Mountain gorillas are an endangered species __ habitats are being badly destroyed. A. why B. whose C. which D. that


Answer 1


B. Whose


You’re talking about the mountain gorillas so you use whose.

The mountain gorillas are an endangered species whose habitats are being badly destroyed.

Answer 2

Mountain gorillas are an endangered species whose habitats are being badly destroyed. Thus, the correct option is B.

What are endangered species?

An endangered species is a species which is most likely to become extinct in the near future, either worldwide or in a particular jurisdiction. The endangered species are at risk due to several factors which include habitat loss, poaching and invasive species.

Habitat is the natural region where wildlife lives undisturbed such as forest, pond, marsh or desert. Most of the animal and plant species which are endangered have become so, not due to killing on purpose but due to their habitats which are being destroyed.

Mountain gorillas is an example of endangered species whose habitats are being badly destroyed.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Endangered species here:


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Please help me find the nouns and adjectives for this passage


I see it says In the text it cool be her but it shown

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my bad just getting points




1. d 2. e 3. h 4. j 5. l 6. a 7. g 8. i 9. k 10. c 11. b 12. f


which is an example of nonverbal communication? A.a thumbs up B.rhyming c.spoken words outline



an example of nonverbal communication is thumbs up

There once was a man who had saved a lot of money
during his life. It had become extremely important to him.
It was so important, in fact, that he made his wife promise
him that, when he died, she would bury all his money with
him. Well one day, he did die. At the funeral, dressed in
black and crying, the man's wife stood and placed a shoe
box inside the casket right before he was buried. Her friend
leaned over and asked her, "Did you really bury all his
money with him?" The wife answered, "I promised I would.
So, I put all his money into my account and wrote him a
check. This story just shows you that you really can't take
money with you when you die.
What do the first two lines tell you about the man?
A. That he loved money
B. That he was very generous
C. That he loved his wife
D. That he had too much money


A. That he loved money

It tells about how the man adored and loved money.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.




Because in the first two lines he was only talking about the money

Juxtaposition isn't hard once you learn to recognize it, but Gandhi uses it in a complex way. To make sure you
understand this technique, use this passage from Gandhi's writing to practice.
"... our Shastras teach us that there shall be no co-operation between injustice and justice, between and
unjust man and a justice-loving man, between truth and untruth. Co-operation is a duty only so long as
Government protects your honour, and non-cooperation is an equal duty when the Government instead of
protecting robs you of your honour. That is the doctrine of non-cooperation."
There are at least four examples of juxtaposition in this passage. Can you find them all?
1. injustice vs.
2. unjust vs.
3. truth vs.
4. protects vs.



1. injustice vs. justice  

2. unjust vs. justice-loving  

3. truth vs. untruth

4. protects vs. robs


Juxtaposition is perceived in a text when the author presents in the same sentence, or in the same line of thought, two contrasting elements that show opposing ideas that do not complement each other. We can see Gandi using this technique very simply in the text above, where he shows the juxtaposition of elements very literally and directly. These juxtapositions can be seen in the following elements:

1. injustice vs. justice  

2. unjust vs. justice-loving  

3. truth vs. untruth

4. protects vs. robs


The Pollution by Problem Roberto Bererra

Unfortunately, pollution is like air: it’s everywhere! Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment that can cause damage and harm to humans, animals, and the environment. It takes on a number of different forms, from chemicals and garbage to something as seemingly innocent as light or noise.

Pollution comes from a variety of sources. In addition, it alters, changes, and even destroys a variety of places. For example, exhaust from cars pollutes the air. When it rains, runoff from fertilizers and pesticides, which farmers use to help crops grow, can pollute the water in oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams. Garbage dumped in landfills is not only an eyesore, but also a source of harmful gases that can damage the earth’s atmosphere. Light pollution, which comes in the form of bright streetlights or signs, disrupts the view of the night sky. Noise pollution caused by cars, trucks, and machines interrupts the natural sounds of the world around us, such as birds singing or leaves rustling.

The types of pollution and their effects vary greatly. At the same time, however, they are related; each type of pollution affects the other types. An example of the connection between different types of pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is caused mostly by sulfur or nitrogen emissions given off by sources such as car exhaust and the burning of fossil fuels such as coal. These harmful chemicals rise into the atmosphere where they react with other compounds and then fall as an acidic form of rain, sleet, or snow. Acid rain damages plants and buildings, contaminates soil and water, and has a negative effect on animals, fish, and even humans.

Pollution has other effects, too. Breathing toxic air or drinking polluted water can cause humans and animals to develop health problems that can be serious and sometimes deadly. The deaths of too many members of a certain species of animal can upset the local ecosystem, or the area in which they live. As a result, weather patterns and climates can also change.

Though pollution is everywhere, there are ways to help prevent it. By walking or riding bikes—instead of driving cars—people can help decrease air pollution. People can also buy and eat organic foods to support farmers that do not use fertilizers on their crops. It is also a good idea to take old things that people intend to throw away and find new ways to use them. A great way to help the environment is to recycle. Save items like used paper, glass and plastic bottles, and metal cans. Then, take them to a recycling center where they can be turned into new products to be used again. Some cities and towns even have recycling programs in place so all you have to do is leave your recyclable items on the curb on a certain day each week. It doesn’t get much easier to help the environment and reduce pollution than that!

The statements below make persuasive appeals to the reader about the dangers of pollution. Some of the statements make appeals to logic (logos); some make appeals to emotion (pathos); and some make appeals to ethics or establish the authority of the speaker (ethos). Move each statement into the column that matches its type of appeal.



1. A local ecosystem can be upset by the death of certain species of animals.

Appeals to emotions (Pathos)

2. As a scientist, I can attest that some forms of pollution are not pollution at all.

Appeals to Ethics (Ethos)

3. As an environmental expert, I can speak with authorities about the dangers of pollution.

Appeals to Ethics (Ethos)

4. Breathing toxic air can cause human and animal health problems.

Appeals to Logic (Logos)

5. Garbage dumped in landfills is an eyesore to the general public.

Appeals to Emotions (Pathos)

6. If we don't stop polluting the earth, all human life will be destroyed.

Appeals to Ethics (Ethos)

7. Light pollution disrupts a person's view of the night sky.

Appeals to Ethics (Ethos)

8. Pollution is an immoral act that instills guilt and shame in the person polluting.

Appeals to Logic (Logos)

9. If you pollute, you should be thrown into prison.

Appeals to Emotions (Pathos)

10. Noise pollution disrupts the natural sounds of the world.

Appeals to Ethics (Ethos)

Can someone help me?



They stay looked cloudy


I hope it helps choose me the brainest

Proofread this extract and correct the four errors involving inverted commas.

Remember to only use "double" inverted commas when adding them.








Replacing a Punctured Rear Inner Tube–The Easy Way!

The correct use of inverted commas:

1. Tim: "Now, we’re assuming the damage to the tyre has been caused by a thorn or small nail, something like that."

2. Kim: "Yes, that’s right– something small which doesn’t require you to fit a whole new tyre."

3. Tim: "OK. So, the first thing you need is to get your tools ready.  You’ll need a new Inner tube, of course, plus pump, a set of spanners, a pair of tyre levers or strong spoons, and a couple of different sized flathead screwdrivers.

Do ensure before you start that the new tube is the same size as the old one, or all manner of problems may arise!"


In writing, inverted commas surround a speaker's speech to mark when the speeches begin and when they end.  If another speaker starts a written speech, a different set of inverted commas are used.  If the speech is continued by one speaker without any reporting, there is no need to use inverted commas until the end.  For example, sentence 2 above should end with an inverted comma. Sentence 3 does not require the three inverted commas within the speech.

write about a market day in your hometown ​



Here is your Answer


Hundreds of people visit this market every day. The market in my town is always alive with activity, like any other big market. Every moment buyers and sellers can be seen moving about in all directions. Sellers try to raise the prices of their goods as much as they can.

Give me markliest and 20 thx pls

Can you do this question?



1. Came

2. Was

3. Was

4. Watched

5. Spent

6. Enjoyed

7. Wrote

8. Sat

9. Had

10. Was

11. Was

12. Arrived

13. Have you listened to pop music?

14. Had

15. Practiced

16. I have just sent you some of her CDs.

What type of Literary Devices is this passage and provide an explanation
Wilson and I are different species: he’s an early bird and I am a night owl. The problem is if I move him to his own cage, who will I get to clean up the droppings?


Since the speaker compares himself to a night owl and Wilson to an early bird without the usage of the words "like" or "as", this is an example of metaphor. The reader is obviously not actually a night owl, but is merely saying that he's more active at night.

As you read the paragraph below, think about how you would describe the main character's reaction to the event.

Paula had not seen her grandfather for over a year. He had been too sick to travel from his home in New York to see Paula's family in California, though her mother had been to New York a few times. Now Paula just wanted to give her grandfather a huge hug and not let go. And finally he was here, walking up her driveway.

Which next sentence provides the most precise description of Paula's reaction?
A Paula was pleased to see her grandfather again.
B Paula was excited to see her grandfather again.
C Paula was content to see her grandfather again.
D Paula was thrilled to see her grandfather again.





because her grandfather was too sick to travel to see Paulas family in California




With malice toward none with charity for all what is the conclusion of Lincoln speech



According to the speech by Abraham Lincoln where he said, "With malice toward none with charity for all...", he simply meant that he does not wish any ill will for anyone, but rather that kindness should be shown to all.

He was making reference to the South who he said did not want to suffer the consequences of the Civil War as the sufferings they endured during the war was enough.

(Answers!!)Unit Test:English 10 A



"A shadow had lain down beside him. And this shadow threw itself over him."  "Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me . . . You're killing your father . . . I have bread . . . for you too . . . for you too . . ."


The correct options most directly reflect the idea of cruelty arising under horrible conditions, because they reveal, first, a cruel attack on the man hiding a piece of bread, and second, that the attacker was, in fact, that man´s son, who was killing his own father out of pure hunger and desperation.

The incorrect options only provide the perspective of the narrator, who is a mere spectator of the man hiding a piece of bread, and describe the events before the final reveal, which is the cruelest act of all: the killing of a father by his own son due to hunger.

Which of the following songs plays in the background of the flight scenes in Dr Strangelove? Group of answer choices Johnny Get Your Gun The Peter Gunn Theme The Battle Hymn of the Republic A Bridge over Troubled Water When Johnny Comes Marching Home




Dr Strangelove was a movie about an American Brigadier that didn't inform his superiors when he deployed a B-52 bomber on the Russians, and therefore puts the world almost on the verge of a war.

The song that was played in the background of the flight scenes in Dr Strangelove is When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Louis Lambert a.k.a. Patrick Gilmore.

Wild One and  Wild Child is an Australian rowdy tune composed by Johnny Greenan, Johnny O'Keefe, and Dave Owens. While most sources express that O'Keefe was straightforwardly associated with making the melody, this has been addressed by others.

What Dr Strangelove is about?

Dr Strangelove was a film about an American Brigadier that didn't illuminate his bosses when he conveyed a B-52 plane on the Russians, and accordingly puts the world practically nearly a conflict.

The tune that was played behind the scenes of the flight scenes in Dr Strangelove is When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Louis Lambert a.k.a. Patrick Gilmore.

For more information about Americans, refer the following link:

Acute is to chronic as temporary is to(persistent,sick,pretty,or narrow)




I'm writing this part to meet the character requirement

1- Use the passage to answer the question that follow. The girl next door was tall and thin. She was very pretty and smart, the kind of girl you wanted to hate. She was soft-spoken and even-tempered, as sweet as she was pretty, and no one would have ever expected her to be the one to stand up to the neighborhood bully, Ralphie. One day the girl next-door was walking home from school with one of her many, many friends. She saw Ralphie throwing rocks at a bird in the tree and, this won even my admiration, walked calmly up to him, tapped him one the shoulder and said, "How'd you like it if I threw rocks at you?" The narrator's attitude toward the girl next door is best described as?
irritated and grumbling
disdainfully angry
reluctantly admiring
cheerful and happy

2- Use the passage to answer the question that follow.

The girl next door was tall and thin. She was very pretty and smart, the kind of girl you wanted to hate. She was soft-spoken and even-tempered, as sweet as she was pretty, and no one would have ever expected her to be the one to stand up to the neighborhood bully, Ralphie. One day the girl next-door was walking home from school with one of her many, many friends. She saw Ralphie throwing rocks at a bird in the tree and, this won even my admiration, walked calmly up to him, tapped him one the shoulder and said, "How'd you like it if I threw rocks at you?"

Which best describes the story-teller's point of view?

third-person omniscient
third-person limited






My question is about writing an essay



¿Cómo escribir correctamente un ensayo?

Siga estos pasos para escribir un ensayo convincente exitoso.

Escoja su tema cuidadosamente. ...

Establezca su planteamiento de tesis basado en su propia opinión y en la información que haya recolectado durante su investigación. ...

Considere las objeciones más obvias a su planteamiento. ...

Haga un esquema de su ensayo.

help please , why does this paragraph lack sentence variety



Each sentence begins with the subject.

Each sentence begins with "Cory." He is the subject.


Each sentence begins with a subject.


The entire paragraph is basically "Corey did this" and "Corey did that"

There's no variety, since it always begins with Corey.

what is adjective . the ugly duck is not in the pool.​



The ugly duck is not in the pool.

The adjective is ugly.


An adjective is defined as "a word or phrase naming an attribute", or  a word used to describe. Since the word "ugly" is describing the duck, "ugly" is an adjective .

Hope this helped!

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of planning for transitions?
A. Planned transitions can teach children about cooperation and consideration.
B. Planned transitions can create a positive and cooperative environment
C. Planned transitions can teach direction following skills
D. Planned transitions will eliminate all transition time challenges. E. Planned transitions provide additional teachable moments throughout the day.​



D. Planned transitions will eliminate all transition time challenges


A planned transition is a pre-organised shift from one form to another, or movement of things or ideas from one point to the other.

Therefore, there are different benefits for planning for transitions, but the answer choice that is not a benefit of planning for transitions is the idea that it will eliminate all transition time challenges

Owen made a passionate speech supporting a candidate for office. "This candidate is a wonderful mother and
a caring friend," he said. "And because of that, she will do a wonderful job representing our town in state
government." Why might a listener question Owen's argument?

A) The candidate lives in a bad neighborhood and is poor.

B) Owen has never held public office or made a speech before.

C) The candidate's credentials don't match her stated goals.

D)Owen is a poor public
speaker and looks nervous.


Answer:c because well it never said what her intentions were to be a candiait in ofice


Hope this helps

The candidate's credentials do not match her stated goals. Hence, The listener would argue about her eligibilty and skills as they do not match the designated post. The correct option is C.

What do you understand by an argument?

An argument is a declaration that is supported via way of means of presenting examples. Most conclusions drawn in surveys and thoroughly managed experiments are arguments via way of means of instance and generalization.

Hence, Hence, The listener would argue about her eligibilty and skills as they do not match the designated post.The correct option is C.

Learn more about argument here:


The synonym of the word 'drag' is ​










These are all synonyms for the word drag

The synonym of the word drag is

pullheave tow trailHaultrawltug

Hope my answer is helpful to you ❣️☪️✌️❇️❣️:)

Which evidence from the passage supports the author's bias that going paperless is better than using the USPS?

Select one:
O a. ... more financial statements, bills, and the checks that follow them have become digital every year.
O b. Most Americans pay at least one bill each month online.
Ос. the paper bill paper check, and paper bank statement are becoming fossils of a bygone age.
Od Interestingly, the volume of mail that is considered advertising has held steady.



financial statements, bills, and the checks that follow them have become digital every year.


Option A) More financial statements, bills, and the checks that follow them have become digital every year.

What is the passage within the literature?

Technically, a passage is honestly a component or section of written paintings, either fiction or non-fiction. Some hold that a passage can be as short as a sentence, however, a maximum encompasses a minimum of one paragraph and typically several.

An example of passage is when you move on a ride and someone tells you to be safe in your travels. An instance of passage is when a vehicle moves thru a constrained area with permission. An example of passage is whilst time moves ahead.

Learn more about the passage here:


I cannot understand the instructions. they ''re....spanish ?



They are in Spanish

Mark me as brainlist

They are Spanish………….

Jamie is playing a game. On his first turn he gains 3
points. On his second turn he loses 3 points. Which
expression represents Jamie's score at the end of his
second turn?



A. +3+(-3)


he has positive 3 points and loses 3

Guys I need help, is this Logos, Ethos, or Pathos?

3. Pollution has a severe impact upon native animal populations.





This is an appeal to logic, or logos. This is because this is a logical argument - a cause and effect. Pollution has a severe impact on native animal populations, so we should not pollute.

Hope this helps!

How does a writer support a counterclaim after stating it? Select three options.



by restating the original claim. by providing reasons. by describing the topic. by supporting it with evidence.

How should sentence 3 be changed so it has the right tone?


if B is your answer that would most likely be correct

which ways teacher can record experience dictate story



A teacher could keep a diary


A diary is a very good way to record your thoughts, your memories, your experiences, your feelings, and your day-to-day life activities.

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