it is isn't good to use the local units like Mana , Pathi etc in international measurement. why?​


Answer 1


because they are not standard unit(accepted globally)


hope its help

Answer 2

Because outside of your local group, nobody will know what you're talking about.

My people originally used the sha'ah, yom, and khelek for time, the amah for length, the tchum shabbat for distance, and the epha, omer, baytsa, log, and kazayit for volume.

See what I mean ?

Related Questions

A object of mass 200kg is pushed from rest by a force of 500N along a horizontal plane for 5.0 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the object





acceleration is given by force÷mass


a box being pushed with a force of 85N right slides along the floor with a constant speed of 0.5m/s. What is the force of sliding friction on the box?



[tex]85\; \rm N[/tex].


The box is sliding with a constant speed in a fixed direction (to the right.) In other words the velocity of this box is constant. Hence, this box would be in a translational equilibrium. The acceleration of this box would be zero.

By Newton's Second Law of motion, the net force on this box would be [tex]0[/tex]. In other words, forces on this box are balanced.

The question is asking for the size of the friction on the box. Assuming that the floor is horizontal. The friction on this box would also be horizontal,

The only other force that could balance that friction would be the [tex]85\; \rm N[/tex] push to the right. The direction of this push is horizontal (to the right.) Hence, the entirety of that [tex]85\; \rm N\![/tex] would be in the horizontal direction.

Thus, forces on this box in the horizontal direction would be:

The [tex]85\; \rm N[/tex] push to the right.Friction that opposes the rightward motion of the box (that is, to the left.)

Since these two forces must balance each other, the size of the friction would also be [tex]85\; \rm N[/tex].

The Weight of an object is more at pole and less at equator of the earth. Give reason​


The Weight of an object is more at pole and less at equator of the earth because the distance of the pole is less than the distance of the equator from the centre of the earth.

an electron is moving at 3.6 x 10^3 m/s. a photon with what wavelength would have the same momentum????



The wavelength of the photon that would have the same momentum as the electron is 202.2180996 nm


The velocity of the electron, v = 3.6 × 10³ m/s

The momentum of an electron, [tex]p_e[/tex] = m × v


v = The mass of the electron = 9.109 × 10⁻³¹ kg

∴ [tex]p_e[/tex] = 9.109 × 10⁻³¹ kg × 3.6 × 10³ m/s = 3.27924 × 10⁻²⁷ kg·m/s

According to the de Broglie equation, the momentum of a photon, p, is given as follows;

p = h/λ


h = 6.63 × 10⁻³⁴ J·s

λ = The wavelength of the photon

∴ λ = h/p

According to the question, we have;

p = [tex]p_e[/tex] = 3.27924 × 10⁻²⁷ kg·m/s

∴ λ = 6.63 × 10⁻³⁴ J·s/(3.27924 × 10⁻²⁷ kg·m/s) = 2.02180993 × 10⁻⁷ m

The wavelength of the photon, λ = 2.02180993 × 10⁻⁷ m = 202.2180993 × 10⁻⁹ m = 202.2180993 nm.

what do you mean by scattering of light



Scattering of light is the phenomenon in which light rays get deviated from its straight path on striking an obstacle like dust or gas molecules, water vapours etc. Scattering of light gives rise to many spectacular phenomena such as Tyndall effect and the “red hues of sunrise and sunset”.

Which of the following phenomena can be used to support the particle theory of light? Select all that apply.

The Photoelectric Effect
Interference Patterns


Reflection,polarization,interference patterns

How effectiveness of a small force is increased when action area of force is



The force is proportional to the area, for if we increase the area but keep the number of molecules per cubic centimeter the same, we increase the number of collisions with the piston in the same proportion as the area was increased.


more area =more space = more free for molecules = less pressure = less force.

Numerical Problems:
a. A man runs 1200 m on a straight line in 4 minutes. Find his velocity.

can anyone tell me with process



[tex]\boxed{\sf Velocity=\dfrac{Displacement}{Time}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=\dfrac{1200}{240}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity=5m/s[/tex]

một oto đang chạy với vận tốc là 10m/s thì tăng tốc và chuyển động nhanh dần đều sau 20s thì đạt vận tốc 14m/s
a) tính gia tốc của xe
b) tính vận tốc xe sau 40s kể từ khi tăng tốc và quãng đường xe đi được trong thời gian đó


a) gia tốc = vf-vi / t

a = 14-10 / 20

a = 0,2ms⁻²

b) dưới dạng a = Δv / t

v = lúc

v = 0,2 × 40

v = 8ms⁻¹

như v = d / t

do đó d = vt

d = 8 × 40

d = 320m

hãy đánh dấu là trí óc nhất

If a force of 1250 N acts on an area of 25 metres squared, what will be the pressure acting on the surface? Show your working as well.


Answer: 50 Pa


Pressure = Force/Area

Pressure = N/m^2

Pressure = 1250/25

Pressure = 50

Pressure = 50 Pa

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)


50 pascal



Area=25m^2 [ pressure=force/area]



can someone pls help me calculate this?



10N is the answerrrerreer


f= 100N

Explanation: F=m×(v₀-vf/t)




please mark as brainliest

A cricket ball of mass 800g has momentum of 20 kg m/sec . Calculate velocity of ball


Answer: 25 m/s


1. rearrange equation p = mv to find v

2. v = p/m - then convert 800 g into kg (= 0.8 kg)

3. plug in p and m - v = 20 / 0.8 = 25 m/s


V= 25m/s




V= ?

Convert 800g to kg

800/1000 = 0.8kg

Momentum=mass× Velocity

Momentum/Mass = Velocity

20/0.8 =25m/s

Guys please help this is very important it would be greatly appreciated if you would add the work. Thank you !!





The number of time a cricket chirps in a minute is a function of the temperature in the formula: n=4t-160, where n=number of times a cricket chirps a minute and t=temperature in farenheit. You can use the temperature t=(1/4)n+40 to estimate the temperature based on the number of chirps per minute.

A motorcycle starts from rest and gains a velocity of 40m/s in 8 seconds. Find (i) acceleration and (ii) distance travelled by the motorcycle.​



• Initial velocity (u) = 0 m/s

• Final velocity (v) = 40 m/s

• time (t) = 8s

Acceleration :

[tex]\implies \sf a = \dfrac{\Delta v}{ t} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf a = \dfrac{v - u}{ t} [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf a = \dfrac{40 - 0}{ 8} [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf a = \dfrac{40}{ 8} [/tex]

[tex]\implies \bf a = 5 \: {ms}^{ - 2} [/tex]

• Distance travelled by the motorcycle:

[tex] \longrightarrow \sf {v}^{2} - {u}^{2} = 2as \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \sf {(40)}^{2} - {(0)}^{2} = 2 \times5 \times s \\ [/tex]

[tex] \longrightarrow \sf 1600 = 10s[/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \sf s = \dfrac{1600}{10} [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \bf s = 160 \: m[/tex]

Summary of set.........



Set for what? did U finish the question?

Examples of a/an _______ observation are 37 m, 9.37 s, and 100 mph.


These are exaxmples of a quantitative observation.

Measuring is the expression of an observed quantity in a number with a relevant unit that can be compared with other values of the same quantity.

It is not limited to physical quantities, but extends to a quantitative description of the whole of reality. Measurements are usually quantitative observations, and their results are expressed in

numerical values, and units  

Learn more about quantitative observations in

Which of the following is/are true? If caught in a rip current, swim directly towards shore, using the most powerful kick possible. If caught in a rip current, swim perpendicular to shore, until you are completely out of the rip current, then swim in towards shore. If caught in a rip current, swim parallel to shore, until you are completely out of the rip current, then swim in towards shore. Don't fight the rip current; relax and let it carry you closer to shore.


hi true false true false

Suppose that people living near a particular​ high-voltage power line have a higher incidence of cancer than people living farther from the power line. Can you conclude that the​ high-voltage power line is the cause of the elevated cancer​ rate? If​ not, what other explanations might there be for​ it? What other types of research would you like to see before you conclude that​ high-voltage power lines cause​ cancer?


Complete Question

Complete Question is attached below


a)Option B

b)Option B



Without any confirmation it will be utterly wrong to conclude that high power voltage is the reason for the elevated cancer cases


Option B


The High Concentration of cells volume in a part of the Body is what causes Cancer


Option B

A glass rod acquires charge by rubbing silk cloth. The charge on the glass is due to:
(a) Friction
(b) Conduction
(c) Induction
(d) Radiation





It is due to friction as you are rubbing the glass rod with silk cloth  

as friction occurs when 2 surfaces are rubbed against each other

Therefore it is charging by friction

Write down the role played by four digestive juices in digestion and the
organs which secrete them.



Explanation:Digestive juices secreted by various organs such as salivary glands in the mouth, stomach, liver and pancreas help in the process of digestion of food. Saliva secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth aids in the breakdown of starch present in the food to simple sugar

If the N pole of a magnet is brought near to an unmagnetized iron, nail, then the nail becomes​



The nail also magnatized .

A and B are 0.200m apart in an electric field. If 800J of work are reuqired to move a 2.00 Columb charge from A to B, what is the electric field stregth?





hello dost timi kasto cha

please help urgent have you ever seen the old “Pull the tablecloth out from under the dishes” trick? Use Newton’s 1st Law to explain the following:
a. In this trick, are the dishes “objects in motion,” or “objects at rest?”
b. If the dishes end up staying on the table, was an UNBALANCED FORCE applied to them? How do you know?



I kinda dont remember the 1st law so search it up on

and it should tell u , but if u need any help from the

Which law states that absolute zero cannot be reached?


Assuming you mean temperature

Answer: The third law of thermodynamics

The spectra of most galaxies show redshifts. This means that their spectral lines Group of answer choices always are in the red part of the visible spectrum. have wavelengths that are longer than normal. have a higher intensity in the red part of the spectrum. have wavelengths that are shorter than normal.


have a higher intensity in the red part of the spectrum

Because of the Doppler effect, the spectra of most galaxies show redshifts. This means that their spectral lines Group of answer choices always are in the red part of the visible spectrum

Most galaxies' spectra have been redshifted, which means that their spectral lines are now pushed away from their normal or rest wavelengths and towards longer wavelengths. When an object travels away from an observer, the Doppler effect causes the shift phenomenon.

The Big Bang hypothesis and the concept of the expanding universe, show that galaxies are moving away from us, observed from the redshift lines.

The waves' apparent wavelengths shift as a result, changing the color of light waves or the pitch of sound waves.

Hence, because of the Doppler effect, the spectra of most galaxies show redshifts. This means that their spectral lines Group of answer choices always are in the red part of the visible spectrum.

To learn more about the Doppler effect, here:


if you rub a ballon with wool or duster it can charge it negatively where do these extre charge come from?​



The electrons come from the free electrons in wool which contains moisture or other forms of additives that creates impurity centers which causes the wool to be electrically conductive


Wool which is mixed with certain substances, conducts electricity in a manner similar to the wool-water system that give rise to centers of impurities where electrical conduction takes place

The ability to conduct electricity is related to the presence of free electrons on a material. Therefore, when a balloon, which is an insulator, is rubbed with wool, some of the mobile electrons on wool, which is also an insulator without the presence of substances that aid its electrical conductivity, are transferred to the balloon, thereby making the balloon to be negatively charged

A 45.0 kg student runs at a constant velocity up the incline 6 metres high. If the power output of the student is 1.50 x 103 W, how long does it take the student to run the 9.0 m along the incline?



The time taken is 1.76 s.


mass of student, m = 45 kg

height, h = 6 m

power, P = 1500 W

Power is defined as the rate of doing work.

Work done in moving height is

W = m g h

Let the time is t.

P = m g h / t

1500 = 45 x 9.8 x 6 / t

t = 1.76 s

please help me with this I really need help​



Ask with your Science teacher


i do not know the ans

What the suns mass in scientific notation????



In scientific notation the Sun's mass is: =1.989 x 10 ^30 kg


I think in scientific notation the Sun's mass becomes: M Sun = 1.989 x 10 30 kg. The number above the ten, called the power of ten or exponent, stands for the number of decimal places. If it is positive, as in the mass of the Sun, the decimal places are in front of the decimal point.

I hope this help you!:)

a body starts moving from rest and attains the acceleration of 2 metre square calculate the velocity at the end of 310 minutes and also find the distance traveled by it during that time​



Here, we have

Initial velocity, u = 0 m/s (As starts from rest)

Acceleration, a = 2 m/s².

Time taken, t= 310 min = 310 × 60 = 18600 seconds

To Find,

Final velocity, v and,

Distance covered, s

Formula to be used,

1st and 3rd equation of motion,

v = u + at and v² - u² = 2as

So, putting all the values, we get

V = u + at

v = 0 + 2 x 18600

v = 2 x 18600 → v = 37200 m/s.

Hence, the final velocity is 37200 m/s.

Now, Distance covered,

v² - u²= 2as

(37200 )² - (0)² = 2 x 2 x s

1,383,840,000 = 4s → s = 345,960,000m

Hence, the distance covered is 345,960,000 m.

Other Questions
What are the strongest three arguments that go against Kaepernicks decision to kneel during the national anthem? HELPP plz don't send a file whats the answer and explanation plz if you can Easy as PieA. How does the narrator interact with his mother at the beginning of the story?B. The narrator is furious that his mother isn't making him and his needs a priority.C. The narrator feels embarrassed being in a cooking class with his mother.D. The narrator is annoyed that his mother makes him go to her class before driving him to practice. The narrator tolerates his mother's quirkiness and need to always be taking classes.Answer: C is the correct answer. "The narrator is annoyed that his mother makes him go to her class before driving him to practice"I was doing the test, and there was 6 questions, and only one was on Brainly. So I asked this question, and answered it myself. I will be doing the other questions as well :) Sandhill Diesel owns the Fredonia Barber Shop. He employs 7 barbers and pays each a base rate of $1,650 per month. One of the barbers serves as the manager and receives an extra $500 per month. In addition to the base rate, each barber also receives a commission of $5.50 per haircut. Other costs are as follows. Advertising $260 per month Rent $800 per month Barber supplies $0.30 per haircut Utilities $185 per month plus $0.20 per haircut Magazines $20 per monthDetermine the variable costs per haircut and the total monthly fixed costs. (Round variable costs to 2 decimal places, e.g. 2.25.) Total variable cost per haircut $ Total fixed $ Need help ASAP!!!Please explain how to solve the problem In taxonomy, the kingdom that has the simplest life forms is (A) Animalia,(B) Fungi. (C) Protista. (D) Plantae. (E) Monera, Which of the following is a step in the creation of an Operational Definition? Select all of the following that are considered essential nutrients.O waterO vitaminsO mineralsO proteinsO calorieso carbohydratesO fats (b) Work out the probability Jennifer hits the Bullseye at least once.Can someone work this out for me ? Large projects that have long time horizons and a very high complexity can be referred to as Multiple Choice white elephants. mega projects or white elephants. None of these alternatives is correct. mega projects. high risk. help a girl out bc im strugglinggg also, these are two different questions, you can answer both or one of them thank you so much in advance Your instructor will assign you a client profile that may contain: a special diet, specific preferences/recipes to follow and/or specific religious requirements. Follow this profile when completing your assignment. 1. Planning Phase (20 marks) a. With your group, plan and prepare a nutritious, balanced, flavourful, and appealing meal, based upon your assigned client profile. b. Be sure to keep records/notes of work done in the planning stage, these must be submitted to your instructor when you have completed the assignment. c. Use a variety of sources such as cookbooks, recipes, pamphlets, etc., and be sure to list them on your assignment. Include a copy of the recipe you have chosen and be prepared to submit an alternate recipe that could be used to replace one of the dishes you have selected. Be sure your recipes are clear and legible, follow a logical sequence, and are complete. 2. Presentation Phase (20 marks) In a class presentation, you will be asked to: a. Present your meal, keeping in mind the following criteria: i. Attractiveness (including table setting) ii. Adhering to client's wishes contained in the client profile b. Describe the process involved in preparation including: i. Techniques ii. Special handling iii. Timing c. Briefly present your alternate recipe in discussion form: it is not necessary to actually prepare this dish. 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