Nicotine is the addictive component in tobacco smoke


Answer 1


Yes, Nicotine is very addictive, so like, if you take a ciggerate and start to smoke, the smoke enters your lungs, and nicotine is instantly absorbed into the blood and delivered into the brain, it takes effect sometimes as quickly as 10 seconds. Nicotine can change how the brain works or thinks, and can make the brain to crave more of it. Nicotine when it enters your brain realeses a thing called, dopimine which gives the person a good feeling. Dopamine is something in the nervous system to send messages to the brain cells, your body makes it, high levels of dopamine change our daily behaviors. So if nicotine releases or rises the dopamine, it can get you sick and addicted really easily in just 2 or 3 days of smoking, i will not consider smoking any tobaco.

Answer 2


please give the other person brainiest. They just took time out of their day to write why its addictive unlike others who would just put "yeah." anyways i will give my answer anyways..


Yes. Nicotine is the addictive component in tobacco smoke. First step to answering this will be using clues from the world around us. As you walk into a gas station, you can see that they do in fact sell nicotine pouches. Pure nicotine pouches. that would probably be because of how addictive it is. also when you look at things such as vapes there is a warning saying "This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is a addictive substance." ok ok maybe not those exact words because obviously Im not in a place that sells vapes right now. But the point is there is a warning about it. When you smoke it as the other person said the smoke makes its way to the lungs and the ingredients in it can get into your bloodstream. once the nicotine enters your bloodstream it sends the affected blood into your brain as causing the chemistry of your brain to act differently and causes cravings for the thing that has nicotine inside of it. Just like the other person said, so i feel very bad saying similar things to what they said, but i thought maybe people would want a second opinion confirming or denying what they said, because to be fair, not everyone on brainly is 100% trustable.

I hope you do great! best of luck.


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I think nerve


I am not conform
Receptors is correct answer

Artificial respiration is known as:

A: rescue breathing
B: home dialysis
D: aeronautics



Rescue breathing.


I initially thought it was CPR, but after some research, yes artificial respiration is part of CPR, but both words are not interchangeable since there are many forms of CPR. So the only logical answer that remained was rescue breathing.

If this helps, it would be nice if you gave 5 stars, and brainliest :)

The best time of day to exercise is
A. in the afternoon.
B. in the morning.
C. at night.
D. whenever a person feels is the best time to work out.



B. in the morning


Morning workouts are ideal for burning fat and losing weight, but afternoon workouts may give your performance a boost, Research suggests in terms of performing a consistent exercise habit, individuals who exercise in the morning tend to do better,

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Poor air and water quality


C! poor air and water quality.

que opinas de la frase "no hagas ese trabajo porque es para mujeres"​



I think that the phase is very wrong. Because we are in a model world where women are so capable of doing almost anything they want. Women are said to be more powerful than a man. If they want to, then they can and will do anything. We shouldn't differentiate a person by their gender.

In spanish :


Creo que la fase es muy equivocada. Porque estamos en un mundo modelo donde las mujeres son tan capaces de hacer casi lo que quieran. Se dice que las mujeres son más poderosas que un hombre. Si quieren, entonces pueden hacer y harán cualquier cosa. No debemos diferenciar a una persona por su género.

Classify our nervous system into various forms

please give me ans



The nervous system of vertebrates (including humans) is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The (CNS) is the major division, and consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The spinal canal contains the spinal cord, while the cranial cavity contains the brain.


hope u like 3>

make it briniest

Why does the Christian need to have his or her mind renewed?

unrelated answers= reported




The Christian need to have his or her mind renewed to exchange the old way of thinking for God's way of thinking, and also, to be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and the perfect will of God.

7. Curt is a patient who presents with a signed authorization to release his medical information to another clinic for continuing care.


What is your question???

what are the importance of tecnical eductaion in nepal.


Technical Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life.

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goal setting
change management
team building

helps the group adapt to new developments
helps individuals work together
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communication helps individuals work together

goal setting helps individuals measure their progress

change management helps the group adapt to new development

term building helps the leader clarify team understanding

Please read this someone read it and didn't answer it properly and they stole the points :/ at least I didn't give them the brainiest lol

let me try this again :|
please answer for brainless

This is P.E btw



This could be called many things but here is one of them:

Exercise bulimia.


Exercise bulimia is a pathologic condition. Some of the characteristics of exercise bulimia are similar to bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the person starts eating excessively. This leads them to vomit and a condition called diarrhea. A person attacked with exercise bulimia doesn’t eat much. Instead, they over-exercise to burn fat and calories.

I hope this answer helps you out. Please note that the answer to this question could be many things so I cannot give you an exact answer. Have a nice day :D.
Anorexia athletica also known as Exercise Bulimia is a form of an eating disorder where an individual exercises to the point of malnourishment, injury and even death. Anorexia athletica is an eating disorder characterized by excessive and compulsive exercising.

Which of the following scenarios would not create a risk for a foodborne illness?

A. Sofia prepares a plate of appetizers that includes mostly raw carrots, celery, and apples.
B. Akito slices fresh vegetables on the same cutting board he just used for raw chicken.
C. Dai enjoys eating oysters and clams but prefers to eat them raw instead of cooked.
D. Francoise prefers for her chicken to be slightly undercooked so that it is juicer.​



A or D


B and C definitely could cause a foodborne illness.

I'm not really sure if its A or D, but D seems the safest.  

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!


A. Sofia prepares a plate of appetizers that includes mostly raw carrots, celery, and apples.


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work that did not happen because people were sick

What can be done to help maintain cardiovascular health?



To help prevent heart disease, you can:

Eat healthy.

Get active.

Stay at a healthy weight.

Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke.

Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.

Drink alcohol only in moderation.

Manage stress.

Exercise helps strengthen muscles.

A combination of aerobic workouts (which, depending on your fitness level, can include walking, running, swimming, and other vigorous heart-pumping exercise) and strength training (weight lifting, resistance training) is considered best for heart health.

Exercise helps strengthen muscles.

A combination of aerobic workouts (which, depending on your fitness level, can include walking, running, swimming, and other vigorous heart-pumping exercise) and strength training (weight lifting, resistance training) is considered best for heart health.

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Health education report of the committee in terminology in school collage is called health education. Home science is the study of managed activity of house for a long time

if PDT is 30 years, what will be Pgr..​





I added 30 years to 20201

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causes of diabetes for class 8 in points​



Improper Diet






Because diabetes can occur in many forms.

Which of the following is not a way to help your community improve its environmental impact?

A. Buy goods in the largest boxes possible
B. Choose to purchase biodegradable products
C. Drink from a reusable water bottle
D. Use a natural household cleaner like vinegar​



A. Buy goods in the largest boxes possible


Buy goods in the largest boxes possible is not a way to help community to improve its environmental impact because using of goods in large boxes that can be of plastic, or paper can create more pollution in the environment. So the correct option is A.

What is pollution?

Pollution is the introduction into the environment of a substance or thing which is harmful or poisonous to the environment.

To improve from this situation person must use the biodegradable items that do not impact the environment.

For more information regarding pollution, visit:


Sarin é um gás organofosforado que é um inibidor da colinesterase e produz efeitos no sistema nervoso. Qual das alternativas a seguir pode ser usada como antídoto para o envenenamento por sari



El sarín es uno de los agentes nerviosos más peligrosos. Pertenece a la clase de compuestos organofosforados que interfieren con la transmisión de señales en la transición del nervio a la célula muscular (la placa motora terminal) bloqueando irreversiblemente la enzima acetilcolinesterasa, responsable de la descomposición de la acetilcolina, dejando a la víctima paralizada. Como antídoto, ahora se utiliza la atropina, que bloquea la acción del exceso de acetilcolina en los receptores colinérgicos.

which food eat baby duck ​


A baby duck is a duckling. It can eat peas and moistened oatmeal or worms or rice or birdseed etc.

Which of the following statements about condoms is true?

A. Condoms eliminate any risk of contracting sexually transmitted infection (STIs) that are transmitted through bodily fluids.
B. Condoms provide less protection against STIs spread through skin-to-skin contact, like human papillomavirus (genital warts), genital herpes, and syphilis.
C. Condoms remove the risk of contracting HIV, so if you are using condoms properly, there is no need to use additional prevention methods.
D. Condoms will greatly reduce any risk from STIs spread through skin-to-skin contact, like human papillomavirus (genital warts), genital herpes, and syphilis.​





They can rip but they do reduce the risk

The statement that is true about condoms is Condoms eliminate any risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that are transmitted through bodily fluids. The correct option is A.

What are condoms?

Condoms are rubber-made products that are used during coital activities. They are used by both males and females. They prevent the chances of getting pregnant by preventing the siemens to enter the female body.

STIs are diseases that are caused during coital activities. It happens due to the transfer of semen or vaginal fluid. The common STIs are HIV and other warts, etc.

Wearing condom prevent the transfer of fluid, and save people from getting HIV and pregnant.

Thus, the correct option is A. Condoms eliminate any risk of contracting sexually transmitted infection (STIs) that are transmitted through bodily fluids.

To learn more about condoms, refer to the link:


Common effects of cocaine include
Hallucinations, chest pains, and high anxiety
Headaches, stomach aches, and fatigue
Fatigue and chest pain
Clear vision, headaches, and stomach aches


I believe it’s hallucinations, chest pains, and high anxiety

Which statement is true about a bachelor's degree?


A bachelors degree takes about 4 years of college and 120 credits

1. Describe in your own words why physical activity and exercise are important to fitness and wellness.

2. Do you think chronic diseases, and muscular and skeletal injuries, can be completely avoided based on your behaviors? Explain why or why not


1. They are important to keep your body and mind active and healthy have strong lungs and a good heart
2. Yes and no ur disease may be genetic or completely out of your control you can’t prey that you’ll have an issue in the upcoming future but yes if you do take care of you body it may mot be as chronic

when neither the mother or the fathers genes take dominance over a child’s genes, what is this known as?



its know as it can cause a disease

Explanation: Dominant inheritance occurs when an abnormal gene from one parent can cause a disease

hope thats what u needed to know

A) Which of the three types of needs currently drive you? Will that have to change once you find a career-oriented job?


Needs are essential to individuals. The need for affiliation, achievement, and power currently drives an individual and changes after one finds a career-oriented job.

What are the needs?

The needs are the objective required by a person to fulfill their wish and desires to achieve their goals. Three types of needs an individual has include power, achievement, and affiliation.

The needs, wish, and desire seems to be close and similar but differs. The needs are necessities and essentials that are required to reach the achievable goal of the individual.

When one finds a career-oriented job, their needs get altered and replaced with some other needs, so they can focus and fulfill the dream and their new job description.

Therefore, the needs change after finding a career-oriented job.

Learn more about needs here:


The school canteen offers 4 types of food menu at lunch. All students should drink milk after lunch.
You want to have a balanced diet at lunch. Which set menu should you choose?
A. Menu-1: bread,beef,apple
B. Menu-2: Chicken noodles made with cauliflower, banana
C. Menu-3: Beef halim, puri, apple
D. Menu-4: rice, mashed potatoes, fried egg





Which of the following is NOT an effective way for a person to boost their self-esteem?

A. Learn to view failures as opportunities for learning and future growth
B. Reframe negative thoughts of failure into positive ones of effort and progress
C. Seek opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve without focusing on perfection
D. Surround yourself with people who stress achievement and perfection over anything else​



D. Surround yourself with people who stress achievement and perfection over anything else​


Took the module test

Surround yourself with people who stress achievement and perfection over anything else​ is not an effective way for a person to boost their self-esteem. The correct option is D.

What is self-esteem?

How we see and regard ourselves is a measure of our self-esteem. It is founded on our perceptions of ourselves, which can be challenging to alter.

This could also be referred to as confidence. Depending on your level of self-esteem, you might: Like and appreciate yourself as a person.

The distinction between ego and self-esteem can be seen in terms of the origin of the confidence. Self-esteem is founded on real accomplishment, whereas ego is unjustified and rests solely on entitlement and made-up approval.

Low intellectual achievement at school leading to low confidence ongoing stressful life situation, such as a failed relationship or money problems.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding self-esteem, visit:


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