On the first day of vacation, Morales family drove 312 miles in 6hours. At the rate how far will they travel the next day if they drive for 8 hours?


Answer 1


Assuming a constant rate of travel that is the same as yesterday, 416 miles in 8 hours.

Step-by-step explanation:

We are assuming that the first day's rate will be used in the second. After that, it is a proportions question. We divide 312 by 6 to get 52 miles an hour. Then, we multiply 8 hours by 52 miles to get 416 miles 8 hours.

Related Questions

Which equation would have real zero(s) corresponding to the x-intercept(s) of the graph below?



Choice A.

[tex]y = - {2}^{x} + 4[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Use graphing calculator


Choice A.

Step-by-step explanation:

The number of cubic feet of water in a curved container can be approximated by V=0.95h^2.9 find the amount of water in the container when h=8 feet round to the nearest tenth

Answer choices:
A. 0.9
B. 358.4
C. 395.1
D. 314.9



C. 395.1

Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute the value for x:


-3x > 12
What is the value of x? Use substitution to support your answer.



x < -4

Step-by-step explanation:

-3x > 12

-----   ----

-3      -3

12 ÷ -3 = -4

Which means:

x < -4

(The sign changes because the equation is divided by a negative number)

Hope this helped.


x <-4

Step-by-step explanation:

-3x > 12

Divide each side by -3. remembering to flip the inequality

-3x/-3 > 12/-3

x <-4

represent (-12)+(-8)+14 on a number line​




Step-by-step explanation:

(-12)+(-8)= -20

-20+14= -6

6. If the following fractions were converted to decimals, which one would result in a repeating decimal?
A. 3/7
B. 1/9
C. 3/4
D. 5/11


Are you sure that’s the correct question? All of these are repeating decimals except for C. 3/4

which equation represents the circle described? 1. the radius is 2 units 2. the center of the circle is at (5,-6) (x+5)^2+ (y- 6)^2 =4
(x - 5)^2 + ( y + 6)^2 = 4
(x + 5)^2 + (y - 6)^2 =2
(x - 5)^2 + (y + 6)^2 =2



(x-5)^2 + (y+6)^2 = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a circle is given by

(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2 where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius

(x-5)^2 + (y- -6)^2 = 2^2

(x-5)^2 + (y+6)^2 = 4

Complete the Similarity statement below only if the triangles are similar.


The answer is A because I took this test before and I got it right

please help! Here are the shopping times(in minuts) of nine shoppers at a local grocery store. complete the grouped frequency distribution for the data. in the distribution, the frequency of a class is the number of shopping times in that class.( Note that we are using a class width of 6.)​



The shopping time (in minutes) of the nine shoppers are:

15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29 (just to make it easier to read, I rearranged  everything from least to greatest.)

We can see, that 3 shoppers shopped for 15-20 minutes.

And, 3 shoppers shopped for 21-26 minutes.

And finally, 3 shoppers shopped for 27-32 minutes.

So the answer for all 3 of the boxes is 3.

Let me know if this helps.

On his recent free-throw attempts, Lamar made 4 shots and missed 6 shots. Considering this
data, how many of his next 20 free-throw attempts would you expect Lamar to miss?



12 free throw attempts

Step-by-step explanation:

First, find what percent of free throw attempts he misses:


= 0.6

So, he misses 60% of the time. Multiply 20 by 0.6 to find how many you would expect Lamar to miss out of 20 attempts:


= 12

So, you would expect Lamar to miss 12 free throw attempts

Find the formula for the geometric sequence 1, 5, 25, 125, .


The formula for a geometric sequence is an = a1 * r^n-1. For this problem, our formula can be an = 1 * 5^n-1. a1 is our first term, and r is the common ratio.

To check our formula, we can find the 5th term. a5 = 1 * 5^5-1. This gives us 625. If we look at our last term provided, the 4th term, 125 * 5 is 625.

Many individuals over the age of 40 develop intolerance for milk and milk-based products. A dairy has developed a line of lactose-free products that are more tolerable to such individuals. To assess the potential market for these products, the dairy commissioned a market research study of individuals over 40 years old in its sales area. A random sample of 250 individuals showed that 86 of them suffer from milk intolerance. Based on the sample results, calculate a 90% confidence interval for the population proportion that suffers milk intolerance. Interpret this confidence interval. a) First, show that it is okay to use the 1-proportion z-interval. b) Calculate by hand a 90% confidence interval. c) Provide an interpretation of your confidence interval. d) If the level of confidence was 95% instead of 90%, would the resulting interval be narrower or wider



a) To show that we can use the 1 proportion z-interval, we know that 250 ( size sample) is big enough to approximate the binomial distribution ( tolerance-intolerance) to a normal distribution.

b) See step by step explanation

CI 90 %  =  (  0,296 ; 0,392)

c) We can support that with 90 % of confidence we will find the random variable between this interval ( 0,296 ; 0,392)

d) the CI 95 % will be wider

Step-by-step explanation:

Sample Information:

Sample size n  =  250

number of people with milk intolerance  x = 86

p₁  =  86 / 250    p₁ = 0.344    and   q₁ =  1  - p₁   q₁ = 0,656

To calculate 90 % of Confidence Interval   α = 10%  α/2 = 5 %  

α/2 = 0,05     z(c) from z-table is:  z(c) =  1.6


CI 90 %  =  (  p₁  ±  z(c) * SE )

SE =  √ (p₁*q₁)/n   =  √ 0,225664/250

SE = 0,03

CI 90 %  =  (  0,344  ±  1,6* 0,03 )

CI 90 %  =  (  0,344 - 0,048 ;  0,344 + 0,048)

b) CI 90 %  =  (  0,296 ; 0,392)

a) To show that we can use the 1 proportion z-interval, we know that 250 ( size sample) is big enough to approximate the binomial distribution ( tolerance-intolerance) to a normal distribution.

c) We can support that with 90 % of confidence we will find the random variable between  this interval (  0,296 ; 0,392) .

d) CI 95 %      then significance level α = 5 %   α/2 = 2.5 %  

α/2  =  0,025      z(c) = 1.96   from z-table

SE = 0,03

And  as 1.96 > 1.6    the CI 95 % will be wider

CI 95% =  ( 0,344 ±  1.96*0,03 )

CI 95% =  (  0,344 ± 0,0588 )

CI 95% =  ( 0,2852 ; 0,4028 )

Suppose that a group of 10 people join a weight loss program for 3 months. Each person's weight is recorded at the beginning and at the end of the 3-month program. To test whether the weight loss program is effective, the data should be treated as:


To test the effectiveness of the weight loss program, a PAIRED SAMPLE test distribution is used.

The weight loss data collated for the program for both the beginning and end of the program period was obtained with one subject or person having two separate readings, these shows that the samples are NOT INDEPENDENT.

When performing a test which involves DEPENDENT or MATCHED samples, whereby means of two measurements taken from the SAME subject are involved, a PAIRED SAMPLE TEST DISTRIBUTION IS ADOPTED.

Therefore, the effectiveness of the weight loss programme will be accurately evaluated using a PAIRED SAMPLE TEST.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/17143411

Which of the following numbers is divisible by 6?


Answer: 3246/6= 541

if u wanna know if a # is divisible by 6 or not, see if the # is divisible by 2 or 3. if it works for both, then it is divisible by 6

Is -8 an irrational number?
yes or no


no bc it is not no no no no no no no

A tire manufacturer has a 60,000 mile warranty for tread life. The company wants to make sure the average tire lasts longer than 60,000 miles. The manufacturer tests 250 tires and finds the mean life for these tires to be 64,500 miles.What is the alternative hypothesis being tested in this example



The alternative hypothesis being tested in this example is that the tire life is of more than 60,000 miles, that is:

[tex]H_1: \mu > 60,000[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

A tire manufacturer has a 60,000 mile warranty for tread life. The company wants to make sure the average tire lasts longer than 60,000 miles.

At the null hypothesis, we test if the tire life is of at most 60,000 miles, that is:

[tex]H_0: \mu \leq 60,000[/tex]

At the alternative hypothesis, we test if the tire life is of more than 60,000 miles, that is:

[tex]H_1: \mu > 60,000[/tex]

44,587 plus what equals 65,000​


Let the missing number be x.

=> x + 44587 = 65000

=> x = 65000 - 44587

= 20413

Ans.= The missing number will be 20413.

Hope this answer helps you..



Select it as the BRAINLIEST..

Harrison has 20 tasks on to do list he has completed 5%. How many tasks has he completed?



1 task

Step-by-step explanation:

100%=20 tasks

5%=1 task

Please help almost done will give brainliest

x and y are related.
y = -0.5x + [?]
Enter the answer that belongs in [?].




Step-by-step explanation:

y = -0.5x + [?]

The equation is put in slope intercept form

slope intercept form: y = mx + b

where m = slope and b = y intercept

We want to find the y intercept.

the y intercept is the value of y when x = 0

looking at the table when x = 0, y = -5 so the y intercept is -5.

In other words -5 belongs in [?]

A composite figure is made up of one simple figure.
True or




Step-by-step explanation:

A composite figure would be any irregular shapes and can be made up of multiple shapes

Determine the experimental probability of rolling a sum of 5 with 2 dice 50 times



Step-by-step explanation:

If you rolled a die 50 times and got (say) 8 1s, 7 2s, 9 3s, 10 4s, 9 5s and 7 6s, then the empirical probability of a 1 would be 8/50, of a 2 would be 7/50, of a 4 would be 10/50, of a 5 would be 9/50, and of a 6 would be 7/50.

A baseball fan wanted to know if there is a difference between the number of games played in a World Series when the American League won the series versus when the National League won the series. From 1922 to 2012, the population standard deviation of games won by the American League was 1.14, and the population standard deviation of games won by the National League was 1.11. Of 19 randomly selected World Series games won by the American League, the mean number of games won was 5.76. The mean number of 17 randomly selected games won by the National League was 5.42.

Conduct a hypothesis test use the 10% significance level.



correct u did it

Step-by-step explanation:

told me

To conduct a hypothesis test to determine if there is a significant difference between the number of games won by the American League and the National League in the World Series, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: State the null and alternative hypotheses:

Null hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between the mean number of games won by the American League and the National League.

Alternative hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference between the mean number of games won by the American League and the National League.

Step 2: Determine the significance level:

In this case, the significance level is given as 10%, which means α = 0.10.

Step 3: Conduct the hypothesis test:

To conduct the hypothesis test, we can use a two-sample t-test because we have two independent samples and we do not have information about the population parameters.

Step 4: Calculate the test statistic and p-value:

Using the provided sample means, standard deviations, and sample sizes, we can calculate the test statistic and p-value using statistical software or a calculator.

Step 5: Compare the p-value to the significance level:

If the p-value is less than the significance level (α), we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between the mean number of games won by the American League and the National League. If the p-value is greater than the significance level, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Since the calculation of the test statistic and p-value requires specific values from the samples, such as the sample sizes, it is not possible to perform the exact calculation without those values. Additionally, the information provided in the question does not specify whether the data follows a normal distribution or other assumptions required for the t-test.

To conduct the hypothesis test accurately, it is recommended to use statistical software or consult a statistician who can perform the calculations using the provided sample means, standard deviations, and sample sizes.

To know more about  hypotenuse , here



A basket contains 11/12 pound of strawberries. One serving strawberries is 1/4 pound. How many servings of strawberries are in the basket?



3 2/3 servings

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the total amount of strawberries and divide by the number of strawberries in a serving.

11/12÷ 1/4

Copy dot flip

11/12 * 4/1


11/1 * 4/12

11/1 *1/3


Changing to a mixed number

3 2/3 servings

Weight of strawberries=11/12poundWeight of one serving=1/4pound

No of servings =Total strawberries weight/Per servings weight

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{11}{12}\div \dfrac{1}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{11}{12}\times \dfrac{4}{1}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{11(4)}{12}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{44}{12}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{11}{3}[/tex]

There are total 11/3servings

The product of two positive integer numbers is 70 and the sum of the same two numbers is 17. Find the



7 and 10

Step-by-step explanation:

7 * 10 = 70

7 + 10 = 17


10 and 7

Step-by-step explanation:

call them a and b, respectively

so a*b=70 -> b=70/a

a+b=17 ->a+70/a=17 ->a=10 b =7

Two cards are drawn without replacement from a standard deck of 5252 playing cards. What is the probability of choosing a red card for the second card drawn, if the first card, drawn without replacement, was a club



The probability is 0.51

Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find the of choosing a red card for the second card drawn, given that the first card drawn without replacement, was a club.

Then we need to assume that the first card drawn was a club, so now we have a deck of 51 cards with:

13 hearts

13 diamonds

13 spades

12 clubs.

Now with this deck, the probability of drawing a red card is equal to the quotient between the number of red cards and the total number of cards in the deck.

We have 26 red cards (13 hearts  + 13 diamonds)

And there is a total of 51 cards in the deck, then the probability of drawing a red card now is:

P = 26/51 =0.51

The probability is 0.51

The 47th Annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes toward the Public Schools, conducted in May 2015, sampled 4,500 adult Americans and found that 64% feel there is too much emphasis on standardized testing in the public schools in their community.
Using the quick method, the estimated margin of error for conclusions having 95% confidence about the entire adult population of adult Americans is ___%?




Step-by-step explanation:

Given ;

Sample size, n = 4500

Phat = 64% = 0.64

The margin of error :

Zcritical * √[Phat(1 - Phat) / n]

At 95% confidence level:

Zcritical at 95% = 1.96

Margin of Error :

1.96 * √[0.64(0.36) / 4500]

1.96 * 0.0071554

= 0.0138099

= 0.0138099 * 100%

= 1.3809%

What is 24/9 in simplest form



2 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps :)

don't be afraid to ask questions

The answer to this question is 2 and 2/3

In a nationwide survey conducted by a reputable research​ center, a sample of adults in a certain country were asked whether they favor a plan to break up a small collection of​ megabanks, which controlled about ​% of the banking​ industry; ​% of those sampled responded in the affirmative. According to the​ report, "the margin of sampling error is ​/ percentage points with a ​% level of​ confidence." Find and interpret a ​% confidence interval for the percentage of all adults in the country who favor a plan to break up the megabanks.



(42% ; 48%)

We are 99% confident that the percentage of all adults in the country who favor a plan to break up the megabanks is between 42% and 48%

Step-by-step explanation:

The confidence interval is used to estimate the range of values for which the population value may lie at a certain level of confidence.

Given that :

Phat = 45%

Margin of error = ±3%

The confidence interval is defined as :

C. I = Phat ± margin of error

C. I = 45% ± 3%

Lower boundary :

45% - 3% = 42%

Upper boundary :

45% + 3% = 48%

C.I = (42% ; 48%)

We are 99% confident that the percentage of all adults in the country who favor a plan to break up the megabanks is between 42% and 48%

Thank you for all the help guys



a is the right answer thanks

A grocery store sells apples in bags. Each bag weighs 3/5 of a pound. Alberto's mother buys 6 pounds of apples to make applesauce. How many bags of apples does she buy?​




Step-by-step explanation:

these are small bags (just as comment), so in real life the cost of using bags would add significantly to the price of the apples.

anyway, so we need to find how many units of 3/5 pounds do we need to get 6 pounds ?

3/5 × x = 6

3 × x = 30

x = 10

she buys 10 bags to get 6 pounds.

beverly found a magic bean if she puts it in the soil every single day it will grow 4 cm after how many days will it grow 14.56 meters tall?



It will take 364 days

Step-by-step explanation:

First, convert:

1 meter = 100 cm

14.56 meters = 1456 cm

1456 cm is how tall it is at the end, to find out how many days it takes to grow, divide 1456 by 4 (how much it grows every day).

1456/4 = 364 days

The number of days to grow by 14.56 meters is 364 days.

What is an expression?

Expression in maths is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using signs like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Numbers (constants), variables, operations, functions, brackets, punctuation, and grouping can all be represented by mathematical symbols, which can also be used to indicate the logical syntax's order of operations and other features.

The number of days to grow is 14.56 meters will be calculated as:-

1 meter = 100 cm

14.56 meters = 1456 cm

1456 cm is how tall it is at the end, to find out how many days it takes to grow, divide 1456 by 4 (how much it grows every day).

1456/4 = 364 days

Therefore, the number of days will be 364.

To know more about Expression follow



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