Mountain ranges are created at boundaries between tectonic plates a. b. transform transflux divergent convergent C. d. 5​


Answer 1
Convergent would produce mountains because they approach eachother

Related Questions

What is a controlled variable?


Answer:  A controlled variable or constant variable is a variable that does not change during an experiment.


A controlled variable or constant variable is one which the researcher holds constant (controls) during an experiment. It is also known as a constant variable or simply as a control.The control variable is not part of an experiment itself it is neither the independent nor dependent variable but it is important because it can have an effect on the results gotten.

example of a controlled variable is temperature.

1. The structure that's not a component of wall of sponges is





The structure that is not a component of wall of sponges is Chitin. Their body comprise of calcareous or siliceous spicules or protein spongin fibres. Choanocytes are the distinctive cells located in the interior body walls of sponges. Sponges are similar to other animals in many characteristics such as they are multicellular, heterotrophic, lack cell walls and produce sperm cells in order to produce offspring sexually and also different from animals due to lack of tissues and organs.

please hellllllllllllp?!
please ​


Answer: I think it's true

I need to know which ones to check off


The instructions don’t really count toward your grade, if you really wish to learn from then you should just try your best and take notes on what you beed to know. If you’re just using Brainly to get past the class just guess on the instructions as they do not effect your grade very much at all if at all.

The image shows a typical practice carried out by members of a society.
Which type of society does the image most likely represent?
A. Pastoral
B. Agrarian
C. Postindustrial
D. Hunter-gatherer


I think b not to sure

Agrarian type of society does the image most likely represent. So, the correct option is B.

What is Society?

A group of people who live in one place and share customs, cultures, organizations, and interests is referred to as a society. The diversity of people from different religions, castes, genders, and ethnic groups has several effects on this civilization.

Agricultural activities generally include everything that has a close connection to farming and makes use of land for farming and crop production. This activity, which uses a variety of contemporary techniques, has a close relationship with all human agricultural operations and is in charge of the massive crop output.

The image below depicts the task of planting paddy, which is typically done by a young child. Thus, the image most likely depicts an agrarian community.

Thus, C is the best choice.

Learn more about Agrarian, here:


What is pasteurization? what is the advantage of this technique?




Pasteurization is the process by which food products (such as juice and dairy products) are mildly heated to kill off harmful bacteria, salmonella, and other disease-causing pathogens. These products are thus made safe for consumption. ... Pasteurization has revolutionized food safety within the dairy industry.

Describe the unknown in terms of what you are able to determine from the tests. Is it primary, secondary, or tertiary



This question in incomplete, therefore it will be trickier to answer.


If you provide the options with this question, I can give it a shot in trying to work it out.

Based on the Punnett square above, what are the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the offspring? A red plant and a pink plant. Red plant genotype: Pink plant genotype: Phenotypic ratio: Red = Pink = White = Genotypic ratio: RR = Rr = rr =





The ratio of two sides of a parallelogram is 2 : 5.Perimeter of parallelogram = 70 cm


To find:


Sides of parallelogram?




☯ Let two adjacent sides of parallelogram be 2x and 5x.


Refrence of image is shown in diagram:


[tex]\setlength{\unitlength}{1 cm}\begin{picture}(0,0)\thicklines\qbezier(1,1)(1,1)(6,1)\put(0.4,0.5){\bf D}\qbezier(1,1)(1,1)(1.6,4)\put(6.2,0.5){\bf C}\qbezier(1.6,4)(1.6,4)(6.6,4)\put(1,4){\bf A}\qbezier(6,1)(6,1)(6.6,4)\put(6.9,3.8){\bf B}\put(0.7,2.5){\sf 2x}\put(3,0.5){\sf 5x}\end{picture}[/tex]


[tex]\underline{\bigstar\:\boldsymbol{According\:to\:the\:question\::}}\\ \\[/tex]

Perimeter of parallelogram = 70 cm


[tex]\dag\;{\underline{\frak{We\;know\;that,}}}\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]\star\:{\boxed{\sf{\purple{Perimeter_{\;(parallelogram)} = 2 \times (sum\:of\: adjacent\:sides)}}}}\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies\sf 2 \times (2x + 5x) = 70\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies\sf 2 \times 7x = 70\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies\sf 14x = 70\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies\sf x = \cancel{ \dfrac{70}{14}}\\ \\[/tex]

[tex]:\implies{\boxed{\sf{\pink{x = 5}}}}\;\bigstar\\ \\[/tex]



2x = 2 × 5 = 10 cm.

5x = 5 × 5 = 25 cm.


[tex]\therefore[/tex] Hence, Adjacent sides of parallelogram are 10 cm and 25 cm.

A microbiologist is conducting a research project on chemolithoautotrophs. This means that the investigator is examining certain aspects of a bacterium that is a purple nonsulfur bacteria which depends on light. uses light as its energy source and carbon for organic compounds. can oxidize inorganic molecules such as ammonia and sulfur for energy. can use the energy from sunlight to build organic molecules from carbon dioxide. obtains carbon from organic molecules.



uses light as its energy source and carbon for organic compounds.


The purple non-sulfur bacteria which depends on light produces organic food  just like plants through the process of photosynthesis. The purple non-sulfur bacteria uses carbondioxide and water with sunlight produces oxygen and glucose which is an organic compound. So that's why purple non-sulfur bacteria is also known as phototrophic means organism that produces their own food through photosynthesis.

a que distancia se encuentra una gaviota respecto del nivel del mar?​



Para determinar la distancia a la que se encuentra una gaviota respecto del nivel del mar, es necesario medir la altura a la que se encuentra volando. Así, dado que el nivel del mar tiene una altura considerada como de 0 metros, si la gaviota está volando a unos 500 metros de altura, por ejemplo, esa será su distancia respecto del nivel del mar.

Table sugar is an example of which molecule





It is a disaccharide, a molecule composed of two monosaccharides: glucose and fructose. Sucrose is produced naturally in plants, from which table sugar is refined. It has the molecular formula C12H22011.


table sugar is example of glucose. It has the molecular formula C12H22O11.

Every day we make choices that can potentially affect our environment. For example, we may toss a plastic drink bottle into the nearby trash because it’s more convenient than walking all the way to the recycling bin. Think about three choices you made this week that could have affected the environment. Did your choices have a positive or a negative effect on the environment? Explain your reasoning.


First, I chose to put a Chipotle container into the trash, instead of the recycling. This wasn’t the best decision, because it could have gone to the recycling and helped others.

Secondly, my family owns a compost bin and compost machine that helps compost vegetable waste, fruit scraps, coffee grounds, and other compostable items. Choosing to do this helps the environment in many ways.

Thirdly, I picked up many aluminum cans on the side of the road to crush and collect. After several months of collecting them in a container, my family and I bring them to a place that recycles and reuses metals and aluminum.

The three choices that could have affected the environment are as follows:

Utilization of plastic to make it easy for carrying objects.Plants trees in order to build a green environment. Overdependency on vehicles rather bicycles and pedestrians.

What is Environment?

The environment may be defined as anything which is present in the surroundings of living organisms. This environment basically has two types of factors biotic and abiotic factors.

In the above three choices, building a green environment has a positive effect on the environment. It may also affect living organisms positively. While the rest of the two may stimulate a negative impact on the environment by increasing the levels of carbon dioxide by liberating emission and non-biodegradable plastics.

Therefore, the three choices that could have affected the environment are well mentioned above.

To learn more about Environment, refer to the link:


Darwin presented a hypothesis about how evolution takes place. Now this hypothesis has become a theory. What caused the idea to become a theory? A. Darwin shared his ideas with others, and many scientists have performed experiments that support this idea. B. Darwin is well respected, and scientists honor his work by referring to his idea as a theory. C. Darwin performed an experiment that supported his hypothesis. D. Darwin convinced everyone around him that it was a good idea.​



C. Darwin performed an experiment that supported his hypothesis.


Darwin believed that his experiment, which was comparing the finch's beaks from Galapagos Archipelago, in which there was variation between the size and shape of beaks, as the basis in which he believed evolution was correct. However, variation does not mean evolution, and evolution, in which it calls for a chain of events to create beneficial traits successively, is nigh impossible to occur in the real world. Again, that is not to say that there is no such thing as variation, in which there is, in which people or animal groups adapt to their natural habitat. However, to state that adaptation is proof that a species becomes another is to go out on a limb, and current failures of "new species" (in that it originates from today's day and age, rather then discovered) to emerge is proof of such.

Which phase of the cell cycle is the least common process of mitosis and what could be the reason?



In anaphase, the shortest stage of mitosis, the sister chromatids break apart, and the chromosomes begin moving to opposite ends of the cell. By the end of anaphase, the 2 halves of the cell have an equivalent collection of chromosomes. In telophase, 2 daughter nuclei form. The nuclear envelope beings to reappear.

which photo synthetic process can occur at night?
A.the reaction at photosystem 1
B.the formation of NADH
C.the calvin cycle
D.the reaction at photosystem 2


Its most likely D because it’s more reasonable

Suppose beak size currently ranges from 6-10mm. If directional selection favors larger beaks (up to a max of 15mm), which statement is true?


source of variation needs to create that size

People's movements between places is called _____________________.



spacial interaction I think. I hope this helps!


people's movements between places is called human migration .

In general, men show _____ than women do. a. less facial expression b. more facial expression c. less envy or anger d. more envy or anger



more envy and anger

Explanation: they cant control themselves lol.

Look at the diagram below.

Which best describes the structure labeled X in the diagram?





Its transfer element through it channel

Mode of action of aldehydes and Quaternary ammonium compounds is



Aldehydes have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and sporicidal activity. These are helpful to destroy the spores of Bacillus subtilis and Clostridium sporogenes. Glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde are commonly used aldehydes in disinfectants.

Quaternary ammonium compounds work by denaturing the proteins of the bacterial or fungal cell, affecting the metabolic reactions of the cell and causing vital substances to leak out of the cell, causing death.

A certain animal species has either curly tails (C) or straight tails (c) and either hazel eyes (H) or blue eyes ( h). What are the possible genotypes of an animal with curly tails and blue eyes






Cc or CC can be a genotype for curly tails because both have a dominant allele for curly tails

hh can be a genotype for blue eyes because there are two recessive alleles for blue eyes that are present

What is limiting factor



limiting factors are often referred as a lack of a particular resource .

If the stomata remain closed due to water loss, what happens to the concentration of CO2 and O2 in the leaf



Fixation of oxygen occur instead of carbondioxide.


If the stomata remain closed due to water loss, the concentration of carbondioxide decreases and oxygen increases in the leaf because of the fixation of oxygen instead of carbondioxide by rubisco. The plant takes carbondioxide from the atmosphere when the stomata is open so when the stomata is closed there is no other way for getting carbondioxide into the leave so the oxygen is now being fixed by our rubisco enzyme to that five-carbon compound instead of carbon dioxide.

The most direct method by which an ion or molecule can move across a cell membrane is by ____________.A. using an integral protein.B. a sodium-potassium pump.C. simple diffusion. D. active transport.E. osmosis.



C. Simple diffusion


Simple diffusion from a high to low concentration is the most direct method that ions or molecules can move across a cell membrane.

Through this method, no proteins are required for transport, and no energy is used.

The ion or molecule being transported directly moves across the cell membrane, without any other factors involved.

So, the correct answer is C. Simple diffusion

In which of the scientific classifications are all the
animals grouped


The lion belongs to the following groups: Kingdom Animalia (includes all animals) Phylum Chordata (includes all vertebrate animals, as well as some other more primitive ones) Class Mammalia (includes all mammals)

Which of these organelles prepares proteins to be fully functional?

A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

B. Large vacuoles

C. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

D. Chloroplasts


Rough endoplasmic reticulum


Rough endoplasmic reticulum is among the organelles that are found in eukaryotic cells. The reason as to why it is called rough is because it has ribosomes attached to its surface. Its main function is to produce proteins.


Explain the role of cellular respiration in a cell.



Every cell performs a type of cellular respiration as it is required to produce energy. The point of cellular respiration is to turn high-energy molecules, know as glucose, into ATP, a form of usable energy. There are two types of respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic goes through 3 stages and produces the most ATP by using oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Anaerobic does the same job but only uses one stage and produces much less ATP. This process gives the cell energy and continues the carbon cycle.

Describes vitamin D levels and problems



Vitamin D is essential for strong bones,because it helps the body use calcium from the diet.

It’s important for normal growth and development of teeth and bones. It can help resist against certain diseases. Some problems if you take to much vitamin D is that you will get weakness, fatigue, sleepiness, headache, loss of appetite, dry mouth, metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, and others.

state 2 function of the kidney





The kidneys are powerful chemical factories that perform the following functions:

remove waste products from the body.remove drugs from the body.balance the body's fluids.release hormones that regulate blood pressure.produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones.
It removes waste products from the body. And also removes drugs from the body

PNS axons are vulnerable to cuts, crushing injuries, and other types of trauma. However, a damaged ____________ can regenerate if the ____________ remains intact and a critical amount of ____________ remains. The success of peripheral nervous system axon regeneration depends upon two primary factors: (1) the amount of ____________ and (2) the ____________ between the site of the damaged axon and the ____________ . The possibility of repair is ____________ with an increase in either of these two factors. Neurolemmocytes play an active role in regeneration



The correct answer is - damaged, effector organ, neurilemma, damage, distance, cell body, decreased.


PNS axons are prone to cuts, and other types of injuries. A damaged axon can regenerate if the effector organ remains intact and a critical amount of neurilemma is found.

The degree of success of these axons regeneration depends upon factors that are (1) the amount of damage, and (2) the distance between the site of the damaged axon and the cell body it innervates The possibility of repair is reduced with an increase in either of these two factors. Neurolemmocytes play an active role in regeneration

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