidence especially from the state is crime; On the calls of Perjury. And the Judge will get to ask for evidence, and the evidence may be leaked publicly over time.

What if . . . you were a judge and you had a repeat offender for purse snatching in your courtroom? This individual has already been on probation and home incarceration. The individual has also spent a couple of years in prison but keeps recidivating. What other sentencing option can you envision that may deter this individual from committing further crimes?


Answer: I’m not in law school nor am I a lawyer, I should probably ask my sis but oh well but um I think I would sent him or her life in prison.


This person had so many chances to turn his or her life around but instead keep coming back which mean he or she don’t mind spending the rest of his or her life there.


Since he was on Probation he would have to finish the remaining time in jail.

He will also receive an extra 3 years, for the purse snatching.  

And face rehabilitation, and therapy.

19. You should be prepared for a train to appear at a railroad crossing
A. between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
B. between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.
C. at any time
D. at night



C. at any time


Trains are liable to have schedule changes at any time,so you should always be prepared for a train to appear at a railroad crossing

24. The penalties for a first-time DUI charge include community service for
A. 5 hours
B. 20 hours
C. 50 hours
D. 200 hours
24 40


Answer: B. 20 hours


the first offence is a class c misdemeanor and usually is 20-40 hours of community service given

A fine is an example of what type of sanction?
O In-the-middle sanctions
O Indeterminate sanctions
Intermediate sanctions
O Incapacitation sentences
Retributive sentences


I might b wrong buh I think it’s indeterminate sanctions buh like I said might b wrong I would double check if I were u‍♀️
I think it’s intermediate sanctions

SOLID YELLOW LINES SEPARATE: A. Vehicles traveling in opposite directions B. Bicycle lanes from regular traffic C. Traffic lanes on one-way streets



A vehicles traveling in opposite direction

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