Match the surface to its respective albedo score. fresh snow soil ocean (high-angle sun) ocean (low-angle sun) 0.95 arrowRight 0.2 arrowRight 0.9 arrowRight 0.05 arrowRight Reset Next


Answer 1


fresh snow → 0.9soil → 0.2ocean (high-angle sun) → 0.05ocean (low-angle sun → 0.95


Albedo is the radiation reflected by the earth´s surface to the universe.

Albedo might be defined as a relation between reflected light from a particle and the incident light. It is the fraction of the incident radiation that is reflected by any object. If the surface is mostly clear and clean, most of the incident radiation is reflected. But if the surface is dark and rugose, most of the incident radiation is absorbed, and the temperature of the absorbing object will increase.

Albedo value is always inferior or equal to one and can be expressed as a percentage. The surface that reflects 100% of the incident light will have an albedo value = 1. But if the surface absorbs all the radiation and does not reflect any percentage, the albedo value = 0. Note: there is no real object that might reflect or absorb 100% of the incident radiation.

The importance of albedo is that it avoids high temperatures on the earth. There are many different surfaces with different albedo values. Global variations in albedo are natural processes due to exogenic and endogenic variations. But to these natural events, we must add all the variations caused by human beings´ actions, which increase greenhouse gases, decreasing albedo, and increasing global warming. The increase of greenhouse gases, such as CO₂, decreases albedo. The same occurs with atmospheric dust due to volcanic eruptions. Additional material interposes between the earth´s surface and the universe, decreasing the energy return to the universe.

fresh snow → 0.9   soil → 0.2ocean (high-angle sun) → 0.05ocean (low-angle sun → 0.95

Related Questions

Which of the following describes a scenario that could increase the winds of the jet stream?
O Faster global convection currents
O Decreasing radiation from the sun
O Equal heating of the Earth's surface
O Stopping conduction from the ground​



faster global convection currents!

Fortunately I just took this quiz and received 100%!

The statement that explains scenerio that can bring an increase to winds of the jet stream is A: Faster global convection currents.

Jet streams can be regarded as a fast flowing as well as narrow and meandering, air currents which is found on Earth and other planet. It is a bands of strong wind which moves to east from west in the globe.

The wind of jet stream do increase by the action of wind current, because convection current do aid the movement of this this wind from a place to the other

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more at:

In the scientific process, what is the correct sequence for the following steps: A: Recognizing a problem/Asking a question; B) Testing a hypothesis; C Drawing inferences
Group of answer choices









Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusions, communicate results.

1. Assertion: Mother may be a carrier for haemophilia.
Reason: The father is always a carrier for haemophilia.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the Reason is true.





The assertion is true,but the reason is false because the mother is the carrier.

I hope this helps

explain how bacteria cam develop resistance to an antibiotic?



Bacteria develop resistance mechanisms by using instructions provided by their DNA. Often, resistance genes are found within plasmids, small pieces of DNA that carry genetic instructions from one germ to another. This means that some bacteria can share their DNA and make other germs become resistant.

hope this helps you

have a nice day


Which of the following statements can you infer would happen If one organ system stopped working?
a. The other organ systems would have to work harder to make up for the broken system
b. The other organ systems would stop working too.
c. The other organ systems would still work on their own but might have to work harder to complete their function correctly.





After one system shuts down, the others would slowly start to shut down as well until the body can no longer maintain homeostasis and the person would slowly die. 3. All systems would be working together but the main ones would be muscular, nervous, and skeletal.

Write one functions of seed.​


Seeds serve several functions for the plants that produce them.

Two lizards with different coloring exist within the same ecosystem. One lives in the trees, and the other prefers hiding among rocks. They are separate species because
they behave differently
Othey have different characteristics
Othey cannot successfully reproduce
Othey exist within the same ecosystem


They are separate species because they have different characteristics.
Which means their adaptation methods will be different.

Natural selection is that the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change.

What are the adaptations behavior in organisms?

Many animals are well adapted to biotic and abiotic conditions due to behavioral, physiological, or structural adaptations that increase their chances of survival and reproduction.

Behavioral - responses made by an organism that help it to survive/reproduce.


Physiological - a bodily process that helps an organism to survive/reproduce.

Structural - a feature of an organism’s body that helps it to survive/reproduce.

Thus, we can conclude that the correct option is (b).

They are separate species because they cannot successfully reproduce.

which means they have different adaptation methods.

You  can learn more about adaptation methods here:


What is the control for “which bait works best for a homemade fly trap?”



A glass of water or an empty cup


If no flies are attracted, that means your experiment is not flawed.

Most fresh water fish are hypertonic, meaning their body cells contain more salt than the surrounding water. Since osmosis should push water into their cells, why don't they explode? They don'­t drink any water because they get so much from osmosis. They have adapted to live with high osmotic pressure. They urinate a lot, so the water does not build up. Their cells have adapted to absorb salt. All of the above



They urinate a lot, so the water does not build up.


Freshwater fishes are fishes that live in freshwater habitat i.e. little or no salt. This means that the fishes are hypertonic (have more salt) to their external environment. Due to their hypertonicity, freshwater fishes tend to take in more water via osmosis.

Freshwater fishes, however, do not explode despite this phenomenon because they pass out the excess water via urine waste. Freshwater fishes urinate a lot, hence, the absorbed water does not build up in their bodies.

define ostia in science​



Ostia are tiny pores present all over the body of sponges. its function is to let the water, along with desire nutrient flows interior of the sponges.


An opening, a passage.


science - Anatomy

Many animals have a mutually-beneficial, symbiotic relationship with bacteria that reside in their guts. To study the effects of these relationships in more detail, research organisms such as fish and mice have been raised under germ-free conditions. What important process do you predict is compromised in germ-free mice




Quá trình tiêu hoá và hấp thụ chất dinh dưỡng

Besides plants, what other factor distinguishes one biome from another biome?
(A) the number of plant species in the biome
(B) the variety of animal species
(C) average temperatures and precipitation
(D) geographic location


C) Average temperatures and precipitation

How many different genotypes are possible from a cross between the parents RRYy and rrYY?



1 genotype is possible


RrYy or RrYY
it will always be Rr when crossing RR and rr but crossing Yy and YY can give YY or Yy

Question 4
Which phrase indicates that organisms in a population with the best-adapted set of traits become more common over time?
Select one:

Mutations are not harmful.

Bigger is better.

All organisms have a common ancestor.

Survival of the fittest.



Mutation is yes a harmful


What would be the resulting polypeptide chain that is produced from the DNA template code: TACTTCAAAATC? Use the following RNA codon to amino acid table to help you figure out the resulting polypeptide. Show your steps.



Methionine- Lysine- leucine- stop


This question is describing the processes of transcription and translation, which are both involved in protein synthesis. Transcription is the synthesis of a mRNA molecule from a DNA template while translation is the synthesis of a polypeptide/amino acid sequence from a mRNA template.

The following DNA molecule was given as follows; TAC TTC AAA ATC. Firstly transcription will synthesize an mRNA molecule based on complementary base pairing rule. The resulting mRNA will be: AUG AAG UUU UAG

Next, the process of translation which involves the synthesis of an amino acid sequence from mRNA. Using the genetic code will produce the following:

Methionine- Lysine- leucine- stop

Why do frogs have triangular heads?
Plz help me with this question!!​



Aquatic frogs tend to have long, flat skulls, while digging species often have short skulls with pointed snouts, a shape that also enables them to use their mouths like chopsticks to catch small, scurrying prey such as ants and termites.


The MLH1 protein dimerizes with the PMS2 protein to form a complex that is involved in the correction of errors of DNA replication. Loss-of-function mutations in the genes that encode for these proteins increase the incidence of colon cancer. Which type of DNA error would be repaired by the activity of this complex



Mismatched bases


have a great day!

Which of the following is the correct Lewis structure diagram for Sodium (Na)? (2 points)

Select one:
a. The letters Na with one dot
b. The letters Na with two dots
c. The letters Na with three dots
d. The letters Na with four dots



a. The letters Na with one dot


An atom can be defined as the smallest unit comprising of matter that forms all chemical elements. Thus, atoms are basically the building blocks of matters and as such determines or defines the structure of a chemical element.

Generally, atoms are typically made up of three distinct particles and these are protons, neutrons and electrons.

In Chemistry, electrons can be defined as subatomic particles that are negatively charged and as such has a magnitude of -1.

Valency can be defined as a measure of the combining power of a chemical element with other atoms to form a molecule or chemical compound.

Valence electrons can be defined as the number of electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom. Thus, valence electrons are used to determine whether an atom or group of elements found in a periodic table can bond with others.

Sodium is a chemical element that is found in group (1) of the periodic table and as such it has 1 electrons in its outermost shell. Also, the chemical symbol for Sodium is Na and it has one (1) valence electron.

A Lewis structure can be defined as a structural representation of an atom or molecule by using a dot to show the position and distribution of electron(s) around the atom or molecule.

Hence, the letters Na with one (1) dot is a correct Lewis structure diagram for Sodium (Na) because it has just one (1) valence electron in outermost shell.

For example, the Lewis structure diagram for Sodium (Na) is •Na.


Na with 1 dot


i took the test

A common genetic mutation that lowers levels of the enzyme cathepsin C severely reduces a person’s ability to ward off periodontitis, or gum disease. The enzyme triggers immunological reactions that destroy diseased cells and eliminate infections
in the mouth. But researchers are developing ways to restore the enzyme to normal levels. Once that happens, we will be able to eliminate periodontitis.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) Restoring cathepsin C to normal levels is the only way to eliminate periodontitis.
(B) Genetic mutation is the only cause of lowered levels of cathepsin C.
(C) Researchers will soon succeed in finding means of restoring cathepsin C to normal levels.
(D) Persons who do not have the genetic mutation that lowers levels of cathepsin C do not get gum disease.
(E) A person whose cathepsin C level has been restored to normal will not suffer from periodontitis.



(E) A person whose cathepsin C level has been restored to normal will not suffer from periodontitis.


Considering the fact that there may be some other causes of periodontitis aside from the lowered levels of the enzyme.

Therefore, should there be some other causes of periodontitis, hence, it can be concluded the process of restoring the enzyme to normal levels might not be sufficient for eliminating periodontitis.

Hence, the author's argument is solely based on this assumption, and option. Hence, option (E) is the correct answer.

All the following rely on ATP as a source of energy except
Select one:
a. the active transport of glucose from the small intestine to the blood
b. diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes
c. the movement of the flagella of sperm for motility
d. exocytosis of waste substances across a semi-permeable membrane



b. diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes


ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a high energy carrying molecule in the system of living organisms. It posseses the ability to store and release energy for use by organisms during biochemical activities. However, some processes do not require ATP to occur and are called PASSIVE TRANSPORT while those that require energy (ATP) are called ACTIVE TRANSPORT.

In the above options, the processes listed as follows require ATP to occur:

- The active transport of glucose from the small intestine to the blood

- The movement of the flagella of sperm for motility

- Exocytosis of waste substances across a semi-permeable membrane

However, the diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes, which is a passive transport does not require ATP.

asexual reproduction can be a disadvantage to a population if



it can be a disadvantage to population because it produces many offsprings which can lead to high increase in population.

The disadvantage of asexual reproduction is that it limits the evolutionary process

Why are there many separate ecosystems in a rain forest? A. There are three different seasons in a rain forest . B. Rain forests have very few primary consumers.C. Different conditions support different organisms.D. There are three levels of consumers in rain forests. ​



C. Different conditions support different organisms

An individual with two different versions of a gene is genetically ____________ . In traits with a simple pattern of inheritance, only the trait conferred by the ____________ form of the gene will be visible. The other form of the gene is ____________ : it confers a trait that is only visible when the individual is genetically ____________ , or has two identical copies of the gene.



heterozygous; dominant; recessive;


Genetics can be defined as the scientific study of hereditary in living organisms such as humans, animals and plants.

In Genetics, co-dominance can be defined as a phenomenon in which two (2) alleles of the same gene are present in a living organism and both are equally expressed to a degree or simultaneously.

This ultimately implies that, co-dominance is a phenomenon that typically involves the relationship between alleles i.e the two (2) versions of a gene present in living organisms. Also, a single version of a gene expressed by a living organism is referred to as an allele.

Trait can be defined as a distinguishing quality or characteristic of a living thing.

Simply stated, a trait refers to the specific features or characteristics possessed by a living organism. It is essentially transferred from the parent of a living organism to her offspring and as such distinguishes him or her.

Some examples of traits in genetics are colorblindness, handedness, curly hair, height, complexion, weight, hair color, dimples, tongue-roll, etc.

In Genetics, when an individual has two (2) different versions of a gene, he or she is said to be genetically heterozygous.

In traits with a simple pattern of inheritance, only the trait conferred by the dominant form of the gene from the parent organism will be visible in the offspring of a living organism. The other form of the gene is recessive : it confers a trait that is only visible when the individual is genetically , or has two identical copies of the gene.

Which of the following is the
compound of the chemical
formula NO?
A. Nitrate
B. Nitrogen gas
C. Ammonia


**Its nitrate**
Nitrogen (N) + Oxygen (O) = nitrate

IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what is the definition for Down Syndrome?



A common birth defect that is usually due to an extra chromosome 21( trisomy 21) .

If a mutation occurs in the coding sequence of a gene, what types of
issues might happen?
Select one:
A) All of these answers.
B) The gene could be expressed in the wrong cell.
C) The gene could be unaffected.
D) The gene could be permanently broken.





It will be all because of the fact that mutation does sometimes harm the genes and cells so any types of issues might happen

Which organism is an animal-like protist?



✅ C. amoeba

just took the test

The organism that is an animal-like protist is the amoeba.

What are amoebas?

Amoebas are a group of single-celled organisms belonging to the phylum Amoebozoa. They are classified as protists, which are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms that do not fit into the categories of plants, animals, or fungi.

Amoebas are characterized by their ability to move and change shape through the use of pseudopodia, which are temporary extensions of their cell membrane. These extensions allow amoebas to engulf and surround their food, typically consisting of bacteria, algae, or other small organisms.

Amoebas are single-celled protists that move using pseudopodia, which are temporary extensions of their cell membrane. They are classified as animal-like because of their ability to move and capture food in a similar manner to animals. Amoebas belong to the phylum Amoebozoa and are commonly found in freshwater and soil environments.

The correct answer is amoeba.

For more details regarding amoebas, visit:


Which is an important difference between light-dependent (L-D) and light-independent (L-IND) reactions in photosynthesis?



The L-D reactions require light energy and water, and the L-IND reactions require ATP, NADPH and CO2.


e)Name the force provided by the leaves of tall trees which draws
more water due to adhesion.



Capillary action


Capillary action helps bring water up into the roots. With the help of adhesion and cohesion, water can work it's way all the way up to the branches and leaves. Read on to learn more about how this movement of water takes place.

Which two factors cause one part of Earth to have summer while another part
has winter?



The earths axis


For the earth being on its axis causing it to be on the side so while one side is getting heat the other gets cold this also cause the days to change

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