Nitrogen fixation converts nitrogen gas to usable nitrogen for plants?



Answer 1


True, nitrogen fixation converts atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen that can be used by plants.


Think about water. There's plenty of water on Earth, but very few is actually drinkable, at least for humans. So we have to fix it by filtering out dangerous bacteria in the water and other dangerous stuff before being able to actually drink it. Same with atmospheric nitrogen. It must be "fixed" before plants can actually use them.

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how does a cow drink water​



cow will line up side by side and drink


They have to dip their mouth in without suck- ing air at the sides of their lips.

ep 3

what's the cell wall of a onion made up of?



Unlike animal cells (such as cheek cells) the cell wall of an onion and other plants are made up of cellulose, which protects the cell and maintains its shape.


cell membrane,cytoplasm,nucleus and a large Vacuole.


An onion is a multicellular(consisting of many cells)plant organism.As in all plant cells,the cell of an onion peel consists of a cell wall.

The alpha male and female of a wolf pack produce offspring, but the rest of the individuals in the pack do not. This is an example of
O biotic potential
O group behavior
O intraspecific competition
O interspecific competition



group behavior


The production of offsprings of males and females in the group is an example of the group behavior of the pack of wolves. This is best seen in lions and another big cat family. These acts are directly and indirectly inflected by the group decisions.

Answer: group behavior


Use the drop-down menus to complete the hypothesis of the first group of researchers. During a drought, the decrease in rainfall will reduce the amount of vegetation that can grow and increase the occurrence of natural fires, so an elevation in Select… and a reduction in Select… should be found in the cores.



Microscopic charcoal, Vegetation.


As the researchers conducting research in the Nile region identified that an increase in temperatures leads to an increase in droughts and reduction of natural vegetation and thereby the chances of the occurrence of natural fires.

Based on his job duties, what kind of support services professional is Timothy? What type of skills are critical to Timothy's work?
Timothy is a support services professional at a large hospital. His job role requires him to sometimes work with law enforcement
personnel if a security threat situation arises.

Timothy is a _
A: transport technician
B: biomedical engineer
C: head of security

The general skills that Timothy needs most are
_ skills.
A: interpersonal
B: mathematical
C: reading



1C: head of security

2A: interpersonal


Timothy is the head of security and its job requires him to work with law enforcement  personnel if a security threat situation arises. Interpersonal skills are the type of skills are critical to Timothy's work. Interpersonal is relating to relationships or communication between people and we can say that this skill is important for the head of security to do his job efficiently and in a good manner.

What is the end product of glycolysis ?​






The final product of glycolysis is pyruvate in aerobic settings and lactate in anaerobic conditions. Pyruvate enters the Krebs cycle for further energy production.

define and describe osmosis​



Movement of a solvent (such as water) into a solution with a higher solvent concentration by means of a semi-permeable membrane (as from a live cell), which tends to equal solute concentrations in the membrane on both sides.


Osmosis, the spontaneous transition, distribution, or diffusion of water and other solvents over a semipermeable membrane. In 1877, a German physiologist, Wilhelm Pfeffer, researched the process, which is important in biology.

Osmosis is the passage of water down its concentration gradient, across a semi-permeable membrane. An everyday example is a plastic wrap in your kitchen: it allows air and water vapor to move across it, but no water or food. The membranes of cells are semi-permeable, too.

The Energetic Cost of Mismatch Repair. In an E. coli cell, DNA polymerase III makes a rare error and inserts a G opposite an A residue at a position 650 bp away from the nearest GATC sequence. The mismatch is accurately repaired by the mismatch repair system. How many phosphodiester bonds de- rived from deoxynucleotides (dNTPs) are expended during this repair


The séquense of GATC is 751

PLSSS HELLLPP- Which of the following measurements uses a derived unit? O volume O mass O length O time​





volume=length ×length ×length

The metric system is the system used for the measurement. It measures the mass, length, weight, time, etc. The unit of volume is a derived unit. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a derived unit?

A derived unit is a unit used to measure and estimate the substance by using the basic or the fundamental metric unit system. It is based on units of the fundamental system.

The fundamental units include mass, temperature, time, luminous intensity, length,  electric current, and amount of substance. On the other hand, derived units result from a combination of base units.

A volume is a derived unit as it came from the fundamental unit of length as,

Volume = length × length × length

= cm × cm × cm

= cm³

Therefore, option A. volume is a derived unit.

Learn more about derived unit here:


Which is more complex and less complex organism biosphere cell ecosystem



The highest level of organization for living things is the biosphere; it encompasses all other levels. The biological levels of organization of living things arranged from the simplest to most complex are: organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere.

Hope you give 5 stars

Please help 10 points for answers!!







In 1970, Frye and Edidin published research describing the mobility of plasma membrane proteins. They fused mouse and human cells together, creating a hybrid cell, and then examined the localization of mouse and human proteins over time. Initially mouse and human proteins were each restricted to one-half of the heterokaryon, but over time the mouse and human proteins mixed, with each being present over the entire cell surface. What technique did Frye and Edidin likely use to examine the mouse and human proteins



The answer is "fluorescent microscopy".


A microscope featuring fluorescence is just the same as a conventional light microscope with additional features. Conventional microscopy employs visible light (400-700 nanometers) to illuminate and generate an enlarged image data. Scientists use this highly sensitive, precise, dependable, extensively to see the location of chemicals in tissues and macrophages in organs.

Kepler discovered that
have elliptical orbits.

all of the above
Help please??



all of the above


gravity makes a planet have a combination go straight yet go around the sun at the same time creating an ellipse


Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disease caused by mutation of the PAH gene, which normally produces the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxase. This enzyme is essential for the conversion of the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine. Without the enzyme, phenylalanine builds up in the blood and tissues of various body regions. It can produce severe skin discolorations and foul odor, but also intellectual disabilities and behavioral problems. Some people may experience only one type of PKU symptoms and not the others. PKU is an example of



The correct answer is - Pleiotropy.


Pleiotropy is the number of disorders where multiple, and unrelated organ systems are affected in the body of an individual. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most cited example of pleiotropy in humans.

It is an inherited disorder that is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase due to mutation in the PAH gene, This enzyme is necessary to convert the essential amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine. By this disorder, multiple organ systems are affected such as severe skin discolorations and foul odor, and other intellectual disabilities and behavioral problems.

Which of the following animals has a fetus ? A.Gobies B.antelope C.Tree frog D. Iguana



the right answer is tree frog


Defining Populations

List three scales at which populations can be defined, from largest to smallest. Population groups​


From largest to smallest: biosphere, biome, ecosystem, community, population, and organism.

Find some applications of
nanotechnology in medical care and disease prevention.



Preventing illnesses, more quickly diagnose, control diseases, treat diseases with fewer side effects, and create better medical aids such as more compatible prosthetics.

How would a river that drains a watershed be affected if a portion of forest
uphill from the river was converted into a city with mostly impermeable
A. The river would decrease in size due to more runoff.
B. The river would increase in size due to more runoff.
C. The river would increase in size due to more rain seeping into the groundwater.
D. The river would decrease in size due to more rain seeping into the groundwater.






the pulmonary arteries have light violet blood why?​



The pulmonary arteries have light violet blood as an artistic depiction to stress they carry deoxygenated blood, or oxygen poor blood, from the heart to the lungs.


A mutation occurred in the following DNA sequence AGCCTAGCC and the mutated form is now AGCCTTAGCC. Which of the following correctly describes the result of this mutation?

1.A deletion occurred so all of the amino acids added after the mutation may be wrong.

2.An insertion occurred so all of the amino acids added after the mutation may be wrong.

3.A substitution occurred so all of the amino acids added after the mutation will definitely be wrong.

4.An insertion occurred so all of the amino acids added after the mutation definitely will be different.




1.A deletion mutation occurs when a wrinkle forms on the DNA template strand and subsequently causes a nucleotide to be omitted from the replicated strand.

2.This type of variant results in a shortened protein that may function improperly, be nonfunctional, or get broken down. An insertion changes the DNA sequence by adding one or more nucleotides to the gene.

3. A substitution mutation can cause the following: Change in the coding of amino acids codon to a particular stop codon resulting in an incomplete protein, which is usually non-functional. Can cause Silent mutations where a codon change can encode the same amino acid resulting in no changes in the protein synthesized.

4. when a premature nonsense or stop codon is introduced in the DNA sequence. When the mutated sequence is translated into a protein, the resulting protein is incomplete and shorter than normal. Consequently, most nonsense mutations result in nonfunctional proteins.

what is plasmolysis?​



plasmolysis is the process of shrinkage or contraction of the protoplasm of plant cell as. result of loss of water from the cell.


Plasmolysis is defined as the process of contraction or shrinkage of the protoplasm of a plant cell and is caused due to the loss of water in the cell. Plasmolysis is an example of the results of osmosis and rarely occurs in nature.

The word Plasmolysis was generally derived from a Latin and Greek word plasma – The mould and lusis meaning loosening.


Answer from Gauth math

A researcher is studying three wolf packs that hunt in the same area. The first pack preferentially kills mature, healthy moose; the second pack preferentially kills sick, old moose; and the third pack tends to kill an equal number of healthy and sick moose. Which pack likely plays the greatest role in determining the birth rate of the moose population



The correct answer is - the pack that preferentially kills mature, healthy moose.


The birth rate is the number of individuals born in a population in a particular amount of time period. The birth rate can be determined by the individual born in a particular time period and that depends on how many healthy and viable individuals in a population can reproduce and produce new individuals.

Old and sicks are not the ones who can actively participate in reproduction and, however, if the number of healthy and mature individuals are killed there would be fewer newborns in the population.

Thus, the correct answer is the pack that preferentially kills mature, healthy moose.

Name the following.

(a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth.

(b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans.

(c) Tissue that transports food in plants.

(d) Tissue that stores fat in our body.

(e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix.

(f) Tissue present in the brain​


a) epithelial tissue
b) tendon
c) phloem
d) adipose tissue
e) blood
f) gray matter and white matter.

Which of the following is most efficient for mapping large areas of the ocean or the whole ocean floor? A. satellite imaging B. infrared imaging C. radio waves D. sonar​



the answer is d. sonar

what is cell specicliztion ?



cell specialization is the process by which a cell changes from one cell type to another.a cell changes into a specific cell meant to perform a specific function within the body.

I hope this helps

Cell specialization, also known as cell differentiation, is the process by which generic cells change into specific cells meant to do certain tasks within the body. ... In adults, stem cells are specialized to replace cells that are worn out in the bone marrow, brain, heart and blood.

scientists who believe global warming is happening would agree with which of the following statements?
(A) There are few, if any, misconceptions about global warming
(B) Most scientists agree that global warming is occuring
(C) Human activity is a minor cause of global warming.
(D) There is little humans can do to stop global warming



B. Most scientists agree that global warming is occurring.


There is a large deal of misconception in the public surrounding global warming. Human activity is the primary cause of global warming, and therefore, there are many actions that humans could take to stop global warming.

In an experiment, researchers find that certain neurons in the visual cortex preferentially fire in response to a bar of light that is oriented at a specific angle, and that different neurons similarly respond to bars of light oriented at different angles. This finding provides the strongest evidence for:



Feature detection


Feature detection involves different neurons that are activated in response to specific stimuli. For example, feature detectors are activated in the cerebral cortex through visual stimuli of specific shapes or patterns. These neurons become more and more complex as the stimuli also become progressively more complex and specific. Featured detector neurons have been identified in the toad vision, where they have been involved in the toad's behavior in response to worm-like moving stimuli (e.g., orienting), and the bat auditory cortex, where they have been involved in the measurement of the distance between the bat and its prey.

What are the functions of Amoeba Organs​



The function of amoeba organs is nuclear.

"What if speciation occurred in humans?" Your essay should give a clear and precise example of speciation.
A student is asked to write an essay over the hypothetic prompt above. While brainstorming, the student came up with
four different ideas for their essay. Which idea is BEST aligned with the writing prompt and instructions?


The term speciation refers to the process by which two or more different species are produced from a single original population by different speciation mechanisms. Speciation occurs in three main steps: separation of the original population, divergence (trophic divergence, reproductive divergence, genetic divergence, etcetera), and isolation.

The most related option to speciation is  B. Two populations of humans living on separate sides of the ocean. After a catastrophic event, travel across the ocean is not possible. After millions of years of separation, the two groups are no longer able to produce viable offspring together, but can still produce within their isolated groups.

Speciation occurs when the original population is divided into two groups.  They inhabit different places and are exposed to varying environmental conditions. With time, each group experience many genetic changes. These mutations depend on each group´s environment and its ecological pressures, and they accumulate in time. Pressures act on individuals and make them adapt to the new environmental conditions. Generation after generation, the genotype of individuals will increase the fitness to survive and reproduce. Fixation of mutations will increase the difference between the two groups, up to the diverging point into two new species. Even is they get together again, these species will not be able to mate and produce offspring, and if they do, the new generations will not be viable or fertile.

The exposed case of two human population living on different sides of the ocean, is an example of allopatric speciation.

Allopatric speciation refers to the geographic separation of a continuous genetic background, originating two or more new geographically isolated groups. During these events of speciation, emerging new barriers impede genetic flow between groups, as the two new populations that are separated can not get together and mate anymore. These barriers might be geographical or ecological.  

Different stages are involved in the allopatric speciation process:

• The emergence of the barrier.  

Interruption in the genetic flow

Slow and gradual differentiation due to the occurrence of mutations in each population and their accumulation in time.  

Genetic divergence by natural selection and reproductive isolation,  impeding the two groups to mate even if the barrier disappears.  

Prezigotic isolation mechanisms favored by selection a secondary contact between the new species occurs.

Related link




What does the phosphorylation of Cdc25 by M-Cdk do? Question 4 options: It inactivates Cdc25, which promotes activation of more M-Cdk. It activates Cdc25, allowing the cell to exit mitosis. It activates Cdc25, which inactivates M-Cdk. It inactivates Cdc25, preventing further activation of M-Cdk. It activates Cdc25, which in turn activates more M-Cdk.



It activates Cdc25, which in turn activates more M-Cdk


Cyclin are enzymes that regulate cell cycle progression by the activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). These cyclins have no enzymatic activity on their own but they can activate Cdks by binding and phosphorylating them. CDKs can be activated by phosphorylation of activating sites and/or dephosphorylation of inactivation sites. Moreover, M-phase cyclins are cyclins that form M-CDK complexes in order to modulate the cell's entry into mitosis. Cdc25 is a phosphatase involved in the eukaryotic cell cycle which is well-known to regulate the entry into and progression during S (DNA Synthesis) phase and mitosis. In this regard, it has been shown that mitotic phosphorylation of Cdc25 by M-Cdks increases its intrinsic phosphatase activity, thereby Cdc25 is able to remove inhibitory phosphates from M-Cdk and, consequently, activate more M-Cdks.

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