Nights and Dragons—
From the memoir of author Abigail Prynne
I sit at my desk listening to thunder growl outside my window. Flashes of light burst through the darkness, and wind races past my window. The thrilling combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and soaring across the midnight sky. Dragons first fascinated me when I was a little girl. They have followed me ever since. The magnificent creatures appeared in storybooks I read in the library, paintings I saw in museums, movies I watched in the theater, and the dreams I had in my sleep. By the time I was thirteen, one question consumed me. I wanted to know if dragons ever existed, so I set out on a quest for facts.
As I started my research, I discovered many skeptics. Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons could not—and did not—exist. They explained that it would be impossible for dragons to fly because they would be too big. They laughed at the idea of dragons breathing fire. They pointed out that no other animal has ever done this. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world. No bones about it, there were plenty of logical explanations. It would have been easy for me to accept that the only place dragons ever existed was in the imaginations of those who believed.
I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else." With her words in mind, I searched some more. There were many facts that hinted that dragons may not be fictional. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found dragons mentioned in more than just stories. They appeared in old legal papers, in the travel logs of Marco Polo, and in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed.
With renewed hope that there was some truth to the legends, I looked for new research. I found that some experts disagreed with popular arguments against dragons. They suggested that a dragon could have four stomachs like a cow. If it created stomach gases like birds, it might create enough to lift itself off the ground. This would give it the ability to fly. If it forced out air when diving toward the earth, it might release gases which could ignite into flame. When the animal died, the stomachs would release strong acids that would dissolve its dead body over time. Biologists backed up these ideas with sketches and models based on known animals. Not everyone agreed with these ideas, but many of the things we accept about dinosaurs and other extinct species started the same way.
I doubt we will ever truly know whether dragons existed. There may always be two sides to the fiery debate. Some will say the stories come from active imaginations. Some will believe with all their hearts that the legendary creatures roamed our ancient world. I don't know for certain which side to believe, but the sound and fury of a night like this makes me smile. It rekindles my childhood dreams and keeps the exciting possibility alive.

In paragraph 5, the author discusses two sides to the dragon debate. Which statement best summarizes the ideas in the paragraph?

The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed.
The author explicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed.
The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons did not exist.
The author explicitly states that she believes that dragons did not exist.


Answer 1


The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed.


She was never super clear on her belief in the existence of dragons, so the second and fourth options are out.

At the end of the fifth paragraph, she states how the sound of dragons "rekindles" the possibility of their past existence. This would imply that she still thinks dragons once existed, eliminating the third option.

Related Questions

what can make you become a stronger communicator?



Learn to listen

Pay attention to body language

Observe how others communicate in different contexts

Don't be afraid of a bit of silence

Use action verbs and confident language

Ask questions

Find common ground, even in an argument.

Which of the following is not a purpose of a nonfiction text?
A. Entertain by satirizing a political candidate
B. Inform a consumer about the nutrition of a product
C. Create a fantasy world
D. Persuade someone to change their opinion about school uniforms


C is the correct answer.

The option that is not a purpose of a nonfiction text is Create a fantasy world. Option C is the correct answer.

Nonfiction texts are meant to convey information that is based on real events, facts, and concepts. They are focused on presenting accurate and objective information rather than creating fictional or imaginary worlds. Option C is the correct answer.

A. Entertain by satirizing a political candidate: This is a valid purpose of nonfiction texts. Nonfiction works, such as political cartoons or opinion pieces, can use satire to entertain readers while commenting on political figures.

B. Inform a consumer about the nutrition of a product: This is also a common purpose of nonfiction texts. Providing consumers with accurate and reliable information about the nutritional content of products helps them make informed decisions.

C. Create a fantasy world: This is not a purpose of nonfiction texts. Nonfiction texts are based on real-life events, facts, and concepts, so they do not involve creating fictional worlds.

D. Persuade someone to change their opinion about school uniforms: Persuasion is another valid purpose of nonfiction texts. Nonfiction works, such as persuasive essays or argumentative articles, aim to convince readers to adopt a certain viewpoint or take a specific action.

Learn more about Non-Fiction here:


4. Join the pairs of sentences with the connectives given in the bracket:
a. I like dancing. My father doesn't like dancing. (but) ​



Its :

I like dancing but my father doesn't like dancing.

Which statement best describes the trait of being tactful?

A- Ability to be humble in every situation

B- Ability to remain stress free

C- Ability to deal with others, especially in difficult situations

D- Ability to comply with given instructions (Wrong answer)

E- Ability to arrive at work on time



I believe it is C


the answer is C ( i guess)


bcuz tactful means right thing at the right time

it was raining .........( heavy/heavily)​


Answer: heavily


What is the role of syntax in this line?
At this, after a second in which his head made the movement of a baffled dog's on a scent and then gave a frantic little shake for air and
light, he was at me in a white rage, bewildered, glaring vainly over the place and missing wholly, though it now, to my sense, filled the
room like the taste of polson, the wide, overwhelming presence.
(from The Turn of the Screw by Henry James)
OA. parodying archalsms
OB. describing action
Occlarifying meaning
OD. intensifying horror


B. Describing action …..

Which of the sources below would be the most credible one to use in an article about limits on freedom of speech in the United States?

A 2014 Supreme Court decision regarding newspaper censorship.

A 2014 blog post telling a personal story of an arrest at a freedom of speech demonstration.

A 2014 You Tube video showing examples of censored speech in the classroom.

A 2014 newspaper column advocating limits on free speech to ensure national security.


Answer: A 2014 Supreme Court decision regarding newspaper censorship


It should be noted that the original source of information which are called the primary source include autobiography, artifact, document, recordings etc. which are created during the period under study.

Regarding the options given, a 2014 Supreme Court decision regarding newspaper censorship is the most credible one to use in an article about limits on freedom of speech in the United States. It gives a true and original description of the topic at hand.

On the other hand, a blog post, a video

podtbon social media or newspaper column advocating limits on free speech doesn't give the original information source as the content could have been manipulated.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Which is the best sentence?

Michelle's supervisor wants to send an announcement to the mailing list, and she is writing it.

Michelle's supervisor wants to send an announcement, which she will write, to her mailing list.

An announcement written by Michelle is wanted by her supervisor to send to
the mailing list.

Michelle's supervisor wants to send an announcement written by Michelle to
her mailing list.

Michelle's supervisor wants to send an announcement to the mailing list, and Michelle is writing it.



Im pretty sure its An announcement written by Michelle is wanted by her supervisor to send to

the mailing list.


This just sounds the most correct to me

Read this passage from “No Witchcraft for Sale” by Doris Lessing. What is the cultural conflict in the passage?

Gideon…sighed, “Soon you will be going away to school, Little Yellow Head.” He said wonderingly, “and then you will be grown up.” He shook his head gently and said, “And that is how our lives go.” He seemed to be putting a distance between himself and Teddy, not because of resentment, but in the way a person accepts something inevitable. The baby had lain in his harms and smiled up into his face: The tiny boy had swung from his shoulders and played with him by the hour. Now Gideon would not let his flesh touch the flesh of the white child. He was kind, but there was a grave formality in his voice that made Teddy pout and sulk away.

When Teddy goes to school, Gideon will miss him.

As master and servant, Gideon and Teddy will grow apart.

As Gideon becomes older, he will have to retire.

As Teddy matures, Gideon will not be as necessary to Teddy.


From reading the text, we can see that although Teddy and Gideon have a great deal of contact with each other, there is a cultural conflict between the two that tends to keep them apart as they grow up. In this case, the second answer option is the correct answer.

Cultural conflict is the term that refers to a conflict of values ​​between two different societies or races. We can see this in the excerpt from "No Witchcraft for Sale" presented in the question above because of the following facts:

Gideon is a slave while Teddy is a white child.Although Gideon and Teddy grow up together, Teddy is the master and Gideon the servant.This is due to the slave culture that asserts that whites and blacks cannot be friends.While it is cultural for people who grow up together to be friends, the slave culture will prevent Gideon and Teddy from maintaining that friendship.As they grow older, Gideon and Teddy will be separated and should act as master and servant.

“No Witchcraft for Sale” reinforces the idea of ​​how slavery culture interferes with social relations. Furthermore, throughout Gideon's life, we can see how blacks were undervalued and limited in relation to white people.

You can have more information about this book at the link below:


As master and servant, Gideon and Teddy will grow apart.


I believe this is the answer because there was a lot of privaledges for white people and limitied for black people. And the racism

Hi! ❤️ Question 2-10


Hello again!

The third option makes more sense

Answer and Explanation:

The answer is the third answer choice.

- Change "studies" to study


Addy and Lane like to listen to music while they studies.


Addy and Lane like to listen to music while they study.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

I hope this helps!

Revise this to be better: “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” -Friedrich Nietzsche. Statistics show that individualism has increased by about 12% worldwide since 1960. In my opinion, being different is very important, because if you blend in so much with society you're not really your own person. Imagine not picking out what you would wear; you having to wear the same thing as everyone around you.





From the very beginning, every individual has had to battle against the tribe. If you experiment with it, you will be lonely a lot, and you might be scared. The only thing that is too expensive to pay for is having total freedom to run your life as you please. Nietzsche. As of 1960, individuals worldwide have become 12% more individualistic. Being different is important because blending in with society prevents you from truly being yourself. For the sake of argument, pretend you won't be choosing what you'll wear. You'll have to wear the same thing as everyone else around you.

Which of the following is an example of an informational text? (5 points)
- Biography
-Short Story
- Romantic Novem
Real answer please



the answer is biography


you can't fake the life of someone else

Write a passage How you learn to ride bicycle​


Your Answer Passage:

First of all, you get a nice good bike. Then, you take the help of one or two people and try to ride around in a small area. Then, you take short times of balancing yourself on the bike by putting you center of mass at the wheels and not the floor. Then, you start to ride slowly. Last but not least, then after a lot and lot of practice like that, you start to jump of ramps and do flips. And fly at insane speeds.  


Learning to ride a bike takes time. You may not be fully riding in one day, but with continued practice you can do it! You too will reach that “a-ha” moment where it all comes together and you'll be pedaling. If you enjoy riding, and when you're ready, consider signing up for an REI Adventure Travel cycling trip.

which of the following audience appeals would be considerred an example of logos


The Denver Nuggets have a logo that is fun

Is there any company or firm that doesn't use CRM?

May i know the name of that company?



yes, there are 91 percent use crm in flim or company and 9 percent does not use crm in flim or company

what is the solution ?​



Which of the following is a compound-complex sentence?

Because Cheryl is a farmer, she has very strong opinions about GMOs.

Cheryl is a farmer, but she hasn't shared her opinions with me.

Because Cheryl is a farmer, she has very strong opinions about GMOs, but she hasn't shared them with me.

Cheryl, a farmer, has very strong opinions about GMOs.



c. Because Cheryl is a farmer, she has very strong opinions about GMOs, but she hasn't shared them with me.


A compound-complex sentence is a sentence which is made up of at least two independent clauses, a predicate, verb, and one or more dependent clauses and is separated by a comma or semicolon.

Therefore, from the given answer choices, the choice that is a compound-complex sentence is option C.

This is because, the sentence has more than one independent clause and is separated by commas.

The author of the editorial "It's Time for a Nation to Return the Favor" claims
that New Orleans must be protected from:
A. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
B. politicians who want to move the city.
C. more terrible storms.
D. shipping on the Mississippi River.



The author of the editorial "It's Time for a Nation to Return the Favor" claims

that New Orleans must be protected from "more terrible storms".

The author of the editorial "It's Time for a Nation to Return the Favor" claims that New Orleans must be protected from  more terrible storms.

Who is an author?

An author is the writer of a book, article, play, or other written work. A broader definition of the word "author" states:"An author is 'the person who originated or gave existence to anything" and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created.

Typically, the first owner of a copyright is the person who created the work, i.e. the author. If more than one person created the work (i.e., multiple authors), then a case of joint authorship takes place. Copyright laws differ around the world. The United States Copyright Office, for example, defines copyright as "a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to authors of 'original works of authorship.

Legal significance of authorship

Holding the title of "author" over any "literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, [or] certain other intellectual works" gives rights to this person, the owner of the copyright, especially the exclusive right to engage in or authorize any production or distribution of their work.

Learn more about author,here:


The executives __________ an argument at the present.



The executives made an argument at the present.

5) Which two sentences contain a metaphor?
A) Janice walked quickly and purposefully toward the ice cream shop.
B) The children were a parade of mice moving silently past the sleeping teacher.
C) Olivia usually is a rock, but the sudden sound of thunder made her jump.
D) We studied for four straight days, and I still didn't feel ready for that test.



B and C



B and C Hope it helpsʕ•ٹ•ʔʕ•ٹ•ʔʕ•ٹ•ʔʕ•ٹ•ʔʕ•ٹ•ʔ

If a letter is brief, be sure to explain why.

A) True
B) False



B) false


Because it is only a quick letter, it is not necessary to explain why you are writing it. If the context is clear and intelligible, that is all that is required.

The ocean is full of all kinds of amazing creatures. Some of the most mysterious ocean critters, however, are hardly ever seen. They live in the very deepest parts of the ocean. Sunlight does not reach that far down, and the water is extremely cold. Many of the creatures there do not use eyes to see where they are going. Instead, they rely on touch or sound. Some kinds of fish down there can create light to help them see. Others use the dark to sneak up on their prey.

Which would make the best concluding sentence for this paragraph?
It is a different world down there, in the deep, dark, bottom of the ocean.
Sometimes an animal use its light to confuse and more easily catch its prey.
The ocean is one of the best places to visit because of the different animals.
The water is very cold down there because sunlight does not reach the water.



A)  It is a different world down there, in the deep, dark, bottom of the ocean.


This line would serve as the best ending sentence for the paragraph because it summarizes all of the important points that have been presented throughout the paragraph in one sentence.

write a letter to a letter to your Aunt telling her four things you will need to improve your Academics​




- notebook


- backpack


Write a dialogue between you and Your friend about your preparation for the upcoming examination.​



JVC you get you some reason added another option would really nice job that there may take some pics if this doesn't do something in touch ups bangla ta de virus to have not gotten

What are direct quotes from "King and the Dragonflies" that tie into the theme of the story?



please show the book then

Every man dies. Not every man really lives.

William Wallace


Answer: True

Explanation: So True

from the
21. Space-produced photographs showed that air pollution………..industrial Belts in the middle latitudes.
A. is being exported
B. exported
C. has been exported
D. will export
Help me!


has been exported ( hope it is helpful

There are various versions of English verbs. The word sing, for instance, might be conjugated as sang, sang, sung, singing, or sings. Hence option C is correct .

What is the form of Verb ?

There are 5 forms in all. Not many, especially when you consider that certain languages—like French—have more than 30 versions for a single verb. Although English tenses can be rather complex, the forms we employ to create them are really pretty straightforward.

English major verbs only have three, four, or five forms, with the exception of the verb be. 8 types of Be exist. Because most of them never change, helping verbs have even fewer forms.

We will examine the forms of major verbs and supporting verbs in this lesson, followed by a quiz to assess your comprehension.

Various Main Verb Forms

key verbs(apart from "be") have three, four, or five forms. There are eight different forms of the verb "be." The number column in the table below displays the actual number of forms for each verb.

All verb tenses, as well as other verbal structures in all moods, aspects, and voices, are created using these forms.

Learn more about verbs here


9) Choose the correct words from the given brackets
a. The group (is, are, were) excited to trek to mustang.
b. Hari (is, were, have) an excellent guide .
c.We (are, is, was) sure of enjoying the trip.
d.I (am, were, has) strong enough to go trekking.​



a) answer=is b)answer =is C)answer =ared)answer =am

What would have been some of the implications of Homer's being a blind poet? Select all that apply.
He would have had more difficulty memorizing the works for oration
V Homer was really blind, he certainly would have had difficulty transcribing his poems without assistance.
He would have had a companion or scribe who followed him around, helping him in his travels and recording his stories.
His audiences would have had to concentrate more on the text, rather than allowing Homer's appearance to distract them.
His medical requirements would have hampered his creative abilities.



If Homer was really blind, he certainly would have had difficulty transcribing his poems without assistance.He would have had a companion or scribe who followed him around, helping him in his travels and recording his stories.


Although there´s no reliable evidence of Homer being blind, there´s a widespread myth among some scholars that he was. It´s known that his poems were orally transmitted and were put into written form around the eighth centuries BC.

If he was indeed blind, the implications would be that he would need assistance transcribing his poems, most likely a scribe who followed him around to record his stories.

There´s no reason to think that blindness would impair him from memorizing the works for oration, nor would it lessen his creative abilities.

And him being blind or not should have no relation with his audiences allowing Homer's appearance to distract them.

experts can examine the same evidence and come up with different causes to explain it



yes it can these causes are important for the individual or business to know about it

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