Meiotic recombination produces new genetic information in sister chromatids.This Happens During prophase I. Order the stages of prophase I chronologically: ____ Diplotene.-The synaptonemal complex dissociates; homologous pairs remain attached (chiasmata).


Answer 1


See the answer below


The various stages of propase I of meiosis I in chronological order would be

1. Leptotene

2. Zygotene

3. Pachytene

4. Diplotene

5. Diakinesis

The leptotene stage is characterized by the thickening or condensation of the genetic material in the nucleus such that 'thick thread' structures is formed.

At the zygotene stage, the thickness advances and structures can be seen as chromosomes under the microscope. Homologous chromosomes are seen pairing up (synapsis) through the formation of synaptonemal complex to form tetrads or bivalents.

At pachytene, an exchange of chromosomal segments between synapsed homologous chromosomes occur in a process known as crossing over. The exchange point along the synapsed chromosomes are known as the chiasmata. After the crossing over, homologous chromosomes begin to separate but remains joined at the chiasmata.

At diplotene, the dissolution of the synaptonemal complex occur and homologous chromosomes still held together by the chiasmata begin to repel one another. The chiasmata becomes terminalized.

At Diakinesis, chromosomal condensation is completed and the cell is conditioned to progress to metaphase I of meiosis I.

Related Questions

What is Endoplasmic Reticulum? -,-​



It is a transportation system.


The endoplasmic reticulum is considered as the transportation system of the eukaryotic cell, and perform many important functions such as protein folding. Endoplasmic reticulum is a type of organelle which is made up of two subunits i.e. rough endoplasmic reticulum, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Endoplasmic reticulum performs a variety of essential cellular functions such as protein synthesis, processing, lipid synthesis, and calcium storage and its release in the body.


So, the mitochondria are like the cell's power plant and the nucleus are the command center, then the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the cell's factory. This type of organelle is a packaging and storage facility. The ER is separated into two types – rough and smooth.

The rough ER looks like sheets of bumpy membrane. The bumps are just ribosomes attached to the organelle. The function of the rough ER is protein synthesis, (it's where the proteins are made). Ribosomes create amino acids that are built into proteins inside the ER. Some of the proteins are used by the cell, while others are packaged and sent out through the cell membrane for use elsewhere.

The smooth ER is a network of tubes attached to the rough ER. It is called smooth ER because it lacks ribosomes. The smooth ER is responsible for the production and storage of steroids and lipids, also known as fats. It also stores calcium ions used by muscle tissue.

Hope this helped you!

and btw,

No, No, and No. and by the way, this is not English. Its Animal organelles in biology.

Are lizards reptiles or amphibians?



Reptiles are turtles, snakes, lizards, alligators and crocodiles. Unlike amphibians, reptiles breathe only through their lungs and have dry, scaly skin that prevents them from drying out

Amphibians are frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. Most amphibians have complex life cycles with time on land and in the water. Their skin must stay moist to absorb oxygen and therefore lacks scales. Reptiles are turtles, snakes, lizards, alligators and crocodiles.

Discuss who is impacted by desertification including which continents are impacted and the role of an increasing population.



Africa and Asia.


Africa and Asia are the most affected regions in the world which is greatly affected by desertification. The climate change and human activities has a great impact in these areas which causes desertification as compared to other areas in the world. The increase in population increase the rate of depletion of natural resources which causes more pollution in the environment that leads to desertification in these areas.

When you pushed the diaphragm up what change occurred in chest cavity pressure? Explain how this change in chest cavity pressure affected the lungs.



positive pressure


Exhalation is a passive process during which the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm relax. The ribs move downward and inward, while the diaphragm rises. This movement causes the chest to decrease in size and positive pressure to build inside the chest cavity. The positive pressure pushes air out of the lungs.

Which refers to the distance from the midpoint to the highest point for a transverse wave?


Amplitude. The distance from a midpoint to the maximum point (crest) or the minimum point (trough) of a wave.
Amplitude. Definition. The distance from the midpoint to the maximum point (crest) or to the minimum point (trough) of a wave.

The vertebra in this photograph is from the thoracic region of the vertebral column . is it True or False​



is there a picture?


i don't see a picture posted with the question

After mitosis, the number of chromosomes is ______ as/of the parent cell.

After meiosis, the number of chromosomes is _____ as/of the parent cell.



meiosis 4

mitosis 2



For mitosis - the same

The number of chromosomes at the end of mitosis are [THE SAME] as the parent cell.


For meiosis - half

The number of chromosomes at the end of meiosis are [HALF] as much as the parent cell.


Trust me, this is correct. Tried it myself.

which molecule is a saturated fat?



Option B is the correct option

It was found that the C4 protein promotes synaptic pruning during brain development in the teenage years. This is a normal process in brain development that is important for removing unnecessary connections between neurons and establishing a mature brain structure. However, high expression levels of a certain allele of C4 can lead to too much pruning, which may promote the onset of schizophrenia. The variation observed at the C4 gene which leads to the greatest increase in risk was found to cause a 25% increase in the risk of developing schizophrenia. The baseline risk in the population is 1%. What is the risk of an individual with this variant developing the condition?a. 0.25%.
b. 1.25%.
c. 25%.
d. 26%.



b. 1.25%


Variations observed in C gene has increase in risk of 25% to develop schizophrenia. It is a kind of an abnormality in which a person interprets reality unrepresentative. The baseline risk in population is 1% then there is 1.25% risk associated with an individual to develop this condition.

4.Differentiate between digestion and assimilation.
5.Name the secretions of stomach which help in digestion of food.
6.Name the three digestive glands and their role in digestion.
7. Animals like cows cannot chew their food properly at the time they take it in. Explain.



do it yourself fffffffff

Assignment 1 - Provide a narrative for the following scenarios. Use complete
sentences and be careful with spelling and grammar. 20 Points (5 points each)
1. The physician orders urine C&S on a patient. The patient asks why it is
necessary to do this test. How would you, the medical assistant, clearly
explain this to the patient?
2. A patient is asked to bring in a first morning urine specimen for testing.
You, the medical assistant, provide the patient with a container for the
collection and explain that it needs to be refrigerated if they cannot bring
it to the office right away. How do you explain to the patient the need
for a first morning specimen and the request to refrigerate?
3. A patient is being treated for diabetes. This patient asks you, the
medical assistant, why it is necessary a urine specimen is collected each



1.Urine culture and sensitive is used to identify the microorganism that is causing the infection, and to identify the antibiotics, sensitive to the microorganism, if the urinary tract is not treated promptly it can lead to recurrent urinary tract infection.

2. First urine sample of the morning is more concentrated form as urine is present in the bladder for almost 8 hours. It contains an increased number of protein or urinary casts. The sample is placed in the refrigerator to get refrigerated as holding it at room temperature and if infected with bacteria present in the urine it uses the glucose and alter the results.

3. diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the many complications if you are having diabetes. Another complication is diabetic nephropathy inorder to check the urine acetone as well as protein in urine we advise for urinalysis each time you visit.

examples of c3 and c4 plants​


C3 vs C4 Plants
C3 Plants C4 Plants
Examples include rice, wheat, oats, barley, cotton, peanuts, tobacco, sugar beets, soybeans and spinach Examples include Maize, Sugarcane, pearl millet, sorghum.
Leaves of these plants DO NOT show Kranz anatomy. Leaves of these plants show Kranz anatomy.


Fill in the blank below with the word that best completes the sentence.
Natural selection leads to____
a process of change in a population over time.



it is evolution

hope it helps

the answer is evolution

Antibacterial sprays are often used when cleaning kitchen counter tops. If the same antibacterial spray is used continuously, why will some bacteria survive and reproduce?

A) Bacteria have developed resistance to the spray
B)The spray only prevents the bacteria from multiplying.
C)New species of bacteria are formed when the spray is used.
D)Most of the sprays are designed to kill only one type of bacteria.





D) most of the sprays are designed to kill only one type of bacteria

What are the genotypes of the puppies? Let F and f
designate the dominant and recessive alleles of the
FGF5 gene, with K and k and R and r designating the
alleles of the KRT71 and RSPO2 genes, respectively.


Complete question - Answer - Explanation:

Due to technical problems, you will find the complete question, the answer, and the explanation in the attached files.

f an egg can move, what provides the energy for movement?

Question 7 options:

The uterus provides the energy for the movement of the cilia and fimbriae. The ovum itself is motile.

Fructose provides the energy for the movement of the cilia and fimbriae. The ovum itself is non-motile.

ATP provides the energy for the movement egg since the ovum itself is motile and self reliant.

ATP provides the energy for the movement of the cilia and fimbriae. The ovum itself is non-motile.



ATP provides the energy for the movement egg since the ovum itself is motile and self reliant. ATP provides the energy for the movement of the cilia and fimbriae.

what are the qualities of woollen fabric that makes it suitable for winter​



Heat conductivity

Explanation:When wool fibres are exposed to heat, moisture, and strain, they interlock and contract. Felting is aided by the scale-like exterior of the fibres. Heat conductivity: Since wool fibre is a weak conductor of heat, fabrics made from it are best suited for winter wear

Which is not a kingdom in the Eukarya domain?
O A. Animalia
O B. Bacteria
O C. Plantae
O D. Protista​


Answer: b bacteria





Protists are uni-cellular and don’t consist of a nucleus which makes them prokaryotic, not eukaryotic.

If the complex cholesterol- HRP would not be commercially available, use the knowledge you learnt and internet to determine an alternative way for detecting cholesterol.



Classical chemical methods, enzymatic assays, gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), and mass spectrometry (MS)


Classical chemical methods, enzymatic assays, gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), and mass spectrometry (MS) are the alternate methods used for the detection of cholesterol. These methods are used when HRP would not be commercially available for the analysis or detection of cholesterol in the patient's body so these methods can be used for the purpose of detection of cholesterol.

( PLEASE ANSWER IT FAST) Label the Organelles of a Cell
Identify the organelles in the cell to the right.


i think i'm too late to help D:



b- chloroplast

c-cell membrane

d- golgi

e- endoplasmic

f-cell wall


What is socialization​


As this question as biology at the top,socialization is a social process with strong biological components that interact with social and cultural frameworks and factors

9.5 What are the similarities and differences between reproduction in amoeba and reproduction in hydra?​



similarities: 1 they both reproduce asexually

Differences: 1 hydra reproduce through a process called budding whereas                              amoeba reproduce through a process called binary fission.

                    2 budding in hydra-  results in symetric division.

                       binary fission in amoeba- results in unsymetrical division.


Amoeba reproduces by a process known as binary fission in which parent cell divides into two equal daughter cells. Whereas in hydra reproduction occurs by budding. In budding, the bud is formed from the parent individual whereas in binary fission no bud formation occurs

If two haploid sperm fertilize a single haploid ovum, the resulting zygote would be considered a ________.


the answer:

What process in biology requires energy from a cell?



I would assume you are talking about just basic general biology, in which case it's probably just looking for cellular respiration.


Metabolism is a combination of chemical reactions that are spontaneous and release energy and chemical reactions that are non-spontaneous and require energy in order to proceed. Living organisms must take in energy via food, nutrients, or sunlight in order to carry out cellular processes.

Besides oxygen exchange, the respiratory system also functions to eliminate (Click to select) . Too much of this gas can cause a(n) (Click to select) in blood pH, compromising homeostasis.


Answer: Carbon dioxide, decrease


Cellular respiration is a set of reactions by which organic compounds (sugars) are degraded by oxidation to inorganic substances. This process provides energy in the form of ATP and to achieve this, many reactions occur in which electrons are passed from one molecule to another, called redox reactions. In the case of aerobic respiration, the final electron acceptor is molecular oxygen, which is reduced to water.  Oxygen, like any gas, crosses the plasma membrane and then the mitochondrial membrane, and in the mitochondrial matrix it binds electrons and protons, forming water. It is in this final oxidation and in previous processes that energy is obtained. The reactions that extract energy from sugars such as glucose are catabolic reactions since a large molecule is broken into smaller molecules. For example, when glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen, six molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) and six molecules of water are obtained. Both CO2 and water are eliminated by lung exhalation.

In the event that this carbon dioxide is not completely eliminated, something called respiratory acidosis occurs, which is one of the disorders of the acid-base balance due to a decrease in the frequency of respirations or hypoventilation. The increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood causes the pH value to decrease. This scale is a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a substance or solution. A pH value of less than 7 means it is more acidic, and a pH value of more than 7 means it is more alkaline. Carbon dioxide is constantly produced as the body metabolizes energy, which will accumulate in the circulation rapidly if the lungs do not remove it properly. Alveolar hypoventilation thus leads to an increase in arterial CO2 partial pressure. The increase in pressure in turn decreases the ratio of bicarbonate (HCO3) to bicarbonate pressure with a consequent increase in acidity or decrease in blood pH. The body's metabolism rapidly generates a large amount of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and non-volatile acid. The lungs normally excrete the volatile fraction through ventilation without accumulation of acid in the blood but in this case this is not possible and this accumulation of carbonic acid causes the pH to rise. This disrupts homeostasis, a form of equilibrium that is achieved through a network of feedback control systems that constitute the self-regulatory mechanisms.

If segmentation has been done correctly, then the segments should reflect homogeneity within each segment and across/ between segments. This statement is ______________



The correct answer is - true.


The given statement is true as common marketable traits are observed between the segments it would represent homogeneity. This same segment would be representing homogeneity within each segment and between segments that would be heterogeneity in order to propagate the market.

If segmentation has been done correctly, then the segments should reflect homogeneity within each segment and across/ between segments. This statement is TRUE.

In biology, segmentation refers to the embryonal process where different parts of the body are formed during development.

Segmentation can be defined as the repetition of two or more body units along the anterior-posterior axis.

Segmentation is a fundamental process in insect and mammal development.

In conclusion, if segmentation has been done correctly, then the segments should reflect homogeneity within each segment and across/ between segments. This statement is TRUE.

Learn more in:

Pleasssee helepppppp



Which is not true regarding the mammalian cardiac cycle

Group of answer choices

both atria contract at roughly the same time, and then the ventricles

relaxation, or filling, phase is called diastole

the semilunar valve is the usual pacemaker

contraction, or pumping, phase is called systole


the semilunar valve is usual peacemaker

What is the role of an indicator? Predict how the glucose test strips and iodine would react with the following foods:

Summer squash
Bell pepper





The density of protists living in the hay infusion is ______________ than the regular pond water.

a. significantly lesser
b. lesser
c. about the same
d. greater
e. significantly greater



a. significantly lesser


The density of protists living in the hay infusion is significantly lesser than the regular pond water because protists likes to live in aquatic or any water bodies. Some protists float on the surface of the water making their own food like plants by using the process of photosynthesis. Aquatic environments are ideal environment for protists, which have cilia and flagella that allows them to move in the water in search of food..

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For -180 Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."So that thus it is, that natural men are held in the hand of God, over the pit of hell; they have deserved the fiery pit, and are already sentenced to it; and God is dreadfully provoked, his anger is as great towards them as to those that are actually suffering the executions of the fierceness of his wrath in hell; and they have done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger.In this excerpt, natural is used to describe people whoare not tempted by wealth or power.have not been touched by the spirit of on farms or in the wilderness outside of cities.practice conservation and avoid destroying the beauty of nature. Fill in the blank with the subjunctive or the indicative as appropriate. With correct accents?1. Mis amigos y yo buscamos un gua turstico que ________________ (hablar) espaol.2. No hay sitios que ___________________ (tener) agua potable.3. 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