A private student loan is a loan that

A. is awarded based on financial need and does not ever need to be repaid
B. is financed by businesses such as credit unions, banks, or private organizations
C. is less expensive and more flexible than federal student loans
D. is offered and provided by the government and that features fixed interest rates​


Answer 1
B. is financed by businesses such as credit unions, banks, or private organizations

Related Questions

list the factors influences and beliefs which impede the implementation of health initiatives at the local and national level.Beside the answers,write how these hindering factors can be managed.

*Paki sagot ng maayos.wag puro kalokohan!​



Lack of education, old beliefs and lack of manpower.


Lack of education, old beliefs and lack of manpower are the factors that influences which impede the implementation of health initiatives at the local and national level. Poor Implementation of health initiatives occur due to lack of manpower that clearly understand the program or project. These hindering factors can be managed by improving the management capacity by modernizing the systems and by providing education and knowledge to people about forums and seminars to understand the objectives and goal of health initiatives.

Matthew 6 states, "...your will be done." What is God's will?



Sorry I need the points, not the answer

Mrs. Phillips is a recent widow who has little appetite and suffers from insomnia. What is Mrs. Phillips MOST LIKELY experiencing?
abnormal grieving
acute mourning



acute mourning


hope it helpssss



Mrs. Phillips is a recent widow who has little appetite and suffers from insomnia. What is Mrs. Phillips MOST LIKELY experiencing?


When can I play golf after mpfl repair and cartilage replacement surgery in my knee?



4 months minimum, and 8 months are the maximum time period from which you have to refrain from any physical activity that's related to sports.


Most commonly after MPFL reconstruction, you will be placed in a knee immobilizer that holds the knee straight for the first two weeks after surgery.

Most people can generally return to sport or play sometime between 4 to 7 months after MPFL reconstruction. If you are considering the surgery, be aware than recovery times may vary and can be dependent on your individual anatomy, capacity to heal and general health prior to surgery.

b. For what game knee exercise helps the players?​


Some exercises will help knees for players would be:

Squats, sit to stand, lunges, straight leg lifts, side leg lifts, short arc extensions, step ups, calf raises, cycling.

Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Contact with pets and other animals pose no risk in the transmission of communicable diseases that affect humans.
B. Maintaining doctor visits for regular examinations can help you to detect communicable diseases early and avoid spreading them to others.
C. To prevent communicable diseases from spreading, you should avoid sharing personal grooming tools such as brushes.
D. Safe food handling and preparation of food is one way that you can help to prevent contracting and spreading communicable diseases.​


The option A is the statement that is not true

An advertisement promises that a food product contains 100 percent of the
amount of vitamin C you need every day. How can you know whether this is a
true statement?


Check the label the average human needs 65-90 milligrams of vitamin c a day

ASAP!: Please answer the 6 questions in the image above for the scenario!

John and Sarah have known each other since elementary school. They've been pretty good friends since. John has loved Sarah ever since he can remember, but Sarah has never seemed interested because John is such a good friend. He has been there for Sarah through different relationships hearing Sarah complain or talk about how much she loves this person or that person. At a party one night Sarah drinks a few beers and approaches John. She asks him to go upstairs with her. He loves her and wants a relationship, not a one night fling. What can John say or do at this point?



No! The person should not do this as they do not have proper consent. the person is drunk and does not know what they are doing


Which is a first responder?

Coast Guard officer
incident commander
social service worker
emergency medical technician


Emergency Medical Technician, also known as an EMT. They are the people who show up in the ambulance.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

AIDs is not curable but preventable disease. explain.​


AIDS is not curable because their is not a cure made for it yet but you can prevent getting aids by using a condom while having intercourse

How do I get rid of a dead body?



omg means ghost na?!?!!!??!!!?!??!



Wear gloves. And make sure you have tarp on the ground. It's gonna get messy.

Chop up the body. Feed it to an animal.

Bury the remains in various places after burning the remains into ash.

Buy a plane ticket in that person's name, and buy a good fake id.

Pack up their clothes and other belongings.

Send angry text messages to all of their contacts.

“Quit” their job through an angry letter

Clean up

Contrast how optimism and pessimism affect your assessment of a situation


-Everyone experiences stress differently
-How someone reacts to a stressor depends on how they assess the situation:
-Is the situation a threat to my well-being?
-Do I have the necessary resources to meet the challenge? (Time, energy, skills, and experience)

Remy has unfortunately just been diagnosed with a grade II knee sprain after falling during a run. He will be required to attend physical therapy and will not be allowed to return to his track team for five weeks until he is completely healed. To prevent an injury like this in the future, Remy should do all of the following EXCEPT

A. avoid runs if he is still in pain or too tired
B. make sure his shoes are slightly large so he can grow into them
C. run on the flat, even surface of the track at his school
D. stretch and warm up before going on any runs or other physical activity​


To avoid an injury like this in the future, Remy must do all of the following EXCEPT make sure his shoes are a little big so he can grow in them.

What happens when you twist your knee?

Spraining your knee during a race or training can be quite painful, but it's often not a serious injury. If you have suffered a sprained knee, you may experience some

painswellingbruising and eventually go with instability, a lack of firmness.

With this information, we can conclude that to avoid an injury like this in the future, Remy must do all of the following EXCEPT make sure his shoes are a little big so he can grow in them.

Learn more about Spraining your knee in


what is physical health​


Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest.

Describe a balanced one-day menu. Make sure that it meets the daily requirements for the five food groups.



I'm vegan and this is what I typically eat in a day!


Breakfast - Oatmeal with berries, soy milk, and nuts

Grains: Oats are gluten free, whole grain, and contain many important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Fruits/vegetables: Berries are chock full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants

Dairy & alternatives: Soy milk is a good alternative to dairy as it is high in protein and omega 3 fatty acids

Proteins: Nuts such as almonds, cashews, and walnuts are a good source of plant based protein

Lunch - Chickpea pasta with green peas and leeks sauce + side of frut

Grains/legumes and proteins: Chickpeas are an excellent legume to eat. They are high in protein, fiber, and vitamins/minerals. Chickpea pasta is a healthier alternative to regular white flour pasta.

Vegetables: Green peas, broccoli, spinach, and leeks are rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium.

Dairy & alternatives: Soy cooking cream to make the sauce creammyyy

Fruits: Oranges are so refreshing and sweet so I typically eat oranges. The vitamin C content also helps you to absorb the iron from the vegetables.

Dinner - Lentil curry with vegetables and brown rice

Grains: Brown rice is a good alternative to white rice, which is more refined and starchy. Brown rice also has more nutrients and fiber.

Vegetables: Cauliflower, sweet potato, tomatoes

Dairy & alternatives: Coconut milk

Proteins: Lentils are very high in protein and iron

Dessert - Chocolate peanut butter oatmeal blondies

*this is dessert so obviously it isn't the healthiest, but I think that to have balance, you should allow yourself to eat a treat!

Grains: Oatmeal - I love oatmeal so i eat it a lot

Fruit: I typically eat these with berries like raspberries

Dairy & alternatives: Plant based milk

Proteins: Peanut butter  

Hope this helps! Best of luck <3

how are how r health population and environment education interrelated with economic and political aspects​



health is wealth of the country so it is related with economic and political aspects of a country

How does planning activities at your own home help you avoid situations involving alcohol?
A. Your home life does not involve situations with alcohol use.
B. Alcohol use is almost always tied to group events outside the home.
C. You can control whether or not there is alcohol in your home.
D. Planning activities at home does not help you avoid situations involving alcohol.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.​


D would be the best answer. Because A false, b is false. And c as well

One of the major risks of gestational diabetes is:



macrosomia/ Large babies


that is what I think about the answer

Having diabetes after baby is born. During pregnancy you can end up getting diabetes so you have to get tested using a Glucose Test. There’s a one hour one and a three hour one. They usually test for gestational diabetes because it can usually lead to type 2 diabetes after pregnancy

which of the following statements about cigarette advertising is true?

a. tobacco advertisements appeal to boys more than girls
b. it is illegal to market cigarettes directly to children
c. advertisers do not target teen insecurities
d. advertising of tobacco products is not effective


tobacco advertisements appeal to boys more

what do you mean by smuggler?


U move weight I got 100 for crack cocaine and baby aspirin
: one who smuggles something The traffic in drugs—especially cocaine—to Florida by sea and air from South America has been generating wealth to rival that of the tourist trade and attracting a cadre of ingenious and ruthless smugglers from around the world.—

mention the values that develop through olymic movement


Answer:The three values of Olympism are excellence, friendship and respect.


They constitute the foundation on which the Olympic Movement builds its activities to promote sport, culture and education with a view to building a better world.

What are two eating disorders associated with Body Composition? Explain the negative effects on each. What roles does the media play in body



Body image distress is often seen as a symptom of an eating disorder. However, not every person with an eating disorder has a problematic body image and many people who do not have eating disorders have poor body image.


The belief that those who make less money must not be hardworking is an example of which type of bias, prejudice, or stereotype?






Social class stereotypes depict low-income people as less competent than higher-income individuals

Be appropriate, any inappropriate will result in a report or further investigation.

Why is it important to have safe sex?



it reduces the chances of getting an STD and/or AIDS


b) Mrs Sarita lends 3000 to her friend every month and borrows 2500. How much will she
owe to her friend/her friend owe to her after 4 months?​




2500 * 4 = 10000

As treatment for his disease, Ven is avoiding tobacco and alcohol, eating calcium-rich foods, and lifting weights. Which disease is he most likely being treating for? cancer osteoporosis type 2 diabetes cardiovascular disease



b). Osteoporosis


'Osteoporosis' is described as the disease in which the bones become extremely porous and are subject to fracture. Since the bones get weak in this disease, the treatment of this disease primarily aims to regain the strength of the bones and prevent them from being lost completely. This is the reason that weight-lifting exercises are paid special emphasis during the treatment of this disease along with high-intake of calcium and calcium-rich foods for enhancing the bone strength. The focus is also laid on avoiding alcohol and tobacco products as it may cause side-effects like disbalance in the turnover and mass of the bones leading to fracture. Thus, option b is the correct answer.




Which of these is an example of how the media might perpetuate a sexual stereotype


letter C is an example of a sexual stereotype


C is the answer


Is an example and an act of how media perpetuate sexual stereotype

Why did Dimitri most likely get the flu? Vaccinations are not always effective. Vaccinations are not effective if hygiene is poor. Vaccinations give individuals the flu with full symptoms. Vaccinations work only when provided at the onset of the disease.



Vaccinations are not always effective.


trust me

Put these in order top to bottom from the first day of a woman's menstruation cycle through the last day


the order is menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase

One of the major risks of gestational diabetes is:



High blood pressure and preeclampsia


Gestational diabetes raises your risk of high blood pressure, as well as preeclampsia — a serious complication of pregnancy that causes high blood pressure and other symptoms that can threaten the lives of both mother and baby.

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