l want a story that ends with indeed it is terrible to befriend bad people


Answer 1




Once there lived a horrible mother who treated her child named Ella awfully, she always wanted someone to love her. But she was trapped in a attic, (which was her room). There was absolutely no possible way on earth she could ever get out of there. She was lonely everyday on those nights when the star shimmered so bright, oh how she would wish to get out of this horrible dreadful place. The attic she lived in had dusty mud colored walls that had spider webs all over and cockroaches that flew and crawled around.

Since those awful creatures were the only thing she could socialize with she did. She would hold them lightly on her hand and sing a song her dad sang after he had passed away. She would cry to sleep on the dusty loose floors everyday night.

But one day she was exploring the attic to see if there was anything she could use to not be bored, and she found a vent that would lead to the outside world. So, she broke open the vent with a piece of wood and she crawled out through another vent. Finally, she found light and saw latters to climb of. She was outside but how would she get down? It was so awfully high, she found latters to Climb down of. she jumped down and saw a little boy, and she ran to him and said "Hey, would you like to be my friend and play?"

The was answered and said yes, he invited her to his home and then locked the door fast. He tied her up and took off a mask, he wasn't a little boy, he was a man! The girl was trapped there and never to be seen again...

Related Questions

What according to narrator must we do if we fall ?​



It's only when one becomes pessimistic and gives up that he or she fails. The narrator warns against bowing out in the face of failure. He urges readers to endure and persist despite failures and losses.


Posing artistically ~


Be optimistic !!!




can u please ask clearly what answer do u want I am unable to understand that ques

write a poem using your memories on a place you visited you could also start your poem with i remember allow your memories to guide your pen



I remember the cold embrace of snow.

I remember the laughs.

I remember having so much fun

watching snowballs flying around.

As the day grows cold,

all I can remember is that first snowball fight


To answer this question is important to have the necessary knowledge of the poetical structure. In this case, I used the literary device known as repetition, which involves the intentional repetition, at least two or more times, of a word or phrase to create a certain effect, like bringing clarity to an idea or making it memorable for the reader.

In this example, the use of repetition highlight the remembrance of the author, which is suitable for a poem describing a memory of a past event.

The ( develop) ..... in technology allow astronomers to know more about outer space





my answer ...hope am right

The development in technology allow astronomers to know more about outer space.

What is technology?

Technology refers to the diversification as well as the modification of the Human surrounding. It is the implementation of the scientific knowledge in order to achieve the practical goals. It is the integration of scientific understanding to human life's practical goals

The procedure in which the person's Growth, advancement, positive change, or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social, and demographic takes place is referred to as development.

In the recent times' science has developed so much that astronomers can know about the exoplanets and activities of the space.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Astronomers can now learn more about the universe thanks to technological advancements.

Learn more about Technology here:



what is the antonym of steep



I suggest that 'slight' is most commonly used as the opposite of steep. In that context, or in the context of a hill or a rock to climb, some of the opposites suggested so far (gentle, gradual) make sense, as do simple, easy or comfortable.

The antonym of "steep" is "gentle" or "gradual," indicating a gradual slope or incline.

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. Antonyms are used to express contrasting or opposite ideas. They provide a way to describe the opposite characteristics or qualities of something. For example, the antonym of "hot" is "cold," and the antonym of "happy" is "sad."

Antonyms play a crucial role in language and communication as they allow for nuanced expression and the ability to convey contrasting ideas. Understanding antonyms helps to enhance vocabulary and improve comprehension by recognizing and utilizing words with opposite meanings in various contexts.

Learn more about antonym here:



2) Select the best answer ( using past simple and past continuous ) a) Cindy _______ lifting weights _____ I ____ in to the gym a) Where/ is / get b) Was/is/get c) Was/when/got d) Was/when/get b) The accident _________ when Charlie was ______ a) Didn´t Happen/ driving b) Didn´t happened / driving c) Didn´t happen/ drives d) Didn´t happened / drives c) They ____________ when I_________ the door a) Was fight / open b) Were fight / opened c) Was fighting / open d) Were fighting / opened



number one: C

number two: A

number three: D

please mark as brainliest

II. Fill in each gap with one suitable word
There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my younger sister (1)______me. My
father is a doctor. My father has a full-time job in a big company. (2)_________ both of them are
busy (3)________their work, my parents always try their best to be with their (4)________ as
much as possible and join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
Every morning we often get up early to have (5)_________ together before my parents go to
work and we go to school. My mother is a considerate and caring woman. She is always the
(6)__________ one to get up in the morning to prepare breakfast for all of us. After work she
(7)_________ to the market and hurries home, then my father and I help her to cook meals. We
talk merrily (8)________ the meals and feel happy together. At weekends we often have dinner
out or sometimes we go on a picnic.
My younger sister and I always help mom with the housework: cleaning the house,
(9)__________ the dishes, or cooking. Both of us want to give my parents the best things we can
do and we all try to study to (10)__________ our parents.
I think my home is a place where we can share our happiness and sadness



1. and

2. where

3. in


5. a breakfast

6. first

7. goes

8. in

9. and



There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my younger sister (1)and me. My

father is a doctor. My father has a full-time job in a big company. (2)where both of them are

busy (3) in their work, my parents always try their best to be with their (4) with as

much as possible and join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.

Every morning we often get up early to have (5) a breakfast together before my parents go to

work and we go to school. My mother is a considerate and caring woman. She is always the

(6)first one to get up in the morning to prepare breakfast for all of us. After work she

(7)goes to the market and hurries home, then my father and I help her to cook meals. We

talk merrily (8)in the meals and feel happy together. At weekends we often have dinner

out or sometimes we go on a picnic.

My younger sister and I always help mom with the housework: cleaning the house,

(9and the dishes, or cooking. Both of us want to give my parents the best things we can do and we all try to study to (10)in our parents.

I think my home is a place where we can share our happiness and sadness

To  learn more about suitable word to complete, refer



1 Put in the correct question tags for each sentence 1 There are too many people living in the city ?


There are too many people living in the city!

5 complete examples of fragments



Prepositional Phrase Fragments

Prepositional phrase fragments involve prepositions (for, to, during, through, etc.).


He went to Florida. For a month.

Correction: He went to Florida for a month.

During the storm. The dog ran away.

Correction: During the storm, the dog ran away.

The dog ran away. During the storm.

Correction: The dog ran away during the storm.

Write a letter to the principal of your school suggesting at least three ways to improve English speaking in the school




The principal,

School name,

Place Name,



I am writing to put your mind on the poor English spoken by the students of the school. The students of our school are quite poor in English and they feel shy when they speak infront of a large crowd.

I am writing this to inform gou you that if won't took any important decision in this case the reputation of the school will be damaged, you can organize summer camp, extra classes or some type of quiz to encourage students to improve their vocabulary and english.

I shall be thankful if you would look in this case





things fall apart dicuss conflict as the central theme in the novel


As a story about a culture on the verge of change, Things Fall Apart deals with how the prospect and reality of change affect various characters.

Major conflict On one level, the conflict is between the traditional society of Umuofia and the new customs brought by the whites, which are in turn adopted by many of the villagers.


In class, you have been discussing whether or not people should keep pets.
Here are some comments from your classmates:
People don' always look after their pets properly.
It's expensive to own a pet.
Having a pet can be good fun
You can learn things by looking after a pet.
Write an article for your teacher, giving your views.
The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.
Your article should be between 100 and 150 words long.
You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your article, and up to 6 marks for the language used



you have to write the article yourself because it's asking about your viewpoint but I will give you a way on how to do it


First of all identify your opinion of owning a pet. After doing so your article should be talking about backing up your viewpoint about owning pets. You should be able to provide examples to your opinion being correct.

let's take an example

maybe your viewpoint is that owning pets is hard and that you have to be responsible enough to take care of the animal

you could back this up by your friend or family member's experience with pets. BONUS if it is your own experience.

for example:

my friend once owned a fish but because she wasn't responsible enough to remember to feed it, the fish sadly passed away. that's why when owning pets you must be accountable to provide their necessities for them to survive.

and simply start stacking those examples and evidence that your viewpoint is right.

Which of the following words with –er suffixes is a comparative adjective?
A. Faster
B. Driver
C. Jumper
D. Tester


The word with the --er suffixes which is a comparative adjective is A. Faster.

What is a comparative adjective?

These are adjectives that are used to compare the difference between two or more objects that they modify.

These words are used in sentences where nouns are compared and the --er word 'Faster' is the only word considered to be a comparative adjective in the option, whereas the other words are merely nouns and not comparative adjectives.

The word 'faster' is the comparative form of the word 'fast' and 'fastest' is the superlative form. The other words, Driver, Jumper, and Tester are not in any way comparative adjectives.

Hence, the correct answer is option A.

Read more about comparative adjectives here:



write down a direction from your school to your house as you could give to a friend



2km North travel to cheborge boys high school , then turn left then walk for 1km, then you find a blue gate, that is my home.


first come out (north) and left side is my home

Answer these questions correctly

5) There ____ to be ____ reasons for changing our plans.

(a) appear; fewer

(b) appears; no

(c) appears; a few

(d) appear; several

6) The chart shows ____ of people who visited the gallery ____ day.

(a) a number; every

(b) number; each

(c) the number; each

(d) numbers; every
7) The number of passengers carried each year ____ gradually.

(a) have risen

(b) has raised

(c) have grown

(d) has risen

8) The car ____ stolen while ____ in an isolated place.

(a) is; being parked

(b) was; parking

(c) has been; parked

(d) was; parked

9) I ____ until the game began.

(a) needn’t wait

(b) shouldn’t wait

(c) oughtn’t to wait

(d) needn’t have waited

10) Everyone likes it here ____ used to it.

(a) when he gets

(b) when she gets

(c) once you get

(d) once they get​


5. (d)

6. (c)

7. (a)

8. (d)

9. probably (b)

10. (d)

if I want to go do something my parents do not like how do I persuade them


Tell them you’ll do chores

Write a couple sentences about how you got your drivers license and how it felt for your autobiography essay. (About 5 sentences will do)


The Steps to Obtain Your Driver’s License Getting a driver’s license is one of the biggest things in a young adult’s time as a teenager. Some young adults can wait until they are eighteen years of age to get it, but it is possible to get at the age of sixteen. Not only do more responsibilities come along, but a teenager is also acting like a more mature adult. It is a great achievement, but to get your driver’s license, you have to go through a big process. To get your driver’s license at age sixteen, it takes a lot of work, time and effort. Before you get close to even getting your driver’s license, you got to take it from step one and go through the process called driver’s education.

write the types of nouns with meaning​


write the types of nouns with meaning : .

What type of conflict does this passage reveal?

character vs. character
character vs. nature
character vs. self
character vs. society



character vs. nature


The novel from is less than three centuries old____ true or false?



the correct option is false.

Riya said that she had been planting trees in barren for five years.( change into direct speech )​


Riya said,"I have been planting trees in barren for five years."

Active Voice:-

The voice told directly by the speaker called active voice .

Passive voice:-

The voice told indirectly by the speaker is called passive voice .

How do individual roles work within a group or team?
A. The leader of the group assigns each person a role or responsibility.
B. The leader of the group does all the work and doesn't assign any roles.
C. Each person argues for the role he or she would like and creates conflict
D. Each person decides on how he or she can best contribute to the group.

I can’t decide between A and D



It depends on the leadership type - both A and D can be correct. Was there more to this question?


The inference is that individual roles work within a group or team as D. Each person decides on how he or she can best contribute to the group.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduxed based on the information given in a story.

In this case, the inference is that individual roles work within a group or team as each person decides on how he or she can best contribute to the group.

Learn more about inference on:




Ladkiyoooooo aaa jaooo♡♥︎♡

Kidhr hoo sab yaaar???



yes <3


Love wants the flower to be a combinateon of a rose and a lily
True or false​



i think true but if you wan to be 100% sure then wait for someone else


Define rational ignorance in your own words.



Rational ignorance is refraining from learning something when the cost of educating yourself on the issue exceeds the expected potential benefit that the knowledge would provide

IF CHILDREN BEHAVE BADLY, SHOULD THEIR PARENTS PUNISH THEM .Write a passage about 200-250 words to justify your answer.



Child learns from their parents. They provide initial learning environment to children. These days, there is an ongoing debate that whether parents are responsible for the wrong doing of their child and who should be punished for these crimes. In this essay, I will discuss the main reasons for this kind of behavior.

Bad behavior has its own reasons. Children who perform any act which is not good for the society should be given warnings by the parents. Parents need to keep an eye on their kids. They should be given appropriate love and kindness, however, etiquettes should also be taught frequently. For the wrong doing by children, parents should give them small punishments like not providing them their favorite food or disallowing to play with their best friends. By these small punishments, it is highly likely that children will refrain from doing wrong acts again.

Similarly, parents who scolded their children are not good for their social, mental and physiological health. Though, it is responsibility of the parents for any crime done by five years old kid. For instance, the education provided by Muhammad; prophet of God, children should be taught till the age of seven. According to him, parents should not punish for prayer till the age of seven. Parent only punish after the age of ten years. Hence, we can infer from above that parents need to educate their children steadily till the age of puberty. Nevertheless, the whole responsibility is on parents.

In a nutshell, parents are responsible for the acts by children although they need to educate their kids slowly with very small punishment. The essay discussed the roles of parents in their children's life and way of punishment on their wrong doings.

why do you think "on my way song by Alan Walker" stand-out compared to other song?

give the reason¯\_(ツ)_/¯​



because best creations are always first criticized and the thanked


plz mark me as brainliest

what will happen if you are not able to manage your time well ?​



if you don't know how to manage your time:

lack of focusMissed deadlines and appointmentsLack of punctualityLower grades and test scores lack of sleep
nothing if you get everything done in the end

Why were the Lotus Eaters dangerous for Odysseus' men?


In the land of the lotus-eaters there were lotus flowers that poisoned the mind. Once the lotus leaves were eaten, you were addicted to it and would lose your mind and your will to do anything else. Odysseus dragged the three men back to the ship and tied them down, warning no one else to eat the lotus.


In the land of the lotus-eaters there were lotus flowers that poisoned the mind. Once the lotus leaves were eaten, you were addicted to it and would lose your mind and your will to do anything else. Odysseus dragged the three men back to the ship and tied them down, warning no one else to eat the lotus.


How did Robertino bring back love and happiness to his home?



Once upon a time, in far-off Italy, there was a little boy whose name was Robertino. He loved his grandfather very much. The little boy and the old man were good friends and spent much time together. Robertino loved to sit on his grandfather’s knee and listen, his brown eyes wide open, to the stories he told him. Grandfather was a wonderful storyteller. And oh, the stories he told! Fairy tales and exciting hunting stories, like the one in which grandfather himself had once caught an eagle. No matter how unreal the stories or the games they played were, the love between these two was real.

Grandfather had come to live with Robertino’s parents when grandmother had died, three years before. Robertino’s mother did not understand the loneliness of the old man. Sometimes she was very impatient with him, especially on those days when his hands shook and he would drop what he was holding.

One night at diner, grandfather lifted his cup to drink his coffee but his poor old hands shook so much that the coffee spilled on the clean white table-cloth. The cup, falling from his hands, broke into many pieces. Robertino’s mother spoke angrily to the old man. Grandfather never said a word in reply, but only looked at her with sadness in his eyes. Robertino was also very unhappy. Poor and dear grandfather!

After that grandfather had to eat all alone at a little table in the kitchen. There was sadness in his eyes when he heard about this new arrangement and sadness in the gentle smile he gave his grandchild. As soon as Robertino finished his dinner he would run into the kitchen to be with the old man he loved so much. And the kitchen to be with the old man he loved so much. And the kitchen becomes a beautiful land where there was no pain and no sadness and where an old man and a little child could move about happily hand in hand.

As time went on, grandfather grew older and weaker, and his hand shook more and more. One night as he sat all alone in the kitchen, his hand shook and he drooped a of soup, and the cup broke into many pieces. Robertino’s parents rushed to the kitchen and saw the spilt soup on the clean floor.

Robertino was upset, for his mother spoke more angrily than she had ever done before, and said the only thing to do was to give the old man a wooden cup. She said, she didn’t want her dishes broken just because he had become so careless.

Suddenly the child went over to the fireplace where his mother had swept the pieces of the cup. Soon the pieces seemed to be whole. Then he took a small piece of wood from the fireplace and began to chip it. He kept his eyes on the earthen cup as thought it were a model.

‘What are you making, Robertino?’ asked his mother fondly. ‘I’m making a wooden cup for you to have when you grow old,’ answer Robertino. Robertino’s mother and father were too ashamed to look into Robertino’s eyes. They took grandfather’s arm and led him back to the dining room, and stood near him and helped him as he ate.

From that time grandfather never ate all alone in the kitchen. He sat in his usual place, next to Robertino, in the dining room.

Robertino was happy again. His grandfather was loved and cared for. Robertino realized that his parents too were experiencing the true happing that loving kindness bring.

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