Match with the correct definition. Not all terms will be used.
Migration of educated professionals from a country for better pay or living conditions.
Economic principles stating that a freely competitive market works for the benefit of all.
Market situation in which each of a few producers affects but does not control the market
Market situation with only one seller for a given product or service
Two or more consecutive quarters of decline in GDP
The amount of a commodity or service that people are ready to buy for a given price.
The price determined by the movement of supply and demand
The price determined by the movement of supply and demand
The quantity of a product producers are willing to sell at a given price
invisible hand
market price
brain drain


Answer 1


Migration of educated professionals from a country for better pay or living conditions - brain drain  

Economic principles stating that a freely competitive market works for the benefit of all. - invisible hand

Market situation in which each of a few producers affects but does not control the market - oligopoly  

Market situation with only one seller for a given product or service - monopoly

Two or more consecutive quarters of decline in GDP - Recession

The amount of a commodity or service that people are ready to buy for a given price. - demand

The price determined by the movement of supply and demand- market price

The price determined by the movement of supply and demand - market price

The quantity of a product producers are willing to sell at a given price  supply


A monopoly is when there is only one firm operating in an industry. there are usually high barriers to entry of firms. the demand curve is downward sloping. it sets the price for its goods and services.

An example of a monopoly is a utility company

A natural monopoly occurs due to the high start-up costs or a large economies of scale.

Natural monopolies are usually the only company providing a service in a particular region  

Characteristics of natural monopolies  

1. they have a large fixed cost  

2. The firms have a low marginal cost

3. They occur naturally through the free market. It does not occur by government regulation or any other force

An Oligopoly is when there are few large firms operating in an industry. While, a monopoly is when there is only one firm operating in an industry.

Oligopolies are characterised by:

price setting firms

product differentiation

profit maximisation

high barriers to entry or exit of firms

downward sloping demand curve

The amount of a commodity or service that people are ready to buy for a given price is known as demand. demand is higher when price is lower and lower when price is higher. This is known as the law of demand.

The quantity of a product producers are willing to sell at a given price. supply is higher when price is higher and lower when price is lower. This is known as the law of supply

Inflation is a persistent rise in the general price levels

Types of inflation

1. demand pull inflation – this occurs when demand exceeds supply. When demand exceeds supply, prices rise

2. cost push inflation – this occurs when the cost of production increases. This leads to a reduction in supply. Higher prices are the resultant effect  

The price determined by the movement of supply and demand is known as the market price.

Equilibrium price is the price at which quantity demand equal quantity supplied. Above equilibrium price there is a surplus - quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded.

Below equilibrium price there is a shortage - quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied

Related Questions

Management is a process designed to achieve an organization's objectives by using its resources ____________ (accomplishing the objectives with a minimum of resources) and _________________ (having the intended result).



efficiently, effectively


Management can be regarded as coordination as well as administration of set and various tasks within an organization so that some set goals cn be achieved. Some of the administration activities to reach these goal could be putting up a strategy

as well as coordination of the efforts of employees as well as utilization of available resources.

It should be noted that Management is a process designed to achieve an organization's objectives by using its resources efficiently (accomplishing the objectives with a minimum of resources) and effectively

(having the intended result).

what can be the scopes of technicians​



Technicians are skilled workers that work with complex systems or perform highly technical mechanical or diagnostic tests. Depending on the field, technicians may work independently or under the direction of a professional. Technicians can work indoors or might spend most of their time outside.

account question ❓❓❓​







Answer: 90011
17 b+c -=

An industry can be defined as a group of: a. companies offering products or services that are close substitutes for each other. b. brands that offer different products but are owned by a single firm. c. different kinds of companies that are based in the same geographic location. d. companies that are different but generate similar amounts of revenues. e. manufacturing plants of a single company.





An industry is a group of companies that provide good and services that are closely related. An example of an industry is the beauty industry. Companies that would be included in this industry would include companies that produce lipstick, powder, foundation, cream, exfoliators etc

Classification of industries

1. primary industry : they are involved in the getting of raw materials e.g. the fishing industry

2. secondary industry :  they make use of raw materials to manufacture products e.g. automobile industry

3. tertiary industry : they provide services e.g education industry

Externalities may prevent competitive markets from operating efficiently because A. consumers may buy goods in the black market. B. market prices may reflect the activities of consumers or producers on others. C. the market may goods that generate externalities on others. D. the market may goods that generate externalities on others. E. producers may sell goods outside of the market.



D. the market may oversupply goods that generate negative externalities on others.


A product can be defined as any physical object or material that typically satisfy and meets the demands, needs or wants of customers. Some examples of a product are mobile phones, television, microphone, microwave oven, bread, pencil, freezer, beverages, soft drinks, radio, table, etc.

In Economics, an externality could either be positive or negative depending on its effect on a third party.

A positive externality arises when the production or consumption of a finished product or service has a significant impact or benefits to a third party that isn't directly involved in the transaction.

On the other hand, a negative externality arises when the production or consumption of a finished product or service has a negative effect and/or impact (cost) on a third party.

This ultimately implies that, an externality is typically an unwarranted cost or benefit by a manufacturer or producer of goods and services that eventually affects a third party.

On a related note, externalities may prevent competitive markets from operating efficiently because the market may oversupply goods that generate negative externalities on others. Some examples of a negative externality is John declining to buy his favorite candy due to an increase in its price, a manufacturing plant that causes noise and pollution to the people living around where it is situated, etc.

Multiple Choice
The majority of environmental assessments result in a finding of no significant impac




The majority of environmental assessments result in a finding of no significant impac is false

Mike relocated for work and learned that the region in which he planned to buy a home had many old underground mines. In fact, Mike might even need to purchase mine subsidence insurance. What might a home inspector flag for Mike if there are any concerns about undermining


The issue that a home inspector will flag for Mike, given the concerns about a undermining, is the formation of a sinkhole on the property

The reason for the presence of a sinkhole on the property being raised by the home inspector is as follows;

The location Mike intended to buy a home is one with several underground mines, such that Mike could need mine subsidence insurance

A home inspection is an aid that helps a person intending to but a house make more informed decisions about the home under consideration

The function of an home inspector includes the identification of the issues that could possibly arise and the maintenance to be expected on the property, and therefore, the risks and opportunity in the purchase

Among the potential risk that will raised by a home inspector on the property with underground mines include the possibility of a sinkhole on the property

A sinkhole is a surface depression that results due to dissolution of near surface rocks by water draining into cavities under the soil surface, thereby eroding the rock such limestone, underneath, that develops in a manner which is not readily obvious or predictable

Sinkhole are not covered by most homeowner's insurance policy, making the property a money pit

Therefore, the home inspector might flag the likelihood of a sinkhole on the property

Learn more about home insurance and home inspection here;

"According to new growth​ theory, ______. A. prosperity will last but growth will not last because eventually the real interest rate​ falls, which slows the capital accumulation needed for growth B. growth can persist indefinitely C. growth rates and income levels per person around the globe will converge D. labor productivity grows most quickly in countries with the largest populations"





According to new growth theory option B. growth can persist indefinitely.

What is growth theory?

Growth theory is an economic framework that aims to explain the factors and mechanisms driving economic growth and development over time.

It seeks to understand why some economies experience sustained increases in their output (GDP), while others do not. Growth theory examines the role of various factors such as technological progress, human capital accumulation, capital investment, innovation, and institutions in driving long-term economic growth.

It provides insights into how economies can achieve higher standards of living and improve the well-being of their populations.

learn more about growth theory:


A housecleaning agency was given a key to a customer's house so that the agency could have its employees clean while the homeowner was away. After a maid sent by the agency had finished and left the homeowner's house, she went back because she had forgotten her cigarettes. She neglected to lock the door when she left the second time because she was already late for the next job. When the homeowner returned after a few days away, she discovered that her house had been ransacked and several items of jewelry stolen. The front door was open, and there were no signs of forced entry. If the homeowner brings an action against the agency that employed the maid, what is the likely result



C. She will prevail, because the maid's failure to lock the door created the risk that someone might enter and take the homeowner's valuables.


Based on the argument presented above, the homeowner will likely prevail against the agency because, the maid whibis an employee of the cleaning agency got the home exposed by failing to get the doors locked which might have allowed unwarranted entry into the building. The fact that there was no forced entry through any of the entry channels and the disappearance of valuables gives the homeowner a stronger case to make in this scenario in her case against the agency.

Explain the importance of economic analysis



1. Informs decisions

2. Influences everything

3.Impacts industries

4. Inspires business success

5. International perspective

See the answer
1. Green Construction Co. has consistently used the percentage-of-completion method of recognizing revenue. During 2014, Green entered into a fixed-price contract to construct an office building for $24,000,000. Information relating to the contract is as follows:

At December 31

2014 2015

Percentage of completion 15% 45%

Estimated total cost at completion $18,000,000 $19,200,000

Gross profit recognized (cumulative) 1,200,000 2,880,000

Contract costs incurred during 2015 were ??

1. Green Construction Co. has consistently used the percentage-of-completion method of recognizing revenue. During 2014, Green entered into a fixed-price contract to construct an office building for $24,000,000. Information relating to the contract is as follows:

At December 31

2014 2015

Percentage of completion 15% 45%

Estimated total cost at completion $18,000,000 $19,200,000

Gross profit recognized (cumulative) 1,200,000 2,880,000

Contract costs incurred during 2015 were

a. $5,760,000.

b. $5,940,000.

c. $6,300,000.

d. $8,640,000.



d is the answer  



The nature of the Federal Reserve can best be described as follows: a A blended public-private institution. b The Fed branches and the Board of Governors are private enterprises, but a federal oversight committee in Congress advises the Fed. c A private corporation with no government presence. d The Fed branches are owned by the government, but the Board of Governors are private citizens. e A government agency with no private presence.


The correct answer is B) The Fed branches and the Board of Governors are private enterprises, but a federal oversight committee in Congress advises the Fed.

The nature of the Federal Reserve can best be described as follows:

The Fed branches and the Board of Governors are private enterprises, but a federal oversight committee in Congress advises the Fed.

The Federal Reserve is the Central Bank within the United States. The role of the Fed is to promote economic growth and stability by enacting monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 established the Federal Reserve system to avoid consumer panic.

The Federal Reserve plays a key role in helping control inflation because it keeps the money supply stable in order to maintain low inflation. Its role in the US economy is very important to maintain a healthy financial and monetary system. The monetary policy of the Fed allows the control and the supply of money to maintain the stability of the economy. This control is very important in order to maintain proper levels of inflation so prices do not increase.

Which of the following can a grocery store change in the long run?
A. the number of shelves, employees, and parking spaces in the parking lot
B. the type of grocery carts, magazine racks, and produce displays
C. the store location, sign on the storefront, and advertising on the media
D. all of the above



I believe all of the above


went with what came to mind if its wrong very sorry.

A grocery store change, in the long run, is all of the above. Thus the correct option is D.

What is the importance of change?

In order to remain in competition an organization needs to work on bringing change and innovation in the process as well as a product that helps them in  achieving higher revenue by following trends and preferences.

If an organization adopts change frequently it shows its flexibility to cope with the demands of the market in order to meet the level of satisfaction of customers.

A grocery store that is planning to grow may eventually affect the number of shelves, staff, and parking places in the lot which helps in better services to their customers.

The design of the fruit displays, magazine racks, and grocery trolleys as well as the store's location, storefront sign, and media advertising can all help to increase sales and draw in more customers.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about the satisfaction of customers, here:


What scenario would call for you to
consider other funding options instead of
short-term and long-term debt?
A. You have plenty of cash flow and are looking to grow
with new equipment.
B. You have a small cash position, but you are adding
multiple clients monthly.
C. Your cash flow is terrible and your accounts payable are
extremely late.


Answer: have plenty of cash flow and are looking to grow with new equipment.


Sana makatulong po sainyo/ihope it helps for you

As new firms enter a competitive price-searcher market, profits of existing firms Group of answer choices rise and product diversity in the market increases. rise and product diversity in the market decreases. decline and product diversity in the market increases. decline and product diversity in the market decreases.



decline and product diversity in the market increases.


Competitive price searcher markets are those that have little barriers of entry for new firms.

Also the new forms are able to engage in transactions that are profitable. That is they easily take a market share.

In this scenario it will result in greater diversity of products as many firms can now produce goods that will be profitable in the market.

Also it will lead to a decrease in profit of existing firms as the new firm gets some of the market share

When market conditions in a price-taker market are such that firms cannot cover their production costs, Group of answer choices the firms will suffer long-run economic losses. the firms will suffer short-run economic losses that will be exactly offset by long-run economic profits. some firms will go out of business, causing prices to rise until the remaining firms can cover their production costs. all firms will go out of business, since consumers will not pay prices that enable firms to cover their production costs.



some firms will go out of business, causing prices to rise until the remaining firms can cover their production costs.


A price taker is a firm or a seller who is not able to set the market price for its goods and services. Instead, the price taker accepts the price set by market forces - forces of demand and supply.

An example of a price taking firm is a firm in a perfect competition

If a firm is not able to charge prices above production costs, the firm is earning an economic loss

If in the short run, firms are earning economic loss, in the long run, firms would exit the industry until economic profit falls to zero.

What are the typical fees banks charge?



- Overdraft Charge. ...

- Returned Deposit Charge. ...

- Hard Copy Statement Fee. ...

- ATM Fees. ...

- Foreign Transaction Charge. ...

- Lost Card Fee. ...

- Inactivity Fee. ...

- Account Closing Fee. Some banks require you to open your account for a certain amount of time before closing it.

In the early 1990s, Gatorade dominated the market for sports drinks, a segment in which it had been the original innovator. For decades, Coca-Cola had been a leader in marketing, bottling, and distributing soft drinks. However these drinks did not include a sports drink. Soon after Gatorade appeared, Coca-Cola developed and marketed its own sports drink, Powerade. In this example, Coca-Cola Question 28 options: built new core competencies to protect and extend its current market position. built new core competencies to create and compete in markets of the future. leveraged core competencies to improve current market position. redeployed and recombined core competencies to compete in markets of the future.


In this example, Coca-Cola built new core competences to protect and extend its current market position.

Coca-cola developed and marketed Powerade by building new core competences in the manufacturing and marketing of sports drinks.

Its purpose for building the new core competences was so that it could protect and extend its current market position as a leader in the marketing, bottling, and distribution of soft drinks.

Thus, Coca-cola did not leverage its core competencies to improve its current market position, nor did it build, redeploy, or recombine core competencies for its future market competition in the soft drinks industry.

Thus, Coca-cola wanted to protect its current market position in the soft drinks industry because of the presence of Gatorade.

Learn more about protecting current market position here:

The probability the economy will boom is 20 percent, while it is 70 percent for a normal economy, and 10 percent for a recession. Stock A will return 18 percent in a boom, 11 percent in a normal economy, and lose 10 percent in a recession. Stock B will return 9 percent in boom, 7 percent in a normal economy, and 4 percent in a recession. Stock C will return 6 percent in a boom, 9 percent in a normal economy, and 13 percent in a recession. What is the expected return on a portfolio which is invested 20 percent in Stock A, 50 percent in Stock B, and 30 percent in Stock C



The answer is 8.25%

The journal entry to record an unfavorable direct materials price variance would include a _____. credit to Direct Materials Price Variance debit to Direct Materials Price Variance credit to Materials None of these choices are correct. 2. Jake Shirt Co. used 5,300 square yards of polyester to produce 3,000 shirts. The standard quantity of material for the 3,000 shirts produced is 6,100 square yards. The standard price for direct materials is $4.00 per square yard. The entry to record the direct materials quantity variance would include a debit to Direct Materials Quantity Variance for $3,200. credit to Direct Materials Quantity Variance for $3,200. debit to Direct Materials Quantity Variance for $12,000. credit to Direct Materials Quantity Variance for $12,000. 3. In preparing an income statement for external users, the balances of the variance accounts that are of small amounts are normally transferred to _____ account. Income Summary Work in Process Cost of Goods Sold Finished Goods Inventory


Which behavior would best describe someone who has good communication skills with customers ? a) Following up with some customers b) Talking to customers more than listening to them c) Repeating back what the customer says d) Interrupting customers frequently

A normal cost system applies overhead to jobs ________. multiple choice by multiplying a predetermined overhead rate by the estimated amount of the allocation base incurred by the job by multiplying a predetermined overhead rate by the actual amount of the allocation base incurred by the job using the actual amount of overhead caused by each job using the normal amount of overhead caused by each job



A normal cost system applies overhead to jobs ________.

by multiplying a predetermined overhead rate by the actual amount of the allocation base incurred by the job.


To compute the predetermined overhead rate, divide the estimated overhead for the period by the estimated allocation base usage.  When applying overhead to the job, the predetermined overhead rate is used to multiply the actual amount of the allocation base consumed or incurred by the particular job.  The value determined from the above computation is termed the overhead applied cost.  It may be more or less than actual overhead incurred.  This gives rise to overapplied or underapplied overhead.

If the Dow Jones Industrial Average is 3.2% down that means that: Question 10 options: The stocks of all the companies in Dow Jones lost 3.2% of their value. The average value of the 30 blue chip stocks is down by 3.2%. the average of the stocks value of the top 500 companies in the U.S. decreased in value by 3.2% It does not have anything to do with the stock market.



b). The average value of the 30 blue-chip stocks is down by 3.2%.  


'Dow Jones Industrial Average' also known as 'DJIA' is characterized as the standard indicator to denote the stock-market prices of the shares of the major companies associated with blue-chip in the United States.

As per the question, a down or fall in DJIA by 3.2% would indicate that the stock prices of the companies trading with 'blue-chip' have faced a reduction in their share prices by 3.2% for that day. So, this allows the investors to keep a check on the stock prices and invest accordingly whenever they find it profitable. Thus, option b is the correct answer as the other options fail to convey this idea rather they either talk about the loss of value instead of decrease(in options a and c) or disassociates the entire concept with the stock market(in option d).

Many businesses today are abandoning traditional business attire and allowing their employees to come to work in business casual that typically does not include ties, cufflinks, or business suits. There has been a decrease in the sale of silk ties as a result of this cultural trend. A decrease in consumer demand for silk ties has led to a decrease in demand for silk because the demand for silk is ________.





Today's employers are foregoing traditional business clothing in favour of allowing their staff to dress in business casual, which generally excludes ties, cufflinks. As a consequence of this cultural tendency, there has been a decline in the selling of silk ties. Because the market for silk is driven from consumer spending for silk ties, a reduction in consumer spending for silk has resulted in a decrease in desire for silk.

Define Pareto's law. Multiple choice question. It is the ranking of all items of an inventory according to a specific criterion of importance. It is a method of estimating the impact of changing the number of locations on the quantity of inventory held. It is the rule that a small percentage of items account for a large percentage of sales, profit, or importance to a company. It is used to determine the order size for a one-time purchase.



It is the rule that a small percentage of items account for a large percentage of sales, profit, or importance to a company


Pareto's law is a law that describes the points or direction to concentrate the firm's activities and resources on to achieve optimum productivity.

It usually follows the principle that 80% of returns come from 20% of the customers or clients.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is Pareto's law is defined to be "the rule that a small percentage of items account for a large percentage of sales, profit, or importance to a company."

Suppose a consumer only purchases food and clothing, and food is plotted along the horizontal axis of the consumer's indifference map. If the price of clothing increases and the price of food and income do not change, then the budget line changes by rotating: Group of answer choices clockwise about the fixed horizontal axis intercept. clockwise about the fixed vertical axis intercept. counter-clockwise about the fixed vertical axis intercept. counter-clockwise about the fixed horizontal axis intercept. none of these options is correct.



counter-clockwise about the fixed horizontal axis intercept.


An indifference curve is a graph that shows the two combinations of goods for which an individual is indifferent in its consumption.

Points on an indifference curve represents various combination of goods to which an individual is indifferent to

higher indifference curve represents higher level of utility

An indifference map is a graph of various indifference curves

On the indifference map, indifference curves that are higher would be more preferred to those that are lower

Prepare a balance sheet in proper format for the company as of December 31st based on the following accounts. Answer questions 8 through 10 based on this balance sheet.



Total liabilities = $25,000


Missing information;

Accounts Payable  = $5,000

Long-term Notes Receivable  = $10,000

Accounts Receivable  = $15,000

Accrued Expenses  = $3,000

Cash  = $10,000

Short-term Notes Payable  = $7,000

Retained Earnings  = $2,000

Accumulated depreciation  = $2,000

Prepaid Expenses  = $3,000

Capital Stock  = $8,000

Supplies  = $7,000


Total liabilities


Total liabilities = Accounts Payable  + Capital Stock  + Short-term Notes Payable + Accrued Expenses + Retained Earnings

Total liabilities = 5000 + 8000 + 7000 + 3000 + 2000

Total liabilities = $25,000

how to convert ration 13:25 into fraction,decimal and percentage pleas help and with full solving and explanation ​





13:25 is just a fraction (13/25)

13:25= 0.52 (decimal)

So when you divide 13 by 25, you get  0.52. To make that into a percentage, you just multiply it by 100 (move the decimal over 2 places to the left). That gives you 52%

Assume that transportation costs are especially high for Widgets in the two-country, two-product Ricardian model, and Country A enjoys a comparative advantage in Widgets, then A) country B must also enjoy a comparative advantage in Widgets. B) country B may end up exporting Widgets. C) country A may switch to having a comparative advantage in the other good. D) country A will still export Widgets. E) trade may be impossible between the two countries.





A country has comparative advantage in production if it produces at a lower opportunity cost when compared to other countries. A country would export the good for which it has a comparative advantage and import the good for which it doesn't have a comparative advantage

For example, country A produces 10kg of beans and 5kg of rice. Country B produces 5kg of beans and 10kg of rice.  

for country A,  

opportunity cost of producing beans = 5/10 = 0.5

opportunity cost of producing rice = 10/5 = 2

for country B,  

opportunity cost of producing rice = 5/10 = 0.5

opportunity cost of producing beans = 10/5 = 2

Country A has a comparative advantage in the production of beans and country B has a comparative advantage in the production of rice

Country A would export beans to country B and B would export rice to A

Qué aspectos consideras relevantes dentro de una mega tendencia?

Ayuda porfavorr



En la inversión y en los mercados monetario y crediticio, se suele hablar de tendencias del mercado al mencionar situaciones en las que los compradores o vendedores dentro del mismo siguen un mismo patrón de comportamiento en forma simultánea, dando lugar a una conducta de mercado que se repite.

Así, hay dos tendencias principales de mercado: la bajista y la alcista. El mercado bajista es un término que significa que la tendencia en el mercado es negativa, es decir, el índice desciende. No existe una definición estricta del término, pero normalmente una caída del 20 por ciento desde su nivel más alto durante un período de al menos dos meses se cuenta como un mercado bajista.

Por su parte, el mercado alcista es un término que significa que la tendencia del mercado es positiva.

A Nasdaq-listed stock currently shows an inside market of 15.50 - 15.75, 10 x 10. A broker-dealer that is not a market maker in the stock simultaneously receives orders from two customers, one to buy 500 shares of the stock at the market, the other to sell 500 shares at the market. Rather than send the orders to a market maker for execution, the broker-dealer matches the two orders with one another at 15.625, and charges each client a commission. This transaction is:



cross trade


In simple words, A cross trade can be understood as a transaction  when purchase and sell requests for the identical instrument are balanced alone without transaction being recorded on the market. Whenever a stockbroker performs matching buy and sell transactions for about the exact securities across several customer accounts plus reports these on an interchange, this is known like a cross transaction.

Other Questions
I need help best answer gets brainly!!! Write an essay on war and peace in about 150 words. A.) AntonymB.) CharacteristicC.) TypeD.) Synonym Derek had a bill of $29 last month on he Call-a-Lot Plan. How many minutes did he use? Matt is making cookies. He adds 3 over 4 cup of sugar to a bowl. He then removes two 1 over 8 cups of sugar. Which of the following best explains the amount of sugar left in the bowl? BusCorp wants to introduce a new procedure to improve how customer requests are handled. This change will require employees to break old routines and adopt new role patterns. They decide to adopt two new programs, one in which employees learn how to work as teams as the company changes. The other involves forming task forces within the company to help determine ne customer service practices.The formation of task forces to minimize resistance to change is known as:_______.A. communication.B. learning.C. stress management.D. negotiation.E. employee involvement. Sylvia mused to herself, "It has taken over 30 years, but I've finally been named CEO of a major firm. Now, I can concentrate on what I really want to do as a(n) ____________ manager, to focus on the survival, growth, and overall effectiveness of our firm." MC Qu. 157 McCoy Brothers manufactures and sells... McCoy Brothers manufactures and sells two products, A and Z in the ratio of 5:2. Product A sells for $84; Z sells for $105. Variable costs for product A are $41; for Z $45. Fixed costs are $482,400. Compute the number of units of Product A McCoy must sell to break even. How were media perceived in the early days? How have this perception changed? Jill and Kane, with their attorneys, meet to try to resolve a dispute. A neutral third party works with both sides and proposes a solution, but does not make a decision resolving the matter. This is:____.a. arbitration. b. negotiation. c. mini-trial. d. mediation. Frank is a 60- year-old man who is well-loved in his community since he was a boy. He is someone who is outgoing, a party lover, and love to have fun hanging out with peers. Frank is confident about life. From an early age he knew exactly what he wanted to become, and now as a man, he is confident about his career and family and want to leave them a good life when he departs this life. Frank express that he is not afraid of dying but he wants them to be ok when he is gone. At work Frank is helpful to his colleagues, and even in his community he is well-known among the elderly since he is always putting on Christmas treats for them. Imagine that Frank is your colleague, and that your boss asks you to write a character reference for Frank. Using Jungs personality theory to guide your writing, present a minimum one- page character reference in which you spell out Franks behaviour, his outlook on life, his philosophy about people and all the other important things you know about him. Ensure you point out how these different parts of Franks life fits into Jungs theory and overall what Jungs theoretical concept says about him. 1Work out the area of the shape:3cm6cm2cm2cm . Read the situations and then write sentences, using past perfect continuous.1. The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other had a cut lip.(they/ fight)- They ..2. Tom was watching television. He was feeling very tired. (he / study / hard all day) He .3. When I walked into the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (somebody / smoke/ in the room) Somebody.....4. When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (she / lie / in the sun toolong) She .5. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired. (they / play/football) They 6. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and she didnt know where she was.(she / dream) She ...II. Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect continuous or past continuous.1. Tom was leaning against the wall, out of breath. He (run).2. I tried to catch Tom but I couldnt. He (run) very fast.3. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He (look).. for his cigarettes lighter.4. We (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the driver offeredus a lift.5. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They(eat)6. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table and talking.Their mouths were empty but theirstomachs were full. They (eat).7. When I arrived, Ann (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was lateand she (wait).. for a very long time.III. Give the correct form of verbs, using present perfect continuous or past perfect continuous.1. It is midnight, I (study)_________________ for five straight hours. No wonder Im getting tired.2. It was midnight, I (study)_________________ for five straight hours. No wonder I was getting tired.3. Jack suddenly realized that the teacher was asking a question. He couldnt answer because he(daydream)________________ for the last ten minutes.4. Wake up! You (sleep)______________ long enough. Its time to get up.5. At last two hundred people were waiting in line to buy tickets to the game. Some of them(stand)_____________ in line for more than four hours. We decided not to try to get tickets forourselves. A debit balance is the bank statement indicates? 1. Mi hermano y yo BLANK en cinco minutos y salimos. (vestirse)2. Por qu BLANK una ensalada? No te gustan las verduras. (pedir)3. En qu mercado BLANK t esas frutas? (conseguir)4. Despus de la cena yo BLANK caf. (servir)5. Anoche mis amigos BLANK comida guatemalteca. (servir)6. El domingo pasado BLANK quedarnos en casa. No salimos. (preferir)7. A qu hora BLANK los chicos anoche? (dormirse)8. Dices que Ana Mara nunca BLANK tu secreto? No lo creo! (repetir)9. En qu ao BLANK el presidente Kennedy? (morir)10. Sebastin no BLANK bien en el tren. (dormir) write your answer in simplest radical form suggest and motivate at least four ways by which these farming methods could be made humane MC Qu. 134 Mustang Corporation has accumulated... Mustang Corporation has accumulated the following accounting data for the month of April: Finished goods inventory, April 1$32,800 Finished goods inventory, April 30 26,800 Total cost of goods manufactured 124,700 The cost of goods sold for the year is: Mario and Judith is studying for a upcoming science exam Find the value x .