Martin Luther King Jr. often spoke of a day in the future when he hoped that his children would be judged not by their skin color but instead by their character. Write a narrative essay about a moment in your life when you were judged by something other than the content of your character. Use narrative techniques to develop experiences, events, and characters.
Please don't copy someone else's work, I need an original story. And please do it fast, but don't rush.


Answer 1

Answer: Misjudged.

Explanation: When a person first meets another person, it's a human trait to instantly have first impressions, like " wow that's one ugly shirt " or " wow I feel like I could have known this guy all my life ", and while there's nothing wrong with that, it's important to keep ourselves in check, walking the fine line of being judgemental, and being fair, giving them the benefit of the doubt, it's all well worth doing.

I started freestyle skating when I was 12 to 13, ( a fancy way of saying I wasn't professionally taught and did not/do not play hockey ) and  skipping forward several years, and I had become decently proficiant at it, skating more then once a week every week, and I felt pretty good about myself, until I moved. I decided to find a local rink, and go skating, obviously. When I first got on, I was a bit clumsy after being a bit rusty, but I still felt good. I then fell. Hard. I looked around from my vantage point on the ground, and, to my horror, there was a group of 4 or 5 guys, about my age, laughing and pointing at me. I felt very embarrassed, I instantly decided that I really disliked all of them and, a few days later while skating, I met one of them. He was literally one of the nicest guys I've met, and I was in total shock, I was sure he was gonna be rather cruel, but no, I let all my preconcieved notions run wild. He's still an awesome friend.

Related Questions

Which three factors determine the formality of a discussion?

opinion, audience, and time

topic, audience, and purpose

facts, purpose, and location

topic, time, and location



B. topic, audience, and purpose


I got it correct on edge thanks to the person above me :)

The three factors that determine the formality of a discussion are;

topic audiencepurpose

What is formality?

A formality serves as an established procedure related to a specific behaviors and utterances.

It is needed to maintain a good balance when making a discussion and it involves the topic of discussion and the audience.

learn more about formality at;

Analyze the elements of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech and discuss the elements that best express his stand on Civil Rights. In two paragraphs, be sure to discuss both Dr. King's stand on Civil Rights and the elements of the speech that best support his position.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The element that best expresses Dr. King's stand on Civil Rights is his desire to have a country in which every single citizen is free, regardless of race or gender.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. clearly established that every citizen in the United States has the same rights under the Constitution and deserves the same liberties.

We can exemplify this when he said in the speech: "We can never be satisfied as long as the Black is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality."

Or this one: "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.'"

King makes allusion to multiple other texts in the course of his "I Have a Dream" speech, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Emancipation Proclamation.

Explain which of the family members feels anxiety in this way and then what is the cause? Fiesta 1980



The Father


This is because he has the responsibility of taking care of the whole family

Why did people at the turn of the 20th century take a particular interest in the studies of the subconscious?


Because they had learned everything that studies of consciousness could teach. B. Because they thought the subconscious could explain human behavior. ... Because new ideas from Asia highlighted the importance of the subconscious

Does the VERB agree with the SUBJECT in this sentence?
Many people has used this computer.


no, many people have* used this computer
B the answer is no it should have not has

English grammar please answer ​


the answer is will wash of this question

Which option is an example of deductive reasoning?
A. Tim always wears a hat. Therefore, he will not wear
a hat tomorrow.
B. Ty gets in trouble weekly. Therefore, he will get in
trouble this week.
C. Continents are large. Africa is a continent. Therefore,
Africa is large.
D. Carrots are orange. Oranges are orange. Therefore,
oranges are carrots.



C. Continents are large. Africa is a continent. Therefore,

Africa is large.


The example of deductive reasoning is "Continents are large. Africa is a continent. Therefore, Africa is large." The correct option is C.

What is deductive reasoning?

Deductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning that involves moving from a general premise or set of premises to a specific conclusion. In deductive reasoning, if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. Deductive reasoning involves using logical rules and principles to make inferences about specific cases or examples.

For example, deductive reasoning might be used to determine that "All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal." This argument starts with a general premise that all men are mortal and then uses that premise to draw a specific conclusion about Socrates.

Deductive reasoning is often used in mathematics, science, and philosophy to make logical arguments and draw conclusions based on a set of assumptions or principles. It is a powerful tool for making inferences about specific cases based on general rules or principles. However, deductive reasoning relies on the accuracy of the initial assumptions, and if any of the premises are false, the conclusion will also be false.

Here in the Question,

Option A is an example of inductive reasoning because it moves from a specific observation (Tim always wears a hat) to a general conclusion (he will not wear a hat tomorrow), which is not necessarily true.

Option B is also an example of inductive reasoning because it moves from a specific observation (Ty gets in trouble weekly) to a general conclusion (he will get in trouble this week), which is not necessarily true.

Option D is an example of a fallacy known as "false analogy" because it attempts to draw a connection between two things based on a superficial similarity (both are orange) but ignores the many important differences between them.

Therefore, The example of deductive reasoning is Option C. Continents are large. Africa is a continent. Therefore, Africa is large. In this example, the general premise is that continents are large, and Africa is a specific example of a continent. By applying the general premise to the specific example, we can logically conclude that Africa is also large.

Learn more about inductive reasoning, here:


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

Have you seen this man, "No"? well, thanks, then.

Leon's birthday party, which is on friday August third, will be fun.

I am planning on going to my English class today, but I'm not prepared for the test.

All of the sentences are punctuated correctly.



I am planning on going to my English class today, but I'm not prepared for the test.


Third one.

Explanation:Because it makes sense duhh

Which character in the story is most clearly the protagonist?
O A. Sanchez
B. Holmes
C. The judge
D. The prosecutor


We can actually deduce here that the character in the story that is most clearly the protagonist is B. Holmes.

Who is a protagonist?

A protagonist is actually known to be the main character seen in a play or a story. The story's plot is usually wrapped round the protagonist. In other words, the actions that take place in a story a usually tied to the protagonist.

The protagonist is known to be the leading character in a story. It is the decisions of the protagonist in a story that actually affects the plot of the story. The opposing character which opposes the protagonist is known as the antagonist. The antagonist tends to work against the protagonist in a story.

We can actually deduce here that the story has the character, Holmes as the protagonist. This character is seen as the leading figure in the story's plot. Thus, the answer to the question is B. Holmes.

Learn more about protagonist on



It's (A) Sanchez


Took the test

Anybody can help? Thank you!


The correct answer is B. When the bell rang.


A clause is a written unit characterized by having a subject and a verb. According to this definition, it is possible to infer that the correct answer is B. When the bell rang because it has all the necessary components for a clause, the subject "the bell" and the verb "rang". Additionally, the other options do not meet these requirements (they lack the subject or the verb).

Write about your day in 100- 150 words in the form of a dairy.




I wake up I eat breakfast I study I I have lunch I play computer games I have dinner I sleep I sleep I sleep I sleep I sleep then I wake up again.

Answer it is a new day, as I get out of my bed I stretch my arms. Next I had walked to my bathroom and began to brush my teeth making sure they are white and shiny! Now I make my way towards the kitchen to make breakfast. I scramble two eggs with some salt, black pepper, tomatoes, onions and some spinach. I also toasted two pieces of bread to go along with my eggs. I buttered the bread after it was finished and began eating my breakfast. I washed my dishes after eating. I began to start getting ready for the day. I took off my dirty clothes and placed them in the hamper and took a shower. Then I came out and creamed my skin and put some clean clothes on. After that, I had started to finish up on my homework, I made sure everything was correct to my understanding as well as finish it up. Soon after my work and everything, I read a good book that I had enjoyed. After the book was over, I had played some games on my phone with my best friend. Soon it was lunch and I had made a sandwich to eat. After lunch I cleaned up the house with my mom just to help her out cause she works hard enough at work. After a while, it was dinner time. Me and my mom cooked dinner together. We made pasta and salmon. As me and my family ate, we talked to each other. Soon it was time for bed. I went to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I put on my pajamas and went to bed all warm  in my blanket thinking what I may do tomorrow.

change this sentence into indirect speech, Paul says," Brisbane is a wonderful city"​



Paul said that Brisbane is a wonderful city


She said, "Would you like me to help you?" ( Change into indirect speech)



She asked me if I needed her help.




Making assumptions about people can hold you back.


My best guess, it seems the most logical I hope this helps :,)

reply to these questions
1. do you want to be dj?

2. maybe you could bring some of your amazing collection?​



yes yes


obviously I don't understand the second question


Nah, don't wanna be a dj.

Don't have a collection


in 1824, Louis Braille developed a system of writing for the blind, Quickly,___ system, known as "Braille" after ___ inventor, spread from ___ France to dozens of___ countries
( Điền a/an/the or "x" )



the, the, x, x


Let me know if you need an explanation.

Hope this helps!

Explain why it sometimes takes a massive disaster to make us appreciate what we have in life.

Write a decent paragraph.




This is another kind of iffy question. We should make sure that you tell us that this is a question that is school related. I'm answering it because I think it is, but if a mod disagrees, it's going to be deleted.

You know, the answer really depends on how you see what's around you. Good things happening to you can also be life altering. If you have a good relationship with someone and it breaks up, everything depends on how you see that.

Are you grateful for it happening at all, or does it make you miserable? As you mature, that question become of paramount importance. The same question applies to anything you want to bring up. I find that the older I get, the more similarities I see between disasters and the effects they have on me. I finally, about 6 years ago, honed in on the one that meant the most (to me) -- the Holocaust created by Nazi Germany. I have spent a great many hours on it. It was life altering. I had (and still have) trouble understanding why exactly it came about. In the end, about 1/2 the Jewish population in Europe was snuffed out. What bothered me as much as anything is that it was mechanized: it was done scientifically from finding the Jews to getting rid of the bodies. All of it was so very systematic.

One of my conclusions was that morality did not keep up with science. Just because a scientific method existed, didn't mean it should have been used.

But just so you know, there is something else that is happened to me in my life. Thank God I could feel the depth of it: my first girl friend. That was earth shaking.

And my current life. I'm 81. I am kept alive by the diligence and perseverance of a group of scientists, that I, unfortunately, will never meet. I have Leukemia. Their medication keeps me alive. It is painless (or I am not in any pain). I have been on it for 27 months. My wife died of the same thing which makes me wonder if there is a virus involved.

So you see it is not only the big things that make us grateful. It is the many little things that add up to the way we see life.

Please help me with this please and thank you


i think it’s all of the above

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the nouns given in the below.
Barrel/ sack/layer/pinch / carton
1. There were five......
of garbage on the pavement.
2. Add a..........
of salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
3. Nehara was so thirsty that she drank two......
of orange juice.
4. The cost of a.......
of oil depends on how and where it is produced.
5. There are........
of dust on the floor.



1) Sacks

2) Pinch

3) Cartons

4) Barrel

5) Layers


The reason for some nouns being in their plural form is that there are multiples of them. For example, there are two cartons of orange juice. As there is more than one, a plural of the noun must be used, which is why the answer to three is cartons and not necessarily carton. Pinch is an exciting one, as while there are technically multiple grains of salt, there is only one pinch being taken of it. That is why despite there being more than one grain of salt, pinch stays singular.

What does the popularity of modern dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society?
Does it serve a useful cautionary purpose,
or does it keep us from trying to imagine a better


The popularity of dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society as a useful cautionary purpose.

What is Dystopian fiction?

Dystopian fiction is a type of guessings or guess opinions that started as a response to utopian literature. A dystopia is an imagined society that is not humane and frightening. It explores ideas about societies or political settings.

Therefore, The popularity of dystopian fiction tell us about the condition of our society as a useful cautionary purpose.

Learn more about dystopian fiction below.

Which statement from who killed the ice man provides strong evidence that the ice man was shot in the back



The statement that evidences the means of death of the Ice Man can be found in the 5th Paragraph of the article which states that the Ice Man had an arrowhead made from carved rock (called flint) lodged under his shoulder in his back.


This revelation was brought to the fore by an X-Ray that was performed on the IceMan who was Nicknamed Ötzi. He was found in 1991 frozen and preserved inside a glacier along the northern Italian border with Austria by hikers.

The cause of the Ice Man's death was unknown for a very long (about 10 years) after his mummified body was discovered.


the california board of tourism needs an article for its web site about places to go whale watching in california but the board wants to be careful not to favor any particular location or business. who would be the best person to hire for this task?



A writer who also owns a boat which he rents to whale watching hours.

According to classical mythology, Arachne was:

a goddess.

a weaver.

a nymph.

None of the choices are correct.


She was a weaver.

This is the answer.

She was a weaver. The goddess got jealous of the weaver Arachne because she weaver such beautiful tapestries which were greater than the goddeses. I forget the goddess’s name

What does the author mean by the following quote from paragraph 7, and how does it
develop the central ideas of the article?: "When leaders attempt to navigate the slippery
slope of fairness, they will find themselves arbiter of public opinion and hostage to the
politically correct."



Leaders will get abused by people who believe they are right for their own opinion


3. Which combination of story elements most affects the theme of a story?
O characters and conflict
characters and setting
characters and narrator
characters and mood


Characters and setting

Correct Answer: characters and conflict

The underlined words in this excerpt from “The Bells” by Edgar Allan Poe are examples of which sound device?

Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells—
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.

A. alliteration
B. repetition
C. onomatopoeia
D. assonance


What’s supposed to be underlined?





Why does Edwards use the word provoked instead of the word angered in this passage?

The word provoked suggests that God’s anger is fierce and irrational.

The word provoked suggests that sinners bear responsibility for God’s anger.

The word provoked suggests that God’s anger is sharp and deadly.

The word provoked suggests that sinners do not want to change their ways.



B)  The word provoked suggests that sinners bear responsibility for God’s anger.


  What this means is that they were always vulnerable to meeting an untimely end. A person who walks on slippery surfaces is in constant danger of slipping and falling; he never knows whether he will remain upright or topple over at any given time, and if he does fall. The sinners bear the responsibilities for his anger.

The same idea is expressed in Psalm 73:18-19. "You really did set them up for failure; you flung them down to their destruction. Look how fast they go down in flames!" They may also be provoked by falling down on their own, without needing assistance from another person.

Write a paragraph on 'What you would expect as help if it happens that you are in serious trouble'​



It depends on the type of problem.


i would expect the help that is needed for solving the problem if I were in serious trouble. If I have a financial problem then I needs a financial help from my family or friends while on the other hand, if I have to load or unload a truck so I need people who can do to unload or load the truck, there is no financial help is needed to complete the work so the help depends on the type of problem that happens to me.

? It is very nice, .tag question ​



It is very nice , isn't it?


It is very nice, isn’t it?

Students can learn how to compose effective sentences by modeling their own sentence patterns after those of famous writers.

True or False?


Answer: true


Other Questions
A class was performing an experiment to discover the pH values of some common household substances. The results of three groups are shown in the table below.SubstanceGroup 1 pHGroup 2 pHGroup 3 pHLemon juice2.22.22.1Vinegar2.82.88.2Baking soda8.48.58.4Milk of magnesia10.210.310.2Which statement best describes evidence that Group 3s data are less valid than the data for the other two groups?a. Group 3s pH value for lemon juice is lower than the values of the other two groups.b. Group 3s pH value for vinegar is much higher than the values of the other two groups.c. Group 3s pH value for baking soda does not exactly match the values of the other two groups.d. Group 3s pH value for milk of magnesia is different from the value obtained by Group 2. I need help asap!!!!Please explain the answer Other than consulting the internet, where can a pharmacy technician access information on updates being made to the medical field? A new employee, John Chapman, earns $10 per hour and gets time-and-a-half over 40 hours per week. His first week he worked 45 hours. Deductions from his check were $30 for OASDI, $7 for Medicare, $ 61 for federal income tax withholding, and $15 for a United Way contribution. What was his gross pay for the period 385 x 42.13 x 0.079 is (consider significant figures): Which of the following rational functions is graphed below?oA. F(x) = 1/2xB. AX) = 1/x-2C. F(x) = 1/x+2 Find the center and radius of the circle and sketch its graphX^2+y^2=9 Name of compoundsa. H2Co3b. NH4OHc.AlPO4d.NaOHe.AuCI3 substitute for A,P and T in the fomula A=P (1+r)^t,give that A=1 000 000,P=10 000 and T=2,and express as a quadratic equation Select the correct answer.Which statement is true of Web-based social media?A. They allow consumers to interact with and update content.B. They cannot be updated easily, as compared to print media.C. They are expensive to produce and maintain, as compared to print and television.D. They can exist independent of the Internet. At what respect can the present constitution of Nepal be considered superior? write in 7 points the mode of 3,5,1,2,4,6,0,2,2,3 is giving out brainliest How can visual images create feelings of unease and fear? 4(a)+8-a,if a=-2 evaluate each expression Family Fashions Corporation discontinued Kid-Choice, its entire line of children's clothing, in November of 2009. Prior to the disposal, Kid-Choice generated a loss of $600,000 (net of tax) for the period from January through the sale date. Because of the value of the real estate and machinery, there was a gain of $850,000 (net of tax) on the actual sale. How should this situation be reported in the financial statements of Family Fashions for 2009 HELP ME !! find the value of x What means does the American government have of utilising international trade to influence foreign relations with other nations? diary entry visiting a black school being white European settlers and Americans transformed the Great Plains fromtoA. fields of corn; fields of grassB. natural grassland; fields of cornC. desert; farmsD. ancient farms; fruit orchardsSUBMIT when is it easy to show if a set is closed or not closed?