Answering the Three Economic Questions
Use the drop-down menus to complete each sentence.
Land, labor, and capital also are known as factors of
Economies must answer the three economic questions because resources are
If an economy does not answer the three economic questions, resources may
consequences can result when an economy does not answer the three economic questions.


Answer 1

Factors Of Production is the first one for sure

The three economic questions are- What goods should be produced, how should they be produced, and who consumes the produce.

I don't know the others


Answer 2


production, limited, run out, negative


see pictures

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when where they divided into 77units?​


when who was divied?


Peggy's use of foul language decreased because it was followed by the loss of her $5 weekly allowance. Taking away Peggy's allowance served as ________ for her foul language. Select one: secondary reinforcement positive punishment negative reinforcement negative punishment


Answer: The answer is negative punishment!


It can't be positive because she is in trouble, and we know it has to be a punishment.

PLEASE help me ASAP.
Social studies question.
1. How can we make proper use of electricity? present any six ways.


1.Adjust your day-to-day behaviors
2.Replace your light bulbs
3.Use smart power strips
4.Install a programmable thermostat
5.Use energy efficient appliances
6.Reduce water heating expenses
7.Install energy efficient windows
8.Upgrade your HVAC system
9.Weatherize your home
10.Insulate your home

Tại sao tri giác xã hội lại chi phối đến giao tiếp nhân sự và ảnh hưởng đến Quẩn trị nhân lực như thế nào?


huh is that a question?

what is religious tolerance how does it helps to maintain peace unity and prosperity in human societies describe with examples​


Religious tolerance is the way to world peace. In order to establish global peace is to avoid violence and follow the ethic that preached by all religions. Both believers and non-believers live in the same society. So it is important that religious tolerance is to maintain peace among people from all over the world.

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due to monsoon from bay of bengall

How did the society originate?​



the society originated in the subjugation of the weaker by the stronger.

Neil conducted a study on a group of women in which they viewed cartoons for an hour under one of two environmental conditionsâ "either alone or with other participants. After the study, the participants rated how much they enjoyed watching the cartoons under the two different conditions. What can be concluded based on the results of this study?


This study can help the researcher determine if women prefer to watch Tv alone, with someone else or if this factor does not affect their preference.

What does this study focus on?

The study focuses on the effect of others' company on women's enjoyability while watching cartoons. This means the purpose of this study is to determine if women enjoy more/less watching cartoons if they are watching them with someone else.

What are the possible results?

Based on this context, the possible results are:

Women's enjoyability is not affected.Women enjoy watching cartoons alone rather than with someone else.Women enjoy watching cartoons with someone else rather than alone.

Note: This question is incomplete because the results of this study are not provided; due to this, I answered it based on general knowledge.

Learn more about preferences in:

A mayor serving in a major metropolitan area receives an internal memorandum indicating personnel at many police stations are single-race. At the time of the report, thirty percent of the police force was black or Hispanic. She immediately calls a press conference and orders transfers of police officers to achieve racial balance across the city. The transferred police officers sue on constitutional grounds. Assuming just these facts, what is the strongest argument that might be advanced by the transferred officers based on constitutional grounds


Answer: The mayor's policy used race as the basis for transfers, and assignments are subject to strict scrutiny


Racism has been a major challenge in the society today. Which is why most countries, organizations and institutions have to be careful with their actions when carrying them out or they would be termed racist for doing so, although some decisions may prove to be one but some don't have it in mind but still they would need to apply wisdom.

The mayor's policy used race as the basis for transfers, and assignments are subject to strict scrutiny

how can you control caste discrimination ?​



We can control caste discrimination by that caste is not made by god it is made by human.All the people are equal.No one is higher or lower.We all should conduct an organization to decrease and control caste discrimination.We all should raise voice and do not discriminate each other.There should be made a strict rule.

why is the idl called the calender line​



The 180° meridian was selected as the International Date Line because it mostly runs through the sparsely populated Central Pacific Ocean. It was decided at the International Meridian Conference in 1884 in Washington, D.C. where 26 countries attended.


Hope it helps

What is development?​


Development refers to any positive change that improve the life or living standards of people.

What is the name of the universal spirit, or force, in Hinduism which a soul rejoins after achieving
moksha (the release from cycle of reincarnation)?
O Brahman
O Vishnu
O Vedas
O the Buddha



I think Brahman


I'm not sure but hope it helps.

ocial structure is divided into primary and secondary sectors. Primary sector refers to ______. networks of social relationships, groups, organizations, stratification systems, communities, and families organizing the work of the society interpersonal relationships that are intimate and personal such as families and friendship groups large organizations including factories, schools, and bureaucracies


Answer: interpersonal relationships that are intimate and personal such as families and friendship.


A social group is made up of two or more people who share a sense of unity and interact with one another. It is a group of people that see one another often and consider themselves to be part of a group. For example, am individual can be a member of a club, sports team, workplace, church group, etc.

The primary group are those individuals that are very close, and they are long lasting, have an intimate relationship and have a strong personal identity with the group.

Any 5 effects of drug addiction on individual
Any 5 effects of drug addiction on society
Any 5 effects of drug addiction on family ​



Side effects of drug addiction may include:

Increased strain on the liver, which puts the person at risk of significant liver damage or liver failure. Seizures, stroke, mental confusion and brain damage. Lung disease. Problems with memory, attention and decision-making, which make daily living more difficult
1.) •Risk of cancer
•Risk of liver problems
•Risk of lung problems
•Risk of depression
•Risk of anxiety

2.) •Less jobs
•More hospitalised people
•More gang crime
•Economic problems
•More homelessness

3.) •Intoxicated home
•Others may get addicted
•Less money
•May distress others
•Mental health

how did Industrial Development help to create big towns and cities​



industrialization has historically led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities. ... This creates even more jobs and demands for housing, thus establishing an urban area.


Answer: Industrialization has historically led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities. This creates even more jobs and demands for housing, thus establishing an urban area.

Hope it helps.

state four advantages of democracy​


1. It allows everyone to have a say in the government

2. It allows for more different point of views.

3. It precludes tyranny

4. It can make people smarter through debates.

In New York Times Co. v. United States, the Supreme Court said that ______. a. government bears an extremely heavy burden of proof to justify prior restraints b. prior restraints are constitutional when speech tends to harm important government interests c. prior restraints are constitutional whenever government disfavors speech d. government bears an extremely heavy burden of proof to justify prior restraints and prior restraints are constitutional when speech tends to harm important government interests


The correct answer is A) government bears an extremely heavy burden of proof to justify prior restraints.

In New York Times Co. v. the United States, the Supreme Court said that "the government bears an extremely heavy burden of proof to justify prior restraints."

In simpler terms, the United States Supreme Court established that the First Amendment to the US Constitution protected the right of the newspaper(The New York Times), to publish the Pentagon Papers.

The Pentagon Papers was the name of the copies of a U.S. military report Daniel Ellsberg released.

During the Richard Nixon presidency years, the Secretary of Defense had a series of secret documents called "the Pentagon Papers," which referred to the Vietnam War and the United States engagement from the 1940s until 1967. Ellsberg knew he had the moral obligation to share these documents with the American citizens, and he did it. So he gave a copy to the New York Times. This influential newspaper published a series of articles that shocked the nation.

Which of the following describes the life and ministry of Jeremiah?

son of a priest
wrote Lamentations
his book is a personal prophetic diary
was a man of sorrow
God revealed His plan for Israel's restoration
a prophet to God's people and gentile kings


jeremiah was a son of priest.he wrote the book of lamentations and also he has a personal prophetic diary. he was kmown as a man of sorrow. he was the prophet of god's people. God reveald his plan for israel restoration.


The correct answers are:

"Son of a priest"

"Wrote Lamentations"

"Was a man of sorrow"


"A prophet to God's people and gentile kings"



               • Remained in Judah during the exile

               • Son of a priest

               • Prophet of Judah

               • Wrote Lamentations

               • Was a man of sorrow

               • Died in Egypt

Hope this helps you! :)

Evaluate how risky behaviour could negatively impact on your careers plan​



risky behaviour could negatively impacts because if we do any risky behaviour then we get accident. and we should loss our life too. and if we risk about any thing then it is very bad for our health and when we driving vehicle and we should get any risk then we may get accident and we may die .

We feel proud of being Nepali. Why? present your views ​


We are proud because Buddha was born here. We are proud because of our Natural Heritage. We are proud of the highest peaks and the lowest valleys.

We are recognized as the country of the highest mountain in the world. So, Sagarmatha is the national pride of Nepal.

exactly in which countries abortion was banned. and what are missing to do it?​



Abortions are completely banned in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic and only allowed in certain restricted circumstances in most other Latin American nations.

Hope this will help you if not then sorry, have a great day :)

why are organizational skills important for an entrepreneur.?​



If your business is not properly organized, tasks can pile up, paperwork gets lost, and valuable time is spent on finding information that should be readily available. However, good organizational skills can make or break a business owner, ultimately saving you time and reducing stress.

five fold health hazards prevalent in Nepal



In developing countries like Nepal, acute sanitation problems and various water borne diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera and typhoid threaten the disaster affected poor and vulnerable people, especially due to the lack of safe drinking water, medicines and hygienic foods.

what do you know about the formulation of the present constitution of Nepal?​



The constitution of Nepal is divided into 35 parts, 308 Articles and 9 Schedules. The Constitution was drafted by the Second Constituent Assembly following the failure of the First Constituent Assembly to produce a constitution in its mandated period after the devastating earthquake in April 2015.

Commissioned by: Constituent Assembly Of Nepal

Location: Constitutional Assembly Secretariat, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu

Purpose: To establish Federalism in Nepal

Date effective: September 20, 2015; 5 years ago

Compare and contrast modernization theory and dependency theory. Which do you think is more useful for explaining global inequality? Explain, using examples.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Modernization theory.

Some scholars such as Armer, the Modernization theory establishes that nations that have low-income workers have repercussions for the lack of industries and the way to improve their condition is to create the kind of industries that offer jobs and produce goods to export.

On the other hand, the Dependency theory states that the reason for inequality in a globalized world is the result of the dominion of wealthy countries that exploit the raw materials and natural resources of developing nations. This generates a dependency vicious cycle so difficult to leave by the developing nation. This country is os tied to the trade relationship with the wealthy country.

I think the Dependency theory is more useful for explaining global inequality because it clearly exemplifies how the powerful nation takes advantage of its power and wealth to keep on exploiting the natural resources of developing countries, as is the case of many developed nations that have a presence in Central America, Latin America, Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.

Globalization will continue to affect the world in the 21st century. However, more and more nations are changing their minds and had elected conservative candidates or nationalistic politicians to be their presidents. This completely changes the nature of globalization.

The dependence theory states that resources flow from a poor to a core or wealthy nation. As a result of this poor states get improvised and the rich ones are improved and the poor are integrated into the world systems.

The modernization theory is based on the process of modernization within societies. It looks at the various factors of the country before giving assistance. The theory identifies social variables that contribute to social progress. Hence the modernization theory can best explain global inequality. As it seeks human limitation, and focuses on the division of labor and democracy.

Learn more about the modernization theory and dependency theory.

Write a PEEL paragraph: Evaluate the effectiveness of being an upstander when confronted with a bullying situation
Wrong answers will be deleted



Point: One effect of being an Upstander when confronted with a bullying situation is that it, in most cases, ends the bullying as far as the person being bullied is concerned.


Evidence: This happened to me when I was in third grade. I was a serial victim of one of my classmates until another classmate who had just joined the class from another school stood up to him on my behalf.

Explanation: Many bullies continue in their nefarious practices because rather than discourage their actions, others out of fear either act as their sidekick (thus joining and aiding them), endorse their action by laughing at the bullied thus acting as a reinforcer, or they simply ignore because they are either indifferent or unable to do anything about it. These are called outsiders.

Because bullies are normally used to inflicting fear and terror, they are usually taken aback and can't handle the situation (in most cases) when out of the blues, someone stands up to them.

Linkback: So because bullies have fears too, and often prey on the "weak", when anyone is brave enough to stand up to them for themselves or for another person, they usually just back down. Sometimes, out of ego, they may attempt to test the strenght of the upstander. With repeated successful resistance, they finally let go of the bullied.


describe how Ubuntu could help to fight social challenges​



Ubuntu is somewhat a South African concept that involves charity, sympathy, and mainly underlines the concept of universal brotherhood. Hence this concept can help fight social challenges such as racism, crime, violence and many more. It can contribute to maintaining peace and harmony in the country at large.

Patrick's family finally convinces him to see a mental health specialist, and he has subsequently been diagnosed with a personality disorder. If Patrick is diagnosed with an odd or eccentric personality disorder, which is most likely his specific diagnosis



Schizotypal personality disorder


When Jacques was younger, he participated in lots of different social clubs as a way of deciding what activities were the most fun. As he got older, he focused on the few he truly enjoyed. He worked as an intern at a company doing the type of work he decided he loved. Jacques is happy with his life choices and really knows what he wants in the future. Which of Marcia's identity statuses applies to Jacques


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.

Answer: Identity Achievement


The state of identity achievement refers to those individuals who, having examined different alternatives, found what they consider to be their purpose, and have built identity commitments based on that.

The fact that Jacques participated in different social clubs before deciding what he likes the most, and made a commitment to work based on that decision reveals that he´s in the state of identity achievement

James Marcia established four developmental identity stations (identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, moratorium, and identity achievement) that represent a distinct configuration of youth's development with regard to identity exploration and commitment to specific values related to identity.

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