______is the first country to print a book .​


Answer 1




The first printing of books started in China and was during the Tang Dynasty (618-907)

Related Questions

Correct mistake:
Ann doén't write her parents very often but she phones them at least once a week.
A. write B very C. phones D. at least



I think its A) Write Because the sentence is totally wrong because of write



Describe a busy market place essay


it is very busy and full of people i took the test

Question 21: I expect you to find your money somewhere in your bedroom.
=> I expect


Passive voice: I expect your money to be found somewhere in your bedroom.

In this exercise, you're required to transform or paraphrase the sentence in an active voice to a sentence in a passive voice.

An active voice can be defined as a type of sentence in which the subject is the thing or person actively performing the action of its verb and may take on a direct object.

On the other hand, a passive voice is a type of sentence in which the subject is acted upon by a verb and as such undergoes the action described by a verb.

In this context, an active voice is expecting someone (somebody) to perform an action (do something).

However, a passive voice expects something to be done.

Active voice: I expect you to find your money somewhere in your bedroom.Passive voice: I expect your money to be found somewhere in your bedroom.

Find more information here: https://brainly.com/question/85850

1. Anger in its time and place
May assume a kind of grace.
It must have some reason for it,
And not last beyond a minute.

2. If to further lengths it goes,
It does into malice grow.
This the difference that we see
Twixt the serpent and the bee.

3. If the latter you provoke,
It inflicts a hasty stroke,
Puts you to some little pain,
But it never stings again.

4. Close in tufted bush or brake
Lurks the poison-swelled snake
Nursing up his cherished wrath;
In the purlieux of his path,

5. In the cold, or in the warm,
Mean him good, or mean him harm,
Whensoever fate may bring you,
The vile snake will always sting you.

– Charles and Mary Lamb

A. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option. (1 × 5 = 5 marks)

(i) When is anger assumed as a kind of grace?
(a) All the time
(b) When it is in the correct place and time
(c) Never
(d) Both (b) and (c)

(ii) How long is it ok for anger to last?
(a) Not beyond a minute
(b) Not beyond 15 minutes
(c) Not beyond half an hour
(d) Not beyond an hour

(iii) What does anger grow into, if it remains for long?
(a) Fear
(b) Malice
(c) Pride
(d) Jealously

(iv) Who lurks in the tufted bush?
(a) Snake
(b) Bee
(c) Poet
(d) None of these

(v) When will the vile snake sting?
(a) In the cold
(b) In the warm
(c) Never
(d) Both (a) and (b)



I. (B) when it is in correct time and place

II. (A) not beyond a minute

III. (B) malice

IV. (A) snake  

V. (D) both a and b

Decide if the clause in capital letters is DEPENDENT or INDEPENDENT.

THE POST OFFICE DOESN'T KNOW where they moved.





Because it doesn't even make sense if written alone. The person won't understand if you just say him/her THE POST OFFICE DOESN'T KNOW.




Just took master test 5/5

some today argue that school are no longer necessary because children can learn so much from the Internet and be educated at home.
to what extent do you agree or disagree?





Some today argue that school are no longer necessary because children can learn so much from the Internet and be educated at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤANSWER:

As for my own perspectives, I totally disagree. Why? School is the proper and appropriate place for kids to study and learn academically. With school, they enjoy learning as they were studying with kids who have different personalities and characteristics. As a result, students learn academically, at the same time, learn how to socialize with different types of people. It helps them and serves as encouragement for them to be friendly and develop self-esteem. At School, teacher were always beside their students to help them easily get a clear picture of the topic and guide them in every activities. School is a place where kids enjoy and make memories that they cherish and treasure even when they grew up.




Hi, Im Daubechies, a Filipina user ≧▽≦

The Paralympic games are for____

a. children.
b. disabled people.
c. women.​



YO B is right answer

disabled people

I hope it's helpful to u

Hey there!

The Paralympic Games are for disabled people.

Hope this helps!

Have a wonderful day :)

When is the most important time to have a party



when you achieve your happiness and everything you want in your life that is the important or right time to have party

Please help
Successful persuasion is usally ____because attitudes do not normally change instantly or dramatically.
A: unethical
B: strategic
C: coercive
D: incremental
E: ethical


I would say the best answer would be D.


Successful persuasion is usually "incremental" because attitude do not normally change instantly or dramatically.

Circle the correct words.

1.A/ The / - North Pole is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.
2.He can speak many languages, but he can't speak the / - / an Arabic.
3.It's very important to eat - /a/ the breakfast in the morning.
4.I don't know why - /a/ the people like ice climbing. It's very dangerous. 5.There is a volcano on the island. A/ - / The volcano is not active.
6. Bill is a /an/ the architect who built that modern hotel.
7. It was his dream to go to a / the / - Himalayas.
8.They didn't go by a / - / the bus. They used their car.
9. Hopefully, an / - / the environment will be saved from any more damage. 10.Nowadays, the /a/ - computers help significantly with scientific research. ​













please give brainly

Select the correct text in the passage . Which detall best creates tension in the plot “the tell-tale heart”


The correct answer is: I moved it slowly - very, very, slowly.


Suspense is a term to refer to the expectation about the resolution of a situation causing tension or impatient expectation of the viewer or reader. According to the above, it can be inferred that the sentence "I moved it slowly- very, very slowly" because it describes an action that is being performed slowly and is described in great detail causing tension in the reader as the reader wanders wether the protagonist of the story will be discovered as he tries to enter to the room. According to the above, the correct answer is: I moved it slowly - very, very, slowly.

Was Sandra Cisneros' choice of color a cultural declaration or a political provocation? Or Both?


Answer: A cultural declaration


The question most likely refers to the article "The Purple Passion of Sandra Cisneros," by Kathy Lowry, whose perspective of Cisneros´ actions is condemnatory and described as an uncalled-for political provocation disguised as a cultural declaration.

Looking into the case, and researching on Cisneros´own account of the events, found in "My Purple House. Color is a Language and a History," it becomes clear that she was trying to make a point about how the houses of the Latin community have been disregarded by the San Antonio Conservation Society, and her choice of a color deemed as “too vivid and modern” for its historical context is an example of how her culture is being erased.

So, in my opinion, Cisneros´choice of color was a cultural declaration and not merely a stubborn political provocation.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
A. cat B. hat C. that D. Hate



D. hate


The answer is D. Hate

4.1.10 english 10 sem 2
Create an outline for an argumentative research essay, which you will draft in Lesson 2. The outline will begin with a strong claim, followed by at least three supporting reasons. The evidence that backs up each reason must come from credible sources that you find through research. In its finished state, your outline should show how the claim, reasons, and evidence all relate.
Your outline should include the following elements:
A claim that takes a clear stand on an important, controversial issue
At least three reasons that support the claim
Evidence from at least five sources that backs up your reasons (and the claim, indirectly)
A works-cited page that lists your sources and follows MLA guidelines


Hi. Your question asks you to outline an argumentative research essay. I can't write an essay for you as this is something very personal and it should be in line with what you have been studying, but I can show you how to do this essay.

First, you should know that an argumentative essay is a text where you will need to argue about something, that is, show your opinion on the subject that is being covered in the essay. This opinion must be accompanied by supporting statements, which are statements that present data to prove that your opinion is correct and show the reader how you arrived at this opinion. This means that you will have to research the topic discussed in your essay and that research should be done from reputable research sources, which will be articles written by experts in the subject you cover, academic books and journals, or websites of respected institutions. These sites usually have the abbreviations "org," "edu" and "gov" in their email addresses.

As your question shows, it is important that you submit at least three supporting details, ie details that support your opinion and these details must come from five credible research sources.

Now, regarding the outline, you should keep in mind that an outline is the "prototype" of your essay. This is where you will place the ideas you will present in the essay, present the organization of the paragraphs, and flag the research sources you will use. This outline should be done in topics, as follows:

Introduction: Where will you present the subject of your essay and your opinion. The introduction should be short and direct.Body: You will present the background Information of your theme, you will present the support details that prove your opinion, always presenting the relevant data and information taken from your research sources. This part is usually made up of two paragraphs, but you can do more if you feel it is necessary. You can also present opinions that are contrary to yours, as long as you present evidence that these opinions are incorrect.Conclusion: You will end the essay in a logical way, presenting with the thought that should be created after reading the facts presented by you.

Lastly, you should create a page where you present the research sources you used, using the MLA guidelines. This should be done on a separate essay page, where you will provide all the information necessary for your essay's readers to be able to find your research sources. This information must be presented in the following order:

Author's last name, followed by a comma. Author's first name, followed by a period. Title of the article, followed by a period. Title of the place where this article can be found, that is, title of the book, website or magazine where the article is found, followed by period. Book or magazine version, if any, followed by period. Publisher's name, followed by period. Year of publication of the article, followed by period. Number of the page where the article can be found or link to the website where the article can be found. Website access date, if the article is found on a website.


Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Translated by Richard Howard, Vintage-Random House, 1988.Lopes, Mark. "Growth of changing beans under water stress." Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 6, no. 6, 2015, pp. 595-600, [website address]. Accessed 8 Feb. 2020.

You can find more information in this related question:



It has legs, but it can not walk. What is it?

answer with intelligence.​


It's either an octupous because it swims, or a table. :)

Gutless theme of the novel



I bilieve that the theme of this novel is, help people who are in need of it, and to support them.


Hope you enjoyed the book, and that this answer helps you. Have a good day.

Which words are the modern English equivalents of the Middle English words? (edmentum)



they, we, and I are some of the words

They, We, and I

Select the appropriate pronoun.
I present Ashley Manning,
I believe will be able to answer our questions about the coming elections.





Who should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence and can be replaced with "he" or "she"




I present Ashley Manning, who I believe will be able to answer our questions about the coming elections.

(Although in some cases based on meaning and purpose whom is also correct. but for this it's who)

Which evidence does the author use to support the idea that she felt fearless?

Two messengers, covered with dust, come to bid me fly; but here I mean to wait for him.
Whether it will reach its destination or fall into the hands of British soldiery, events must determine.
Our kind friend, Mr. Carroll, has come to hasten my departure and is in a very bad humor with me . . .
At this late hour a wagon has been procured, and I have had it filled with the most valuable portable articles belonging to the house.





It’s B because in the answer it says ”Whether it will reach its destination or fall into the hands of British soldiery, events must determine.” Which means even if she is in danger she will work through it.

Plz Help me on this one!?


Answer: Answer is B. Trans-Saharan was just land and they tried sea but I believe they failed. Silk Route was land and Sea, since for Asian countries sea was more accessible. Hope this helps, just learned this last year.


1. They are _______tennis

A. play

B. Plays

C. Playing

D. to playing





present continues tence

Messages to the Principal about the student leaving before school time



dont be ok with this



request that student to be banned from school


:v not respect school  

6. Zaroff also says, "Instinct is no match for reason." Again, explain his
meaning in your own words. Is he right? Wrong? Give evidence from
your life or the modern world to support your stance.


Let's begin by directly answering the question. Please, keep in mind this question is asking for a personal opinion. You can use this answer as a template in case you disagree with the opinion expressed:

Yes, I believe Zaroff is right when he says, "Instinct is no match for reason." It was our ability to reason that led us to humans to survive and thrive in extreme environments all over the world. It was reason that allowed us to learn from the past and to develop intellectually. That does not mean reason cannot be used for the bad. We do, in fact, use it to destroy, be it with pesticides or with an atomic bomb, for instance. But still, the amazing scientific and technological advances we see in the modern world - take vaccines, smartphones, or 3D printers as an example - are proof of how reason helped us prevail, evolve, and survive.

The character mentioned in the question is general Zaroff, from the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" by American author Richard Connell (1893-1949). Zaroff is a Russian general who lives secluded in an island. His hobby is hunting, and he has grown quite proficient in it. So much so that he no longer sees animals as enough of a challenge. Zaroff now hunts men, who, because of their ability to reason, are more difficult preys. As a matter of fact, the main conflict in the story begins when Zaroff decides to hunt the main character, Rainsford.

In conclusion, the general values humans' ability to reason, but uses it as an excuse to make them his prey. Although his argument that reason is better than instinct is not necessarily wrong, his actions are immoral and indefensible.

Learn more about Zaroff here:


Emma added 4.98 + 2.5 what error did she make





What is the author's purpose in Common Sense?




To convince that colonists to break away from British rule.

Hope this helps!!

Answer :

Common Sense is a 47-page pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775-1776 advocating independence from Great Britain to people in the Thirteen Colonies. Writing in clear and persuasive prose, Paine marshaled moral and political arguments to encourage common people in the Colonies to flght for egalitarian government.

Hope it helps ☺️

Write an informative essay on a Greek mythical character. Your essay will use research to summarize the plot


Solution :


Hercules was considered equivalent to the Greek divine hero named Heracles, who was the son Jupiter. Hercules was well known in classical mythology for his strength and courage and also for his various  far-ranging adventures.

In Greek mythology, Hercules was a mythical character. He was the son of Zeus, the God of thunder. He was seen as half man and half God. He was a man of immense power and strength. In the battle of Troy, Hercules defeated the greatest and strongest warrior in the battle field, Hector.

Hercules is considered the greatest of all Greek heroes.

For source to be credible it must be both _____ and _____

A. Fast and Furious
B. True and False
C. Timely and Honorable
D. Valid and Reliable​


D. Valid and reliable because the other answer choices do not make sense
D. Valid and Reliable

In the passage above, what does “impartial” mean?



Simple Question:


The answer is Fair and Unprejudiced..Hope this helps....Have a nice day!!!! :D
Fair and unprejudiced

Underline the content words in the following sentence :
"They're going to watch the news at seven o'clock"



sentence :

"They're going to watch the news at seven o'clock"

Alguien me ayuda por favor

Escriba el presente de los siguientes verbos irregulares:












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The sun was shining, and the sky was blue The first snow of the winter was sparkling on the ground; little Bobby was out in the yard making a snowman. Suddenly he heard his mother calling, "Bobby, come in and eat your lunch." A moment later Bobby appeared in the doorway. His cheeks were red, and he was covered with snow. He shook the snow off his clothes Then he came into the house, took off his boots, mittens and coat, and sat down to eat his lunch. "Winter is the best season of the year," Bobby said to his mothe "There's snow and you can make snowmen and throw snowballs. You can go ice skating, and you can slide on your sled. Then Christmas comes, and there are Christmas presents. I wish we had winter all the time." "Yes," replied Bobby's mother, "winter is a good time of the year." The days passed quickly, and soon it was spring. One Saturday morning in March, Bobby and his mother were driving their car to the supermarket, and Bobby said, "Spring is the best season of the year.The weather is warm, the trees get their leaves again, the grass turns green, and there are pretty flowers everywhere. The days get longer, and I can play outside more. I wish it were spring all the time." "Yes, spring is a good time of the year," said Bobby's mother, Before long it was summertime, and on a warm July day Bobby was sitting on the porch swing beside his mother. "Summer is the best season of the year," said Bobby. "I can go swimming. And I can play football. I don't have to put on heavy clothes he when I go outside, and I can run barefoot on the cool grass. I wish it an were summer all the time.""Yes, summer is a good season of the year," replied his mothe Soon autumn arrived, and one October day Bobby came from school and said to his mother, "Autumn is the best season of the year. The trees are all red and yellow and gold, and the days aren't hot any more. Then there are treats and jack-o'-lanterns on Halloween and turkey on thanksgiving. I wish it were fall all the time." "But, Bobby said his mother, "one time you said that winter was the best season another time you said spring was the best; and still another time you said summer was the best. Now you say that fall is the best season Which season do you really like best?" Bobby thought for a minute, and then he said, "Well, I guess like all four of them best." Arther S. Trace what is 5 2/3 - 11 1/6 4. Name 3 countries that remained Democracies in western Europe after WWII.SEA Which of the following is true about publishing your work?A. Aligning text is not helpful in organizing content.B. A word processor does not assist a writer in formatting paragraphs.C. As soon as a work is legible, it is ready for printing.D. 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