ình hình tài sản của Cty SAO KIM, số 7, Lê VănTám , phường 9, Quận 10 tính đến ngày 31/12/2020 như sau :

Đvt: triệu đồng.
Tiền mặt 1,000
Tiền gửi ngân hàng 79,000
Phải trả người bán 110,000
1399Nguyên vật liệu 225,000
Vay ngắn hạn ngân hàng 120,000
Công cụ dụng cụ 5,000
Nguồn vốn kinh doanh 965,000
Lãi chưa phân phối 203,500
Xe tải 100,000
Dây chuyền công nghệ 500,000
Máy móc thiết bị 389,000
Phải thu khách hàng 100,000
Phải trả người lao động X

Yêu cầu:
1. Tìm X.


Answer 1
Can you put this in English so I can help

Related Questions

Model of media richness



Media richness theory states that all communication media vary in their ability to enable users to communicate and to change understanding. ... A primary driver in selecting a communication medium for a particular message is to reduce the equivocality, or possible misinterpretations, of a message.


The term "media wealth" was described in 1986 by Richard Daft and Robert Lengel for the first time in the context of the media wealth theory. Media wealth describes the learning density that can be transmitted by a specific communication medium.


Before the growth of electronic communication media, MRT was developed to help managers decide which medium was best suited to communicate a message in business situations.

Rich media, such as conversations and phone calls, were best considered to be not-routine messages, while lean media were considered acceptable to routine messages like unaddressed memoranda.

The media wealth has been extended in the past two decades to cover the strengths and weaknesses of new media – from email to websites, video lectures, voice men, and immediate messages.

In media-rich contexts, humans evolved. Facial communication was the only way to communicate for hundreds of thousands of years living in stable, close-knit social groups. The concept of media choice did not exist until about 5,000 years ago, because it was not one-to-one or nothing apart from smoke signals.

How to write business proposal


A proposal finalises the sales process, it doesn’t begin it. Ideally, you should NEVER put a proposal to a prospect without having a conversation first.

Let’s say you get a request out of the blue to provide “some information”. What do you do? What you don’t do is just send some information as requested.

Step 1 - Diagnose

You pick up the telephone, call the person, and ideally arrange a meeting to ask more questions. Questions such as:

• what are you trying to achieve? what are your objectives?

• what are the issues you are currently facing?

• what have you tried before?

• what has led you to thinking this might be your solution?

• what are your constraints?

• what is your timeframe?

• what is your budget?

Step 2 - Plan

Look for areas where you can add value. Can you position a better product, a better way or a better price construct to give an outcome superior to the one they are thinking of? Aim to be as helpful as possible. Even if you just give advice and don’t win the work, they’ll think of you again.

If possible, give your prospect two or three options that fall within different budgets. You never know what funding they may have available to them, and you’re leaving money on the table if you give them one choice to either accept or reject. When provided with a good, better, best structure, most people tend to fall in the middle.

Step 3: - Socialise

Then it is a good idea to socialise your proposed solution with the person. Get their input, buy-in and feedback on the various options and let them select the one that works best for them.

Step 4: - Write

Lastly, put the information into writing, in a proposal.

Step 5: - Deliver

If you can, deliver a draft proposal in a face-to-face meeting and walk them through what you are thinking. Again, get their input, buy-in and feedback.

Step 6: - Close

Then send them a final proposal, with all your agreed points. If you make any changes from what was agreed, go back to them and let them know.

I hope this helps.

Which of the following is not a standard organizational structure


Question Completion with Options:

i. Line Organisation

ii. Staff Organisation

iii. Functional Organisation

iv. Committee Organisation Code  


The option that is not a standard organizational structure is:

iv. Committee Organisation Code


The organizational structure adopted by an entity reflects how some of its rules, roles, and responsibilities are directed between organizational levels in order to achieve its goals. The organizational structure also shows the information flows between different levels within the entity.  Traditionally, organizations maintained hierarchical, functional, divisional, matrix, and flat organizational structures.  Given current digitalization with its internet of things (IoT), more decentralized, network, and team-based organizational structures have emerged.

a. Billed customers for fees earned, $112,700.
b. Purchased supplies on account, $4,500.
c. Received cash from customers on account, $88,220.
d. Paid creditors on account, $3,100.
e. On October 12, fees earned on account were $14,600.

Journalize this transaction.





Which measure of central tendency and dispersion can syafig calculate



nominal variables


Rolando, a senior employee, has been asked to monitor the activities of some new employees and report to her if he finds them engaged in activities that are not work related. He finds them spending far too much time on social networking sites. However, instead of reporting this, he advises the new employees to refrain from using those sites in the future. Moreover, he tells Alexa that they were doing their work effectively. In this scenario, Rolando has engaged in




From the question we are informed about Rolando, who is a senior employee, has been asked to monitor the activities of some new employees and report to her if he finds them engaged in activities that are not work related. He finds them spending far too much time on social networking sites. However, instead of reporting this, he advises the new employees to refrain from using those sites in the future. Moreover, he tells Alexa that they were doing their work effectively. In this scenario, Rolando has engaged in Filtering.

Filtering can be regarded as distortion as well as withholding of information so that reactions of a person or entity can be managed. It can be explained as process whereby some information is been hide to higher rank workers by

employee, whereby this is done so that

employees that committed a fault is not affected. Filtering serves as an act that middle-range workers can take to give

enough confidence to their surbodinates so that they can correct themselves which is alternative of punishing them.

Operating Leverage
Haywood Co. reports the following data:
Sales $6,160,000
Variable costs (4,620,000)
Contribution margin $1,540,000
Fixed costs (440,000)
Operating income $1,100,000
Determine Haywood Co.’s operating leverage. Round your answer to one decimal place.



Degree of operating leverage= 1.4


Giving the following information:

Sales $6,160,000

Variable costs (4,620,000)

Contribution margin $1,540,000

Fixed costs (440,000)

Operating income $1,100,000

To calculate the degree of operating leverage, we need to use the following formula:

degree of operating leverage= Total contribution margin / operating income

degree of operating leverage= 1,540,000 / 1,100,000

degree of operating leverage= 1.4

Coronado, Inc. reported net income of $2.95 million in 2022. Depreciation for the year was $188,800, accounts receivable decreased $413,000, and accounts payable decreased $330,400. Compute net cash provided by operating activities using the indirect method



Net cash provided by operating activities $3,221,400


The computation of the  net cash provided by operating activities using the indirect method is given below

cash provided by operating activities

Net income $2,950,000

Add: depreciation $188,800

Add: decrease in account receivable $413,000

Less: decrease in account payable -$330,400

Net cash provided by operating activities $3,221,400

When marginal cost is greater than average cost, average cost must be:_________.
a. rising.
b. falling.
c. constant.
d. The direction of change in marginal cost cannot be determined from this information.




The average cost will be rising

All companies try to have happy workers as they know the relationship between satisfaction and performance. This is why they are focusing on motivating their employees in a variety of ways. From what you have learned please suggest what companies should do to have a working place that could effectively motivate their employees.



1. Reward and incentivize workers

2. Set smaller weekly or biweekly goals for them.

3. Foster trust between the managers and workers.


In order to have workers who are motivated to put in their best in the company, employers should take certain positive actions. These actions include;

1. Reward and incentivize workers: Rewards which could be monetary, as word of praise, or formal recognition can move workers to give their best. Humans are motivated when their efforts are recognized and praised. Therefore, incentivizing workers is a good way to get them motivated.

2. Set smaller weekly or biweekly goals for them: Setting humongous goals and targets can scare off and pressurize the workers. But when these large goals are broken into smaller goals, they can then be motivated to reach those goals.

3. Foster trust between the managers and workers: When workers have a sense of belonging and know that they are trusted, they will be in a more relaxed frame to achieve their goals. Unwarranted allegations and suspicions can put the workers on edge.

Mark the statements that are TRUE.
Technology means the type of natural resources that are available.
Careful study and review is known as capital.
It would not make much sense to force an unskilled laborer to work in a surgical position,
Your nation's labor force includes people who want to work but do not have a job at the moment.
Your nation's money is considered capital.



true statements are






Tecnología significa el tipo de recursos naturales que están disponibles. V

El estudio y la revisión cuidadosos se conocen como capital. F

No tendría mucho sentido obligar a un trabajador no calificado a trabajar en un puesto quirúrgico. V

La fuerza laboral de su país incluye personas que quieren trabajar pero que no tienen trabajo en este momento.V

El dinero de su nación se considera capitalV  .


If Hawk Manufacturing incurs $600,000 during a joint manufacturing process before the split-off point, that $600,000 represents the



Joint cost incurred in the process


In domain of accounting, a joint cost can be regarded as a cost that is been incurred in a joint process. Joint costs may encompass costs like direct material,overhead costs as well as direct labor that is been incurred during a joint production process.

joint production process can be regarded as one whereby one input give yields of multiple outputs. This process helps to automatically creates other types of output product when creating one type of output.

For instance, Joint cost when a Manufacturing company incurs $600,000 during a joint manufacturing process before the split-off point, that $600,000 represents the Joint cost .

A company sells a product which has a unit sales price of $5, unit variable cost of $3 and total fixed costs of $150,000. The number of units the company must sell to break even is:___________.
A. 50,000 units.
B. 300,000 units.
C. 75,000 units.
D. 30,000 units.





Breakeven quantity are the number of  units produced and sold at which net income is zero

If the sales of a company exceeds the breakeven quantity, the firms is earning a profit.

If the company's sales is less than the Breakeven quantity , the firm is making losses that would not be recouped

Breakeven quantity = fixed cost / price – variable cost per unit

150,000 / (5 -3) = 75000

In ________ organizational cultures, more individuality is shown through the organization’s rules being less strictly applied.





An organizational culture can be defined as the shared norms, beliefs, assumptions and values that exist in an organization.

An ethical climate can be defined as a collection of behaviors that are considered to be acceptable and correct within an organization or business firm. Also, an ethical climate provides the human resources management of an organization with a framework or benchmark on how employee behavioral issues or ethical problems are to be managed or handled within the organization.

In weak organizational cultures, more individuality of an employee working within an organization is shown as a result of the organization’s rules being less strictly applied.

On a related note, the rules guiding an organization are generally strictly being applied in strong organizational culture.

Newton Corporation was organized on January 1, 20X7. On that date, it issued 200,000 shares of its $10 par value common stock at $15 per share (400,000 shares were authorized). During the period January 1, 20X7, through December 31, 20X9, Newton reported net income of $750,000 and paid cash dividends of $380,000. On January 5, 20X9, Newton purchased 12,000 shares of its common stock at $12 per share. On December 31, 20X9, 8,000 treasury shares were sold at $8 per share. Newton used the cost method of accounting for treasury shares. What is the total stockholders' equity of Newton as of December 31, 20X9





Calculation to determine total stockholders' equity of Newton as of December 31, 20X9

200,000 shares issued for $15$3,000,000

(200,000 shares* $15)

Add Net income $750,000

Less Dividends ($380,000)

Less Purchased 12,000 treasury shares at $12 ($144,000)

(12,000 treasury shares*$12)

Add Decrease in treasury stock account $96,000

(8,000 shares *$12)

Less Decrease in additional paid-in capital ($32,000)

[(8,000 shares *$12)-(8,000 shares *$8])

Total Stockholders’ equity $3,290,000

Therefore total stockholders' equity of Newton as of December 31, 20X9 is $3,290,000

Your company buys a computer system from IBM for $3 million and pays IBM $200,000 to install the computer system. The $3 million is on credit and your company pays $100,000 of interest on the loan in the current year. The acquisition cost of the computer system at the end of the current year will be



$3.2 million


Calculation to determine what The acquisition cost of the computer system at the end of the current year will be

Using this formula

Acquisition cost=Purchase price+ Installation cost

Let plug in the morning

Acquisition cost= $3 million +$200,000

Acquisition cost=$3.2 million

Therefore The acquisition cost of the computer system at the end of the current year will be $3.2 million

In this type of budget, the master budget is based on a single prediction for sales volume, and the budgeted amount for each cost essentially assumes that a specific amount of sales will occur. Group of answer choices Flexible budget. Variable budget. Standard budget. Fixed budget.



Fixed budget.


A fixed budget can be regarded as financial plan which is not been modified for any variations that could come up in actual activity. In most times some companies may have experience of substantial variations as regards their expected activity levels within the encompassed period of budget as well as the amounts in that budget. The budget cost allowances in a fixed budget for each cost item cannot be changed as regards the variable items. It should be noted that in Fixed budget the master budget is based on a single prediction for sales volume, and the budgeted amount for each cost essentially assumes that a specific amount of sales will occur.

A new machine requires an investment of $630,000 and will generate $100,000 in cash inflows for 7 years, at which time the salvage value of the machine will be $130,000. Using a discount rate of 10%, the net present value of the machine is $_________





Net present value is the present value of after-tax cash flows from an investment less the amount invested.  

NPV can be calculated using a financial calculator  

Cash flow in Y0 = -630,000

Cash flow in Y1 - Y6 = 100,000

Cash flow in Y7 = 100,000 + 130,000

I = 10%

npv = $-76,447.56

To find the NPV using a financial calculator:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  


-76,510, (76,510)


Labor productivity is?



Workforce productivity is the amount of goods and services that a group of workers produce in a given amount of time. It is one of several types of productivity that economists measure.

At the beginning of the period, the Cutting Department budgeted direct labor of $125,000, direct materials of $151,000 and fixed factory overhead of $11,800 for 8,000 hours of production. The department actually completed 10,600 hours of production. What is the appropriate total budget for the department, assuming it uses flexible budgeting? Round hourly rates to two decimal places. Round interim calculations to two decimal places. Round your final answer to the nearest dollar. a.$381,335 b.$377,606 c.$291,635 d.$287,800



the  appropriate total budget should be $377,500


The computation of the appropriate total budget should be given below:

Direct material ($151,000 ÷ 8,000 × 10,600) $200,075

direct labor ($125,000 ÷ 8,000 × 10,600) $165,625

fixed factory overhead $11,800

Total budget cost 377,500

Hence, the  appropriate total budget should be $377,500

This is the answer but the same is not provided in the given options

How does unemployment impact a society


People living in a society judge a person very quickly If the person is unemployment society starts to judge and they start to dominate who is unemployment

To decrease unemployment we need to respect each work but the people living in a society starts to judge people and that's the great weakness of the people so if Unemployment is decreased in the country, than there would be positive impact

i hope i have give my answer according to my thoughts

Suppose an industrial building can be purchased for $2,500,000 today and is expected to yield cash flows of $180,000 each of the next five years. (Note: assume cash flows are received at end of year.) If the building is expected to be sold at the end of the fifth year for $2,800,000, calculate the IRR for this investment over the five year holding period


Answer: 9.20%


Use Excel to find out the IRR.

Ensure that you write the purchase price in negatives as shown in the attached picture.

The cashflow for the last year will be the sum of the selling price and the cash flow.

= 2,800,000 + 180,000

= $2,980,000

IRR = 9.20%

Inflation imposes many costs on the economy: shoe-leather costs, money illusion, menu costs, wealth redistribution, price confusion, future price level uncertainty, and tax distortions.

a. True
b. False


Answer: True


Inflation refers to the decline in the purchasing power of a currency over time. Inflation creates shoe leather cost which refers to the cost of time and.the effort by which individuals spend so as to mitigate the effects of inflation, like holding fewer cash.

Also, inflation creates money illusion as there's reduction in the value of money that one holds. Inflation creates menu costs as prices goes up. It also brings about wealth redistribution, price confusion, future price level uncertainty, and tax distortions.

Therefore, the correct option is True.

The master budget of a merchandising company includes a:_______
a. Production budget.
b. Direct materials budget.
c. Factory overhead budget.
d. Direct labor budget.
e. Purchases budget.



a. Production budget.


hope it helps :>

A small ice cream business earns $26538 profit during the two months of July and August. This represents 35% of the annual profit. Find the annual profit. Round to the nearest whole number.


Let the annual profit be x.

profit earned in July and August is 35% of the annual profit

=> $26538 = 35% of x

=> $26538 = (35/100) × x

=> $26538 × (100/35) = x

=> $2653800/35 = x

=> $530760/7 = x

So, the profit is $530760/7.

The annual profit is $75,823.

Given that,

Two months profit is $26,538.This two month profit represents 35% of annual profit.We need to find annual profit.

According to the scenario, computation of the given data are as follows,

Let annual profit be X.

So, X [tex]\times[/tex] 35% = 26,538

X = 26,538 [tex]\div[/tex] 0.35

X = 75,822.86 or 75,823

Hence annual profit = $75,823.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/21003301

Which of the following combinations is ensured to increase?


please you can give any option or full question

Synovec Co. is growing quickly. Dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 26 percent for the next 3 years, with the growth rate falling off to a constant 7 percent thereafter. If the required return is 14 percent and the company just paid a $1.90 dividend. what is the current share price





Dividend in year 1 = 1.90 x 1.26 = 2.39

Dividend in year 2 = 1.90 x 1.26² = 3.02

Dividend in year 3 = 1.90 x 1.26³ = 3.80

Dividend in year 3 = (3.80 x 1.07) / (0.14 - 0.07) = 58.10

Calculate the present value of these dividends

Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows

Present value can be calculated using a financial calculator

Cash flow in year 1 = 2.39

Cash flow in year 1 = 3.02

Cash flow in year 1 = 3.80 + 58.10

I = 14

PV = $46.20

To determine PV using a financial calculator take the following steps:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  

Purple Cab Company had 57,000 shares of common stock outstanding on January 1, 2021. On April 1, 2021, the company issued 27,000 shares of common stock. The company had outstanding fully vested incentive stock options for 5,700 shares exercisable at $11 that had not been exercised by its executives. The average market price of common stock was $13. The company reported net income in the amount of $276,915 for 2021. What is the basic earnings per share (rounded)





Calculation to determine the basic earnings per share (rounded)

Using this formula

Basic earnings per share=Net income/(shares of common stock outstanding+(shares of common stock*9/12)

Let plug in the formula

Basic earnings per share=$276,915/(57,000 + (27,000 × 9/12))

Basic earnings per share=$276,915/(57,000+20,250)

Basic earnings per share=$276,915/77,250

Basic earnings per share= $3.58

(April 1 to December 31 =9 months)

Therefore Basic earnings per share is $3.58

You were asked to read U.S. Statistics in 1912 and in your writing journal, you reflected upon how different your life would be had you lived 100 years ago. The learning objective of this assignment was:__________



Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, based on inference, after consult relevant academic material, the learning objective on this particular assignment is stated below;

"To think about things like your education, career goals, romantic relationships, how you get around, and your physical health, write at least one paragraph explaining how such aspects of your life would have changed had you lived in the early 1900s."

According to the growth accounting studies, if you lived in a country where illiteracy was high and 40% of the children left school early and did not complete their education what would probably be the results for that country


Answer: b. There would be both a human and economic loss.


Education is usually necessary for economic growth as educated human beings are better able to engage in higher income businesses and services and come up with or be able to use better technology that would serve to improve the economy of a country.

This is why developed countries have such high literacy rates and developing countries lag behind. Research has shown that most developed countries really saw growth only after they pursed a national policy aimed at improving literacy.

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