None of the multiple choice add up to 102 degrees any help? ​


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = the third angle in the triangle

x = 102 because they are vertical angles

The sum of the angles in the triangle are 180

b+2b+102 =180

3b+102 =180

3b = 180-102

3b = 78

Divide by 3

3b/3 = 78/3

b = 26

Answer 2


Its is 26 aka E

Step-by-step explanation:

So we know that a triangle has 180 degrees in total. So we know one side is 102 degrees. 180-102=78. we can do 78 divide by 3 since there is 3b's in total. 78/3=26. Therefore, it is 26 which is E. I hope this helped ^^.

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Alex can cut a cord into 7 pieces in 36 seconds. How long will it take him to cut the cord into 12 pieces?



Step-by-step explanation:

I think you mean 35 seconds because if it was 36 then the answer would be too long so assuming it is 35 seconds the answer is 1 minute or 60 seconds

Anyone ?? Know the answers to these both? Due tmr morning



Just use m a t h w a y for the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Thank me later,or dont thank me at all

how many 5 cents can u get from $1.25?​




Step-by-step explanation:

5 cents = 0.05

1.25 / 0.05 = 25

let me know if i'm wrong



Step-by-step explanation:


125/5 = 25

The breadth of a rectangle is 4 units less than its length. If the perimeter of the rectangle is
20 units, write a pair of linear equations to model the above situation, assuming the length to be l units
and the breadth to be b units.
Equation 1 :
Equation 2 :


Here, we are to find the length and the , breadth of the rectangle

The length of the rectangle = 7 units and Breadth of the rectangle = 3 units


length = l units

Breadth = b units

Perimeter of the rectangle = 20 units

length is the distance measured along the longest dimension of an object

width is the wideness of an object

perimeter refers to the total measurements of an objects

The breadth of a rectangle is 4 units less than its length


Length = l


b = l - 4

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(length + breadth)

20 = 2{l + (l - 4)

20 = 2(l + l - 4)

20 = 2(2l - 4)

20 = 4l - 8

20 + 8 = 4l

28 = 4l

l = 28/4

l = 7

b = l - 4

b = 7 - 4

b = 3 units

Read more:

Find the value of x in the given
right triangle.




Step-by-step explanation:

Since we have a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin x = 7/10

Taking the inverse sin of each side

sin^-1 (sin x) = sin^-1(7/10)

x = 44.427

Rounding to the nearest tenth

x = 44.4

"Two-thirds of a number increased by seven."



(2/3)n + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Represent the number by n.

Then "two thirds of (that) number" is (2/3)n.

Finally, we add 7:

"Two-thirds of a number increased by seven" is (2/3)n + 7

Giving brainliest! View image!




Step-by-step explanation:



21/50 chance to choose inside small rectangle

21/50*2 = 42/100 chance to choose inside small rectangle


factor x ^ 4 - 5x ^ 2 + 4


( − 2 ) ( 3+ 2 2 − − 2 )

Hope this helps, have a great day!

if a number is added to 3, the result is 10 find the number​




Step-by-step explanation:

10 minus 3 will give you the number



Step-by-step explanation:

let the number added to 3 be 'x'

we know;




If f(x) = x2 - 4x and f(-3), then the result is:
o -3.
O 21.
0 -21.


This is pretty much saying that if x = -3, then solve for the equation, so (-3)^2 - 4(-3) = 9 - 12 = -3


answer is 6

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = x2 - 4x

f(-3)= -3*2-4*-3



[tex]3-\sqrt{x} 1-16x^{2}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

This equation turns out to be a quartic. I'm not sure what should be done with. I can't believe you were asked to find its roots which are unbelievably complex. Here is a graph with the only 2 points that are easily found. If I am not solving what you need, please leave a note.

Express (root 19 - root 7)(root 19 + root 7) in simplest form.



root 354

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

(√19 -√7)(√19 +√7)

( a +b)( a -b) = a²-b²

(√19)² -(√7)² = 19 -7 = 12

What is the quotient of (2x3 – 29x + 13) ÷ (x + 4)?



(19-29x) over (x-4)

Step-by-step explanation:

Need help nsjsisjejskskkdof



8×4=32 and 8 groups of 4 equals 32.

A can do a piece of work in 15 days. B can do the same work in 12 days and C can
finish the same piece of work in 20 days. They started the work together for 2 days
and then B and C leaves. In how many days will A finish the remaining work?​



[tex]9\ days[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]We\ are\ given:\\No.\ of\ days\ A\ takes\ to\ complete\ some\ amount\ of\ work=15\ days\\No.\ of\ days\ B\ takes\ to\ complete\ the\ same\ amount\ of\ work=12\ days\\No.\ of\ days\ C\ takes\ to\ complete\ the\ same\ amount\ of\ work\ as\ A\ and\ B\ =20\ days\\[/tex]

[tex]Now,\\We\ can\ say\ that\ an\ object\ has\ to\ complete\ \frac{1}{n}th\ of\ the\\ work\ daily,\ to\ complete\ the\ work\ in\ n\ number\ of\ days.\ This\ is\ however\\ only\ true\ if\ the\ object\ covers\ equal\ amounts\ of\ work\ each\ day.[/tex]

[tex]Here,\\In\ 1\ day,\\A\ would\ cover\ \frac{1}{15}th\ of\ the\ work.\\B\ would\ cover\ \frac{1}{12}th\ of\ the\ work.\\C\ would\ cover\ \frac{1}{20}th\ of\ the\ work.[/tex]

[tex]Now,\\We\ are\ also\ given\ that:\\They\ work\ together\ for\ 2\ days\ on\ the\ same\ work.\\Hence,\\Total\ work\ done\ in\ 1\ day\ by\ A,B\ and\ C=\frac{1}{15}+\frac{1}{12}+\frac{1}{20}=\frac{4+5+3}{60}=\frac{12}{60}=\frac{1}{5}\\Hence, Total\ work\ done\ in\ 2\ days\ by\ A,B\ and\ C=2*\frac{1}{5}=\frac{2}{5}[/tex]

[tex]Hence,\\The\ portion\ of\ the\ total\ work\ left=1-\frac{2}{5}=\frac{5-2}{5}=\frac{3}{5}\\So,\\Since\ A\ has\ to\ complete\ \frac{3}{5}th\ of\ the\ work,\ lets\ compute\ the\ no.\ of\ days\ it\ takes\ to\ do\ so.\\Hence,\\No.\ of\ days\ A\ takes\ to\ complete\ the\ entire\ work=15\ days\\Hence,\\No.\ of\ days\ A\ takes\ to\ complete\ \frac{3}{5}th\ of\ the\ entire\ work=15*\frac{3}{5}=9\ days[/tex]


9 days

Step-by-step explanation:

A does in 15days, so A in 1day does 1/15part

B does in 12days, so B in 1day does 1/12part

C does in 20days, so C in 1day does 1/20part

So. A+B+C in 1 day-- 1/15+1/12+1/20=(4+5+3)/60= 12/60=1/5 and in 2days 2/5 part..hence remaining work=1/1–2/5=(5–2) =3/5part.

Now A in 1/15 part takes 1day

So, in 3/5 part 15×3/5 = 9 days.

please solve this





Step-by-step explanation:

Note that I will be using a, b, and y instead of their Greek counterparts.

First, we know that sin(c+d) = sin(c)cos(d) + cos(d)sin(a) and sin(c-d) = sin(c)cos(d) - cos(d)sin(a). We can apply these here to get

sin(b+y) = sin(b)cos(y) + cos(b)sin(y)

sin(b-y) = sin(b)cos(y) - cos(b)sin(y)

sin(a+y) = sin(a)cos(y) + cos(a)sin(y)

sin(a-y) = sin(a)cos(y) - cos(a)sin(y)

Plugging these into our equation, we get

(sin(b)cos(y) + cos(b)sin(y) - (sin(b)cos(y) - cos(b)sin(y)))


(sin(a)cos(y) + cos(a)sin(y)-(sin(a)cos(y) - cos(a)sin(y)))


2cos(b)sin(y) / 2cos(a)sin(y)

= cos(b)sin(y)/cos(a)sin(y)

= cos(b)/cos(a)

Next, we can see that a+b = π, so we can subtract b from both sides to get a = π -b. Plugging that in for a in our equation, we get

cos(b) / cos(π-b)

After that, we know that cos(c-d) = cos(c)cos(d) - sin(c)sin(d). Plugging that in here, we get

cos(π-b) = cos(π)cos(b) - sin(π)sin(b)

= -cos(b) + 0

= -cos(b)

Plugging that back into our equation, we get

cos(b) / -cos(b) = -1

question 3&4 help me please



3. (1-7/9)÷2 = 2/9÷2 = 1/9

reciprocal of 1/9 is 9

4. x+2/x=3

if you solve it, you get x = 1 and x = 2, so last option, 1 and 2, is the answer

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Help me with this question please‼️‼️


Answer: 1/2  (choice C)


The gradient is the same as the slope

m = slope

m = rise/run

m = (change in y)/(change in x)

m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

m = (6-1)/(6 - (-4))

m = (6-1)/(6+4)

m = 5/10

m = 1/2

In decimal form, this becomes 0.5

A slope of 1/2 means we move up 1 and to the right 2 units each time to generate points along the diagonal line.

A positive slope goes uphill as we move to the right (due to the positive rise value).


One way to find the gradient is using the expression :

[tex]m = \frac{y_{2} - y_{1}}{x_{2} - x_{1}} = \frac{y_{B} - y_{A}}{x_{B} - x_{A}}[/tex]

So [tex]m = \frac{6 - 1}{6- (-4)} =\frac{5}{10} =\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

What is the value of the expression below when y = 5? Show your work and write your answer in a complete sentence.
Y exponent 2-3y+6




Step-by-step explanation:



3y= -3+6

3y= 3





Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute y = 5 into the expression

y² - 3y + 6

= 5² - 3(5) + 6

= 25 - 15 + 6

= 16

what type of variation is this relationship


Answer: C) Partial variation; $375



We don't have a direct variation because the initial cost isn't $0

The equation for this situation is y = 25x+375, where x is the number of yearbooks purchased and y is the total cost.

Notice how this line doesn't go through the origin. All direct variation graphs are straight lines through the origin.

So that's why we have partial variation instead.

The initial cost is simply the set up cost, aka the cost when x = 0. That initial cost is $375. The initial cost is located at the y intercept.

From that initial cost, we then add on multiples of $25 depending on how many yearbooks are purchased.


In short, because the initial cost is $375, which is some nonzero value, this means we don't have direct variation. Instead, we have partial variation.




1. Angles 2, 3 and angles 1,3 are complementary angles(Given)

2. To prove :

Since Angles 2, 3 and angles 1,3 are complementary.

When angles are complementary, then the sum of the measures of angles is 90 degrees.

So,  and  (Definition of Complementary angles)

3.  (Substitution)

4.  (Subtraction property of equality)

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the area of triangle ABC to the nearest tenth if AB = 11 ft, ∠BCA = 67 , and ∠CAB = 28 .




Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming the angled are degrees and not radian.

side BC= (11÷sin67)•sin28= 5.6

angle ABC= 180-67-28=85°

A= 11•5.6•sin85÷2≈30.68

The students in Shawn's class got to choose whether to visit the zoo or the aquarium. 3 students went to the zoo and 15 students went to the aquarium. What is the ratio of the number of students who went to the zoo to the number of students who did not go to the zoo?
A. 1:3
B. 1:6
C. 1:5
D. 1:1


ANSWER: C (1:5)

3s (zoo)
15s (aquarium)

Want To Find: Ratio of students who went to zoo to number of students who did not go to the zoo.

Students who went to the zoo= 3
Students who didn’t go to the zoo= 15

3:15 is also equal to 1:5

The ratio of the number of students who went to the zoo to the number of students who did not go to the zoo is 1: 5. Hence option C is true.

Given that;

The students in Shawn's class got to choose whether to visit the zoo or the aquarium.

Here, 3 students went to the zoo and 15 students went to the aquarium.

Hence, the ratio of the number of students who went to the zoo to the number of students who did not go to the zoo is,

Ratio = 3 : 15

Ratio = 3/15

Ratio = 1/5

Ratio = 1 : 5

Thus, option C is true.

Learn more about the ratio visit:


Find the value of x. Round to the nearest tenth.



x=400 m is the correct answer

The graph of which functions has an axis of symmetry at x = -1/4?



2x^2 + x - 1

If I did anything you didn't understand let me know so I can explain.  

Step-by-step explanation:

All of them are quadratics so let's use that.

The first one is 2x^2 + x - 1.  To find the axis of symmetry the strategy is usually to find the two zeroes of a quadratic and pick the number between them.  Something to  notice though is that 2x^2 + x - 1 is just 2x^2 + x sshifted down 1, so they both have the same axis of symmetry.  So I am going to ignore the constant, because then finding the zeroes is much much simpler.  I am going to do this with all opions.

So 2x^2 + x - 1 I am just going to use 2x^2 + x.  If you factor out an x you get x(2x + 1)  So now we have it in factored form and we know the zeroes are 0 and -1/2.  The number directly in between these is -1/4, so the axis of symmetry is x = -1/4.  I don't know if there is only one with that axis of symmetry so i am going to check the rest.

2x^2 - x + 1 means we are only going to look at 2x^2 - x.  factoring we get x(2x - 1) so the zeroes are 0 and 1/2, so the axis of symmetry is at 1/4.

x^2 + 2x - 1 we only use x^2 + 2x.  Factored form is x(x+2) so zeroes are 0 and -2 whichh means axis of symmetry is -1

x^2 - 2x + 1 has the same axis of symmetry as x^2 - 2x, which has zeros at 0 and 2 so the axis of symmetry is at 1.

So yep, it was just the first one.

9514 1404 393


  (a)  f(x) = 2x^2 +x -1

Step-by-step explanation:

For ax^2 +bx +c, the axis of symmetry is x = -b/(2a). For the offered answer choices, the axes of symmetry are ...

  a) x = -1/(2·2) = -1/4 . . . . . . the function we're looking for

  b) x = -(-1)/(2·2) = 1/4

  c) x = -2/(2·1) = -1

  d) x = -(-2)/(2·1) = 1

The function with axis of symmetry x = -1/4 is f(x) = 2x^2 +x -1.

twice n
Algebraic expression


Answer and Step-by-step explanation:

2n is the algebraic expression for twice n.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

Help please! Need this answered quick!




Step-by-step explanation:

the ratio of AB to AD is 3/5 so the ratio of BC to DE is also 3/5, therefore BC=3/5 DE= (3/5)6= 3.6

(2x2 + 1) + 3/2x2=1=4








pls help G, H, I, J pls explain​


Part G

The two angles ABD and DBC form a straight line, so the angles add to 180 degrees.

Let's solve for x.

angle ABD + angle DBC = 180

(0.5x+20) + (2x-10) = 180

2.5x+10 = 180

2.5x = 180-10

2.5x = 170

x = 170/2.5

x = 68

Then we'll use this to find angle ABD

angle ABD = 0.5*x + 20

angle ABD = 0.5*68 + 20

angle ABD = 34 + 20

angle ABD = 54

Answer:  54 degrees


Part H

Use the value of x we found back in part G to find the measure of angle DBC

angle DBC = 2x - 10

angle DBC = 2(68) - 10

angle DBC = 136 - 10

angle DBC = 126

An alternative is to subtract the measure of angle ABD from 180

angle ABD + angle DBC = 180

angle DBC = 180 - (angle ABD)

angle DBC = 180 - 54

angle DBC = 126

Answer: 126 degrees


Part I

This time, the two angles add to 90 degrees as shown by the square corner marker.

(angle XYW) + (angle WYZ) = 90

(1.25x - 10) + (0.75x + 20) = 90

2x + 10 = 90

2x = 90-10

2x = 80

x = 80/2

x = 40

which then leads to,

angle XYW = 1.25*x - 10

angle XYW = 1.25*40 - 10

angle XYW = 50 - 10

angle XYW = 40

Answer:  40 degrees


Part J

We can subtract the result of part I from 90 degrees to get the answer

angle WYZ = 90 - (angle XYW)

angle WYZ = 90 - 40

angle WYZ = 50

Or we could plug the x value x = 40 into the expression for angle WYZ

angle WYZ = 0.75*x + 20

angle WYZ = 0.75*40 + 20

angle WYZ = 30 + 20

angle WYZ = 50

Answer:  50 degrees



The answers we found were

G.  54 degreesH.  126 degreesI.  40 degreesJ.  50 degrees


G. m∠ABD = 54°

H. m∠DBC = 126°

I. m∠XYW = 40°

J. m∠WYZ = 50°

Step-by-step explanation:

∠ABD and ∠DBC are supplementary angles. This means their angles have a sum of 180°.


m∠ABD = 1/2(68) + 20 = 34 + 20 = 54

m∠DBC = 2(68) - 10 = 136 - 10 = 126

Same concept for ∠XYW and ∠WYZ only this time they are complementary angles. This means their angles have a sum of 90°.


m∠XYW = 1 1/4(40) - 10 = 50 - 10 = 40

m∠WYZ = 3/4(40) + 20 = 30 + 20 = 50

a map of an amusement park is shown on a coordinate plane, where each square of the grid represents 1 square meter. The water ride is at (-17,12), the roller coaster is at (26,-8), and the Ferris wheel is at (2,20). Find each distance to the nearest tenth of a meter.
* what is the distance between the water ride and the roller coaster?
*What is the midpoint between the roller coaster and the ferris wheel? what is the distance from the midpoint to the ferris wheel



Step-by-step explanation:

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