Link the nation with each statement: (1) offers an apprenticeship program for non- college youth that leads to a job; (2) leaves young people to find jobs on their own.

A) (1) Germany:

(2) the United States

B) (1) the United States;

(2) the United Kingdom

C) (1) the United States;

(2) Japan

D) (1) Germany:

(2) Japan


Answer 1



The United States

Answer 2

Germany offers an apprenticeship program for non- college youth that leads to a job.

America leaves young people to find jobs on their own.


An apprenticeship program for non-college youth in Germany is a system to employ youngsters.    Apprenticeships are an essential part of Germany under the education system.Apprenticeships provide youth with both theoretical and practical  together.        


America leaves young people to find jobs on their own. Employment for the youth lies in their choices and performance.Americans have always believed in independence as they leave their homes at a younger age to do work.

Therefore we can conclude that different countries have their views on dealing with employments and youths.

Learn more about "apprenticeship " here:

Related Questions

Inhibition of perceptual/attentional processes and inhibition of motor processes have both been proposed as possible mechanisms for which phenomenon?



Inhibition of return


Inhibition of return is the term used to represent orientation mechanisms that have the ability to increase the speed with which an object is detected, in addition to directly interfering in the accuracy of that detection. Within this system, the speed is increased by approximately 100-300 milliseconds, which causes a total difference in results.

Due to the relevance of the inhibition of return, many possible mechanisms have been proposed to compose it as the inhibition of perceptual / attentional processes and inhibition of motor processes.

A researcher moves an experiment out of the laboratory and into the real world. This type of research is called a ____ field study quasi-experimental study simulation study transported study



The type of research is called a field study.


Martin Seligman and Angela Duckworth share one component in common as part of their list of ingredients for happiness and grit. Which one is it



The common component that Martin Seligman and Angela Duckworth share while enlisting their ingredients for happiness and grit is resilience.


Martin Seligman wrote a book titled 'Authentic Happiness' in which he shared the ingredients of being happy. In his book, he wrote that happiness is not a mere product of good times but true happiness comes from finding one's own strength. Happiness is not situation based and is gained with resilience.

The term resilience can be defined as one's ability to overcome difficuluties, it's one's ability to come back into shape after facing adversity or toughness.

Angela Duckworth is most celebrated for her work on grit. In her work, she suggested that key to grit is resilience. It is not related to IQ, EQ, and so on but the ability of resilience.

So, the common component that Martin Seligman and Angela Duckworth shares is resilience.

A young woman passes through adolescence without developing a strong sense of personal identity. According to Erikson, what difficulty will she experience during young adulthood?


Answer: a. She will have problems with intimacy.


Erik Erikson was a psychologist who developed the Theory of Psychosocial Development which aimed to show how humans developed in life.

In the 5th stage known as Identity versus confusion, the human passes through adolescence. Here is where things are quite confusing as the person tries to navigate who they are with a lot of outside influence from family, friends or society in general bearing in on them. With all these influences, it is important that one develops a strong sense of personal identity for the next stage being young adulthood.

The Young Adulthood stage of life is the next stage and is known as the Intimacy versus isolation stage. At this stage, the major focus is forming intimate, loving relationships with people. A person who like the young woman in the question, fails to develop a strong sense of personal identity will find themselves having problems with developing intimacy with people as they will constantly doubt themselves and avoid people because of it leading to them having less committed relationships.

Discuss how existentialism, anti colonialism, and the quest for personal freedom influenced the landmarks of the last fifty years


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Existentialism, anti-colonialism, and the quest for personal freedom influenced the landmarks of the last fifty years in that they were the dominant concepts that supported Neoliberalism, as the imperative economic system in modern western societies.

During these last fifty years, those concepts shaped the thinking of corporate America. An economic and political system that promoted free market, where corporations became so rich, countries signed free trade agreements, multinational companies opened branches in many third world companies, and unfortunately, it never impacted in a positive way to the working class, just benefited the rich people.

That is why today we see so many protests and demonstration in many countries, including the US, where people are demanding drastic changes after the US Crisis of 2008, when the federal government decided to support and rescue the big bankers and corporations, instead of supporting the interests of the common American citizen.

Though farming still exists in the ridge and valley region, it is best known as a(n) ____ center of Georgia.



A, industrial



The answer is A.Industrial


Equality sign is always a part of alternate hypothesis. This statement is
a. Depends on data
b. Sometimes true
c. Always true
d. Never true



d. Never true


Null hypotheses is a form of hypotheses, generally considered to be the opposite of alternative hypothesis, and it is used in a statistical research studies, that shows there is no significant difference between two measured populations, situations or conditions.

Also, the null hypothesis is based on the assumption that the premise is true until evidence proves otherwise.

Hence, null hypothesis which is represented as H0, always has a symbol with an EQUAL SIGN in it, others sign is "greater than or equal to(≥)", and  "less than or equal to(≤)"

While the alternative hypothesis is represented with Ha, and never has a symbol with an EQUAL SIGN in it, but rather, "not equal to (≠)", "greater than (>)" and "less than (<)"

The first widely reported Neandertal find, the Feldhofer Cave skeleton, was correctly interpreted as Group of answer choices a probable ancestor to modern humans, according to Thomas Henry Huxley. the remains of a Russian soldier from an earlier invasion. a very large gibbon. a modern human afflicted with rickets and arthritis, according to Rudolf Virchow.



a probable ancestor to modern humans, according to Thomas Henry Huxley


Feldhofer cave skeleton often referred to as Feldhofer 1, or Neanderthal 1 is the scientific name given to the discovery of the 40,000-year-old type specimen fossil of the species Homo neanderthalensis. It was at the time correctly interpreted as a probable ancestor to modern humans, according to Thomas Henry Huxley. It was found in 1856 in Germany.

Hence, the right answer is Option A.

If the researcher is interested in utilization of police services by assault victims, it is helpful to establish victimization with



A filter question


Filter questions is a form of survey questionnaire, in which the questions are presented in such a way that, participants only answer questions that are applicable to them, or related to their conditions only, which will make them not to answer questions that do not relate to them.

For example, when a participants answer “yes” to filter questions, they are then asked more detailed follow-up questions, otherwise, respondents who give “no” answers, are not questioned further on the topic.

Hence, in this case, because of the sensitivity involved in the issue of assault, it is best to establish victimization with FILTER QUESTION.

For each situation, give an example of a fiscal policy and a monetary policy solution. (p. 15)
1. Rapid investment during a boom period threatens to overheat the economy.
Fiscal policy solution:
Monetary policy solution:
2. Layoffs lead to an economic slowdown.
Fiscal policy solution:
Monetary policy solution:



Monetary Policy refers to the use of money supply and interest rates by the Central bank of a country to help achieve Economic goals such as inflation, consumption and economic growth. An expansionary monetary policy increases money supply and a contractionary policy decreases it.

Fiscal Policy has the same aim of helping the Government achieve economic goals but this time done by regulating government spending or taxes. An expansionary fiscal policy sees increased government spending and reduced taxes while a contractionary policy sees decreased government spending and higher taxes.

1. Rapid investment during a boom period threatens to overheat the economy.

Fiscal policy solution:  Contractionary Fiscal Policy

The Economy might overheat because of a high amount of investment in production. This means that Aggregate Demand is moving too fast. To rein this in with Fiscal Policy, the Government can increase taxes and reduce spending. This way people have less money to save to be used for investment and companies have less money to do the same.

Monetary policy solution: Contractionary Monetary Policy

The Central bank should reduce money supply and increase interest rates. They can do this by increasing the reserve requirement rate for banks and engage in Open Market Operations to sell securities to the public. This reduction in money supply will increase interest rates thereby reducing the amount of money left for investing.

2. Layoffs lead to an economic slowdown.

Fiscal policy solution:  Expansionary Fiscal Policy

The goal here is to stimulate the economy so that employers can hire more people. The Government can increase spending which would lead to a multiplier effect in income. They should also reduce taxes so that the people can have more money after paying taxes. These two things will have the effect of increasing investment spending which will enable companies to embark on new projects that will increase employment.

Monetary policy solution: Expansionary Monetary Policy

The Central bank should also aim to increase interest rates and money supply at least in the short run. By decreasing the Discount rate as well as the Reserve requirement, and embarking on Open Market Operations where they buy securities from the public, they can increase money supply. This increase in money supply will mean that there is excess money for investment which will lead to increased employment.

If you answer correct I will mark brainliest



Pala was founded by Gopala

Rashtrakuta was founded by Dantidurga

Chauhan was founded by Prithviraj Raso

Paramaras was founded by Ajab Dev Parmar


A vast ______ lies under the plateau in the Appalachian Plateau region.
A. Underground river
B.Underground river



C, coalfield





I took the test XD

How did the colonist react to the intolerable acts



B: Supporting Massachusetts and creating a Continental Congress.


that's the answer

The colonist react to the intolerable acts reaction to the heinous acts is a display of unity. The First Continental Congress meets to discuss and negotiate a united front against the British.

What is intolerable acts?

The term "Intolerable Acts" was coined in 1774 by the British Parliament. The Boston Tea Party Law. The protest against these laws was led by the colonists of Massachusetts. A Tea Party protest, defiance, and Tea Act protest In May 1773, Parliament passed a tax.

Great Britain was negotiating with rebellious American colonies, particularly the colony of Massachusetts. Britain enacted this to punish the colonists for dumping a large tea delivery into Boston Harbor. The colonists reacted to The Intolerable Acts by going to boycott it and going on strike. It was the show, the unity.

As a result, the colonist react to the intolerable acts are the show of unity against the law of the unified approach.

Learn more about on intolerable acts, here:


Mike is driving 15 miles over the posted speed limit and is pulled over by Trooper Tom. When Trooper Tom approaches the car he hears Kathy in the front seat moaning in pain. Mike tells Trooper Tom that Kathy is in labor and that he's rushing to the hospital. Trooper Tom never-the-less issues a ticket. Trooper Tom's ethical approach in this matter is:





When Alonzo became the target of bullying at school, he first felt angry, then betrayed when he realized a childhood friend was one of the bullies. Instead of fighting back, he acted as if nothing was wrong. This is an example of:





Suppression: In psychology, the term suppression is determined as an individual's act of stopping himself or herself from feeling or thinking about something. However, suppression is being considered as ineffective because even if an individual tend to hold back or suppress his or her emotions, for example, guilt or anger, that feelings or emotions is said to get back or return within a period of time.

In the question above, the correct answer is suppression.

Calculus-based trust is based on the belief that the other party will deliver its promises because punishments would be applied if they fail to deliver those promises.
A. True
B. False





In 1992, Shapiro, Sheppard, and Cheraskin formed different levels of trust involved in any organization or between individual. Among them, the first level of trust is Calculus-based trust (CBT) relationship.

In Calculus-based trust relationships the trust is based on belief of reward and punishment, which means that if other party fails to fulfil his/her promises than he/she will have to have the consequences. The consequence of compliance or non-compliance have to do with reward or punishment.

So, the given statement is true.

A relatively stable and consistent characteristic that can be used to describe someone is known as a(n) _____.





A trait is a stable characteristic that can describe someone.

For example, traits include things like being trustworthy, generous, mean, etc.

Things can be considered traits when they are consistent in someone's personality.

To prevent states from violating federal law after the 2013-2014 school year; in return, states were required to:



emphasize attain of college and career readiness standards


In simple words, after the academic year of 2013- 2014, the central government of United states issues some guidelines for the states to emphasize on higher education of their citizens.

The basic ideology behind these guidelines is to make the community more aware and educated so the crime rate could be declined down.

Write a diary about a person whose depressed and suicidal



I'm all alone in this world. People I trust have all let me down, throw me to the wolves, and left me for dead.

Even my best friend joined other people to laugh at me when I slipped and fell. Does she not understand how much that hurts me? Doesn't she know that I died a thousand times over when I heard her cackle before it turned into howling laughter? I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

It's not my fault that I'm clumsy and dull. Doctors said I might be slow, I'm not sure. Most times I just want to be left alone.

I did not ask to be born. I was in a state of nothingness, bliss, and satisfaction before two overeager people decided to have sex and now I have to face the harsh realities of life.

I was reading a report of how a man drank acid and died, I think that is too gross. I think the Japanese way of seppuku which involves slashing one's abdomen till the insides come out and maybe someone else will behead the dying man as a mark of honor is also extreme. I am a coward, I prefer a gun to my throat. That is better. Fast and painless.

Dear diary, what do you think?

A simple structure is characterized by Multiple Choice high specialization and low centralization. low specialization and high centralization. low formality and low creativity. high formality and low centralization.



low specialization and high centralization.


A simple structure is one of the forms of traditional organizational designs. Some of the characteristics of this design are centralization in the authority, low form of departmentalization, less formal structure, and control designated over a wide range of people. Often such a design prevails in small businesses or startups. The business is then controlled and run by a small number of people who manage and control the workings of the business.

Which conclusion follows from the statements with absolute certainty? None of the runners is a teacher. All of the attendees are runners. * a. Some drones are teachers b. No runners are attendees c. Teachers are not attendees d. All runners are teachers



The correct answer is


A) Some of the drones are teacher's.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

The conclusion that follows from none of the runners is a teacher. All of the attendees are runners with absolute certainty is some drones are teachers. Option A is correct.

What is Teacher?

A teacher is someone who facilitates pupils' acquisition of information, competence, or virtue through the activity of teaching. They may also be referred to as schoolteachers or educators. Informally, anyone can play the part of a teacher.

Further competent teacher is also a good learner; they observe how their student(s) learn and adjust their instruction as necessary.

However, teachers play a variety of intricate roles that differ from civilization to society and from one educational level to another.

Therefore a skilled teacher can explain and show ideas in many ways for a variety of students with various learning preferences.

Learn more about teacher:


How has your learning inside and outside of the classroom changed your perspective about experiences you have in school and life in general



financial position, environment, educational status, communication and support given to schools, community child care, and unity and cooperation among community people that affect learner's achievement (i.e., quality of education).

The student is the learning on the both the basis such as the inside and the outside. The inside are the learn to the teacher and the outside to the community helps the learn.

What is school?

The term school refers to the educational institutes that are involved with students and teachers. The teacher is a guide for the student. The teacher's job is to teach the student as related to the study, courses, and future guidance. The student is able to effectively communicate, build punctuality, decorum, ethics, and value.

A learning are the based on the inside and the outside of the school. The inside of the school the teacher are to teach, and they share the thoughts and the knowledge. On the other hand, the outside of the school are the change magnitude self-esteem and become more prosecuted in their instruction.

As a result, the learning is the based on the inside and the outside of the school.

Learn more about school, here:


According to ___________people are more likely to carefully evaluate a persuasive message when their motivational state is high, and when they have the ability or knowledge to evaluate the information.



Elaboration likelihood model


Elaboration likelihood model is defined as a theory of persuasion that suggested that persuasive messages has a kind of leverage on individuals' attitudes by two different routes, central or peripheral.

It further stated that, in a situation where by there is high motivation and ability to process messages, the individual involved often go the central route. However, when such individual has neither motivation or the ability to process the message, there is tendency to take the peripheral route.

Hence, According to ELABORATION LIKELIHOOD MODEL, people are more likely to carefully evaluate a persuasive message when their motivational state is high, and when they have the ability or knowledge to evaluate the information.

During an extravagant banquet Belshazzar saw a divine handwritten message that appeared on the plaster wall of the palace. This message indicated that his kingdom had been numbered, weighted, and divided.

a. True
b. False





According to the books of Daniel, during an extravagant banquet, King Belshazzar saw a divine handwritten message ( mene, mene, tekel, upharsin ) that appeared on the plaster wall of the palace after Belshazzar desecrated the temple vessels taken from Jerusalem by his father. The written words found on the wall were translated by prophet Daniel to mean that his kingdom had been numbered, weighed, and divided ( daniel 5:25-28). The prophet Daniel analysis and interprets the written words for king Belshazzar as God's judgment on the king MENE: God has numbered the days of his kingdom and brought it to an end

TEKEL: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting

PERES: your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

It came to pass that very night that his kingdom was taken by the  Medes and Persians.

Isaiah has been taught not to get involved in drugs. However, he puts that aside and tries marijuana after he sees his older brother using it without getting in trouble. What best explains Isaiah's behavior?



This would be a simple situation of a brother following his older sibling.


I've seen this before.

Even though Isaiah has been taught by his teachers and/or parents not to use drugs, he will try it if he sees his brother trying it without the consequences he has heard of from his teachers and/or parents.

Unless the older sibling has done anything wrong in the younger sibling's eyes, the younger sibling will always look up to his older brother/sister. Even if the younger brother has been taught over and over again not to do something because of the horrid consequences that come with it, he will do it if he sees his brother doing the same without the consequences specified.

In other words : If the older brother hasn't been caught by anyone for using drugs, the younger brother will follow suit, or at least try to do the same.

Hope this helps.

A population with many young people compared to older people will likely experience slow population growth as the young people mature and have children. True or False? True


      It is false to think that a population  with many young people compared to older people will likely experience slow population growth as the young people mature and have children.

What is Population Growth

Population growth is the increment in the number of people in a given population. It is estimated that the global human population growth is about 83 million annually. This translates to about 1.1 % annually.

Factors That Affect Population Growth

Birth rateDeath rateImmigrationEmigration

     From the above, you can see that a young population increases the birth rate and reduces the death rate.

     Also, a young people are more likely to migrate to a new population than older people.

Learn more about population growth at

This question has several parts that must be completed sequentially. If you skip a part of the question, you will not receive any points for the skipped part, and you will not be able to come back to the skipped part. Tutorial Exercise Find f. f ''(t)



The skip-able parts of the question are those which can be left without answering. If you skip a part of the question you may return to it later. There are few assignments in which once you skip a part of question you may not return to it again.


The question needs to be answered in sequence and skip-able parts of the question has given a choice to leave the part unanswered. There can be alternative questions available for skip able parts. If you skip a part of the question you may return to it later. There are few assignments in which once you skip a part of question you may not return to it again.

Explain 2 ways UDL can be an effective means for addressing the learning needs of both typical and atypical students.




Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a way of teaching that aims at given all the students an equal opportunity to learn and succeed.

UDL does not target kids who learn and think differently but helps address learning needs of all forms of students as it gives,

Multiple means of representing a subject given learners or students many ways of acquiring information and knowledge.

UDl provides diverse ways of expressing a subject such that what they know are made a new by demostrating it in a new way.

UDl provide different means of capturing students interests and attention, increase their motivation and profile solution even to difficult task.

in which type of government is political power distributed among the widest group of people?​


Answer: Direct Democracy

I answered this on a quiz and I was bale to go back and look back at my answers. For this question the answer is "Direct Democracy"

(I hope this helps!)

Customs or practices that are common to all societies, yet expressed differently, are called



Cultural Universals.


The term cultural universals can be defined as those elements and patterns of   customs or practices that are common to all societies, yet very distinctive. Cultural Universals can be considered those common principles that guide that holds human civilizatiion to it's central core.

The term cultural universals has been used extinsively by anthropologists such as Claude Levi-Strauss. Some elements that are common globally to all societies are incest, family unit, marriage, etc.

Thus the correct answer is Cultural Universals.

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A solution is a ................... mixture. pls help, could not get these answers Standard rate per direct labor-hour $ 2 Standard direct labor-hours for each unit produced 3 Units manufactured 1,000 Actual direct labor-hours worked during the month 3,300 Total actual variable manufacturing overhead $ 6,600 Knowledge Check 01 Assume that direct labor-hours is used as the overhead allocation base. What is the variable overhead efficiency variance Using Tour Notes2. Categorizing Using your notes, list the cultures found in the Northeast Arborviral diseases: Group of answer choices Refer to arthropod-borne viral diseases Can produce central nervous system illness Are most often spread by mosquitoes May produce acute self-limited fevers Suppose an item sells for $125 in the United States and for 62,500 pesos in Chile. According to the law of one price, the nominal exchange rate (pesos/dollar) should be ________. 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