Two major religious founded in India include


Answer 1
The Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of four of the world's major religions: namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism—collectively known as Indian religions that believe Moksha is the most supreme state of the Ātman (soul).

Related Questions

Which is the best definition of federalism?



Federalism is a mixed or compound mode of government that combine a general government

Which sentence below is an example of gender-neutral language?
A. A true statesman is a person who can listen to his constituents.
B. A true statesperson is someone who is interested in the concerns
of his or her constituents.
C. A true statesman has a large responsibility to his constituents.
D. A true statesman represents the interests of his voters.



It's B. A true statesperson is someone who is interested in the concerns..................................

so sánh sự khác nhau giữa hai nhà nước mua bán nô lệ Asante và Dahomey



which language is thisbro

How did Mary Wollstonecraft respond to the French Revolution?
A. Wollstonecraft opposed the Revolution because of its reliance on
Enlightenment philosophies.
B. Wollstonecraft largely ignored the Revolution because it did not
include any female leaders.
C. Wollstonecraft viewed the Revolution as a chaotic event that was
likely to harm women.
D. Wollstonecraft was outraged that the Revolution did not provide
equal education for women.



D. Wollstonecraft was outraged that the Revolution did not provide

equal education for women.


Mary Wollstonecraft's response to the French Revolution "was an outrage against the Revolution because it did not provide equal education for women."

While Mary Wollstonecraft supported the French Revolution on one side, she disagreed with it on the other aspects particularly in the area of women's rights and equal education.

This is evident in 1792 when in her book titled "A Vindication of the Rights of Woma." She wrote that women should not be considered less human beings than men, but rather should be given the same fundamental rights - the rights of the Revolution, including the right of equal education

Una crónica de Bartolomé de las Casas (corto)


Answer: mediados del siglo XVIII, el ilustrado holandés Corneille de Pauw formuló en sus Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, ou Mémoires intéressants pour servir à l’Histoire de l’Espèce Humaine su conocida denuncia con respecto al papel de Las Casas en el inicio de la trata de cautivos africanos como esclavos hacia América (1771: 13 y 101). Según De Pauw, Las Casas fue quien concibió y gestionó ante las cortes flamencas a comienzos del siglo XVI el plan para introducir esclavos en América como estrategia para contener el exterminio de los habitantes nativos:


Standing your ground is primarily about protecting an individual from criminal charges true or False





A main reason president jefferson sent people west in the early 1800s was to ?



A main reason President Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark west in the early 1800s was to find a water route to the Pacific.


How does Lincoln speech address the north’s interest


On March 4, 1865, in his second inaugural address, President Abraham Lincoln spoke of mutual forgiveness, North and South, asserting that the true mettle of a nation lies in its capacity for charity. Lincoln's second inaugural address previewed his plans for healing a once-divided nation. He argued that all Americans—North and South—shared culpability for the unimaginable horrors the nation had endured. This war of unexpected duration and ferocity, he posited, may have been God’s judgment on all of America for the evil of slavery.

Why were amendments needed to expand voting rights



"The Fifteenth Amendment granted the right to vote to former slaves and people of color. The Nineteenth Amendment gave the vote to women, while the Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-sixth amendments gave representation to the District of Columbia, forbid poll taxes, and lowered the voting age to 18, respectively. The passage of each of these Amendments reflected a shift towards making voting a right of all citizens, and indeed a fundamental part of citizenship."

this was copied from a website to give you some context

I would say the amendments were the rules that the US implemented and by adding new amendments to give people certain rights it can expand voting rights

I hope this helps❤

State the counting number in the periodic table of elements of the element considered to be the heaviest gas. (the answer should consist of numbers only)





The periodic table is an arrangement of elements in rows and columns. The vertical columns are called groups while the horizontal rows are called periods.

The eighteenth group in the periodic table are called noble gases. All the elements in this group are gases. Coincidentally, the heaviest element, oganesson belongs to this group and has atomic number 118.

This element exits as a gas and it is the heaviest known gas.

Explain one way in which opportunities for women and minorities changed during the war.



During World War II, women and minorities gained greater freedoms and protections. In comparison to how they had previously been treated, they were treated much better this time. They were seen as being on a more or less equal basis.



Women were welcomed into jobs outside the home as they filled in for men who had gone to war.

African Americans were given equal treatment in defense industries.

Women and minorities got new and better-paying jobs.

Immigrants from Mexico were invited to the United States to help fill labor needs.


answer on edge 12-13-22

Discuss drought in California. What can we do to prevent drought?



plant more trees to lead to the rainfall formation

A drought refers to an event of shortages in the water supply including the from normal sources like atmospheric water, surface water, ground water etc

Some measures that California can take to prevent further drought includes:

Installation of water efficient irrigation devices to prepare against drought.Using of mulch to retain moisture in the soil.

However, in conclusion, the California government can also lay emphasis on more water storage and water transfer developments to prevent total drought.

Read more about drought

Match the features to the reconstruction plans of president Abraham Lincoln or president andrew Johnson



1. President Lincoln: called for the repeal of secession legislation.

2. President Lincoln: required 10 percent of a state's registered voters to take the loyalty oath.

3. President Johnson: refused to grant amnesty to rich plantation owners from the South.


The American Civil War was also referred to as War between the States and it was fought from the 12th of April, 1861 to the 9th of April, 1865. The war was simply between the Southern states that seceded to form Confederate States and the Northern states that were still loyal to the Union.

After the American Civil War, the turbulent era in which efforts were made by the government of the United States of America to reintegrate the Southern states from the Confederacy was known as the Reconstruction era, and it began on the 8th of December, 1863 to 31st of March, 1877.

After Reconstruction, Southern leaders in states such as Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, etc., introduced laws that segregated communities based on race.

President Abraham Lincoln was born on the 12th of February, 1809 and was the 16th president of the United States of America. He served from 1861 to 1865 in an active capacity.

On the 22nd of September, 1862, President Lincoln issued an executive order during the Civil War, which was known as the Emancipation Proclamation or Proclamation 95.

He issued the Emancipation Proclamation to set all persons who were held as slaves in the rebellious states free.

1. President Abraham Lincoln: called for the repeal of secession legislation with the Ordinance of Secession, which was signed by 293 delegates on the 21st of January, 1861.

2. President Abraham Lincoln: the ten percent plan (Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction) issued on the 8th of December, 1963 required ten (10) percent of a state's registered voters to take the loyalty oath in allegiance to the United States of America and pledge to abide by Emancipation.

3. President Andrew Johnson: he was the Vice President to President Abraham Lincoln but became the president after the latter was assassinated in 1865. President Johnson refused to grant amnesty to rich plantation owners from the South.

Arrange the police ranks in descending order.



The police ranks in descending order are given below.


Following are the police ranks in descending order.

1. Director General of Police  

2. Addl. Director General of Police  

3. Inspector General of Police  

4. Deputy Inspector General of Police  

5. Superintendent of Police  (Deputy Commissioner of Police)  

6. Superintendent of Police  (Deputy Commissioner of Police)  

7. Addl. Superintendent of Police/Addl. Deputy Commissioner of Police

8. Assistant Superintendent of Police  

9. Addl. Superintendent of Police / Addl. Deputy Commissioner of Police.  

10. Dy Superintendent of police/Asst. Commissioner of Police.

11 Inspector of Police  

12 Sub Inspector of Police.  

13 Asst. Sub. Inspector/Havildar Major  

14 Havildar.  

15 Lance Naik.  

16.. Constable.

imagine that you lived in jebel faya in the past what skills do you have to learn in order to meet your basic needs​



Presence of water and vegetation.


jebel faya is a eastern desert located in Arabia, is an arkeological site that includes a limestone hill. The site has a limestone mountain outlined in central region. The presence of freshwater and vegetation cover in the area has helps human subsidence

Who was the first king



Meet the world's first emperor. King Sargon of Akkad—who legend says was destined to rule—established the world's first empire more than 4,000 years ago in Mesopotamia.


If the governor of Georgia vetoes a bill, it can still become law through an override by



Two-thirds majority of each chamber voting to override the governor's veto


I think I should give the reason for my being in Birmingham, since you have been influenced by the argument of “outsiders coming in.” . . . Several months ago our local affiliate here in Birmingham invited us to be on call to engage in a nonviolent direct action program if such were deemed necessary. We readily consented and when the hour came we lived up to our promises. So I am here, along with several members of my staff, because we were invited here. I am here because I have basic organizational ties here.

–“Letter from Birmingham Jail,”
Martin Luther King Jr.

What does King mean by the phrase "a nonviolent direct action program”?

a peaceful form of protest, such as a sit-in or march
white Southern resistance to a civil rights protest
a legal case to bring about change via the courtroom
a negotiation between civil rights protestors and local politicians



A should be the right answer.


The Correct answer is "a peaceful form of protest, such as a sit-in or march"    

Or A


I got it right on edgu 2022 also the guy above me deserves Brainlyest

what is government and why is it important?



Governments provide the parameters for everyday behavior for citizens, protect them from outside interference, and often provide for their well-being and happiness. In the last few centuries, some economists and thinkers have advocated government control over some aspects of the economy.

hope this helps you

have a nice day :)

How did the Atlantic slave trade impact the Americas’ role in triangular trade?


implied hundreds of Africans were forcibly taken to American and forced to work as slaves. ... Thus, the Atlantic trade impacted the role of America in the triangular trade because "it increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe".


It increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe.



what was a result of the war of 1812



The War of 1812 eventually ended in a draw on the battleground, and the peace treaty represented this. The Treaty of Ghent was negotiated on December 24, 1814, in present Belgium, and went into action on February 17, 1815, after both sides approved it.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

What was the larger impact of the creation of the Free-Soil Party that swallowed up the Liberty Party



It raised the fear.


The larger impact of the creation of the Free-Soil Party that swallowed up the Liberty Party because it raised the fear that the debate over slavery could not be contained. The Free Soil Party was a short-lived political party in the United States that started in 1848 and ended in 1854, when it merged into the Republican Party. The party was largely focused on the single issue which is opposing the expansion of slavery into the western states of the United States.

Which statement most accurately compares the United States' policies of
containment and détente?
A. Containment uncovered the weaknesses of the Soviet economy,
while détente showed the benefits of the Soviets' command
B. Containment supported the decrease of tensions between the
United States and the Soviet Union, while détente heightened
tensions and almost led to war.
C. Containment increased tensions between the United States and
the Soviet Union, while détente sought to ease tensions between
the two countries.
D. Containment encouraged peace talks and international treaties,
while détente further involved the United States in conflicts and
proxy wars.



I think the answer is C.


"However, tensions over the treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union let to a cooling of relations. In the late 1970s, President Jimmy Carter was supportive of arms limitations but at the same time approved increased military spending. His support of human rights and anger over the 1979 Soviet invasion in Afghanistan let to the collapse of détente and prepared the ground for a return to a more aggressive containment policy."

The statement that most accurately compares US policies of containment and detected is Containment Increased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, while détente sought to ease tensions between the two countries. The correct option is c.

What is containment?

Containment was a geopolitical strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism after the end of World War II. The name was loosely related to the term cordon sanitaire, which was containment of the Soviet Union in the interwar period.

As a component of the Cold War, this policy caused a response from the Soviet Union to increase communist influence in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Containment represented a middle-ground position between détente and rollback. The basis of the doctrine was articulated in a 1946 cable by U.S. diplomat George F. Kennan during the post-World War II term of U.S. President Harry S. Truman.

As a description of U.S. foreign policy, the word originated in a report Kennan submitted to US Defense Secretary James Forrestal in 1947, which was later used in a magazine article.

Learn more about Soviet Union, here:


Labor legislation was most favorable to labor unions during the pe- riod (a) 1960–present (b) 1945–1959 (c) 1933–1945 (d) 1865–1933.


The correct answer is C. 1933 - 1945.


In 1929 there was a world financial crisis that affected the great world powers like the United States. Therefore, the 1930s represented a challenge for President Franklin D. Rosevelt, who had to lead the economic reactivation after this crisis. For this reactivation, Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the New Deal in which he included broad support for workers through laws such as The Fair Labor Standards Act of 19383 and the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. These policies contributed to the strengthening of unions and labor rights over the next decade. So the correct answer is C.

Write instruction to recharge the mobile phone.


plug charger into electricity then plug charger into phone to charge it

Which other member of the Triple Alliance first supported Austria-Hungary’s invasion of Serbia?





because they assassinated the arch duke franz ferdinand

Which invention provided manufacturers with a new source of power for machines?



Steam engine Provided manufacturer's with a new source of power for machines

What does Jefferson say about whether the US Constitution allows for an agreement such as the Louisiana Purchase?



Jefferson accepts that the Louisiana Purchase is "an act beyond the Constitution." In other words, it's a type of agreement that the Constitution doesn't directly authorize.


Nineteenth-century Americans imagined the "Wild West" as all of the following EXCEPT:
a. a distant, timeless place, uncorrupted by civilization.
b. isolated farms, where men and women carved out difficult lives on the Great Plains.
c. a spectacle of adventure as portrayed by vaudeville shows featuring famous battle reenactments and real Indian warriors.
d. a violent frontier recounted through dime novels and prolific newspaper stories.
e. an uncivilized space that ended at the Rocky mountains.



a. a distant, timeless place, uncorrupted by civilization.


Nineteenth-century Americans did not imagine the "Wild West" as a distant, timeless place, uncorrupted by civilization.

In contrast, it was viewed by them as a place of gunslingers, adventures, cowboys and more where things went almost unchecked.

These states do not have stand your ground laws a) Connecticut b) Oregon c) New York d) Arkansas e) California



I believe only Arkansas does.


Yes arkansas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Help me write in standard form please help! Combine each set of Simple sentences into one Compound sentence.1. He does well. He is nervous at the start.2. The way was long. The wind was cold.3. It is raining heavily. I will take an umbrella with me.4. The harvest truly is plenteous. The labourers are few.5. It was a stormy night. We ventured out.6. Football is a vigorous and healthy game. Every boy should play it.7. He is foolish. He is also obstinate.8. I am in the right. You are in the wrong.9. We can travel by land. We can travel by water.10. The train was wrecked. No one was hurt.11. The paper is good. The binding is very bad.12. We must hasten. The robbers will overtake us.13. The prince married the beautiful princess. They lived happily ever after.14. The river is deep and swift. I am afraid to dive into it.15. He was fined. He was sent to prison.16. You may go to the theatre. Rama may go to the theatre.17. Bruce was lying on his bed. He looked up to the roof. He saw a spider.18. I cried out sadly. I beat my head and breast. I threw myself down on the ground.19. You may play hockey. You may play football. You must do either of the two.20. You may be wrong. Rashid may be wrong. You cannot both be right.21. I got up. I looked about everywhere. I could not perceive my companions.22. In Hyderabad I visited Charminar, Golkonda Fort and Birla Mandir. I could not visit Salar Jung Museum.23. A is equal to B.B is equal to C. A is equal to C.24. Most of the rebels were slain. A few escaped. They hid in the woods and marshes. The rebellion was quickly suppressed. Figure A is a scale image of figure B. Figure A maps to figure B with a scale factor of 2/3. What is the value of x? Which answer is it Im confused ... ??? ayuda por favor....temtica: El boom literario I NEED HELP ASAP!!! convert 0.252525 to a fraction and convert 2.454545 to a fraction 2/3=(x+7)/3x Its for my summer math, and I have forgot how to do these types of problems. please help30 POINTS!! Please I need help! What were some similarities and differences between Native American cultures in the Great Plains and the East? Select the correct text in the passage.Which sentence in the excerpt best supports the theme of harmonious living?A Spark Neglected Burns the Houseby Leo Tolstoy (adapted excerpt)There once lived in a village a peasant named Ivn Stcherbakf. He was comfortably off, in the prime of life, the best worker in the village, andhad three sons all able to work. The eldest was married, the second about to marry, and the third was a big lad who could mind the horses andwas already beginning to plough. Ivn's wife was an able and thrifty woman, and they were fortunate in having a quiet, hard-working daughter-in-law. There was nothing to prevent Ivn and his family from living happily. They had only one idle mouth to feed; that was Ivn's old father,who suffered from asthma and had been lying ill for seven years. Ivn had all he needed three horses and a colt, a cow with a calf, and fifteensheep. The women made all the clothing for the family, besides helping in the fields, and the men tilled the land. They always had grain enoughof their own to last over beyond the next harvest and sold enough oats to pay the taxes and meet their other needs. So Ivn and his childrenmight have lived quite comfortably had it not been for a feud between him and his next-door neighbor, Limping Gabriel, the son of GordyIvnof.As long as old Gordy was alive and Ivn's father was still able to manage the household, the peasants lived as neighbors should. 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