its important please answer ​


Answer 1

Answer: Well we see that v= u- ft/m

lets say that ft= feet and m= mass

so you divide those and subtract u

leaving you with the value of v which is 13

Related Questions

Logam P dan Q sejenis. Logam P yang memiliki panjang 1 meter dipanaskan hingga mengalami kenaikan suhu 12ºC, akibatnya logam bertambah panjang 0,2 cm. Logam Q juga dipanaskan hingga mengalami kenaikan suhu 10°C dan panjangnya bertambah 0,1 cm. Tentukanlah panjang mula-mula logam Q!​



I don't know ???


Which statement best describes the arrangement of electrons in an atom of fluorine (F)?

(1 point) giving brainliest for sure

There are two electrons in the first energy level and seven electrons in the second energy level.

There are two electrons in the first energy level and five electrons in the second energy level.

There are five electrons in the first energy level and two electrons in the second energy level.

There are seven electrons in the first energy level and two electrons in the second energy level.


Flourine is an element which has 9 electrons. The first energy level can only hold upto 2 electrons so therefore two electrons of the fluorine element will be in the first orbital.

In the second orbital there will be seven electrons. The configuration will be as 1s2, 2s2 , 2p5 .

The first orbital has capacity of two electrons and then the remaining two electrons will be in higher second energy level.

The further 5 electrons will be in lower second energy level which is denoted by p.

Learn more at


#1. 5

#2.They have valence electrons in the same energy level.

#3. Helium atoms have 2 valence electrons, while atoms of the other elements in the group all have 8 valence electrons.

#4. cesium (Cs)

#5.  There are two electrons in the first energy level and seven electrons in the second energy level.


Ag,Au and Cu are called coinage metals why plzzzz hurry its urgent plzzz​



This is because these metals are used for minting (making) coins.


It is bcz it is used for making coins

Those of you who have recently finished high school physics-did you struggle? If you did, where did you most struggle in? Was it the tests? Or a specific topic?
Thank you!



I'm over halfway through it so don't have a complete answer but i think you just need to keep ontop of everything and write down all the key equations on flashcards or something and aim to learn them at the beginning of each topic. i found the longer questions hard so recommend practising those


Rearrange this equation so it equals d





To solve for d rearrange the formula v = (d)(t) to:

  d = v / t

I'm not to sure if you are using different variables but usually in physics the formula for velocity is v = d / t not v = dt

If you wanted to solve for displacement you would do:

  d = (v)(t)

Hope this helps!

The plane of a5cm*8cm rectangular loop of wire is parallel to a 0.19T magnetic field the loop carries a current of 6.2 A. What torque acts on aloop? What is the magnetic moment of the loop?



Torque; τ = 4.712 × 10^(-3) J

Magnetic moment; M = 0.0248 J/T


Torque is gotten from the formula;

τ = BIA


B is magnetic field

I is current

A is area

We are given;

B = 0.19T

I = 6.2A

Rectangle dimensions = 5cm by 8cm = 0.05m by 0.08m


Area; A = 0.05m × 0.08m = 0.004 m²


τ = 0.19 × 6.2 × 0.004

τ = 4.712 × 10^(-3) J

Formula for the magnetic moment is given by;

M = IA

M = 6.2 × 0.004

M = 0.0248 J/T

If the final ​velocity is 0. third equation of motion will be





The third equation of motion gives the final velocity of an object under uniform acceleration given the distance traveled and an initial velocity: v 2 = v 0 2 + 2 a d . v^2=v_0^2+2ad. v2=v02+2ad. The graph of the motion of the object.

20. A semiconductor is a
A) crystalline solid that conducts current under any condition
B) metallic solid that conducts current under any condition
C) metallic solid that conducts current under certain conditions
D) crystalline solid that conducts current under certain conditions



D) crystalline solid that conducts current under certain conditions


A semiconductor is any crystalline solid material whose electrical conductivity is intermediary between that of insulators and conductors. That is, a semiconductor does not conduct like a conductor but does more than an insulator.

Based on this, a semiconductor is said to only conduct electricity under certain conditions as opposed to conductors that do so under any condition. Example of semiconductors are silicon, carbon, antimony, arsenic etc.

define 1 second time​



define 1 second time

One second is the time that elapses during 9,192,631,770 (9.192631770 x 10 9 ) cycles of the radiation produced by the transition between two levels of the cesium 133 atom. ... One second is equal to 1/86,400 of a mean solar day.


One part of 86400 part of a day is called one second time.


By how many times will the kinetic energy of a body increase if its speed is tripled? Show by calculation .​



9 lần



Kinetic energy (k.e) varies directly as v² from the formula


if v=3 then K.e =v²=(3)²=9

pete walks at a rate of 4.0 miles per hour for 30 minutes. How far did he walk?


2 miles i believe because if he walks at 4.0 miles an hour divided by that 30 minutes basically just splitting it in half giving you 2 miles

You plan to pass alpha particles through a field that contains a consistent type of particle. Which configuration will result in the largest deflection of alpha particles? (1 point)

low-energy alpha particles passing through a field of low mass-number-particles

low-energy alpha particles passing through a field of high mass-number-particles

high-energy alpha particles passing through a field of high mass-number-particles

high-energy alpha particles passing through a field of low mass-number-particles



low-energy alpha particles passing through a field of high mass-number-particles


low-energy alpha particles passing through a field of high mass-number-particles


set up differential equation of angular S.H.M​



[tex]{ \sf{ \omega \: is \: the \: angular \: velocity}} \\ { \sf{ \theta \: is \: the \: angular \: displacement}}[/tex]

Does water exist on Mars? Explain your answer. Why didn't Jupiter become a star during the early.​



yes water was discovered in mars

S/REF No. Date If the load distance of a level is 20 cm and effort distance is 6ocm, calculate the amount of effort required to lift a load 200 N.​


The answer is 602 cause I added

Saul is testing an installation and discovers a short circuit what’s causing this
A.high current

B.high voltage

C.low resistance

D.low voltage


C. Low resistance


im pretty sure that it's (A.) High current



not 100% sure, tho

Please help me , I also have to show work on paper



Choose B


Hope Can I help you

What kind of circuit is the one shown below?
A. Series
B. Parallel
C. Open
D. Combination


That's a parallel circuit. (B)

When current from Point-A reaches the 3-way intersection just to the right of Point-B, it has to make a choice:  Either turn left, go through B, and light the lower bulb, or go straight and light the upper bulb.

A circuit that has any "decision" points in it is a parallel circuit.  What happens in the real world is:  The current splits up.  Some of the current that reaches the intersection turns left toward Point-B, and the rest of it goes straight up.

A series circuit is one in which there's only one possible path all the way around.  There are no intersections of more than 2 roads, and no electron ever has to decide which way to flow.

An open circuit is one in which there's a break somewhere along the line and electrons can't jump across it.  It's like a railroad where a big piece is cut out of the track somewhere.  So no trains can travel on that route, and there's no current flowing anywhere in the circuit.

I'm not so sure about a "combination" circuit.  I guess you could give that name to a complicated circuit that has some series parts and some parallel-parts.  Personally, I'd call that a "series-parallel" circuit.  But it really doesn't matter right now.  Whatever the word means, the circuit in the picture is definitely not a "combination" circuit.


B. Parallel Circuits


A parallel circuit is constructed by connecting the terminals of all the individual load devices so that the same value of voltage appears across each component. In a parallel circuit, charge divides up into separate branches such that there can be more current in one branch than there is in another.

hope i helped

What is not one of the main uses of springs?
A. Bike suspension
B. The seasons
C. Clock making
D. Car suspension

Quick answer



b. the seasons


the force between the earth and the body which is at a distance r from the center of the earth is F. What must be this distance for the force to be doubled.




The gravitational force between the earth and another body is F = -GM_em/r^2 r where G = 6.67 times 10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2 is the gravitational constant, M_e = 5.97 times 10^24 kg is the mass of the earth, m is the mass of the other body, and r is the position vector of the second body with respect to the centre of the earth.

The mass of earth 6*10^24kg and radius is 400kg Now find the value of acceleration due to gravity when a object is 3600km from the earth surface​


i don’t worry wewwwww it is a good time to get it done lol lol i don’t worry about it lol lol i lol

What is meant by the term wave front?



Wave front, imaginary surface representing corresponding points of a wave that vibrate in unison. ... Wave fronts for longitudinal and transverse waves may be surfaces of any configuration depending on the source, the medium, and the obstructions encountered.

why does a stone sink and a ship float



A stone is more dense than water and the air in draft of the boat is less dense than water.

why does balloon pop in the sun? ​



The heat gives atoms/ particles in balloon more kinetic energy so they move further apart, increasing size and eventually popping balloon

^ very simple explanation


Is velocity ratio of a machine affected by applying oil on it? Explain with reasons.



when it comes to machines being Rusty oil is like the root loosener

The direction of applied force has to be .............. to the distance in order to say work is done​





The work done is defined as the force applied on an object and the displacement in the position of the object in the direction of force.

W = F s cos A

where, F is the force, s is the displacement and A is the angle between force and displacement.

When the angle between the force and the displacement is 90 degree, the work done is zero.

To get the maximum work the angle between the force and the displacement is 0 degree.

So, to get the work done by the force the angle between the force and displacement is 0 degree that means the force and displacement is parallel to each other.

differniate between Magnetic force and electrostatic force​



magnetic force:

i) It is exerted by a magnet.

ii)Magnetic forces are always normal to the direction of the velocity of the charge it acts upon.

Electrostatic force

i) It is exerted by electrically charged body.

ii)Electric force are independent of the direction the charge moves in.


Our Moon a. was a separate small planet before it was captured by the Earth's gravity. b. spun off the fast-spinning Earth during the early formation of the Solar System. c. coalesced from gas and dust in its current place next to the Earth. d. was formed by the collision of the Earth with a Mars-sized protoplanet.



d. was formed by the collision of the Earth with a Mars-sized protoplanet.

According to the The giant-impact hypothesis the Moon was formed from the debris of a collision between the Earth and a Mars-sized protoplanet.

is there any machine that is 100% efficient? why?why not



No, it's not there.


For a machine to be 100% efficient, it has to be with an output which is equal to its input. But machines have an out put less than an input, hence efficiency below 100%.

difference between uniform motion and non uniform motion



Uniform motion is a type of motion that is characterized as the motion of an object wherein the object moves in a straight line and its velocity remains unchanged along that line, regardless of the duration of time, as it occupies equal distances at equal time interval and Non-uniform motion is described as the motion of an object wherein the object moves at different speeds and does not cover the same distance at equal time intervals, regardless of the duration of the time interval.


hope it's help you


In Uniform motion, the movement of a body is along the straight line with constant speed. In non uniform motion, the movement of a body is along the straight line with variable speed. In uniform motion, the body covers equal distance in an equal interval of time.

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