Mention five benefits of rain forest


Answer 1


five benefits of rainforest are


1. they are home for millions of creatures

2.rainforest have a large a number of tall trees

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Tammy hasn't exercised regularly for the past couple of years, but during the last week of October she purchases running shoes, shorts and tank tops to run in and she coordinates her schedule with her sister's schedule so that they can run together. She hopes to run regularly with her sister in a couple of months. In fact, starting in January they hope to start because they both have 2 weeks off from work at the beginning of the new year. Tammy is likely in the ___________________ stage of the transtheoretical model.



This question lacks options, options are:






The correct answer is d.


In 1984, Prochaska and DiClemente hypothesized that behavioral changes follow a series of more or less standardized stages. The Transtheoretical Model is based on the basic premise that behavioral change is a process and people have different levels of motivation and intention to change. Preparation is the stage in which people are motivated towards change in the near future, that is, the person has already made the decision to do something about it and begins to take some small steps. People in preparation, in general, already have concrete experiences in relation to change, mainly in the last calendar year. These people have a plan to act or participate in some activity, so they have great potential to participate in action-oriented programs.

How do things such as media and advertising impact our understanding of how we should act or behave in a culture or group?



It changes our views. And makes us decide of a certain way to act because of what's displayed on the media.


It makes us change our views. It makes us want to do things to "be cool" or to be "popular"

For example, keeping up with the trends and doing things you don't necessarily agree with. Wanting a "better" appearance, and plastic surgeries...all of this is caused by the influence the media has on some people. It can be damaging too.

The media and advertising can change our views about a particular thing.

It should be noted that the media and advertising impact our understanding of how we should act or behave in a culture or group.

Advertisement can be used by companies to make the customers buy a particular product. Also, the media can be used to change our views regarding certain situations.

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what does irrigation means​



the artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.

The flushing or washing out of anything with water or other liquid. the state of being irrigated.


Irrigation is the artificial process of applying controlled amounts of water to land to assist in production of crops.Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall. Irrigation also has other uses in crop production, including frost protection,suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil consolidation.

: Identify a character from both a fiction (Chopin or Glaspell) and a nonfiction piece (Torres or Kobabe) that we have read this week. First, show how the character is limited in his or her role in society (excluded from the American Dream), an then explain specifically how that character pushes against boundaries imposed by society. Use paraphrased quotes to support your claims, and cite them in APA style using in-text and reference citations that you reviewed last week.



• Arousing by Kate Chopin:-

The story communities within the hero named Edna Pontellier who lived together with her spouse Robert. apart from her actual appearance, Edna has been recognized not an equivalent because the remainder of the woman locally. She features a diverse strict foundation from her spouse and she or he has likewise an alternate point of view on life.  

Edna may be a good lady with a solid looking for sexual cravings. really, ladies living within the 1800s are relied upon to develop traditionalist qualities. In contrast to people, Edna is certain about what she needed and she or he is resolved to accomplish it with no endorsement from the others.  

All through the story, Edna felt disappointed together with her marriage with Robert and she or he came to urge herself autonomous from her wife. Toward the top, Edna chose to kill since she accepts that a woman with solid suggestive cravings won't ever be acknowledged by the overall public.

• Gender Queer by Kobabe:-

Sexual orientation may be a significant worry across the worldwide half the world. Besides, the difficulty of homosexuality is distinguished fascination towards somebody else of the identical sex. it's perhaps the foremost discussed subject inside the overall public which makes shifted point of view from various individuals. Regarding this, Maia Kobabe compresses purdah by utilizing various pronouns he/she/it in concerning a person to speak regard and commend variety. This quite changes the traditional generalization assumptions on all types of individuals

examine the upsurge of crime among the youth in a galamsey community​



Women and youth group leaders in the three study communities were also ... Some security analysts have stated that the increase in insecurity.

How would an organization minimize the occurrence of groupthin



giving free rein to diverse opinions


Have a great day! ^_^

Many thousands of people travel to New England each year to see the beauty of the?




C / buildings


People love all the beautiful buildings and most the time the reason people go to New England


leaves i took the test


5.The Macionis textbook describes how boys and girls are socialized differently starting the day they are born. Describe how boys and girls are socialized differently and discuss what impact this early socializing may have on them later on in life.



Gender socialization comprises a distinct socialization for boys and girls, that is, it is an established stereotyping about the expected behaviors and personality according to the individual's gender.

This early socialization can have important impacts on a person's entire life, girls for example can be socialized according to some type of gender bias, or inequality, and the socialization environment is also relevant, which can culminate in situations of sexism and gender expectations that reduce the autonomy and freedom with which a girl, for example, understands her existence.

After Judas Maccabeus was killed in a battle:
his descendants ruled but fought each other
Rome eventually took over
Syria regained control of Palestine
his father, Mattathias, became the new governor of Palestine


I honestly don’t know because I honestly don’t know


it is a mutiple choice question

1) his descendants ruled but fought each other

2)Rome eventually took overS  

3 )Syria regained control of Palestinehis

4) father, Mattathias, became the new governor of Palestine

its number 1 and 2


"[The Mongols] had to adopt new methods of making war. They learned the art of siege warfare.
Siege warfare means cutting off a [region) from the outside world so it cannot receive supplies of
food or fresh troops." This form of warfare allowed the Mongols to effectively attack which type of


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

This form of warfare allowed the Mongols to effectively attack larger regions as was the case of the Russian territory. Indeed, Mongols managed to conquer Russia during the winter. This was an impressive feat.

Although the Mongols were known to be fierce warriors and had an impressive army, the harsh cold winter of Russia can be extreme. No big deal for the Mongols and the great strategies to fight a war. One of his most impressive strategies: siege warfare.

Historians considered that the army that invaded Russia consisted of approximately 150,000 soldiers. From Turkey to Hungary, the Mongols decided to attack and capture the region of Kyiv after winning every battle.

The Mongols also established "Pax Mongolia." During that time, goods and ideas flowed between Asia and Europe, and knowledge about Chinese inventions, such as the compass and movable type, impacted life for Europeans. The conquest of Mongols initiated an era of peace and prosperity in Eurasia during the 13th and 14th centuries. The name of this period was Pax Mongolia.

Dependency theory articulates the argument that the core ____________the periphery. Question 29 options:



Interacts with.


The dependency theory states that or arguments that the core always interacts with the periphery. The prosperity of the richer countries, according to dependency theory, was a highly contingent and particular event in world economic history, characterized by the European powers' highly exploitative colonial relationships.

Individual nations, their function as sourcing of raw materials, cheap labor, and markets for expensive finished goods from industrialized countries were the emphasis of dependency theory. The weak economic growth was attributed to the unequal contractual relationship between developed and developing countries.

Couldn't complete your transaction. Gift cards
can only be used in the country where they were
purchased. See the gift card Terms of Service
Even though I’m in that country rn



ok ......


so whats the question????

I hope u guys do good in school

Mr. Waller's students are working in cooperative groups. Just prior to the transition to the next activity, which will require each student to use colored pencils and scissors, Mr. Waller rings a small bell. He tells the children that they have two minutes to finish up what they're doing. Mr. Waller's strategy is:





In simple words, Educational scaffolding can be understood as the method under which a teacher provides supports to learners' education in order to help them accomplish tasks. The instructor accomplishes this by expanding on the pupils' prior encounters and understanding as they acquire new abilities. Thus, from the above we can conclude that the correct answer is scaffolding.

The Strategy that is being used by Mr Wallace by ringing this bell is called scaffolding.

What is scaffolding?

This is a type of teaching style that has the person that is teaching offering support to the people he is teaching just as they learn a new concept.

The teacher here is using the bell as a reminder that the students have to be fast in their grasping of the concept.

Read more on scaffolding here:

Write basics of building a society



basics of building a society


Identify and explain 8 criteria of marital
Satisfaction by Burgess locke 1954


Answer: Marital success is the basis of determination of type of lifestyle an individual dealing with.


Burgess Locke 1954 suggested eight criteria for martial success. This is utilized as a source of evaluation. It determines the marital satisfaction and also works on the criteria of success. It assumes the fact for personal readiness for marriage, and compatible mate selection. Personality development, satisfaction, integration, happiness, companionship, adjustment , ethnicity, and personal characteristics are some of the criteria for interpreting marital success.

What are the advantages of analyzing and experimenting with a model as opposed to a real object or situation



The advantages of analyzing and experimenting with a model is that the outcome will be significantly less "real" than a real object as well as the fact that you will know the difference between the two (model & real) and what will happen.

Models are used to create representations of objects in our current reality and to study ideas. Models play an important role in many of the actions involved in the creation of an item or product.

Importance of models?

Models are useful tools in science education because they may be used to improve explanations, spark discussion, make predictions, offer visual representations of complex topics, and developmental models. As a result, by giving learning opportunities, models can play an important epistemological and pedagogical function.

Gilbert (1997) has advocated more authentic handling of the scientific process, with teachers being educated to utilize and present models in a more scientific manner, to improve these features.

Thus, As students utilize models with caution, understanding their role, purpose, and limitations, links are built between the model and the target, and each learner develops a personal mental model for the topic.

For more information about models refer to the link:

Give two examples of ruminants and name type of carbohydrate digested by them (give me a correct answer)


Short Answer: Ruminants like cows and goats can digest cellulose.


A ruminant is a concept to refer to animals that are characterized by digesting food in two stages: first, they consume it, and then they carry out rumination, which consists of the regurgitation of ingested material. Some of the best-known ruminants are cows and goats. On the other hand, one of the most important types of carbohydrates digested by ruminants is cellulose, a carbohydrate that is the main component of plant cell membranes that is characterized by being resistant to acid digestion and the action of gastric amylases. However, ruminants have developed a gastric system by which some bacteria, yeasts, and protozoa present in the rumen or the large intestine partially degrade the cellulose and fatty acids that the animal uses for energy purposes.

How were media perceived in the early days? How have this perception changed?



The media can shape our attitudes about a multitude of things from what we buy, the people we admire (and those we don't), our perceptions of political issues like immigration and health care, to social issues focused on diversity facets such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and age.


After considering options, a student using the problem-solving process should next

weigh disadvantages and evaluate a solution.
implement a solution and evaluate advantages.
implement and evaluate a solution.
weigh advantages and disadvantages.



weigh disadvantages and evaluate a solution.


The problem solving technique involves identifying a problem, and looking for solutions in the fastest possible time.

Therefore, after considering options, a student using the problem-solving process should next weigh disadvantages and evaluate a solution.

This is because, by weighing the disadvantages, a person can find out if the solution should be taken or if another approach should be considered.


weigh disadvantages and evaluate a solution.


The thought that an effective leader has a high quality relationship with each follower, allowing out-group members to be part of the larger group is ______.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you forgot to include the options for this question, we can say the following.

The thought that an effective leader has a high-quality relationship with each follower, allowing out-group members to be part of the larger group is the Leader-Member Exchange Theory.

This theory was developed at the beginning of the 1970s. It focuses on how leaders establish relationships with the members of their teams in order to help them grow inside the company or, on the other hand, how managers can put a hold on employees' careers.

Under the principles of this theory, the leader and the employee pass through three stages. 1.- Role-Taking. 2.- Role Making. 3.- Routinization.

UNder any leadership style, the leader has to lead by example. It has to be a great communicator, a good listener. Have a set of skills and abilities to perform under pressure. The leader has to make the toughest decisions. And of course, he has to hire the best individuals to form a true team.

Briefly summarize Texas History, covering all the major events from the first mapping of the coast of Texas to the present - WILL MARK BRAINLIEST


Here are five major historical events that happened in the Texas Hill Country.
First European Settlers Arrive in Present-Day Austin, 1730. ...
Austin Becomes Capital of the Republic of Texas, 1839. ...
Texas Archive War, 1842. ...
A German Prince Settles New Braunfels, 1845.

Current research studying the underlying effectiveness of antidepressant drugs suggests that the most important aspect of this drug treatment is its role in ______.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question. However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

Current research studying the underlying effectiveness of antidepressant drugs suggests that the most important aspect of this drug treatment is its role in enhanced neurotransmitter activity.

Neurotransmitter activity means that it is the way the brain transmits messages to the entire human body. The nervous system is the conduit of neurons to transmit messages with muscles and other neurons in our body.

In the case of antidepressants, some worries of scientists are the collateral effects these drugs create in patients.

The current research in the effectiveness of antidepressants suggests that the most important aspect is its role in Enhanced neurotransmitter activity.

Antidepressants are those medications that help help to cause a rise in the activity of certain chemicals that are referred to as neurotransmitters in the human brain.

These medications work by helping to reduce the effects that the depressions and anxiety may have on the human brain.


nguyên tắc xác lập lợi tức tiền vay



I.. I dont understand


Paki translate

Which aspect of the Constitution most reflects the values of republicanism



The aspect of the Constitution that most reflects the values of republicanism is the separation of powers.


Separation of powers is the idea that the power of a state should be constitutionally divided between two or more independent power poles, so that they balance and control each other and ensure that a person or group does not receive too much power.

This triple division of power had a great impact on the French Revolution and on the structure of the United States after the Declaration of Independence. Thus, the Constitution of the United States adopts this principle by establishing a temporary political power, with an executive power headed by the President, a legislative power in the hands of Congress, and a judicial power led by the Supreme Court, all of them controlling each other. Through the checks and balances system.

The principle of checks and balances, often used to describe the division of power, comes from James Madison. The principle states that an authority has the possibility to control another authority and the possibility to use its power to limit the power of other authorities.

One of the important contributions of the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) is that a variable can play different roles depending on the situation. In situations of low elaboration, how will variables most directly influence receivers?



Serve as a peripheral cue



This is simply known as influencing, changing or altering an individual's to change their belief, either by doing something or not doing something.

Theory of Planned Behavior

This view is simply that individual's real motives are the best tools or predictors of their real or deliberate behaviors, that is determined by their attitudes toward specific behaviors, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.

Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

This is commonly known as a model of persuasion. It states that there are two different way or routes to persuasion. That is there is the central route and the peripheral route. It is said that if motivation is high but ability is low, peripheral rout is taken.

The ELM shows that an intelligence, education, and training acts on an individual's ability to process a persuasive message.

Why do the most successful students evaluate what they read and hear?


Thinking Critically and Creatively
The ability to think critically about a matter—to analyze a question, situation, or problem down to its most basic parts—is what helps us evaluate the accuracy and truthfulness of statements, claims, and information we read and hear.

how does development gather speed



Developing speed is an ongoing process of hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of discipline. You must work on speed development drills everyday, week after week, and month after month, that's if you want to become faster.

its 4 pm in madrid at 12 degree west longitude find the time of Singapore at 120 degree east longitude ​





You must start by finding the difference in longitude (or degrees) of the two places. You do this by adding the two numbers. Then, divide by the 15 degrees that occurs in one hour and this will give you the time difference. Longitudes located in the western hemisphere are indicated by a negative sign; longitude located in the Eastern hemisphere are indicated by a positive sign.

-12⁰ + 120⁰ = 108⁰

108⁰ ÷ 15 = 7.2 hours = 432 minutes = 7 hours 12 minutes

4PM in Madrid + 7 hours (12 minutes) = 11PM in Singapore

It is important to realize that Spain uses DST, so right now, in the summer, Singapore is only 6 hours ahead of Madrid. It is only 10PM!

When the creature discovers that taking part of the DeLacy’s food store causes them suffering, he:______
a. takes more, his selfishness and cruelty an innate part of his nature.
b. begins to hunt rabbits, squirrels, and other small creatures, and leaves his left overs on their doorstep.
c. no longer takes from them, instead living off of berries, roots, and nuts he finds nearby.
d. abstains as much as possible, going many days without food and succumbing to hunger and taking more only when he feels he cannot go on another hour.



The correct answer is - C. no longer takes from them, instead of living off of berries, roots, and nuts he finds nearby.


Creatures or any organism learn from their behavior and actions and result or outcomes of their actions. Outcomes influence the frequency or keep doing these actions. Positive outcomes increase the frequency of the actions whereas negative outcomes lead to decrease or inhibit such actions.

In this question taking food from food storage is the negative outcome as it causes suffering to the creature which will prevent them doing it and found other sources.

You deposit $5,000 in a savings account that pays 6.50 percent interest, compounded quarterly. How much will your account be worth in 10 years?

a. 7,924.75

b. 9,545.74

c. 8,411.31

d. 9,527.79

e. 8,541.46​



The correct answer is - d. 9,527.79.


Given: P = 5000

r= 6.50 (comounded quaterly)

t 10


A  = P (1+r/4*100)^4t


A =  5000(1+0.0650/4)^4*10

=5000 (1+0.1625)^4*10

= 5000 (1.01625)^4*10

= 5000* 1.90555

= 9527.79

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