Keisha writes that if an object has any external forces acting on it, then the object can be in dynamic equilibrium but not
static equilibrium
Which statement best describes Keisha's error?
An object that is not moving is always in static equilibrium.
O An object that is moving must be in dynamic equilibrium.
An object in either state of equilibrium must have no forces acting on it.
An object in either state of equilibrium must have no net force acting on it.


Answer 1


An object in either state of equilibrium must have no net force acting on it.


Answer 2

Answer: An object in either state of equilibrium must have no net force acting on it.


Related Questions

To get maximum current in a circuit, the resistance should be in _____



no parallel is the correct answer

The reason why a teacher is more important then a farmer



A teacher is more important than a famer.


A teacher is more important than a famer because the knowledge of farming is gotten through the teacher. Thus, without a teacher; whether formal or informal, there cannot be farming, let alone farmers.

Work-Energy Theorem & Power
A 0.5 kg mass sitting on smooth ice is accelerated from rest by a force until is
acquires a speed of 8 m/s. The force acts while the mass moves through a
displacement of 2 m.
A. Calculate the kinetic energy of the mass after the force acts.
B. Calculate the work done by the force.
C. Calculate the magnitude of the force that accelerated the mass.



A. 16 J

B. 16 J

C. 8 N


A. Determination of the kinetic energy.

Mass (m) = 0.5 Kg

Velocity (v) =. 8 m/s

Kinetic energy (KE) =?

KE = ½mv²

KE = ½ × 0.5 × 8²

KE = ½ × 0.5 × 64

KE = 0.5 × 32

KE = 16 J

B. Determination of the Workdone by the force.

Kinetic energy (KE) = 16 J

Workdone =.?

Workdone and kinetic energy has the same unit of measurement. Thus,

Workdone = kinetic energy

Workdone = 16 J

C. Determination of the force.

Workdone (Wd) = 16 J

Displacement (s) = 2 m

Force (F) =?

Wd = F × s

16 = F × 2

Divide both side by 2

F = 16 / 2

F = 8 N

An initially motionless test car is accelerated uniformly to 105 km/h in 8.43 s before striking a simulated deer. The car is in contact with the faux fawn for 0.635 s, after which the car is measured to be traveling at 60.0 km/h. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car before the collision?
acceleration before collision:
What is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the car during the collision?
average acceleration during collision:
What is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the car during the entire test, from when the car first begins moving until the collision is over?


105 km/h ≈ 29.2 m/s

60.0 km/h ≈ 16.7 m/s

Before the collision the test car has an acceleration a of

a = (29.2 m/s - 0) / (8.43 s) ≈ 3.46 m/s²

During the collision, the car is slowed to about 16.7 m/s, so that its (average) acceleration is

a = (16.7 m/s - 29.2 m/s) / (0.635 s) ≈ -19.7 m/s²

i.e. with magnitude about 19.7 m/s².

Overall, the car has an average acceleration of

a = (16.7 m/s - 0) / (8.43 s + 0.635 s) ≈ 1.84 m/s²

A measurement was made of the magnetic field due to a tornado, and the result was 13.00 nT to the north. The measurement was made at a position 8.90 km west of the tornado. What was the magnitude (in A) and direction of the current in the funnel of the tornado? Assume the vortex was a long, straight wire carrying a current.





The blades of a fan running at low speed turn at 26.2 rad/s. When the fan is switched to high speed, the rotation rate increases uniformly to 36.5 rad/s in 5.75 seconds. What is the magnitude of the fan's angular acceleration


Answer: [tex]1.79\ rad/s^2[/tex]



Initial angular speed is [tex]\omega_1=26.2\ rad/s[/tex]

Final angular speed is [tex]\omega_2=36.5\ rad/s[/tex]

Time period [tex]t=5.75\ s[/tex]

Magnitude of the fan's acceleration is given by

[tex]\Rightarrow \alpha=\dfrac{\omega_2-\omega_1}{t}[/tex]

Insert the values

[tex]\Rightarrow \alpha=\dfrac{36.5-26.2}{5.75}\\\\\Rightarrow \alpha=\dfrac{10.3}{5.75}\\\\\Rightarrow \alpha=1.79\ rad/s^2[/tex]

Thus, fan angular acceleration is [tex]1.79\ rad/s^2[/tex]


The angular acceleration is given by 1.8 rad/s^2.


initial angular speed, wo = 26.2 rad/s

final angular velocity, w = 36.5 rad/s

time, t = 5.75 seconds

The first equation of motion is

[tex]w = wo + \alpha t\\\\36.5 = 26.2 + 5.75\alpha\\\\\alpha = 1.8 rad/s^2[/tex]

What is the current in milliamperes produced by the solar cells of a pocket calculator through which 9.00 C of charge passes in 8.50 h



Current = 0.000294 A


Below is the given values:

Given the charge = 9.00 C

Time = 8.50 h

Use the below formula to find the current:

Current = Q / t

Now plug the values:

Current = 9 / (8.5 x 3600)

Current = 0.000294 A

A glass block in air has critical angle of 49. What will happen to a ray of light coming through the glass when it is incident at and angle of 50 at the glass air boundary? Illustrate with a diagram





Wind instruments like trumpets and saxophones work on the same principle as the "tube closed on one end" that we examined in our last experiment. What effect would it have on the pitch of a saxophone if you take it from inside your house (76 degrees F) to the outside on a cold day when the outside temperature is 45 degrees F?



The correct answer is - low pitch


Now for the case it is mentioned that the tube closed on one end frequency is:

f = v/2l


l = length of the tube

v = velocity of longitudinal wave of gas filled in the tube

if frequency increases then pitch will be increase as well as pitch depends on frequency.

Now increase with the temperature the density of the gas decreases and velocity v is inversely proportional to density of gas so velocity increases. So if there is an increase in frequency so pitch also increases.

As the temperature inside the house is at 750 F more than outsideat 450 Fso pitch is more inside and the pitch is low outside.

The index of refraction for a vacuum is 1.00000. The index of refraction for air is 1.00029. 1) Determine the ratio of time required for light to travel through 1000 m of air to the time required for light to travel through 1000 m of vacuum. (Express your answer to six significant figures.)



 [tex]\frac{t_{air}}{t_{vaccum}}[/tex] = 1.00029


The refractive index is defined

         n = c / v

         v = c / n

the speed of light per se wave is constant, so we can use the relations of uniform motion

         v = x / t

         t = x / v

we substitute

         t = x n / c

let's calculate the time


        t₁ = 1000 1/3 10⁸

        t₁ = 3.333333 10⁻⁶ s


        t₂ = 1000 1.00029 / 3 10⁸

        t2 = 3.3343 10⁻⁶ s

the relationship between these times is

       t₂ / t₁ = 3.3343 / 3.3333333

       t₂ / t₁ = 1.00029

If the length and number of turns of a solenoid are doubled strength of magnetic field will :
(a) Be doubled (b) become half (c) not change d) be four time​



c). It wouldn't change.


[tex]{ \bf{F = \frac{ \ \gamma _{o}NI }{l} }}[/tex]

A playground merry-go-round has a mass of 120 kg and a radius of 1.80 m and it is rotating with an angular velocity of 0.500 rev/s. What is its angular velocity after a 22.0-kg child gets onto it by grabbing its outer edge



I think it is of science is it true na i knew it bro dont take tension

Consider an electromagnetic wave propagating through a region of empty space. How is the energy density of the wave partitioned between the electric and magnetic fields?
1. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is 25% in the magnetic field and 75% in the electric field.
2. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is equally divided between the magnetic and electric fields.
3. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is entirely in the magnetic field.
4. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is 25% in the electric field and 75% in the magnetic field.
5. The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is entirely in the electric field



Option (2) is correct.

The energy density of an electromagnetic wave is equally divided between the magnetic and electric fields.


An electromagnetic waves are the waves which are produced when the oscillating electric and magnetic field are interact each other perpendicular to each other. The direction of propagation of electro magnetic waves is perpendicular to each electric and magnetic fields.

The energy associated with the electromagnetic waves is equally distributed in form of electric and magnetic fields.

So, the correct option is (2).

The energy density is equally distributed among the magnetic field and electric field. Hence, option (2) is correct.

The given problem is based on the concept and fundamentals of electromagnetic waves.  The waves created as a result of vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field is known as Electromagnetic waves.

In other words, an electromagnetic waves are the waves which are produced when the oscillating electric and magnetic field are interact each other perpendicular to each other. The direction of propagation of electro magnetic waves is perpendicular to each electric and magnetic fields.

Also, the energy associated with the electromagnetic waves is equally distributed in form of electric and magnetic fields. So, the energy density of an electromagnetic wave is equally divided between the magnetic and electric fields.

Thus, we can conclude that the energy density is equally distributed among the magnetic field and electric field.

Learn more about the electromagnetic waves here:

pha của dao động làm hàm



pha của dao động là hàm bậc nhất của thời gian.

An eagle is flying horizontally at a speed of 2.60 m/s when the fish in her talons wiggles loose and falls into the lake 4.70 m below. Calculate the velocity (in m/s) of the fish just before it hits the water. (Assume that the eagle is flying in the x direction and that the y direction is up.)




The fish will have horizontal velocity of 2.6 m/s which is also the velocity of eagle. Additionally , he will have vertical velocity due to fall under gravity .

v² = u² + 2 g H .

v² = 0  + 2 x 9.8 x 4.7 m

= 92.12

v = 9.6 m /s

The fish's final velocity will have two components

vertical component = 9.6 m/s downwards

Horizontal component = 2.6 m /s  .

Resultant velocity = √ ( 9.6² + 2.6² )

= √ ( 92.16 + 6.76 )

= 9.9 m /s


The speed of fish at the time of hitting the surface is 9.95 m/s.


Horizontal speed, u = 2.6 m/s

height, h = 4.7 m

Let the vertical velocity at the time of hitting to water is v.

Use third equation of motion

[tex]v^2 = u^2 - 2 gh \\\\v^2 = 0 + 2 \times 9.8\times 4.7\\\\v = 9.6 m/s[/tex]

The net velocity with which the fish strikes to the water is

[tex]v' = \sqrt{9.6^2 + 2.6^2 }\\\\v' = 9.95 m/s[/tex]

Two resistors with resistance values of 4.5 Ω and 2.3 Ω are connected in series or parallel

across a 30 V potential difference to a light bulb.

a. Calculate the current delivered through the light bulb in the two cases.

b. Draw the circuit connection that will achieve the brightest light bulb.​



Given that,

Two resistors 4.5 Ω and 2.3 Ω .

Potential difference = 30 V

When they are in series, the current through each resistor remains the same. First find the equivalent resistance.

R' = 4.5 + 2.3

= 6.8 Ω


[tex]I=\dfrac{V}{R'}\\\\I=\dfrac{30}{6.8}\\\\=4.41\ A[/tex]

So, the current through both lightbulb is the same i.e. 4.41 A.

When they are in parallel, the current divides.

Current flowing in 4.5 resistor,

[tex]I_1=\dfrac{V}{R_1}\\\\=\dfrac{30}{4.5}\\\\I_1=6.7\ A[/tex]

Current flowing in 2.3 ohm resistor,


In parallel combination, are brighter than bulbs in series.

A certain heating element is made out of Nichrome wire and used with the standard voltage source of V=120 V. Immediately after the voltage is turned on, the current running through the element is measured at I1=1.28 A and its temperature at T1=25°C. As the heating element warms up and reaches its steady-state (operating) temperature, the current becomes I2=1.229 A.

Find this steady-state temperature T2.



T₁ = 232.5 ºC


For this exercise let's start by finding the value of the resistance for the two currents, using Ohm's law

           V = i R

            R = V / i

i₀ = 1.28 A

            R₀ = 120 / 1.28

            R₀ = 93.75 ohm

i₁ = 1.229 A

             R₁ = 120 / 1.229

             R₁ = 97.64 or

Resistance in a metal is linear with temperature

            ΔR = α R₀ ΔT

where the coefficient of thermal expansion for Nichrome is α=0.0002 C⁻¹

            ΔT = [tex]\frac{\Delta R}{\alpha R_o}[/tex]

            ΔT = [tex]\frac{97.64 \ -93.75}{ 0.00020 \ 93.75}[/tex]

            ΔT = 2,075 10² C

            ΔT = T₁-T₀ = 2,075 10²

            T₁ = T₀ + 207.5

             T₁ = 25+ 207.5

             T₁ = 232.5 ºC

A 70-turn coil has a diameter of 11 cm. Find the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil (in V) if it is placed in a spatially uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.70 T so that the face of the coil makes the following angles with the magnetic field, and the magnetic field is reduced to zero uniformly in 0.2 s.


This question is incomplete, the complete question is;

A 70-turn coil has a diameter of 11 cm. Find the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil (in V) if it is placed in a spatially uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.70 T so that the face of the coil makes the following angles with the magnetic field, and the magnetic field is reduced to zero uniformly in 0.2 s. a) θ = 30° V b) θ = 60° V c) θ = 90° V


the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil are;

a)- For θ = 30°, e = 1.16 V

b)- For θ = 60°, e = 2.01 V

c)- For θ = 90°, e = 2.33 V


Given the data in the question;

number of turns N = 70

Diameter of coil D = 11 cm

Radius r = D/2 = 11/2 = 5.5 cm = 0.055 m

magnitude of magnetic ΔB = 0.7T

Δt = 0.2 seconds



For θ = 30°,

Angle of with area of vector θ' = 90° - 30° = 60°


emf  e = N( Δ∅ / Δt ) = N( ΔBAcosθ  / Δt )


e =  NAcosθ'(ΔB / Δt )

where A is area ( πr² )

so we substitute

e =  70 × πr² × cos(60°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e =  70 × π(0.055)² × cos(60°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e = 1.16 V


For θ = 60°,

Angle of with area of vector θ' = 90° - 60° = 30°


e =  NAcosθ'(ΔB / Δt )

we substitute

e =  70 × πr² × cos(30°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e =  70 × π(0.055)² × cos(30°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e = 2.01 V


For θ = 90°,

Angle of with area of vector θ' = 90° - 90° = 0°


e =  NAcosθ'(ΔB / Δt )

we substitute

e =  70 × πr² × cos(0°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e =  70 × π(0.055)² × cos(30°) × ( 0.7 / 0.2 )

e = 2.33 V

Therefore, the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil are;

a)- For θ = 30°, e = 1.16 V

b)- For θ = 60°, e = 2.01 V

c)- For θ = 90°, e = 2.33 V

A tall cylinder contains 25 cm of water. Oil is carefully poured into the cylinder, where it floats on top of the water, until the total liquid depth is 40 cm. What is the gauge pressure at the bottom of the cylinder


Answer: [tex]377.3\ kPa[/tex]



Water column height [tex]h=25\ cm[/tex]

After oil is poured, the total height becomes [tex]h'=40\ cm[/tex]

Pressure at the bottom will be the sum due to the water and oil column

Suppose the density of the oil is [tex]\rho=900\ kg/m^3[/tex]

Pressure at the bottom

[tex]\Rightarrow P=10^3\times g\times 25+900\times g\times 15\\\Rightarrow P=100g[250+135]\\\Rightarrow P=3773\times 100\ Pa\\\Rightarrow P=377.3\ kPa[/tex]

A 900 kg car travelling at 12 m/s due east collides with a 600 kg car travelling at 24 m/s due north. As a result of the collision, the two cars lock together and move in what final direction?

45.0° N of E

53.1° N of E

63.3° N of E

69.5° N of E


Calculate force of each car:

P1 = 900 kg x 12m/s = 10,800

P2= 600 x 24 = 14,400

Degree of travel = arctan(14,300/10800)

Degree of travel = 53.1 N of E

A uniform magnetic field is directed at an angle of 30o with the plane of a circular coil of radius 4cm and 1000 turns. The magnetic field changes at a rate of 5 T per second. Calculate the following:

a. Area vector
b. Induced emf



(a) The area vector is 0.00503 m² at 30⁰ from the magnetic field

(b) The induced emf is 12.58 V



angle between the magnetic field and the plane of the circular coil, = 30⁰

number of turns of the coil, N = 1000

radius of the coil, r = 4 cm = 0.04 m

change in the magnetic field with time, dB/dt = 5 T/s

(a) The area vector is calculated as;

A = πr²

A = π x (0.04)²

A = 0.00503 m²

The area vector is 0.00503 m² at 30⁰ from the magnetic field.

(b) The induced emf is calculated as;

[tex]emf = N\frac{\Delta \phi}{\Delta t} \\\\where;\\\\\phi = BAcos \theta\\\\emf = N\times \frac{dB}{dt} \times Acos (\theta)\\\\where;\\\\\theta \ is \ the \ angle \ between \ a \ perpendicular \ vector \ to \ the \ area\\ and\ the \ magnetic\ field\\\\\theta = 90 - 30 = 60^0\\\\emf = N\times \frac{dB}{dt} \times Acos (\theta)\\\\emf = (1000) \times (5 )\times (0.00503) \times cos (60)\\\\emf = 12.58 \ V[/tex]

When 93 is written in simplest radical form, which value remains under the radical?



1/93 hope help you


plz brainliest me


I think it's 9 but edge says it's not


it should be 3√9^2

omparing Technological Design and Scientific Investigation
Explain how the stages of technological design are similar to the process of scientific investigation. Use specific stages from each process to support your answer





Scientists learn more about the natural world through investigation by identifying a problem, researching related information, designing and conducting an investigation, analyzing the results, evaluating the conclusion, and communicating the findings. Engineers follow similar steps when creating new products or solutions through technological design. The four stages of technological design include identifying a need, designing and implementing a solution, and evaluating the solution.

hi can anyone pls answer this question. i will mark brainliest​


Answer: done by man A is zero

D is best option


D none of them because as we know that to do work some distance should be cover with some load as both picture they are covering some distance with carrying some load so A and B option are absolutely wrong and remaining C they are not doing same amount of work because distance cover by them and load carrying by them is different so how can work be same so D is best option none of A B C is correct answer

If four students separately measure the density of a rock, and they all have very low percent
differences between their measurements, what can you say for certain about the accuracy of their



Their measured results are closer to the exact or true value. Hence, their measured value is considered to be more accurate.


Considering the situation described above, the accuracy of a measured value depicts how closely a measured value is to the accurate value.

Hence, since the students' measured values have very low percent differences, it shows the similarity of computations or estimates to the actual values, which in turn offers a smaller measurement error.

Therefore, their measured results are closer to the exact or true value, which implies that their measured value is considered to be more accurate.

in an experiment the following readings were observed volume of alcohol flowing per minute equals to 10 raise to power - 5 cube volume density of alcohol is 800 kg per metre cube length of cube is 0.5 m radius of tube is 0.05 cm height of alcohol is 60 cm calculate the coefficient of viscosity of alcohol​



The viscosity is 1.30 x 10^-3 deca poise.


Volume per minute, V = 10^-5 m^3

Volume per second, V = 1.67 x 10^-7 m^3

density, d = 800 kg/m^3

radius, r = 0.05 cm

Length, L = 0.5 m

Height, h = 60 cm

Pressure, P = h d g = 0.6 x 800 x 9.8 = 4704 Pa

Use the formula  of rate of flow

[tex]V = \frac{\pi p r^4}{8\eta L}\\\\1.67\times 10^{-7}\times8\times \eta\times 0.5 = 3.14\times 4707\times (0.05\times 10^{-2})^4\\\\\eta = 1.38\times 10^{-3} deca poise[/tex]

The average 8-18 year old spends how many hours per day average in front of a screen doing little physical activity


Nearly four hours every day, doing little to no physical activity.

A uniform circular disk has a radius of 34 cm and a mass of 350 g. Its center is at the origin. Then a circular hole of radius 6.8 cm is cut out of it. The center of the hole is a distance 10.2 cm from the center of the disk. Find the moment of inertia of the modified disk about the origin.



u can ask it to the person who give ot to u i dont no

Why does the north poll of Jupiter form hexagonal shapes in the clouds of Jupiter. Trying to see if people got brains



They believe that vortexes occur at the planet's north pole because of atmospheric flows deep within the gas giant, and that these vortexes pinch an intense horizontal jet near the equator—which is what warps the storm into a hexagon

When a player's finger presses a guitar string down onto a fret, the length of the vibrating portion of the string is shortened, thereby increasing the string's fundamental frequency. The string's tension and mass per unit length remain unchanged.
If the unfingered length of the string is l=65cm, determine the positions x of the first six frets, if each fret raises the pitch of the fundamental by one musical note in comparison to the neighboring fret. On the equally tempered chromatic scale, the ratio of frequencies of neighboring notes is 21/12




For frequencies n generated in a string , the expression is as follows

n = 1 /2L√ ( T/m )

n is fundamental frequency , T is tension in string , m is mass per unit length and L is length of string.

If T and m are constant , then

n x L = constant , hence n is inversely proportional to L or length of string.

Frequencies increase by 21/12 = 1.75 , length must decrease by 1 / 1.75 times

Initial length of string is 65 cm .

x1 = 65 x 1 / 1.75 = 37.14 cm

x2 = 37.14 x 1/ 1.75 = 21.22 cm

x3 = 21.22 x 1 / 1.75 = 12.12 cm

x4= 12.12 x 1 / 1.75 = 6.92 cm

x5 = 6.92 x 1 / 1.75 = 3.95 cm

x6 = 3.95 x 1 / 1.75 = 2.25 cm

Other Questions
Please help im new and i need help!Please help me if you onlw the answers please!! point O is at a distance named K from the line D. What should be the value of K if we want to find three points that their distance from line D is 4cm and from point O is 6cm?1)42)83)24)3and please tell me how to solve this, I'll mark you the brainliest Graph the function need ASAP helpIs it a, b , c or d? Analyze one of three poems - "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson,Sonnet 50 by William Shakespeare, or "Grievance" by Amy Lowell - and then write anew poem that uses the same meter, rhyme scheme, and form as the one youanalyzed. Your original poem should be at least two stanzas long (about 8 lines), orexactly 14 lines if you're writing a sonnet.Your assignment should include the following elements: An introduction paragraph with a hook and a thesis statement about the theme ofthe poem you've chosen to analyze An analysis paragraph that describes the rhyme scheme and meter of yourchosen poem 8 - 10 annotations that go into detail about the poetic elements in your chosenpoem An original poem that follows the same form (sonnet, ballad, or free verse) as thepoem you've chosen to analyze answer these questions2) Your basic needs are the things you ____ to live a normal life.(a) should have(b) must have(c) need to have(d) ought to have3) The gate was open so we ____ to wait outside.(a) dont have(b) neednt have(c) didnt have (d) hadnt have4) I knew there ____ be a test, so I ____ need to study.(a) wont; dont(b) wouldnt; didnt(c) mightnt; didnt(d) couldnt; didnt5) I studied all night, then ____ out the test was cancelled. I ____ studied at all.(a) found; neednt have(b) have found; neednt have(c) found; oughtnt to have(d) found; mustnt have6) There are ____ artists whose paintings are worth millions.(a) quite few(b) the few(c) quite a few(d) only few What is the midpoint of a line segment connecting the points (4,6) and (8,2) Need answer fast Name two organs that are made up of all four tissues? Which of the following is the correct way to end a business letter? Lopez Company has a single employee, who earns a salary of $60,000 per year. That employee is paid on the 15th and last day of each month. On January 15, based, in part, on the information set forth in the accounting records, the following must be withheld from the employee's pay: FICASocial Security Taxes (at 6.2%), FICAMedicare Taxes (at 1.45%), Employee Federal Income Taxes (in the amount of $400), Employee State Income Taxes (in the amount of $25), and Employee Medical Insurance (in the amount of $100). (The employees paycheck has not yet been prepared.) Entries to prepare the January 15 journal entry for Lopez would include: There are hundreds if not thousands of wineries. Each winery tries to emphasize how their product is superior to others, though they are all close substitutes. Barriers to entry are low in this industry, and profits for new entrants are small. Which industrial model best fits the wine market Write an expression for the baseball teams Purchase. ________=126Fill the blank pls I need it fast Question 7Which of the following is true of skeletal muscle tissue?AEach cell has a single nucleus.BA muscle cell is composed of hundreds of muscle fibers.Askeletal muscle fiber typically contains a sarcolemma, t-tubules, and myofibrils.DSkeletal muscle cells have the same shape as smooth muscle cells. Which audience is "How to Eat an Ice-Cream Cone" most likely written for? Can someone compress this ipv6 address? 558c:0000:0000:d367:7c8e:1216:0000:66be Alejandro wants to adopt a puppy from an animal shelter. At the shelter, he finds eight puppies that he likes: a male and female puppy from each of the four breeds of and Labrador. The puppies are each so cute that Alejandro cannot make up his mind, so he decides to pick the dog randomly. Find the probability that Alejandro chooses a . the core characteristics of appropriate technology Help!!! QUICK! What is the pattern of the exponents on the a terms in Pascal's Triangle? A. The largest exponent value of the a terms is equal to one more than the value of the exponent on the binomial. The exponent values then decrease from left to right. B. The largest exponent value of the a terms is equal to the value of the exponent on the binomial. The exponent values then decrease from left to right. C. The largest exponent value of the a terms is equal to the value of the exponent on the binomial. The exponent values are then equal to 0 throughout the expansion. D.The largest exponent value of the a terms is equal to one more than the value of the exponent on the binomial. The exponent values are then equal to 1 throughout the expansion. PLZZZZZ HELP 15 POINTSWrite a PEEL paragraph: Evaluate the effectiveness of being an upstander when confronted with a bullying situationWrong answers will be deleted This app isnt helping