: Một mặt phẳng vô hạn tích điện đều, mật độ σ = 4.10-9 C/cm2, đặt thẳng đứng trong không khí. Một quả cầu nhỏ có khối lượng 8 g, mang điện tích q = 10-8 C treo gần vào mặt phẳng, sao cho dây treo lúc đầu song song với mặt phẳng. Lấy g = 9,8m/s2. Khi cân bằng, dây treo quả cầu hợp với mặt phẳng 1 góc bằng bao nhiêu?


Answer 1


The angle is 16 degree.


A uniformly charged infinite plane, density σ = 4.10-9 C/cm2, is placed vertically in air. A small ball of mass 8 g, with charge q = 10-8 C, hangs close to the plane, so that the string is initially parallel to the plane. Take g = 9.8m/s2 . In equilibrium, by what angle does the string hanging from the ball make an angle with the plane?

Surface charge density,   σ = 4 x 10^-9 C/m^2

charge, q = 10^-8 C

mass, m = 0.008 kg

Let the tension is the string is T and the angle is A.

[tex]T sin A = q E....(1)\\\\T cos A = m g .... (2)\\\\Divie (1) by (2)\\\\tan A =\frac{q E}{m g}\\\\tan A = \frac{10^{-8}\times 4\times 10^{-5}}{2\times 8.85\times 10^{-12}\times 0.008\times9.8}\\\\tan A = 0.288\\\\A = 16 degree[/tex]

Related Questions

Please help me with this!!!​



Its all about figuring out what numbers you times by


soooooooooo just x the numbers until you get it right, and i'm guessing your in a school soooo ask your teacher aswell :)

A car took 5 minutes to travel from town A to town B which are 12km apart.Calculate the average speed of the path.​


Speed = distance /  time

Speed = 12km /  5 minutes

Speed = 2.4 km per minute

Speed is measured per hour, 1 hour has 60 minutes.

2.4 km per minute x 60 minutes = 144 km per hour

144 km/h

V= s/t = 12*60/5 = 144

what is the closest to the order of magnitude of the energy rquired to split a nucleus in to its individual protons and neutrons



More than two million electron volts.


More than two million electron volts energy are needed to break or split a deuteron into a proton and a neutron. Nuclear binding energy is the type of energy that is required to split an atom's nucleus into protons and neutrons. The deuteron is an isotope of hydrogen that is composed of a proton and a neutron and it is a stable particle. Very huge amount of energy is needed for the splitting of nucleus due to the presence of heavy particles i.e. proton and neutron.

Which statement is correct about how the temperature of an object changes?
Group of answer choices

The molecules making up object collide with the molecules of the other and some of the potential energy from a cooler object is transferred to the warmer one.

The molecules making up object collide with the molecules of the other and some of the kinetic energy from a warmer object is transferred to the cooler one.

The molecules making up object collide with the molecules of the other and some of the kinetic energy from a cooler object is transferred to the warmer one.

The molecules making up object collide with the molecules of the other and some of the potential energy from a warmer object is transferred to the cooler one.


The molecules making up object collide with the molecules of the other and some of the kinetic energy from a warmer object is transferred to the cooler one.

Which of the following best distinguishes the relationship between applied research and basic research?

A Applied research commercializes the discoveries of basic research and brings them to the general public.
B Basic research takes place in academia, and complex research takes place in industry.
C Basic research provides fundamental knowledge that can be used to conduct applied research.
D Applied research is not published for peer review, but basic research must be.



C. Basic research provides fundamental knowledge that can be used to conduct applied research.


Applied research is used to solve practical and specific problems. Basic research is used to advance theories and scientific knowledge; it might not result in an invention or a solution, but can be used to gain knowledge about a specific subject.

In which region is there most likely to be a volcano


Most volcanoes are found along a belt, called the “Ring of Fire” that encircles the Pacific Ocean. Some volcanoes, like those that form the Hawaiian Islands, occur in the interior of plates at areas called “hot spots.”
So D is your answer

A penny is dropped into a well. It takes 5 seconds to fall. Calculate the depth of the well in feet.



d=1/2 (a)(t^2)

D = distance

A = acceleration

T = time

acceleration due to gravity is 32 ft/second

so, d=1/2 (32)(5^2)





400 ft.


D= 1/2 gt^2

=1/2(-32 ft/sec^2)(5 sec^2)

= -(1/2)(32)(25) ft

D= -400 ft, down

what are MA and VR of a lever?​



Mechanical advantage (MA) = Load/Effort. Velocity ratio (VR) = distance effort moves/ distance load moves in the same time

which of the following is not an equation of motion:- v=u+at; s=ut+at; v^2-u^2=2as; s=ut+1/2 at^2​




its not the equation of motion..

hope it helps stay safe healthy and happy.....

Compare the vertical and horizontal components of velocity for a ball launched at an angle on a level surface. How do the vertical and horizontal components of the ball's velocities change as it travels through the air?



horizontal velocity remaing constan thorough out the motion but the vertical motion's velocity changes due to the gravity acting on it.

for everl 1 second the velocity decreases by 9.8 that is the gravity

Based on what you have read provide two positives and two negatives the Suarez family would face if they switch to organic farming


Hi, you did not enter the text about the Suarez family, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered accurately. However, from the context of your question, it is possible to see that you want to know two positive and negative points that the Suarez family would observe when starting a planting of organic agriculture.

Among the negative points, we can say that organic agriculture has a high cost, as the techniques used in it require a greater number of resources, which can make not only the service more expensive, but also the product. A second negative point is that the techniques used in organic agriculture are more difficult than the techniques used in conventional agriculture, since all management of organic crops must be carried out without the application of chemical products.

Among the positive points, we can say that the growing number of consumers of organic products can increase the profit that the family will have from the sale of these products. In addition, the family will have healthier, less polluted and more productive land.


Sample response: Organic farming would have higher costs, and would be more complex than conventional farming. However, the Suarez family could charge a higher price for organic produce. This type of farming also would be better for the land.


a ball is launched from the ground with a horizontal speed of 30 m/s and a vertical speed of 30 m/s. what is the balls overall speed at the top of its trajectory?



30m/ s


this is an example of a projectile, where the path traced by the ball will be a downward parabola.

one must know that the vertical velocity of an object having projectile motion is zero at the top of its trajectory and that the horizontal velocity remains constant throughout.

this means, at the top of the trajectory the ball's overall speed will be equal to its horizontal velocity.

and horizontal velocity is given 30 m/s

hence, overall speed of the ball = 30m/ s

Using diagram 1.1 and diagram 1.2, compare the number of turn of the coils, the pattern of the iron fillings and the angle of deflection of the ammeter pointer



The number of turns in the second coil is more than the coil 1.


The magnetic field lines are the imaginary path on which an isolated north pole moves if it is free to do so.

The tangent at any point to the magnetic field line, gives the direction of magnetic field at that point.

More be the crowd ness of magnetic field lines more is the strength of magnetic field.

Here the crowd ness of magnetic field lines is more in figure 2 , so the magnetic filed in figure 2 is more than 1. It shows that the number of turns in the second coil is more than the 1 and also the current in the coil 2 is more than 1 .

Which describes an atom that has fewer neutrons than protons and more electrons than protons?

negative compound
positive compound
positive ion
negative ion



Negative ion


Negative Ion

An atom has fewer neutrons than protons and more electrons than protons is a negative ion

It was found that ice cream sales decrease significantly as the temperature outside decreases; a very strong relationship was found. What is the most likely correlation coefficient from this hypothetical study



Value closest to 1


It is described from the scenario above that ice cream sales decreases as the outside temperature increases, hence showing a strong relationship between both variables (icream sales and temperature). The correlation Coefficient is a metric used in regression modeling to depict the strength of relationship between two variables, (The dependent and independent variables). Correlation Coefficient ranges from (-1 to +1). With values close to 1 or - 1. Also the positive and negative signs are used to show the type of relationship between the variables. If an increase in variable A leads to a decrease in variable B, then we have negative correlation (-) ; while an increase or decrease in both variables depicts a positive correlation. The most likely correlation Coefficient for the study above will be a positive value which is close to 1 since the relationship is described as strong.

A uniform metre ruler scale balanced at 40 cm mark, when weight 25 gf and 10gf are suspended at 10cm mark and 75 cm mark respectively.Calculate the weight of the metre scale.​



40 gf.


Please see attached photo for diagram.

In the attached photo, W is the weight of metre rule.

The weight of the metre rule can be obtained as follow:

Clockwise moment = (W×10) + (10×35)

Clockwise moment = 10W + 350

Anticlock wise moment = 25 × 30

Anticlock wise moment = 750

Clockwise moment = Anticlock wise moment

10W + 350 = 750

Collect like terms

10W = 750 – 370

10W = 400

Divide both side by 10

W = 400/ 10

W = 40 gf

Thus, the weight of the metre rule is 40 gf


40 gf


The balance point of the uniform meter rule with the suspended weights = 40 cm = The pivot point

The location where the 25 gf weight is suspended = 10 cm

The location where the 10 gf weight is suspended = 75 cm

Let W represent the weight of the meter rule.

We have that the location of the application of the weight of the meter rule is at the center, 50 cm mark, point

Given that the meter rule is balanced, and taking moment about the pivot point, we have;

The moment om the left hand side, LHS, of the pivot point = The moment on the right hand side, RHS, of the pivot point

The moment on the LHS = 25 gf × (40 cm - 10 cm) = 750 gf·cm

The moment on the RHS = W × (50 cm - 40 cm) + 10 gf × (75 cm - 40 cm)

The moment on the RHS = W·(10 cm)  + 350 gf·cm

∴ 750 gf·cm = W·(10 cm) + 350 gf·cm

W·(10 cm) = 750 gf·cm - 350 gf·cm = 400 gf·cm

W = (400 gf·cm)/(10 cm) = 40 gf

The weight of the meter scale (rule), W = 40 gf.

Satellite technology has allowed us to monitor areas that were once so remote that we had no way of monitoring them. Review the statements and choose the one that best describes how we can use this technology to benefit the environment.

Large ocean liners use satellites to aid in navigation. This type of navigation aid is also used on cruise ships. Using satellites can help these large ships navigate waters during bad storms.

Satellite surveillance can be used to aid in port security. Satellite data can be monitored and evaluated by complex computer systems. These systems can alert officials when something unusual occurs.

Satellite technology allows us to monitor and track the changes in the polar ice sheets. This can help us plan and direct conservation efforts for the animals that depend on polar ice in order to survive.

Satellite surveillance has allowed us to map areas that were previously too remote to observe. This helps developers to locate and choose sites for large resorts.


Don't worry I will help you pal...

"Satellite technology allows us to monitor and track the changes in the polar ice sheets. This can help us plan and direct conservation efforts for the animals that depend on polar ice in order to survive."

This is the answer because the other answers don't really tackle helping the environment head-on instead it sorta helps society instead. Since we are looking for the ways satellite tech can help the environment and the polar ice caps is a wonderful example of that...we can conclude that the third answer will most likely be the correct answer for this question

Hope this helped you!!!! :)

Describe los cambios en velocidad y aceleración durante las etapas de un salto en paracaídas. Salto desde avioneta



Initially the acceleration is acceleration due to gravity and after that it is zero.


Describe the changes in speed and acceleration during the stages of a parachute jump. Jump from plane

As the person jump with the parachute and till the parachute is not opened, then in this condition, the acceleration is acceleration due to gravity due to which he moves in the downwards direction.

As the parachute is opened, the drag force of air and the buoyant force due to the air acts on the parachute in the upwards direction. So, the net acceleration is zero ad the force due to the gravity is balanced by the drag force and the buoyant force and thus the acceleration if zero and the person is safe.  

Which forms of energy determine temperature: translational kinetic energy, rotational kinetic energy, vibrational kinetic energy, or all of these


oh this question seems to be difficult I don't think I can answer this

a stone of mass 250kg and another stone of mass 400 kg are kept at a distance of 100m what amount of gravitational force develops between them?​



Hey there!


Mass of one object (m1) = 250kg

Mass of another object (m2) = 400 kg

Distance (d) = 100 m

Gravitational constant (g) = 6.67*10^-11


[tex]f = \frac{g.m1.m2}{ {d}^{2} } [/tex]

Keep all values;

[tex]f = \frac{6.67 \times {10}^{ - 11} \times 250 \times 400}{ {(100)}^{2} } [/tex]


[tex]f = \frac{6.67 \times {10}^{ - 11} {10}^{5} }{10000} [/tex]

[tex]f = \frac{6.67 \times {10}^{ - 6} }{10000} [/tex]

Therefore, gravitational force is 6.67*10^-10.

Hope it helps!

Please help it's for a test.

A car of mass 1000kg is traveling 30m/s

a) What is the kinetic energy?

b) How high will it have to travel up a hill to have the same potential as kinetic energy as this speed? Remember Ep-Ek




[tex]KE=\frac{1}{2}mv^2[/tex] so filling in:

[tex]KE=\frac{1}{2}(1000)(30)^2[/tex] so to 2 sig figs (which is actually not accurate, but oh well...)

KE = 450000 J

If we want to find out how high it will have to travel up a hill so that its PE is the same as the KE at this speed, we set the value for KE = to PE:

450000 = (1000)(9.8)h so


the bodies in this universe attract one another name the scientist who propounded this statement​


Answer: According to wikipedia Sir Isaac Newton has told this statement.hope its helps you.have a great day. keep smiling be happy stay safe.  

Answer: The scientist named Isaac Newton proposed this universal law of gravitation.

It is given that the bodies in this universe attract one another.

It is required to name the scientist who propounded this statement​.

What is the name of the scientist who propounded this statement​?

According to Newton's law of gravitation, every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is proportional to the multiplication of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects. This is the universal law that means this is a constant term that can't be changed with respect to place which was proposed by Isaac Newton in 1687.

Therefore, Isaac Newton proposed this universal law of gravitation.

Learn more about gravitation here:



1.how would you calculate the atomic mass of an atom of silver (at)?
2.the element chlorine (CI) has 17 protons and 17 electrons. What happens to an atom of chlorine (CI) if it gains an electron?
3. How does an atom differ from a molecule?
4. How do protons, neutrons, and electrons differ?
5. The element lithium (Li) has 3 protons and 3 electrons. The element fluorine (F) has 9 protons and 9 electrons. An atom of the element lithium (Li) transfers an electron to an atom of the element fluorine (F). Which type of bond results between The atoms, and what happens to the charges in each of the atoms?
6. Why do the minerals graphite and diamond look different even though they’re made from the same element, carbon (c)?



1. atomic mass of silver 108

2. 18 electrons

3.an atom is the smallest particle of a substance that can exist by itself.

molecules are groups of atom


1. periodics table

2. gains electron, becomes negative


To determine the atomic mass of silver, or any other element, add the number of protons and the number of neutrons together.

If a chlorine atom gains an electron, it will have an unequal number of protons and electrons, which makes it an ion. Because electrons are negatively charged, the ion will be negatively charged, also called an anion.

An atom is the smallest component of an element that retains all of the chemical properties of that element. A molecule is two or more atoms that have bonded together.

Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom, while electrons are found in the area surrounding the nucleus of an atom. Protons have a positive charge, electrons have a negative charge, and neutrons have no charge.

Because the lithium atom loses a negatively charged electron, it becomes a positively charged ion, or cation. Because the fluorine gains a negatively charged electron, it becomes a negatively charged ion, or anion. A bond between an anion and a cation is an ionic bond.

Graphite and diamond look different because the carbon atoms bond to one another in different ways in the two minerals. This gives each mineral a unique lattice structure and, as a result, a different physical appearance.

Q011) The Doppler effect a. occurs when the frequency of sound waves received is lower if the wave source is moving toward you than if it's moving away. b. occurs when the pitch of a sound gets lower if the source is receding. c. is the basic explanation for the blue shift of light in our Universe. d. can be applied only to sound waves.



Option (c) is correct.


The apparent change in the frequency of light due to the relative motion between the source and the observer is called Doppler's effect.

When the source is moving towards the observer which is at rest, the apparent frequency increases and if the observer is moving away the frequency of sound decreases.

It occurs for both light and sound.  

So, to explain the blue shift of light in the universe is due to the Doppler's effect of light.

A gas is enclosed in a confainer fitted with a piston of cross sectional area 0.10 the pressureof the gas is maintained in 8000 when hat is slowlh transferred the piston is pushed up through a distance of 4.0cm If 42j of heat is transferred to the system during expansion wht is the change im internal energy of th system



10 Joule


The solution and answer are well written in the Pic above.

If the radius of curvature of a mirror is 15m and the distance of the object from the mirror is 10m. Find the distance of the image from the mirror and the magnification of the object in meter



Data given.

focal length (f)=15m÷2=7.5m

Distance of the object(U)=10m

Image distance (v)=?

Magnification (M)=?





then v=75m

Magnification, M=u/v


Then magnification=7.5


v = 30 m and m = 3


Given that,

The radius of curvature of the mirror, R = 15 m

Focal length, f = 7.5 m

Object distance, u = -10 m

We need to find the image distance and the magnification of the object.

Using mirror's formula,

[tex]\dfrac{1}{v}-\dfrac{1}{u}=\dfrac{1}{f}\\\\\dfrac{1}{v}=\dfrac{1}{f}+\dfrac{1}{u}\\\\\dfrac{1}{v}=\dfrac{1}{(7.5)}+\dfrac{1}{(-10)}\\\\v=30\ m[/tex]

The magnification of the object in mirror is given by :


So, the distance of the image from the mirror and the magnification of the object are 30 m and 3 respectively.

Find the sum. Express the answer in scientific notation. (1.54 x 10^6)+(6.15 x 10^6)​



[tex] { \tt{(1.54 \times {10}^{6}) + (6.15 \times {10}^{6}) }} \\ = { \tt{(1.54 + 6.15) \times {10}^{6} }} \\ = { \tt{7.69 \times {10}^{6} }}[/tex]

Help me and I'll make u Brainliest and follow u


26. D. crushing the sugar cube and dissolving it in water.

27. A. atom

28. B. molecule

29. B. plum pudding model of Joseph John Thomson

30. B. He used cathode ray tubes which showed that all atoms contain tiny negatively charged subatomic particles or electrons

31. D. protons and neutrons are relatively heavier than electrons.

What is Unit and standard unit?​



The standard quantity with which we carry out the measurement of any physical quantity of the same kind is called a unit.

help please correct answer i will mark brainliest​





that is the solution above

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