Nepal is a multi-lingual, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious country. Justify.​


Answer 1

Anyway, yes Nepal is a multi religious, multi lingual, multi racial and multi cultural country.

Nepal is multi religious because we have multiple religions being practiced inside Nepal. Vast majority of Nepalis are hindus, nearly 80%, then there are Buddhists, around 5 % are Muslims, 1.5% Christians and several other religions native to different groups like kirat religion.

Nepal is multi lingual because a lot of languages are spoken in Nepal. Nepali is lingua franca or language of communication or official language of Nepal yes but there are many other languages as well, more than 100 in fact, most prominently maithli, newar, bhojpuri, tharu and others.

About race, biologically Nepalis are only one race which is human race but there can be different races according to looks of people, it's basically a social construct and it's mainly divided into caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid. Majority of Nepalis are caucasoid but there are also mongoloids esp janajatis.

Nepal is also multi cultural because we are also multi ethnic country and this rich diversity in culture is something we should be very proud of. You have various ethnic groups with their different cultures, various festivals. These are ethnic or caste groups in Nepal.

Answer 2


I hope it helped u

stay safe stay happy

Related Questions

what efforts have been undertaken in Nepal to develop skilled human resource for bringing social and economic development?



they are giving proper education to people

A researcher asks students to record in a journal the emotions they experience every hour. She finds that over time, the descriptions become shorter and less detailed. What may be responsible for this change in performance?
A. selection bias
B. cohort effect
C. instrument decay
D. regression toward the mean




No explanation just know the answer

The responsible for this change in performance may be instrument decay. There are various type of researcher in their own field. The correct option is (C).

What do you mean by the researcher?

Someone who performs research, or an organized and methodical examination of something, is referred to as a researcher. Researchers frequently refer to scientists.

As part of their job, researchers must analyze data, gather and compare resources, verify facts, share findings with the entire research team, follow established techniques, do necessary fieldwork, and maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information.

The main goal of educational research is to increase the body of knowledge by offering solutions to various pedagogical issues while enhancing methods for teaching and learning. Additionally, questions about student motivation, development, and classroom management are of interest to scholars in education.

Therefore, the responsible for this change in performance may be instrument decay. There are various type of researcher in their own field.

To know more about the researcher, visit:


advancement in the communication system has made the wordl a golbal village .Justify​


Short Answer: Communications has turned the world into a global village because it connects people around the world immediately.


Since the middle of the 20th century, communications have advanced at great speed, this has allowed the development of different forms of communication and transmission of information. Another characteristic of this advance has been the increased coverage of communications, we went from communicating in the same neighborhood to communicating with people on the other side of the world instantly. This evolution in communications has turned the world into a global village because, despite the long distances between cities and countries, communications allow this distance to go unnoticed as they allow people to connect immediately through text, call or video calls.

if you were the minister of culture , what programmes would you bring to hight light Nepal sculpture in world community? write your plan in four points.​



The primary sources of the population data on the population size, characteristics and demographic structure are the census, projections, the registrations, migration reports and the surveys.

जिल्ला समन्वय समितीमा कति सदस्यहरु हुन्छन् ।​





The DA elects the DCC, consisting of a maximum of nine members, including one chief, one deputy chief, at least three women and at least one dalit or another member of a minority group. The DCC discharges all functions required to be carried out by the DA.

No es consecuencia de la lluvia ácida:
a. Acidificación del suelo
b. Acidificación de ríos y mares
c. Calentamiento global
d. Precipitación de lluvia ácida.



creo que C


Tiene sentido

C: Calentamiebto global

why is transportation considerd as an important infrastructures of development?​



Transport infrastructure is one of the most important factors for a country's progress. ... It has been proven by so many instances how transport infrastructure has added speed and efficiency to a country's progress. Good physical connectivity in the urban and rural areas is essential for economic growth


I think because it can get us anywhere

which two dry valleys lie in
lie in Gandaki



The Manang Valley, which lies close to the Nepal-Tibet border, offers ... The northern parts of Manang Valley are dry, brown and desolate places.

Which of the following statements reflects subjectivism? Dennis says that morality is universal. Dennis says that morality is a personal choice. Dennis says that morality depends on the situation. Dennis says that morality is dictated by a person's culture.


This is a personal choice !

Based on the philosophical and scientific discoveries of Wolfgang Smith, the Philos-Sophia Initiative seeks to facilitate a revolutionary impact upon our civilization through the recovery of the "vertical" part of cosmic reality.

What is civilization?

A society governed by a state that has a well-developed culture, language, writing system, and money is referred to as a civilization.  As its etymology suggests, the term "civilization" was first connected to towns and cities.

Domestication of plant and animal species, labor specialization, building, upkeep of infrastructure, technological advancement, taxes, and regulation are further characteristics of civilizations.

In the past, a civilization was frequently thought of as a larger and "more sophisticated" culture, in contrast to smaller, ostensibly less developed societies.

In the broadest sense, a civilization contrasts with non-centralized tribal communities, such as the cultures of nomadically herding livestock, Neolithic societies, or hunter-gatherer societies; yet, on occasion, it also contrasts with the cultures that are found inside civilizations itself.

With a ruling elite and subordinate urban and rural populations that participate in intensive agriculture, mining, small-scale manufacturing, and trading, civilizations are structured as densely inhabited communities.

Learn more about civilization, here


as Nepal is rich in water resources we can produce plenty of hydroelectricity in export it into different countries for economic benefits what do you think need to be done to achieve this​


I hope this answer may help you




Juanita has always found people to take care of her. She has convinced a neighbor to do her laundry by saying she doesn't know how, and countless coworkers have finished her projects to get them done on time. Things are no different in her interpersonal relationships, except she finds that she loses friends once they feel she is taking advantage of them.
A. Personality disorders often cause a person to lose his or her job.
B. Personality disorders are exhibited in a wide range of contexts.
C. Personality disorders are predominately found in women.



A) and also Juanita is needs some ✨therapy✨

Going outside the home alone, being in a crowd, standing in line, or riding in a car can be impossible for people with which disorder who fear that something extremely embarrassing will happen if they leave home or enter an unfamiliar situation





Dan and Joel, both 4-year-olds, have seen all the Spiderman movies. Joel's mother recently found the boys standing on the garage roof, ready to try jumping across to the next roof. What best accounts for the boys' behavior? Group of answer choices



observational learning


Observational learning can be described as a type of learning that happens by observing how old is behave it is what form of social learning theory. The person who is the observant observes the behaviour, attitude or expressions of another individual.

Using this learning theory we can see that Dan and Joel are trying to imitate the Spider-Man given that they have watched and observed the behaviour and attitudes that he portrays in movies.

henever Valerie experiences intense feelings of fear, she is more likely to remember childhood memories of her abusive parents. Valerie's experience best illustrates source amnesia. the misinformation effect. repression. retroactive interference. mood-congruent memory.



Mood-congruent memory.



This is simply defined as the consistency or persistency of learning over a long period of time through the storage and retrieval of information.

Mood-congruent memory

This is simply known as the ability to remember experiences that are in line with one's current good or bad mood.This is when an emotionally toned information is learned and retrieved best when there is a link between it and the learner's current mood state.

Mood Dependency

This is simply refered to as the ability to recall information right in the same mood in which you learnt it.

If you had to choose a family type, which type of family would you choose? Give reason​



Nuclear Family because


The nuclear family is the traditional type of family structure. This family type consists of two parents and children. The nuclear family was long held in esteem by society as being the ideal in which to raise children. Children in nuclear families receive strength and stability from the two-parent structure and generally have more opportunities due to the financial ease of two adults.

I would have loved I would have been raised in a joint family. There are a lot of reasons to prove my point.

If you are a working mom living in a joint family, you can rest assured of your child’s daily needs. If you are worried about who will serve him food or take care of him when he is sick, you need not. As you know in a joint family, there will always be people to take good care of him.If you have ever lived in a joint family, you must have experienced that sharing little joys and achievements with your family members makes them so happy. Even small achievements are rejoiced by one and all. And in the moments of sorrow, your family is always there to support youIf you notice a child raised in a nuclear family and the one raised in a joint family, you will observe difference in their behaviour. A kid brought up with many people is obviously more social but he also has a habit of sharing. Living in a joint family inculcates the habit of sharing from childhood. If your child has a chocolate, he will know that he has to distribute it among his siblings and cousins. As a kid, he might not like to share it, but it only prepares him for the future. The habit of giving and sharing makes you a person who is liked by all. Living in a joint family makes you focus on ‘we’ than on ‘meGrowing up in a family with so many elders develops a sense of respect for others. Keeping your tongue in check around elders, respecting them, and obeying their commands…somehow shapes your personality. And a person who shows respects and treats others with respect is always appreciatedThe education of a child living with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents is not only restricted to academics and school but the horizon of his education is much wider. Living with grandparents, a child gets acquainted with the world of their times. With aunts and uncles, he gets familiar with their struggles. All in all, living in a joint family makes one understand that there is more to education than just school booksThe amount of love and care that one receives in a joint family cannot be uttered in words. If you are sick or sad, you will never find yourself alone. There will always be people to take care of you. It is the major benefit of living in a joint family; the love you receive is immeasurable and something you can never pay off.If you live in a joint family, you can be sure that your child will never be bored or feel alone. He will always have cousins as his partners in crime. He will never be deprived of friends as he will always have his cousins to play with. As he grows, his bond with his cousins will only get better. In the lonely crowded world, your child will always have someone to share his problems.A person coming from a joint family knows how to communicate with people of different age groups. Living with elders, siblings/cousins, nephews and nieces moulds his personality. All these basic elements of communication which are necessary for living happily in a society are inculcated in him right from the start when he lives in a joint family.A person coming from a joint family knows how to communicate with people of different age groups. Living with elders, siblings/cousins, nephews and nieces moulds his personality. All these basic elements of communication which are necessary for living happily in a society are inculcated in him right from the start when he lives in a joint family.

So, there were some benefits of growing up in a family with different individuals. If you have lived in a nuclear family adjusting with many people will be hard. But, choose wisely. It’s not as bad as you think it to be.

These are the reasons why I would have liked being raised in a joint family type

what is the importance of energy? Make a list.​



1)Energy helps us to improve the quality of our life.

2)It supports economic competitiveness.

3)Development of energy generates employment to jobless people.

4)Many objects around us works on electrical energy.

5)We use energy to heat and cool our homes, schools, and businesses.

6). We use energy for lights and appliances.

7) Energy makes our vehicles go, planes fly, boats sail, and machines run.

8) All living things need energy too.

9)People use energy to walk and bicycle, to move cars along roads and boats through water, to cook food on stoves, to make ice in freezers, to light our homes and offices, to manufacture products, and to send astronauts into space.

"just try to be satisfy whatever god has provided to you" . elaborate this statement in your own word



Yes, we should be satisfied with whatever God has provided to us. We should be happy with what we have right now. For example, whatever I have may not be available to others.



In my view,god has provided us what we deserve.He don't provide the money but,he provided the way which we can use to earn money.Likewise,satisfaction in human nature is quite difficult.People often criticise god for their own cats and misdeeds.So,just try to be satisfy whatever god has provided to you.

Keep smiling and hope u r satisfied with my answer.Have a nice day :)

Adding a participant variable to a design with an existing independent variable is one way to increase external validity. True or False


The answer to this is True

how do the lack of health education,health services and facilities affect the date rate? write in brief ​



hope it's helpful and have a great day ahead

thank you

3. List the cash crops grown in Province No. 1​



The cash crops grown in province no. 1 are:







What does a pharmacist do?​



Pharmacists are medication experts and play a critical role in helping people get the best results from their medications. Pharmacists prepare and dispense prescriptions, ensure medicines and doses are correct, prevent harmful drug interactions, and counsel patients on the safe and appropriate use of their medications.

4) What doyou mean by means and



Ways or method of doing something is known as means

Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs is known as resources





Lt. Charles just joined the air force. She notices that the people she works with seem to have a way of speaking that is different than other groups she has observed. They use certain words that they all seem to understand. They are tight knit. She starts to use such language in an attempt to become closer to the group. What best explains her actions?



What best explains her actions is convergence.


In communication, convergence refers to adaptations one does to one's speech in order to identify oneself with another individual or with a group. For instance, it is common for couples to develop a way of talking to each other that is specific, that uses certain words, which identifies them as a couple.

That is what Lt. Charles is doing. She is changing her speech in order to be seen as part of the group.

how was the formation of the constitution assembly different from that of the community formed constitution assembly of Nepal.​



the 1st Nepalese Constituent Assembly was a unicameral body of 601 members that served from May 28, 2008 to May 28, 2012. It was formed as a result of the first Constituent Assembly election held on April 10, 2008.The Constituent Assembly was tasked with writing a new constitution,and acting as the interim legislature for a term of two years. 240 members were elected in single-seat constituencies, 335 were elected through proportional representation,and the remaining 26 seats were reserved for nominated members.

The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN (M)) was the largest party in the Constituent Assembly, having won half of the constituency seats and about 30% of proportional representation seats. The Constituent Assembly declared a republic at its first meeting on May 28, 2008, abolishing the monarchy.

In late June 2008, the parties agreed to divide the 26 nominated seats in the Constituent Assembly between nine parties: the CPN (M) was to receive nine of these seats, while the Nepali Congress (NC) and the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) (CPN (UML)) (which respectively placed second and third in the election) would each receive five, the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum would receive two, and the Sadbhavana Party, the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party, Janamorcha Nepal, and the Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist-Leninist) would each receive one nominated seat.Due to its failure in drafting a new constitution, the CA was dissolved on May 28, 2012 after its original and extended total tenure of four years.The next Nepalese Constituent Assembly elections initially slated for November 22, 2012 were held a year later on November 19, 2013 after being postponed several times.

8.3.2 Quiz: Government and the Economy
Question 8 of 10
A mixed market economy is similar to a command economy because it:



Because it's partly controlled by the government


A mixed economic system has features of both a command and a free-market system. because it is partly controlled by the government and partly based on the forces of supply and demand

Your driver license could be revoked if you are found guilty of: Group of answer choices operating a vehicle without required insurance discharging diesel fumes from the exhaust pipe operating a vehicle with a burned out headlight or tail light discharging a firearm from a vehicle



discharging a firearm from a vehicle and operating a vehicle without required insurance discharging can revoke you license but  discharging a firearm from a vehicle can put you in state jail


This answer would end in state prison

Which are the densely populated district of Rais?​



Six districts are the densely populated such as Kathmandu, Rupandehi, Morang, Kailali, Sunsari, Jhapa.


Rai people are an indigenous and tradition people of Nepal. They are inhabitants of eastern Nepal and other states like Sikkim, western Bangladesh and word Rai means a headman and form an ethnic group.

Pleasure and participation sports focus on personal engagement and the notion that _____. Multiple choice question. the body is to be trained and subordinated in a quest for achieving competitive success the body is to be nurtured and enjoyed in a quest for challenging experiences equal participation diminishes the value of winning humiliation, shame, and derogation are consistent with the underlying spirit of these sports\



The body is to be nurtured and enjoyed in a quest for challenging experiences


Good luck <3

what is London declaration?



The London Declaration was a declaration issued by the 1949 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference on the issue of India's continued membership of the Commonwealth of Nations, an association of independent states formerly part of the British Empire, after India's transition to a republican constitution.


Drafted by the Indian statesman V. K. Krishna Menon, the Declaration stated the agreement of the prime ministers to the continued membership of India in the organization after it becomes a republic. By that declaration, the Government of India had expressed its acceptance of the King as "the symbol of the free association of its independent member nations and as such the Head of the Commonwealth."

The Declaration dealt only with India, seen as an exceptional case, and it did reaffirm that the other members of the British Commonwealth owed common allegiance to the Crown. However it did establish a precedent that republicanism was not incompatible with membership in the organization.

Other Questions
Show why (237)^4 = 2^4 3^4 7^4 show work State newton's universal law of gravitation Nights and DragonsFrom the memoir of author Abigail Prynne1I sit at my desk listening to thunder growl outside my window. Flashes of light burst through the darkness, and wind races past my window. The thrilling combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and soaring across the midnight sky. Dragons first fascinated me when I was a little girl. They have followed me ever since. The magnificent creatures appeared in storybooks I read in the library, paintings I saw in museums, movies I watched in the theater, and the dreams I had in my sleep. By the time I was thirteen, one question consumed me. I wanted to know if dragons ever existed, so I set out on a quest for facts.2As I started my research, I discovered many skeptics. Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons could notand did notexist. They explained that it would be impossible for dragons to fly because they would be too big. They laughed at the idea of dragons breathing fire. They pointed out that no other animal has ever done this. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world. No bones about it, there were plenty of logical explanations. It would have been easy for me to accept that the only place dragons ever existed was in the imaginations of those who believed.3I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else." With her words in mind, I searched some more. There were many facts that hinted that dragons may not be fictional. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found dragons mentioned in more than just stories. They appeared in old legal papers, in the travel logs of Marco Polo, and in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed.4With renewed hope that there was some truth to the legends, I looked for new research. I found that some experts disagreed with popular arguments against dragons. They suggested that a dragon could have four stomachs like a cow. If it created stomach gases like birds, it might create enough to lift itself off the ground. This would give it the ability to fly. If it forced out air when diving toward the earth, it might release gases which could ignite into flame. When the animal died, the stomachs would release strong acids that would dissolve its dead body over time. Biologists backed up these ideas with sketches and models based on known animals. Not everyone agreed with these ideas, but many of the things we accept about dinosaurs and other extinct species started the same way.5I doubt we will ever truly know whether dragons existed. There may always be two sides to the fiery debate. Some will say the stories come from active imaginations. Some will believe with all their hearts that the legendary creatures roamed our ancient world. I don't know for certain which side to believe, but the sound and fury of a night like this makes me smile. It rekindles my childhood dreams and keeps the exciting possibility alive.In paragraph 5, the author discusses two sides to the dragon debate. Which statement best summarizes the ideas in the paragraph? The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed. The author explicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed. The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons did not exist. 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