It's time to show off the Spanish skills you've been working on. With these "Putting it Together" activities, you are going to take everything that you've learned so far and put it together in a realistic situation. Sometimes you'll answer questions about documents and pictures that you see, sometimes you'll write stories and descriptions--sometimes you'll do both! These activities will really help you see how Spanish is used in the real world. Good luck!

Performance Challenge

Write yourself an excuse note for a missed school day due to an illness or injury. Indicate to the office secretary what ailed you. Did you go to the doctor or no? What were you sick with -or- what did you injure? What did you do to help yourself get better. How are you feeling now? Write a minimum of 5 complete and detailed sentences in Spanish.

You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) overall quality of the response.


Answer 1
(Name) excusado/a por el/la Dr/a (name) para el día de ayer. Estuvo en el hospital.

Indicate office secretary: Me fracturé la pierna al caerme de mi bicicleta, fui al hospital ayer ya que mi madre quería ver si me mejoraba por la noche. La pierna se me hinchó mucho por la cual mi mamá me llevó al hospital en donde me pudieron sacar placas y confirmar de que me había fracturado la pierna. El doctor me dijo que tuve mucha suerte. Si el hueso se hubiera movido un poco más a la derecha me iban a tener que poner tornillos para poder mantener el hueso derecho y sin movimiento. No estoy en mi mejor estado pero sigo para adelante. La vida es dura y así son las cosas.

Not the best but I tried :)

Related Questions

Make the following noun plural. ⬇️⬇️




Noun: Escuela

Plural: Escuelas

Answer: escuelas


The plural from of the spanish noun escuela is escuelas.

The meaning of escuela is school.

Your uncle is house hunting for a new apartment. This is what the realtor tells him: El apartamento en el primer piso ________ doscientos cincuenta mil pesos.






¿como funciona un termotanque a gas natural?


Todos los termotanques brindan agua caliente a través del calentamiento del volumen de agua contenido en su interior de su tanque, manteniéndolo a la temperatura que vos elijas. ... A medida que se consume el agua caliente, se va recargando de agua fría, lo cual

please help, 3 spanish words for each question ​


1. La navidad es el 25 de diciembre
2. El año nuevo es el 1 de enero
3. El día de independencia de los Estados Unidos es el 4 de julio
La Navidad es el 25 de diciembre.
El Año Nuevo es enero 1.
El día de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos es El 4 de julio.

Celia tried but was not allowed to return to her homeland following the death of her mother.
O F​


Answer: True


Celia Cruz is native to Cuba. Celia Cruz is noted for her singing and is often considered to be the queen of salsa. After leaving Cuba, she spent a short time in Mexico before she eventually came to the United States.

After many years away from her country, Celia tried but was not allowed to return to her homeland following the death of her mother.

What navigational command does this image represent?
A. Gira a la derecha
B. Viro a la izquierda
C. No sigas derecho
D. Ve derecho


No sigas. derecho


It seems like the correct answer

D. Ve derecho !!!!!!!!!!

the informal reflective command for each verb given:
1. Levantarse
2. Hablarse
3. Bañarse
4. Vivirse
5. Responderse​





Yo uso este cuchillo.






because it's correct

Corrects, because the verb is in first person singular of present simple

21.- ¿Explica, según el libro “los trenes se van al purgatorio” qué representa el largo viaje en tren?, recuerda fundamentar con ejemplos del texto



i need more information to help you.


Which word correctly completes the sentence?

Esta parte del cuerpo está en la cabeza. Tenemos dos. Tenemos una ____ en cada lado de la cabeza.









mano- hand

rodilla- knee

brazo- arm

oreja- ears

so the only answer is oreja caz its part of the head

Oreja!! I hope it helped!

3. ora
B. Busca la definición que corresponde a cada una de las palabras. Luego escribe
una oración completa con cada palabra. .
1. ola
a. concavidad formada en la tierra
2. honda
b. primera letra del alfabeto; preposición que se usa para
expresar la idea de movimiento
4. hola
c. palabra empleada como saludo
d. que tiene mucha profundidad
6. olla
e. ola del mar: ondulación del cabello
7. ha
f. forma del verbo que significa «rezar
8. onda
g. forma del verbo haber
h. vasija que se usa para cocinar
10. hora
i. unidad de tiempo equivalente a 60 minutos
j. onda en el mar o un lago
5. a
9. hoya



1- e












1 ola j. onda en el mar o un lago

Fue una gran ola que se levantó hasta cinco metros

2 honda. d. que tiene mucha profundidad

Esa laguna es muy honda

3. Ora. f. forma del verbo que significa «rezar

El ora para que está pandemia termine pronto.

4 Hola. c. palabra empleada como saludo

¡Hola amiga!, Buenos días, ¿Cómo estás?

5 a. b. primera letra del alfabeto

Se va a quedar a cuidar la casa

6. Olla h. vasija que se usa para cocinar

Es la olla de barro que usaba tu abuelita.

7. Ha. g. forma del verbo haber

Ella ha elegido la mejor opción.

8. Onda. e. ola del mar: ondulación del cabello

Esa onda la aprovecho bien el surfista.

9. Hoya. a. concavidad formada en la tierra

Esto parece era una Hoya

10. Hora. i. unidad de tiempo equivalente a 60 minutos

La película duró más de una hora.

define the term microbiology​



Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye. This includes bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa and algae, collectively known as 'microbes'.


The branches of microbiology can be classified into pure and applied sciences. Microbiology can be also classified based on taxonomy, in the cases of bacteriology, mycology, protozoology, and phycology



From the word micro so it is stated that microbiology is the study microorganisms that are in smaller organisms like archea, bacteria or viruses.



Bios means life

Logos means to study or study

hope it helps

¿Cómo está tu bistec?

Nuestro bistec está delicioso.
Mío bistec está delicioso.
Tu bistec está delicioso.
Mi bistec está delicioso.



Mi bistec está delicioso.


¿Cómo está tu bistec?

Mi bistec está delicioso.

Mi bistec está delicioso.

Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate phrase below.

No puedo salir esta noche, pero ______ (in any case) tengo much trabajo que hacer.

A. en segundo lugar
B. de todas maneras
C. por estas razones
D. en conclusión



It’s B. De todas maneras
B is correct bc it’s basically something else he can possibly do

Como reducir una barra de silicona si es muy grande quien pueda me ayuda



No ha intentado quemar esta


Fill in the blank with the correct imperfect conjugation of the verb in parentheses.
Domingo. (besar)





Laura besaba a Domingo


Laura, besaba a Domingo.


Hope that helped.

Right Answer: besó

A 10 kg stone is lifted to a height of 2 meters. What is the potential energy at this position?
(Note: PE = mgh; g = 9.8 m/s2, J = Joules)
A. 5 Joules
B. 49 Joules
C. 196 Joules
D. 20 Joules​




my guy get helped

pls help meeeee quick​




1. Maria ira a la escuela

2. Mi madre y yo iremos a la iglesia

3. Iras tú a la playa?

4. Manuel y Miguel iran al aeropuerto.

5. Yo ire a la tienda.

6. Ustedes iran en coche.

7. Nosotros iremos a pie.

8. Mis amigos iran a Mexico.

1. Maria -va- a la escuela.
2. Mi madre y yo -vamos- a la iglesia.
3. -Quieres ir- tú a la playa.
4. Manuel y Miguel -van- al aeropuerto.
5. Yo -voy- a la tienda.
6. Ustedes -van- en coche.
7. Nosotros -vamos- a pie.
8. Mis amigos -van- a México.

**Hope this helps :)**

Choose the best translation of the English sentence.

Who is Eduardo's brother-in-law?

¿Cuándo es el cuñado de Eduardo?
¿Cuánto es el cuñado de Eduardo?
¿Qué es el cuñado de Eduardo?
¿Quién es el cuñado de Eduardo?


Quien es el cuñado de Eduardo?


D. ¿Quién es el cuñado de Eduardo?


Spanish is my second language :)

Question 2
el vocabulario por tres horas. (estudiar)


Present tense - estudia
Preterite tense - estudió
Imperfect tense - estudiaba
Future tense - estudiará




Carmen estudia el vocabulario por tres horas.

Usa el se impersonal para completar las oraciones con los verbos batir, cortar, hablar, lavar, mezclar, necesitar, poder, poner, o preparar. (Use the impersonal self to complete sentences with the verbs beat, cut, speak, wash, mix, need, power, put, or prepare.)

1. Para preparar un sandwich de jamón y queso, _______ el jamón y el queso en lonchas.
2. Para alimentarse bien, _________ comer de los cuatro grupos esenciales de alimentos.
3. Primero ______ el brócoli y luego ______ en el agua a hervir.
4. En este restaurante ______ los mariscos con ajo y hierbas.
5. Según la receta, ________ todos los ingredientes en una fuente grande.
6. En una parrillada argentina, _______ varios tipos de carne.
7. ¿_______ francés en ese restaurante?
8. ¿________ los huevos para preparar una tortilla española?


1. Cortas
2. Necesitas
3. Cortas, pones
4. Preparan
5. Lavas
8. Batimos

only right answers get brain listed
1. Enter the word that correctly completes the sentence.

Those desks are white.

________escritorios son blancos.
2.Which words correctly complete the sentence?

Yo, Rodrigo y Ana ______ al parque.

deciden ir

decidir vamos

decidimos ir

decidimos vamos

3.Which is the correct way to say, "Alex can play soccer."?

Alex juega puede fútbol.

Alex puede jugar fútbol.

Alex juega poder fútbol.

Alex puede juega fútbol.
4.Enter the words that correctly complete the sentence.

Elena, Roberto and Juan want to eat tacos.

Elena, Roberto y Juan ______ tacos.



1. Esos

2. Deciden ir

3. Alex juega puede futbol.

4. quieren comer

I think those are the answers, it's been a while since I practiced Spanish but I'm pretty sure those should be rihgt. Sorry if I'm no help.

2) decidimos ir
3) Alex puede jugar fútbol
4) quieren comen
- from a Mexican student taking Spanish 3 in 10th grade

Mi familia prefiere________ de viaje a Cuba. (2 points)







Mi familia prefiere ir de viaje a Cuba.


My family prefers to go to travel to Cuba.

if my thoughts are correct i think ill mark some1 barinliest if they get this answer correct!!?
Mi nombre es Juana y trabajo en mi oficina desde las ocho de la mañana a las cinco de la tarde. Uso mi computadora y me gusta mucho trabajar con números.

According to the text, Juana ________.
es abogada
es contable
es comadrona
es agricultora



Es contable


Juana es contable.

Juana es contadora ‍

hola quien pa hablar un rato​



Tef jsbdvcbceoekgmsmcslbözc



I can if you want but I can only read Spanish not reply in it I’m sorry

¿Cuáles son las principales formas de escritura de América antes de la conquista de los españoles?



Escritura jeroglífica, escritura Maya del periodo Clásico mejor conocido por los indígenas.

Explanation :Espero que esto ayude y buena suerte :)!

La principal forma de escritura antes de llegada devlos españoles a América era la escritura jeroglífica la cual había sido implementada por los pueblos mayas, los pueblos que se encontraban en Sudamérica como los pueblos incas o los paracas no poseían ningún tipo de escritura.

the manager in spanish



El gerente or La gerente


El Mesero or la mesera depending if it’s a girl or boy

Hello a question someone Who understands spanish​



I think I try to speak some ...what do you want as in where is the question

People on your block come from all over the world. Use the verb ser and the information given to introduce each, including yourself.

George y John. Estados Unidos. Periodistas.



Jorge y Juan son periodistas estadounudenses.


so, Hi ok I translated everything in Spanish and I also put the verb "Ser" which is "son" in this case andddd this is the result

"Jorge and Juan are journalists from the United States."

Also, you can put the names as they are or in Spanish, whichever you are ordered to put. Have a nice day! Hope I helped!!

I know this answer because my first language is spanish! bye have a nice rest of the day!!!

Jorge y Juan son periodistas viviendo en los Estados Unidos.

Can someone make this in Spanish with phrases that use the subjunctive?

Some people use essential oils for headaches. I don’t think it works. At least not like modern medicine works. Pills like ibuprofen or Tylenol will work fine. Oils just smell good.



Algunas personas usan aceites esenciales para los dolores de cabeza.

No creo que funcione. Al menos no como funciona la medicina moderna.

Las píldoras como el ibuprofeno o Tylenol funcionarán bien. Los aceites simplemente huelen bien

Quizas hoy no se me quite el dolor de cabeza.

Quizas no funcione.

Quizas no como funciona la medicina moderna.

Other Questions
Read this passage.There is a look about you, he said. It lies in your eyes and the mark is on your face. What is it?Would you not grieve too, I said, if the woman who gave you birth was no more than a handful of dust?It is not that alone. The hurt is of longer standing. Why do you lie?I looked up and his eyes were on me.Surely, I thought, my mother has told him, for he knows; but as if he guessed my thoughts he shook his head.No, I do not know. Tell me.I held back. He was a foreigner, and although I no longer stood in awe of him, still the secret had been long locked up in my breast and would not come out easily. I have no sons, I said at last, heavily. Only one child, a girl."Why is the narrator at first unable to state what troubles her?She is unsure of what troubles her.She is too grieved by the death of her mother to speak.The man questioning her is a foreigner.She is too awestruck to speak. When rating ads, I should only consider my personal feelings on the ad. Consider the quadratic function f(x) = x2 - 5x + 6.What are the values of the coefficients and constant in the function?bc The manager of a grocery store has selected a random sample of 100 customers. The average length of time it took these 100 customers to check out was 3.0 minutes. It is known that the standard deviation of the checkout time is 1 minute. Refer to Exhibit 8-2. If the confidence coefficient is reduced to .80, the standard error of the mean _____. a. becomes negative b. remains unchanged c. will increase d. will decrease Recipe ingredients remain jn a constant ratio no matter how many serving are prepared. Which table shows a possible ratio table for ingredients C and Y for the given number of servings At the end of summer, many children are not ea___ to go back to school How would you describe President Carters personal style? There are four different colored balls in a bag. There is equal probability of selecting the red, black, green, or blue ball.What is the expected value of getting a green ball out of 20 experiments with replacement? In Medieval times, what would be the most likely form of treatment for someone suffering the symptoms of a psychological illness 16. Risa wants to order business cards. A print-ing company determines the cost (C) tothe customer using the following function,where b the number of boxes of cards andn= the number of ink colors.C= $25.60b + $14.00b(n - 1)If Risa orders 4 boxes of cards printed in 3colors, how much will the cards cost?OA. $214.40OB. $168.00C. $144.40OD. $102.40 According to statistics from the CDC, people over the age of 65 account for about half of all new cases of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.(True/False):) At what x value does the function given below have a hole?f(x)=x+3/x29 negative3.5 degree F, 5 degree F, 1.5 degree F, negative 0.5 degree F, negative 2 degree F, 2.5 degree F, negative 4 degree F. Part 1: Weather Analysis Plot and label the temperatures on a number line. You can create the number line by using a drawing program, by drawing it by hand and sending in a picture, or by describing in detail how the completed number line should look. It is not usually news, when another old cave is discovered in the South of France. Rather, it is an ordinary event. Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them. However, when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940, the world was amazed. Painted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years ago. The scenes show people hunting animals, such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably,horses, which appear in more than 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals. Early artists drawing these animals accomplished a monumental and difficult task. They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing steep walls or crawling into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex. Unfortunately, the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes, which easily wear the images away. Because the Lascaux caves have many entrances, air movement has also damaged the images inside. Although they are not out in the open air, where natural light would have destroyed them long ago, many of the images have deteriorated and are barely recognizable. To prevent further damage, the site was closed to tourists in 1963, 23 years after it was discovered.1. Why is discovering a cave considered an ordinary event?2. What did the paintings on the walls of Lascaux cave depict?Correct answer- Brainliest! Plz help! How is voice different from point of view? Find the sum. Express the answer in scientific notation. (1.54 x 10^6)+(6.15 x 10^6) In most situations, asset values do not equal the amount of money that could be realized if the assets were sold. a. Trueb. False Venus Inc., a producer of high-end computer software, provides merchandising aids to its distributors in the form of interactive videos on the application of the software. It offers distribution allowances to resellers for putting up special counter displays of its exclusive range of products. It aims to accelerate the sales of its newly launched product through these measures. In this scenario, Venus Inc. is employing a ________. Should police officers be required to read a Miranda-type warning prior to custodial interrogation ? history lesson 1 james madison higschool