why was the recreation of Belgium important in the failure of the schlieffen plan


Answer 1


There were a lot of factors -- most were not what Schlieffen expected.

1. France wasn't that easy to conquer. It took longer than Schlieffen thought.

2. Belgium did not respond the way Schlieffen expected. They fought Germany.

3. Russia was more flexible that Schlieffen thought. They mobilized quicker and were much more adept at using their forces.

4. In all, Schlieffen made plans that were inflexible and did not account for the way wars are actually fought.

Answer 2




To get around the French defences on the German-French border, the forces had to penetrate Belgium and attack the French Army from the north. Because the Belgians refused to let them pass, the Germans decided to invade Belgium by force on August 4, 1914. Belgium's failure to carry out the Schlieffen Plan to conquer Paris infuriated the German Army. From the top down, it was widely assumed that the Belgians had released illegal saboteurs (dubbed "francs-tireurs") and that citizens had tortured and maltreated German soldiers. A series of large-scale attacks on civilians, as well as the demolition of historic structures and cultural sites, was the response. Between August and November 1914, the German army executed between 5,500 and 6,500[13] French and Belgian people, most of them in near-random large-scale shootings of civilians ordered by junior German officials. Individuals suspected of partisan activities were shot and killed in broad daylight. Historians looking at German Army records revealed 101 "significant" occurrences involving ten or more civilians, with a total of 4,421 people dead. In addition, historians identified 383 "minor" occurrences that resulted in the deaths of another 1,100 Belgians. Germany said almost all of them were in retaliation to guerilla attacks. [14] In addition, a number of prominent Belgians, notably politician Adolphe Max and scholar Henri Pirenne, were held as hostages in Germany.

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B) they were eager to see if this new technology was effective in preventing wars
C) they believed that the atom bomb would cause no more damage than regular bombs
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Hello, the answer is D! they were told that it was the only certain way to defeat the militant Japanese empire

The answer to this question is d good luck

Which statement BEST describes life in the Soviet Union under totalitarian leader Joseph Stalin?



critics of the government were murdered or imprisoned


Everyone was paid very little and there was the

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During the eighteenth century France witnessed the emergence of a middle class. Reason (R): The emergence of the middle class happened on account of royal patronage. *
1 point
A Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
C A is true but R is false.
D A is false but R is true.


The middle class emerged in France in the 18th century and it occurred due to the trading activities like silk to other countries and not royal patronage.

During the eighteenth century, it should be noted that a social group emerged in France that was known as the middle class.

Their wealth were gotten from the manufacturing of goods like silk textile and woolen textile that were and these goods were then sold overseas and this group of people got money from such trade. It should be noted that the emergence of the middle class was not due to royal patronage.

In conclusion, A is true but R is false. Therefore, the correct option is C.

Read related link on:


were considered the upper class of colonial society.



In Colonial America, there were three main social classes. They were the gentry, the middle class, and the poor. The highest class was the gentry. They could vote

 how did the articles of confederation limit the power of the federal government


The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution for the United States. Along with this, it is known for being incredibly weak and giving little power to the federal government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government could not tax the states, draft soldiers, regulate trade, or even amend and create new laws.

With the Articles of Confederation being so weak, many people started to realize that having a government that actually had power would be better and strengthen the power of the country as a whole. These people were called Federalists. On the other hand, people who wanted to keep the federal government limited and keep the power in the hands of the people were called Anti-Federalists.

When the Constitutional Convention of 1787 happened, the original goal was just to simply amend the Articles of Confederation. This obviously did not happen though, as the Articles of Confederation was scrapped as a whole and the United States Constitution was created instead, which gave power to the federal government.

do you know Bhutanese language​



Nooooooooooooo but I wanna learn

Describe the conditions at the Japanese intemment camps in New Mexico and the contributions of the Japanese during



In the internment camps, four or five families, with their sparse collections of clothing and possessions, shared tar-papered army-style barracks. Most lived in these conditions for nearly three years or more until the end of the war.

Which is an example of how isolation has affected the Australasian ecozone?



Development of Platypus is an example of how isolation has affected the Australasian ecozone. It is endemic to Australia and has developed by combining different parts of different animals. ... Platypus is, therefore, unique, and is Australian in origin and conservancy.


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the United States that the government needed to be less dependent on foreign oil production

hope that helps you


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In the middle colonies,many European settlers had the new opportunity to become



it is landowners, i had the same question and i got it right by putting landowners

Answer: Landowners

Explanation:history book

Who settled around the Atlantic Coast from Europe?



the pilgrims


Which city is located at 30° N, 31° E?






To me, it looks like Cairo would be the best answer for this. Always make sure to double check just in case!

What event occurred from 1861-1865

A. Revolutionary War
B. Battle of Bunker Hill
C. Civil war
D. World War I



C. Civil war


The American Civil War from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865, was a civil war in the United States fought between northern and Pacific states ("the Union" or "the North") and southern states that voted to secede and form the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy" or "the South").



C. Guerra civil

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We Be People




peace is war

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Answer: Examples included the action oof imposing of poll taxes and residency and literacy tests. An exemption to these requirements was made for all people allowed to vote before the American Civil War, and any of the descendants.


Concentration camps built by Nazis in 1933 initially held Jehovah's Witnesses. Roma people. prisoners of war. political prisoners.


Concentration camps built by Nazis in 1933 initially held political prisoners. Thus, the second option is correct.

What is a concentration camp?

A concentration camp was a place where political prisoners, members of national or minority groups, and others were imprisoned for the sake of national security, for the sake of exploitation, or as a form of punishment, typically by executive order or military order.

Instead of treating people as individuals and without the benefit of an indictment or a fair trial, these camps frequently place people there based on their association with a particular ethnic or political group.

Before the war, anybody who opposed the Nazi party and its government on a political level was detained in concentration camps and made to labor in abhorrent conditions. It was carried out to stop them from participating in guerilla warfare, aiding the enemy, or just frightening the public into obedience.

Therefore, political prisoners were kept in the concentration camps.

To learn more on concentration camp, click here:



How does this second
person find happiness?


Answer:la felicidad es una emocion que se produce en un ser consiente cuando llega a un momento de conformacion

Creo que eso era tu pregunta no la entendi

Espero te sirva


What lessons can the United States learn from the example of Cameroonian democracy?



I don't understand the question

5. The two major political parties




American electoral politics have been dominated by two major political parties since shortly after the founding of the republic. Since the 1850s, they have been the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Alter the American Revolution, why did other nations look to the United States as a model nation?
The United States was a representative democracy
The United States forang its colonial rulers to leave
The United States was able to maintain its independence,
The United States balanced the interests of the central and local governments,
Save and it



The US was able to maintain its independence

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He established an alliance between the British and the Iroquois Confederacy. He led militias and troops in battles that led to the start of the war

Please help me

Write a 1-3 sentence summary that highlights the key point of this fact below

The issues of slavery and central power divided the United Sates. Slavery was the law of the land, north and south, until the early 19th century. It was concentrated in the southern states, where slaves were used as farm laborers and formed the backbone of the southern economy. In the northern states, where industry drove the economy, many people believed that slavery was immoral and wrong. Southerners felt threatened by these northern "abolitionists” and claimed
that the common government had no power to end slavery against the wishes of the states. Eventually, southerners became convinced that the common government
would attempt to abolish slavery nation-wide. Eleven states left the United States
in the following order and formed the Confederate States of America: South
Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia,
Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee.



Abolitionists were an issue/threat to racist southerners. Sla

very was an issue in general. The issues of slavery affected people & the US in general

Which characteristic of government under the Roman Republic had the greatest impact on the democratic tradition?



hope this helps


Republic was the form of government that developed under the Roman Republic and it had the greatest impact on the democratic tradition. It is basically a type of indirect democracy in which the people had the right to chooses the people who had the power of making government decisions.

Which is NOT a characteristic of an oral tradition?
A. To entertain an audience. B. To instigate war Between tribes.
C. To preserve a cultures history.



to instigate a war between tribes


oral traditions teach younger generations history in an entertaining way

To Instigate war is not a characteristic of an oral tradition

Oral Tradition encompasses form of communications where information passed through different generations by word of mouth.

These tradition practice transmits knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material through oral means and are preserved by a generation and transferred to another.

Information transferred includes the likes of proverbs, tales, legends and so on and are common among the African tribe.

In conclusion, Oral tradition are used to entertain and preserves a history but are never used to causes war, rather, they are passed to the next generations.

Learn more about Oral tradition here


What is a manuscript?



The definition of a manuscript is a book that is written for submission to a publisher, or a book, play or other creative work that is written by hand instead of typed

manuscript is the work that an author submits to a publisher, editor, or producer for publication. In publishing, "manuscript" can also refer to one or both of the following: ... an accepted manuscript, reviewed but not yet in a final format, distributed in advance as a preprint.

Hope this helps :))


Did the Aztecs bungee jump?



I think yes


I'm not sure but hope it helps


never thought of that


now I need to know but probably not though but it would be cool

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The newspaper played a key role in the spread of racial consciousness and nationalistic ideas in the interior of Nigeria. Its motto was "Show the light and the people will find the way".

Match each description to the correct civilization.
conquered by
Francisco Pizarro

conquered by Hernán Cortés
located in the Andes

located in Central America
worshiped the sun god, Inti

worshiped many gods,
including Quetzalcoatl



The answer is below


1. The civilization that was conquered by Francisco Pizarro is - INCA

2. The civilization that was conquered by Hernán Cortés - AZTEC

2. The civilization that was located in the Andes Mountains - INCA

3. The civilization that was located in Central America - MAYAN CIVILIZATION

4. The civilization that was worshiped the sun god, Inti - INCA

5. The civilization that was worshiped by many gods, including Quetzalcoatl - AZTEC

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