Landscape Archaeology is important because:


Answer 1

The correct answer is A. it helps us to understand how prehistoric people landscape their homes


The archeology of the archaeological landscape is a set of theoretical concepts focused on analyzing the relationship of ancient communities with the space that surrounded them, appropriating it, transforming it with their work, and endowing it with different cultural meanings. An example of this is the construction of cities, the development of crops in different forms, and the appropriation of resources such as rivers. So the answer is A.

Related Questions

Even though the days can sometimes be brutally hot and humid, summer is my favorite season



I am not sure whether this is a quiz or statement but,


Even though my allergies can sometimes be painful and itchy, spring is my favorite season.

What skills do you have?
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42.Whar are your strengths?

43. what kind of work you do well with people?


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Why do you think that Tara Westover chose the VirginiaWoolf epigraph at the beginning of her story?



Virginia Woolf was an English author born in 1882. She was one of the first writers to use the narrative technique known as stream of consciousness. Woolf is quoted often in today's world. One of her quotes is the one mentioned above:

"... the past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don't have complete emotions about the present, only the past."

Many authors, such as Tara Westover, use this quote in their own work. It is likely that Woolf was attempting to express the concept that "hindsight is 20/20" or something similar to this. This means that the past can only be appreciated because with the past comes memories that hold emotions.

Tara Westover chose to use an epigraph by Virginia Woolf because the epigraph was able to express a very important point in the book and in the message that Tara Westover wished to convey to the reader.

Although you haven't shown it, the above question refers to “Educated” by Tara Westover, a book in which she writes her memoirs and uses an epigraph by Virginia Woolf, to reinforce the importance of remembering the past and recognizing its impact on the present.

By reading this book, we can see that:

Westover tells how she lived a difficult childhood, surrounded by violence and sorrow.She only realized this negative impact of her life, when the moments she lived became the past.In the present, she is able to better analyze her difficult childhood and see what caused so many problems.Virginia Woolf's epigraph shows how the present goes unnoticed by people, who can only analyze it when it becomes the past.

With that, we can conclude that the epigraph of Virginia Woolf is directly related to the message that Westover wants to pass on to the readers and for that reason, this epigraph was used.

You can find more information about what an epigraph is at the link below:

Which of the following has the vowel with the shortest duration when
compared to the others?
O bee


I believe the answer is bee.

He wanted to know from me) “What else would you suggest for the trip?" into indirect speech​



He asked what you would suggest for the trip.


Hope this helped!

Please tell me if this is wrong.

write a conversation between a tourist and you. The tourist should ask for directions to get to the places in your locality.
(i) nearest health post/ hospital
(ii) nearest buspark/airport
(iii) nearedt campus/school
(iv) nearest river/swimming
(v) nearest picnic spot

p.s. You can write only two​




tourist:can you please tell me the nearest buspark in this village.

me : yeh of course, go straight from the right side of your you will see there bus park.

tourist:thank you

me:my pleasure

write a paragraph about something you did that was fun or unusual


I rode on a mechanical bull and then I got off of it

8. I got my little brother _____ my bedroom for me!
A. tidied B. having tidied C. to tidy D. tidy





D is right answer of this question

What do we mean by tidy ?

"clearly organized and systematic"

I got my little brother tidy my bedroom for me!

Hence, D is the correct option.

To know more about tidy here


Liisi was so eager to join the other kids in Tallinn's town square, she could not stop moving. At 10, she was just old enough to join in the folk dances as the city celebrated Jaanipäev—John's Day, or Midsummer's Eve. The June 23 festival always made her giddy with delight, and as her mother finally released her, she gave her a swift hug and flew out the door.
The square was just a few blocks away, and Liisi could hear the cheers of the crowd as she raced down the cobblestone streets. As she rounded the last corner and entered the square, the dancing had already begun. She was so glad she had paid attention when her mom taught her the traditional steps. Making her way to the front of the crowd, Liisi's school friends waved to her. She caught up to them just as the band started playing, and they arranged themselves in a line for the next dance. At that moment, Liisi could not imagine ever living anywhere else.

Select the correct answer.
Which detail best reflects the historical and cultural setting of the text?

the folk dances
the last corner
the band playing
the cheers of the crowd


It’s B because it fits the best


Is this correct the person above me


What is possessive of word France and and give me example


Ex: I love my country Vive la France!

"Hi, mum!" Peter, as he himself down on the floor with a groan.

said / was throwing

has said / is throwing

was saying / threw

says / has thrown

said / had thrown​


i think it said/was throwing, hope this helps

The complete sentence is - "Hi, mum!" said Peter, as he was throwing himself down on the floor with a groan". Thus, option first is correct.

What are Tenses?

A category that indicates time reference is tense. The employment of various verb tenses, especially in their grammatical patterns, frequently indicates a tense. The past, present, and future are the three basic tenses that may be found in various languages.

In grammar, tense is a verbal category that connects the time of the spoken event to the time of the narrated event. The idea of time is communicated by various components of speech rather than the verb in several languages. Therefore, it can be concluded that option first is correct.

Learn more about Tenses here:


Your question was incomplete, probably the complete question was.....

16. “Hi mum!” ____ Peter, as he ______ himself down on the floor with a groan.

How does each present Napoleon as a leader? Use specific details from the paintings to explain these differences.



Need pic to get the stuff

Part C
Next, you'll write a comparison of rhetoric in Stanton’s speech "A Plea for the Oppressed" and Lewis's speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking. First, plan out your analysis by answering the questions in the table.

“A Plea for the Oppressed” by Lucy Stanton
What is the speaker’s purpose or point of view?​
What is a rhetorical appeal that Stanton makes to advance her purpose or point of view?​
How does Stanton use a rhetorical device to advance her purpose or point of view?
Reformers should all work together to end slavery.​
Stanton uses a logos appeal to show that the rationale for ending slavery aligns perfectly with their own values​.
Stanton uses an extended metaphor that compares slavery to war to show that peace activists must support the abolition of slavery.
Comparing Rhetoric in Stanton’s “A Plea for the Oppressed” and Lewis’s “Speech at the King Memorial Groundbreaking”
How does Stanton’s rhetoric compare with Lewis’s? Lewis has built-in ethos as a representative and friend of King’s. Stanton cannot rely on ethos as much but makes a persuasive case through logos.



A Plea for the Oppressed” by Lucy Stanton

What is the speaker’s purpose or point of view?

What is a rhetorical appeal that Stanton makes to advance her purpose or point of view?

How does Stanton use a rhetorical device to advance her purpose or point of view?

Reformers should all work together to end slavery.

Stanton uses a logos appeal to show that the rationale for ending slavery aligns perfectly with their own values.

Stanton uses an extended metaphor that compares slavery to war to show that peace activists must support the abolition of slavery.

Comparing Rhetoric in Stanton’s “A Plea for the Oppressed” and Lewis’s “Speech at the King Memorial Groundbreaking”

How does Stanton’s rhetoric compare with Lewis’s? Lewis has built-in ethos as a representative and friend of King’s. Stanton cannot rely on ethos as much but makes a persuasive case through logos.


In two speeches, delivered 150 years apart, two activists use rhetoric to advocate for basic human dignity. Here is how their rhetorical strategies compare.

Stanton’s Logos Appeal. In “A Plea for the Oppressed,” Lucy Stanton’s purpose is to convince her audience that the fight to end to slavery is their fight. One of most effective parts of her speech is her logos appeal to reformers in the audience, such as those in the peace movement. She connects their cause to the cause of abolition in a powerful extended metaphor that begins, “Slavery is the combination of all crime. It is War.” Showing the logical connection between war and slavery makes it difficult for peace activists to fail to support abolition.

Lewis’s Ethos Appeal. Representative John Lewis’s purpose in his speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking is to remind the nation that King’s work is unfinished. His primary appeal is ethos. He is able to make this appeal by drawing on his position as a popular representative, a leader of the civil rights movement, and a personal friend of Martin Luther King’s. In a series of parallel phrases, Lewis establishes that he and King were very close. The anecdote Lewis recalls about being a teenager in the segregated South, and the impact of hearing King on the radio, adds a strong emotional appeal to the ethical one as Lewis calls for the next generation to carry on King’s legacy. He is uniquely qualified to commemorate King.

The different appeals each speaker emphasizes reflects their status. Stanton was young graduate, and Lewis was a revered politician. Both weave all three appeals into their speeches, but only Lewis can lean heavily on the ethical appeal.


Plato answer so use quillbot to rephrase it.

Can Modal verbs be used in Conditional sentences except for Would??​



Sure, for example..

If the weather is sunny, I'll have to go for a walk

When I do my homework, I'll may go to see my friends

Can you do this question?


What can you use water for? - Showering, Farming, Cooking

What can you eat for dinner? - Tomatoes, Rice, Noodles

Things that are naturally red? - Tomatoes, Roses, Watermelon

Words that begin with sun-? - Sunday, Sunshine, Sunlight

Words that begin with sp-? - Spoon, Spine, Spin

Types of Transportation? - Train, Car, Boat

Words that end with -ment? - Moment, Pavement, Accomplishment

Things with a screen? - Phone, TV, Tablet

Words that start with re? - Rewind, Restart, Refill

Kings of trees? - Oak Trees, Spruce Trees, Red Wood Trees

Pets? - Dogs, Cats, Fish

Things in the bathroom? - Sink, Toilet, Mirror

Circular Things? - Bottles, Lamps, Pencils

White Things? - Sugar, Salt, Tissues

What can you do to your hair? - Curl it, Straighten it, Clean it

hello i......10 year old


hii! okhshdhdhffhfj




hello nice to meet u

What is the theme of "Fighter" by Walter Dean Myers?
respond with 2 RACE paragraphs.



Social injustice/police brutality. Value of life


Social injustice, police brutality and value of life are the important components of the theme of the short story ''fighter'' which is written by Walter Dean Myers. In this short story he writes about the injustice that happen in the society as well as the aggressive behaviour of the police which leads to police brutality.

In this story, he describes the importance of life and its value to the reader. In such type of society there is no value of life of the people, killings are normal thing that occurs or happens in such type of society.

Can someone help me please



7. A, 8. H


7. A

you can simplify the sentence as

The disappearance (subject) remains (verb) a mystery.

8. H

you can simplify the sentence as

The sinking (subject) resulted (verb) in reforms.

what is ment by infactures of development​


Infrastructure development is the construction and improvement of foundational services with the goal of sparking economic growth and improvements in quality of life.

Hope this answer helps you..!!
It involves improvement of the quality of the various components of infrastructure, such as roads, power, ICT, water and sanitation.

How does this interaction between Nora and the nurse affect the plot?

Nora discusses the nurse’s child with her, which creates conflict.
Nora thinks about leaving her own family, which builds suspense.
Nora thinks about leaving her own family, which reveals her motivations.
Nora is not on a first-name basis with her nurse, which reveals her personality.



Nora thinks about leaving her own family which builds suspense


Paine\'s line is an indirect reference to this line from the King James Bible: ...and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) This technique is an example of the use of
A) alliteration.
B) allusion.
C) artistry.
D) assonance.



The answer is C : Artistry.

In literature The sequence of event in a play is called


Plot - is the sequence of events


In a literary work, film, story or other narrative, the plot is the sequence of events where each affects the next one through the principle of cause-and-effect. ... Plot is similar in meaning to the term storyline.


Which of these sentences uses commas correctly?
Mary asked "What time do we need to be there?"
Mary asked, what time do we need to be there?
Mary asked what time do we need to be there?
Mary asked, "What time do we need to be there?"





we first keep the comma before the actual words of the speaker

1. my / at / aunt / half / was / past / at / nine / home

2. a / her / quarter / parents / to / were / seven / at

3. sister / your / yesterday / was / evening / where / ?

4. the / our / not / in / children / were / library

5. outside / his / last / cousins / night / were / ?



1. my aunt was at home

2. a quarter to seven

3. where was your sister yesterday

4. the children were in library

5. his cousins were outside last night

write the essay on topic Kargil vinay diwas words are 100 to 120​


Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on 26 July every year in honour of the Kargil War's Heroes. This day is celebrated in the Kargil–sector and the national capital New Delhi, where the Prime Minister of India pays homage to the soldiers at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate every year. Functions are also organized all over the country to commemorate the contributions of the armed forces.

The war took place between May and July of 1999 in Jammu and Kashmir's Kargil district. The Army declared the mission successful on July 26, 1999; since then the day has been celebrated annually as Vijay Diwas.

Because the Pakistani soldiers and terrorists had positioned themselves at higher altitudes, it gave them an advantage in combat, as they could fire down at advancing Indian troops. Pakistan shot down two Indian fighter jets while another fighter jet crashed during the operation. Pakistan asked the US to intervene, but then President Bill Clinton declined to do so until Pakistani troops were withdrawn from the Line of Control. As Pakistani troops withdrew, the Indian armed forces attacked the rest of the outposts, managing to get back the last of them by July 26.

Pakistan initially denied any role in the conflict, saying India was facing off with "Kashmiri freedom fighters." However, it later awarded its soldiers medals for the conflict, removing any doubt of its involvement.

Can anyone find some 6 English statements that are meaning for example
The sky is blue



Below are six statements that have meaning :

1. The blood is red in color.

2. The sun rise in the east and sets in the west.

3. The earth revolves around the sun.

4. Houses are made of bricks and cement.

5. Global warming is one of the major international issue in twenty first century.

6. Washington D.C is the capital of United states of America.

Reliable scholarly source is always stressed in academic writing because



These differences would be seen in the causes, sources and consequences of stressors. Some of the common stressors reported in an academic setting include excessive assignments, poor time management and social skills, peer competition, etc. (Fairbrother & Warn, 2003).

The need for reference of reliable scholarly source in academic writing (i.e. project) is to provide guide needed to confirm the writing of the scholar and to ascertain the writing are clear of plagiarism.

In academic writing, writers are required to state out the list of sources of information because:

To confirm authenticity of the writingTo prevent future plagiarism claim from the scholar.To provide guide on how to trace the scholar writingTo complete the requirement of good academics writing

In conclusion, providing reliable scholarly source is the backbone of writing a perfect academics article, journal inclusive.

Learn more about academic writing here

Alas! she is dead. (What word class does underline in the sentence belong to)​



. Interjection



Can someone help please



d. have been


fd gsjsjjshshsh




All teenagers need to help around the home


this statement is true
Other Questions
In 1980 there was growing concern that the protective ozone layer over the Antarctic might be decreasing and thereby allowing so much harmful ultraviolet radiation to reach the Earth that polar marine life would be damaged. Some government officials dismissed these concerns, since statistics indicated that global atmospheric ozone levels remained constant. The relevance of the evidence cited by the government officials in support of their position would be most seriously undermined if it were true that 100 POINTS AND BRAINLIEST FOR THIS WHOLE SEGMENTa) Find zw, Write your answer in both polar form with [0, 2pi] and in complex form.b) Find z^10. Write your answer in both polar form with [0, 2pi] and in complex form.c) Find z/w. Write your answer in both polar form with [0, 2pi] and in complex form.d) Find the three cube roots of z in complex form. Give answers correct to 4 decimal places. help me pls??????? :) What does the transparency international (TI) lead at global level Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.A company makes cylindrical vases. The capacity, in cubic centimeters, of a cylindrical vase the company produces is given by thefunction C() = 6.2873 + 28.26x2, where x is the radius, in centimeters. The area of the circular base of a vase, in squarecentimeters, is given by the function A () = 3.14.2To find the height of the vase, dividerepresents the height of the vase.the expressions modeling functions C(x) and A(z). The expression Find and correct the mistake 1. The children did their homework when their father came back from the office. 2. He played the guitar when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water. In your own words, what is the definition for the word karyotype? James purchased five acres of land fo 75,000 what was the cost per acre What would have been some of the implications of Homer's being a blind poet? Select all that apply.He would have had more difficulty memorizing the works for orationV Homer was really blind, he certainly would have had difficulty transcribing his poems without assistance.He would have had a companion or scribe who followed him around, helping him in his travels and recording his stories.His audiences would have had to concentrate more on the text, rather than allowing Homer's appearance to distract them.His medical requirements would have hampered his creative abilities. 2- . the number of waves in n *10 bohr's orbit are experts can examine the same evidence and come up with different causes to explain it BRAINLIEST + 20 POINTS!Read this sentence.The huge crowd clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed.Which answer adds a *participial phrase* to the sentence?A. The huge crowd listened intently and clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed.B. The huge crowd, moved by the emotional concert, clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed.C. The huge crowd clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed dramatically.D. The huge crowd clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed, and they hoped for an encore. The ratio of Mitchell's age to Connor's age is 8:5. In thirty years, the ratio of their ages will be 6:5. How much older is Mitchell than Connor now? you play cricket,tag question Forma oraciones completas usando los elementos. Usa el presente Del indictivo para el primer verbo y haz otros cambios que seran necesarios Condensation is the process of ____________________.a. planetesimals accumulating to form protoplanets.b. planets gaining atmospheres from the collisions of comets.c. clumps of matter adding material a small bit at a time.d. clumps of matter sticking to other clumps.e. clouds formed from volcanic eruptions. Lainey is looking for a new apartment and her realtor keeps calling her with new listings . The calls only take a few minutes , but a few minutes here and there are really starting to add up . She's having trouble concentrating on her work . What should Lainey do ? a ) Tell her realtor she can only receive text messages b ) Limit the time spent on each call c ) Turn off her phone until she is on a break d ) Call her realtor back when customers won't see her on the phone What is the role of a design tWhat is the role of a design tool in a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution? What is a similarity between the temperate climate zone and polar climate zone?A. Both climate zones get less than 100 cm of precipitation in a year.B. Both climate zones have average yearly temperature of around 25C.C. The polar and temperate climate zones have hot and dry summers.D. They have hot summers and cold winters because they are close to the ocean. The quotient of -8 and the sum of a and b