MATH QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of the graph is x= 2, y=3.

you can go over 2 and up 3 and create a linear line.

Answer 2
The answer is c

Related Questions

Can Some1 Tell Me the answer?


Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: D(2.8a-12a-3.6

hope that helped <3

Please answer this question will give brainiest please answer


Answer:2 and 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Option 3

Good luck on your assingment hope this helps :)

Can someone please help me with this question I need to find the unit rate.


First we have to take any point, I'll take (5,3).

X-axis represents number of pounds and y-axis represents total cost (in $).

So, 5 pounds = $3

=> 1 pound = $3/5

=> 1 pound = $0.6

=> 1 pound = 60 cents


60c per pound.

Step-by-step explanation:

If 5lbs cost 3 dollars, 1lb = 3/5

3/5 = 0.6$



Elliot has been running a lawn care business since 2000. He cuts grass, trims, and weed whacks yards for his customers throughout the season. Each year, he has increased his fee by the same amount. The table shows what Elliot charged each customer for two given years of his business:

Year Lawn Care Fee
2000 $750
2010 $1350

A. What is the rate of change and initial value for Elliot’s business? How do you know?
B. Write an equation in slope-intercept form to represent the fees that Elliot charges each year.


2010-2000=10 years
600/10=$60 increase per year
a) since elliot started with $750 in 2000 and he started working in 2000 that would be his initial fee and every year he increased his fee by $60.
b) y=60x+750


Rate of Change: $60 Per year

Step-by-step explanation:

We can find how many years are from 2000 to 2010 not overcouting. That is 10. Now, we do 1350 minus 750 because that's the change of the fee. That will give you 600. Now, 600 divided by 10, giving you how much change each year. That's 60.












2010: 1350

You can graph it out with that, now.

Which coordinate grid shows Point A at (0.25, −1.75)?


Step-by-step explanation:

If possible, please provide a picture otherwise we do not know what to answer. First move 0.25+ along the x axis, then -1.75 in the y direction. it should look like this

0.25 along with x-axes

Write an equivalent expression for -5x+3×2.5x




Step-by-step explanation:




Combine like terms



11 and 14 please!! I’ll give Brainlist please



11. p-(780/6) or p-130

14. 12

Step-by-step explanation:

11. 780/6 because there are 6 people so we split it evenly.

14. 24/2 = 12

For number 14 the answer is going to be 12 feet per second

Johnny rode his bicycle down a hill. It took him 15 seconds to ride from the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill. The equation h = -3t + 45 models his height, h, in feet, above the bottom of the hill as a function of the time, t, in seconds, after he started riding down the hill. Part A: What is the average rate of change in Johnny’s height? Part B: What is the height of the hill? Part C: How long will it take Johnny to travel 1/3 of the distance down the hill?


From the height function, we get that:

a) The average rate of change is of -3 feet per second.

b) The height of the hill is of 45 feet.

c) It will take Johnny 5 seconds to travel 1/3 of the distance down the hill.


The height, after t seconds, is given by:

[tex]h(t) = -3t + 45[/tex]


The height of the hill is [tex]h(t)[/tex] when [tex]t = 0[/tex], thus [tex]h(0) = -3(0) + 45 = 45[/tex]. 45 feet, which means that the the answer for option B is 45 feet.


Item a:

The initial height is of 45 feet, at [tex]t = 0[/tex] seconds.The final height is of 0 feet, at [tex]t = 15[/tex] seconds.Thus, the average rate of change is given by:

[tex]A = \frac{0 - 45}{15 - 0} = -\frac{45}{15} = -3[/tex]

The average rate of change is of -3 feet per second.


Item c:

One-third of the distance of 45 feet is [tex]\frac{1}{3}45 = 15[/tex] feet, thus, we have to find the time at which he is at 30 feet, that is, t for which [tex]h(t) = 30[/tex]

[tex]h(t) = -3t + 45[/tex]

[tex]30 = -3t + 45[/tex]

[tex]3t = 15[/tex]

[tex]t = \frac{15}{3}[/tex]

[tex]t = 5[/tex]

It will take Johnny 5 seconds to travel 1/3 of the distance down the hill.

A similar problem is given at

please help me answer this question quickly



A and D is true.

(see how to solve in pic)

A and D i can explain if needed

Please answer my question and explain it.


Answer:  Choice D


Work Shown:

4  1/2 = 4 + 1/2 = 4 + 0.5 = 4.5

In short, 4  1/2 cups is the same as 4.5 cups


1 cup = 8 fluid ounces

4.5*(1 cup) = 4.5*(8 fluid ounces) .......  multiply both sides by 4.5

4.5 cups = 36 fluid ounces



Step-by-step explanation:

Find the sum of the counting numbers from 1 to 25 inclusive. In other words, if S = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 24 + 25, find the value of S.




Step-by-step explanation:

You must have heard about Arithmetic Progressions (AP)

Arithmetic progressions are a series of numbers such that every successive number is the sum of a constant number and the previous number.

Our very own counting numbers form AP

For example :-

2 = 1 + 1

3 = 2 + 1

4 = 3 + 1

The number in bold (1) is that constant number which is added to a number to form its successive number.

To find the sum of series forming AP, we use the formula :-

[tex]sum = \frac{n}{2} \{ a + a _{n} \} [/tex]


n is the number of termsa is the first number of the series an is the last number of the series

So we'll use all this information to find the sum of continuous numbers from 1 to 25 where 1 is the first term(a) and 25 is the last(an).

and n is 25

[tex]S = \frac{25}{2}\{ 1 +25\} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{25 \times 26}{2} [/tex]

[tex] = 25 \times 13[/tex]

[tex] = 325[/tex]

So, the value of S comes out to be 325.


s= 325

Step by step explanation:

Add all numbers 1 to 25 to get 325.

Find the missing numbers.



1. 6
2. 1
3. 4


Step-by-step explanation:

1÷4 / 6÷1 = 1÷4 × 1÷6 = 1/(4×6)

A 1400-seat theater sells two types of tickets for a concert. Premium seats sell for $30 each and regular seats sell for $20 each. At one event $33,950 was collected in ticket sales with 10 seats left unsold. How many of each type of ticket was sold?



x = 638

y = 1190 - 638 = 552

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = premium seats

let y = regular seats

x + y = 1190         (ten were not sold

30x + 20y = 30180    (amount collected

now multiply the first equation by 20 and subtract

20x + 20y = 23800

30x + 20y = 30180

-10x = -6380

x = 638

y = 1190 - 638 = 552

check it by multipying x and y by their price to see if you come up with the correct amount

Hope this helps

premium seats sold : 638
Regular seats sold: 552

The 1,450 students at Classical Academy were surveyed about their use of text messaging. How many students said they text 0-50 times a day?



Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

The table below shows the number of cruise ships in a harbor on various days.
(table pic attached)

a. Write an expression for the total number of cruise ships in the harbor on Monday and Tuesday.

b. Write an expression for the total number of cruise ships in the harbor on all 5 days.


part a is 2x+5 because you add monday’s equation and tuesday’s
part b is 7x+2 because you add all equations together


Task 1 - Nonlinear Systems of Equations

Create a system of equations that includes one linear equation and one quadratic equation.
Part 1. Show all work in solving your system of equations algebraically.
Part 2. Graph your system of equations and show the solution graphically to verify your solution.
Task 2 - Polynomial Identities

Part 1. Pick a two-digit number greater than 25. Rewrite your two-digit number as a difference of two numbers. Show how to use the identity (x − y)2 = x2 − 2xy + y2 to square your number without using a calculator.
Part 2. Choose two values, a and b, each between 8 and 15. Show how to use the identity a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 − ab + b2) to calculate the sum of the cubes of your numbers without using a calculator.



f(x)5.79(3)^2 for task 1

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

Task 1:

Non linear systems of equations:

x + y = 1 -------------------(I)     {Linear equation}

     y =  1 - x

y = x² - 5 ---------------(II)   {Quadratic equation}

Substitute y =1 - x in equation (II)

(II) -->   1 -x = x² -5

Add 'x' to both sides

1 = x² + x - 5

0 = x² + x - 5 - 1   {Subtract 1 from both sides}

x² + x - 6 = 0

x² + 3x - 2x - 6 = 0    {Rewrite the middle term}

x( x + 3) - 2(x + 3) = 0    

(x + 3)(x - 2) = 0

x + 3 = 0       ;  x - 2 = 0

x = - 3   ; x = 2

When x =  - 3 ,   y = 1 -(-3 )

                              = 1 + 3

                             y = 4

When x = 2  ; y = 1 - 2 = -1

Solution of the equations:  (-3,4)  & ( 2,-1)

Task 2:

Part 1: x = 40   ; y = 30

(x - y)² = x² - 2xy + y²

(40 - 30)² = 40² - 2*40*30 + 30²

               = 1600 - 2400 + 900

               = 2500 - 2400

                = 100

Part 2:

a = 10 , b = 11

a³ + b³ = (a + b)(a² - ab +b²)

(10)³ + (11)³ = (10 +11)(10² -10*11 + 11² )

              = 21* (100 - 110 + 121)

              = 21 * ( 221 - 110)

              = 21 * 111

              = 2331


If 8 apples can make 3 pies, then how many pies can you make with 24 apples?

A: 64
B: 24
C: 11
D: 9
E: 6


D answer is 9 , 24/8 = 3
The answer is D because 8 apples are part of the 24 apples which means that 24/8 = 3 which is 3 pies and 3 pies times 3 pies makes 9

Please help me fast! I will give brainly

This is the question,

YOU BE THE TEACHER Your friend says that because of the order of operations, the expressions are equivalent. Is your friend correct?

10-(5x2)+7 or 10-5x2+7

Yes or No

And Explain the answer



He's correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

As long as there is no change in sign of the variables.

10-(5x2)+7 or 10-5x2+7

a woodworker makes 238 wooden bowls a month. At the rate, how many bowls will he make in 12 months?




Step-by-step explanation:

if you multiply 238 by 12

you will get the ans

Answer: 2856

Step-by-step explanation:

A woodworker makes 238 bowls in a month: this is the unit rate. To find how many bowls will be produced by the woodworker in 12 months,  multiply the unit rate by 12.

math problem for highschool



297 units squared

Step-by-step explanation:

You just have to break the squares down and compare them to the other sides of the squares.  For example, F is a 4 by 4 square and B is a 5 by 5 square, to find the dimensions of square E, you would just subtract 5 by 4.  By looking at the side relationships of the squares, you can easily find the dimensions of each one.

A - 9 by 9

B - 5 by 5

C - 6 by 6

D - 7 by 7

E - 1 by 1

F - 4 by 4

G - 8 by 8

H - 5 by 5

Multiply and add to get 297


297 units squared

Step-by-step explanation:

simplify 6^x+2-6^x/7*6^x

step by step.



[tex]{ \tt{ = \frac{ {6}^{x} +( 2 - {6}^{x}) }{7. {6}^{x} } }} \\ { \tt{ = \frac{ {6}^{x} (1 + 2 - 1)}{7. {6}^{x} } }} \\ = { \tt{ \frac{2}{7} }}[/tex]

G^x +2-6 8x/7. Hope this helps

i dont understand this



you should use pythagorus theoram

h square=b square plus p square

The little box on the right angle is 90degrees and the other angle whatever it is, just add those 2 together and subtract from 180 there’s your answer

Choose 3 of the following to write using a single, positive exponent: 2^-7, 3^-23, 11^-8, 4^-9, 2^-32, 8^-3. pls, hurry don't have much time! Ill give brainliest!!!



1,3 and the last one

Step-by-step explanation:

1,3 and last step!!!!!

Final Exam 7/28/21
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6 VO
Question 2
B0/1 pt 53 19 Details
Find a degree 3 polynomial having zeros - 3, 4 and 7 and the coefficient of 23 equal 1.
The polynomial is
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Step-by-step explanation:

The polynomial can be found by expanding (x+3)(x-4)(x-7)=x^3-8x^2-5x+84

after a gymnastic competition, the coaches reviewed all the gymnasts scores to identify areas for improvement. a missed landing on an aerial cartwheel deducts 2 points from the score. the coaches found that aerial cartwheels were missed 5 times across the competition. how did these missed landings affect the scores overall


Answer: The missed points will subtract 10 from the total score.

Step-by-step explanation:

A missed landing subtracts 2 points.

If they miss the landings 5 times, you know have a problem of 5x2.


Therefore, The points will subtract 10 from the total score.

a single piece of sod is typically rectangular in shape and measures 46 cm wide and 1.5 m long. Assuming that you can cut the sod, how many pieces of sod would be required to cover the following lawn?


The question is incomplete


could you add more information?

Step-by-step explanation:

what is the equation of the blue line?


Answer: y = 3x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\dfrac{x-x_{1} }{x_{2} -x_{1} } =\dfrac{y-y_{1} }{y_{2} -y_{1} }\\[/tex]

Let's choose two arbitrary points on the graph.

For example, let these be points with coordinates (1, 5) and (2, 8).

Substitute the coordinates of these points into the above formula and derive the equation of a straight line.

[tex]\dfrac{x-1}{2-1} =\dfrac{y-5}{8-5}\\\\\dfrac{x-1}{1} =\dfrac{y-5}{3}\\\\3(x-1)=y-5\\3x-3=y-5\\y=3x-3+5\\y=3x+2[/tex]

hope this helps! feel free to clarify

Mr. Baldwin is packing the shipping box with ring boxes that are cubes with an edge length of 2/3 inches. if he completely fills the shipping box, how many ring boxes can he ship?



I’m sorry but is this all the information given? Because this is incomplete.

Step-by-step explanation:

There has to be some other directions or inage attached (if there was supposed to be attached, i dont see it)

This should include the dimensions of the shipping box.

Exactly what they said ^^^^^^^^^

Find the coordinates of the intersection of the diagonals of parallelogram GHJK with vertices G(−4, 5), H(3, 5), J(2, −1), and K(−5, −1).


Answer:  1,2.4

i'm not sure thoo

Step-by-step explanation: :3

The coordinates of the intersections of the diagonal of parallelogram GHJK will be ( -1, 2 ).

What is parallelogram?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral having four sides and the two opposite sides are equal and parallel to each other.

Given that:-

The coordinates the intersection of the diagonals of parallelogram GHJK with vertices G(−4, 5), H(3, 5), J(2, −1), and K(−5, −1).

The intersection point will be the midpoint between the points G and J or points K and H.

The coordinates of the points H and K are ( 3,5)  and K ( -5,-1). So the midpoint will be calculated as:-

Midpoint = [tex]\dfrac{x_1+x_2}{2},\dfrac{y_1+y_2}{2}[/tex]

Midpoint = [tex]\dfrac{-5+3}{2},\dfrac{5-1}{2}[/tex]

Midpoint = [tex]-\dfrac{2}{2},\dfrac{4}{2}[/tex]

Midpoint = (-1,2)

Therefore the coordinates of the intersections of the diagonal of parallelogram GHJK will be ( -1, 2 ).

To know more about parallelogram follow


In training for a swim meet, Tom swam 1000 meters in 2/3 hour. His swimming partner, Carl, swam 1/2 of his distance in 1/3 hour.



1. 25 meters per hour

2. 500 meters

3. 25 meters per hour

4. the same speed as

Step-by-step explanation:

I didn't know the options for 4 so hopefully this is correct :)

Yea what he said ……………
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