Which equation represents an exponential function with an initial value of 500?

f(x) = 100(5)x
f(x) = 100(x)5
f(x) = 500(2)x
f(x) = 500(x)2


Answer 1


y = 500 * (2)^x is an exponential function

Step-by-step explanation:

An exponential function is of the form

y = a b^x  where a is the initial value and b is the growth/decay factor

y = 500 * (2)^x is an exponential function

Answer 2

The correct equation that represents an exponential function with an initial value of 500 is:

f(x) = 500(2)x

What is a logarithmic function?

The opposite of an exponential function is a logarithmic function. A log function and an exponential function both use the same base. An exponent is a logarithm. f(x) = bx is how the exponential function is expressed. The formula for the logarithmic function is f(x) = log base b of x.

We are given that the initial value of the exponential function is 500. The initial value refers to the value of the function when x is equal to zero. Therefore, the value of f(0) is 500.

Out of the four given options, only option (c) represents an exponential function with an initial value of 500, since f(0) is equal to 500 when x is equal to zero:

f(x) = 500(2)^x

Option (a) represents an exponential function with an initial value of 100 and a base of 5.

Option (b) represents a power function, not an exponential function.

Option (d) represents an exponential function with an initial value of 0 and a base of x^2, which can take any value including negative values, thus it doesn't satisfy the conditions of a valid exponential function.

Learn more about logarithmic functions here:



Related Questions

Keith used the following steps to find the inverse of f, but he thinks he made a error
f(x) = 7x + 5



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\Large \boldsymbol{} f(x) \ \ inverse \ \ function \ \ (f(x))^{-1} \\\\ y=7x+5 \\\\x=7y+5 \\\\ y=\dfrac{x-5}{7} \ \ or \ \ f(x)^{-1}= \dfrac{x-5}{7}[/tex]

*Please Help!*

What is the volume of water, to the nearest tenth of a cubic metre, that would fill this spa tub?

First cylinder= 0.75m diameter, 0.80m height

Cylinder Underneath= 1.25m diameter, 0.70m height

Semi Sphere that holds both cylinders= 3m long



The volume of water that will fill the spa tub is 5.9 cubic meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of water that would fill the spa tub = volume of semi sphere - (volume of the first cylinder + volume of the second cylinder)

i. volume of first cylinder = [tex]\pi[/tex][tex]r^{2}[/tex]h

where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder.

r = [tex]\frac{0.75}{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{3}{8}[/tex]

 = 0.375 m

h = 0.80 m

volume of the first cylinder = [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x [tex](\frac{3}{8} )^{2}[/tex] x 0.8

                                        = 0.3536 cubic meters

ii. volume of the cylinder underneath = [tex]\pi[/tex][tex]r^{2}[/tex]h

r = [tex]\frac{1.25}{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5}{8}[/tex]

 = 0.625

h = 0.70 m

volume of the cylinder underneath = [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x [tex](\frac{5}{8}) ^{2}[/tex] x 0.7

                                                      = 0.8594 cubic meters

iii. volume of the semi sphere = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] [tex]\pi[/tex][tex]r^{3}[/tex]

where r is the radius = 1.5 m

volume of the semi sphere = [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x [tex](1.5)^{3}[/tex]

                                             = 7.0714 cubic meters


volume of the water to fill the spa tub = 7.0714 - (0.3536 + 0.8594)

                                                     = 5.8584

The volume of water that will fill the spa tub is 5.9 cubic meters.

Explain how to solve 5^(x-2)= 8 using the change of base formula



x = 3.3

Step-by-step explanation:

A equation is given to us and we need to solve out for x. The given equation is ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow 5^{x -2}= 8 [/tex]

Take log on both sides with base as " 10" . We have ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow log_{10} 5^{x-2}= log_{10}\ 8[/tex]

Simplify using the property of log , [tex]\sf log a^m = m log a [/tex] , we have ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow ( x -2) log_{10} 5 = log_{10} 8 [/tex]

Simplify ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow ( x -2 ) log_{10}5 = log_{10} 2^3[/tex]

Again simplify using the property of log ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow (x-2) log 5 = 3 log 2[/tex]

We know that log 5 = 0.69 and log 2 = 0.301 , on substituting this , we have ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow ( x - 2 ) = \dfrac{ 3\times 0.301}{0.69}[/tex]

Simplify the RHS ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow x - 2 = 1.30 [/tex]

Add 2 both sides ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \boxed{\blue{\sf x = 3.30}}[/tex]

Hence the Value of x is 3.30 .


its actually 3.292 because we round to the nearest thousandth and thats not even the equation you use above

Step-by-step explanation:

For this equation we use the formula log a^m=m (log a) so the equation will be written as log 5 (5^x-2) = log 5 (8). You use the base, which is 5, and use log to base 5 on both sides of the equation. Then you take the exponent " x-2" and write( x-2) log 5 (5) = log 5(8). Since log a =1, you multiply that 1 by x-2, which keeps it x-2. Making the equation x-2 = log 5 (8). Next, we use the change of the base properties with the formula log b^y= log y/ log b. The equation will be written as x-2 = log 8/ log 5, since 5 is the base it stays in the bottom or basement. We then add +2 to both sides of x-2 and log 8/ log 5. To solve this equation, you can find out what log 8 and log 5 are and divide those and add +2 to solve. So log 8 = 0.903 and log 5 = 0.698970 and divide those to get 1.29190 +2 and you get the answer rounded as 3.292. 

v=u + 2at
Where v is the final velocity (in m/s), u is the initial velocity (in m/s), a is the
acceleration (in m/s?) and t is the time in seconds).
Find v when u is 35 m/s, a is 28 m/s2, and t is 58 seconds.




Step-by-step explanation:





Gary's income and expenses in a month are 4,000 and 3,360 respectively.
a) What percentage of his income are expenses?
b) What percentage of his income is savings?




Step-by-step explanation:



a) Arrange the following numbers so that the sum of any two neighbouring numbers is a perfect square.
7 , 11 , 9 , 14 , 16 , 2 , 25
Ex. 3+6 = 3^2 and 6+10 = 4^2

b) Find a way to arrange all of the intervenes from 1 to 17 to a list with the property from part a)


I'll do part (a) to get you started.

One possible answer to part (a) is 25,11,14,2,7,9,16

There are likely other possible answers.

The explanation is below.


Let's say 7 is the anchor value and we want to see which values could be its next door neighbor.

It can't be 11 since 7+11 = 18 isn't a perfect square.But 9 works because 7+9 = 16 is a perfect square (4^2 = 16)14 doesn't work because 7+14 = 21 isn't a perfect square16 doesn't work either since 7+16 = 23 isn't a perfect square2 however does work since 7+2 = 9 is a perfect squareLastly, 25 won't work because 7+25 = 32 isn't a perfect square

To summarize this subsection, the anchor value 7 could have the neighbors 9 and 2.

So we could have 2,7,9 or 9,7,2 as a subsequence. We'll keep this in mind for later.


Now we'll make 11 the anchor. We already checked 7 and it doesn't work.

9 doesn't work either because 11+9 = 20 isn't a perfect square

11+14 = 25 does work11+16 = 27 doesn't work11+2 = 13 doesn't work11+25 = 36 does work

Of that list, only 14 and 25 are possible neighbors of the anchor value 11.

So we could have the subsequence 14,11,25 or 25,11,14.


If 9 is the anchor, then,

9+7 = 16 works like we found earlier (section 1)9+11 = 20 doesn't work9+14 = 23 doesn't work9+16 = 25 does work9+2 = 11 doesn't work9+25 = 34 doesn't work

The values 7 and 16 are possible neighbors of 9. We could have the subsequence 7,9,16 or 16,9,7

Let's go back to the subsequence 2,7,9 and tack 16 at the end to get 2,7,9,16


If 14 is the anchor, then,

7 doesn't work because 14+7 = 2111 does work either because 14+11 = 259 doesn't work because 14+9 = 2316 doesn't work because 14+16 = 302 does work because 14+2 = 1625 doesn't work since 14+25 = 39

We could have the subsequence 11,14,2 or 2,14,11

Let's go with the first option and stick "11,14,2" in front of "2,7,9,16" to end up with the larger subsequence 11,14,2,7,9,16

We can then stick 25 at the front because 25+11 = 36 is a perfect square.


So one possible sequence of values is 25,11,14,2,7,9,16

Here's the verification

25+11 = 36 is a perfect square (6^2 = 36)11+14 = 25 is a perfect square (5^2 = 25)14+2 = 16 is a perfect square (4^2 = 16)2+7 = 9 is a perfect square (3^2 = 9)7+9 = 16 is a perfect square (4^2 = 16)9+16 = 25 is a perfect square (5^2 = 25)

Each pair of adjacent terms add up to a perfect square, so the answer is confirmed.

There are probably other solutions as well.

Side note: The video math channel "Numberphile" has a video discussing this topic in which you might be interested in. Search out "The square sum problem" with quotes (the presenter/teacher in the video is Matt Parker).


25, 11, 14, 2, 7, 9, 16.

Step-by-step explanation:

25 + 11 = 6^2

11 + 14 = 5^2

14 + 2 = 4^2

2 + 7 = 3^2

7 + 9 = 4^2

9 + 16 = 5^2

A cash register at a store contains $277 bills. There are six more $5 bills than $10 bills. The number of $1bills is two more than 24 times the number of $10 bills. How many bills of each kind are there


Answer: See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Your question isn't well written, the store contains $227 and not $277.

let c be the number of $1 bills

let f be the number of $5 bills

let t be the number of $10 bills.

Therefore, the equation will be:

1c + 5f + 10t = 227

Since there are six more $5 bills than $10 bills, therefore,

f = t+6

Also, the number of $1 bills is two more than 24 times the number of $10 bills and this will be:

c = 24t + 2

Now, we substitute the equation for f and c into the main equation and this will be:

1c + 5f + 10t = 277

1(24t + 2) + 5(t + 6) + 10t = 227

24t + 2 + 5t + 30 + 10t = 227

39t + 32 = 227

39t = 227 - 32

39t = 195

t = 195/39

t = 5

Therefore, there are 5 $10 bills

Since c = 24t + 2

c = 24(5) + 2

c = 120 + 2

c = 122

Therefore, there are 122 $1 bills

Since f = t+6

f = 5+6

f = 11

Therefore, there are 11 $5 bills.

Find the center and radius of the circle whose equation is x 2 + y 2 - 6x - 2y + 4 = 0



[tex]{ \tt{ {x}^{2} + {y}^{2} - 6x - 2y + 4 = 0 }} [/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{(3, \: 1)}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{radius = \sqrt{ {g}^{2} + {f}^{2} - c } }} \\ = \sqrt{36 + 4 - 4} \\ = 6 \: units[/tex]

expand this question (x+5)(x-3)


X•x + x•-3 + 5•x +5•-3

Question 6 of 10
How much would $500 invested at 6% interest compounded monthly be
worth after 5 years? Round your answer to the nearest cen
(0) - P(144
A $674,43
B. $886,41
C, 5669.11
D. $512,68


9514 1404 393


  A.  $674.43

Step-by-step explanation:

The account balance is given by ...

  A = P(1 +r/12)^(12t) . . . . . principal P invested at annual rate r for t years

  A = $500(1 +0.06/12)^(12·5) = $500(1.005^60)

  A ≈ $674.43

state the dimensions of the matrix. identify the indicated element​



D; 2 * 3; -4

Step-by-step explanation:

The dimension of the matrix refers to the number of elements in a row multiplied by the number of elements is a column

In a row, we have 2 elements, in a column , we have 3 elements

So the matrix is of 2 * 3 dimension

a21, refers to the element in the matrix that is in the row 2 column 1 and that is -4

If triangle LMQ is similar to triangle LNP, calculate the length of segment LP.



LP = 15

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the triangles are similar then the ratios of corresponding sides are equal, that is

[tex]\frac{LM}{LN}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{LQ}{LP}[/tex] , substitute values

[tex]\frac{4}{10}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{LQ}{LQ+QP}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{2}{5}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{LQ}{LQ+9 }[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

5LQ = 2(LQ + 9) = 2LQ + 18 ( subtract 2LQ from both sides )

3LQ = 18 ( divide both sides by 3 )

LQ = 6


LP = LQ + QP = 6 + 9 = 15

Can someone help me with this math homework please!




Step-by-step explanation:

From the graph the first local minimum is -16.18

The local maximum is 3.75

The second local minimum is -3.


Over the interval (-3,0), the local minimum is -16.18Over the interval  [0,3], the local maximum is -3.75Over the interval [0,3], the minimum is -3


Hope it helps..

Have a great day!!

1. What is the sum of 3/4 and 4/5?


3/4 + 4/5 =
15/20 + 16/20 = 31/20
= 1 and 11/20

please me in the math
Find the H.C.F
[tex] {x}^{2} - 4 \\ {x}^{3} + 8 \\ {x}^{2} + 5x + 6[/tex]
​it so simple


Step-by-step explanation:


First equation x ² - 4

= (x+2) (x-2)

Second equation = x ³ +8 + = x³+2^3

= (x-2) (x² + x₁2 +2²) = (x-2) (x² + 2x+4)

3 Third equation = x ² + 5x + 6

= x² + 6x= x +6 = x(x+6)-1(x+6)

(x-1) (x+6)

H.C. F= x-2

Solve for ppp. 16-3p=\dfrac23p+516−3p= 3 2 ​ p+516, minus, 3, p, equals, start fraction, 2, divided by, 3, end fraction, p, plus, 5 p=p=p, equals



The given equation is:


To find:

The value of p.


We have,


Multiply both sides by 3.



Isolating the variable terms, we get



Divide both sides by 11, we get



Therefore, the required solution is [tex]p=3[/tex].



Step-by-step explanation:

i got it right on khan

A block is being dragged along a horizontal surface by a constant horizontal force of size 45 N. It covers 8 m in the first 2 s and 8.5 m in the next 1 s. Find the mass of the block.

Answer: 15kg

Can anyone please explain this sum with proper working? ​



Solution: To determine mass of the block we can use second Newton' law \vec F=m\vec a




. The force and acceleration according the problem is directed along a horizontal surface, and we can omit the vector sign in Newton's law. The force we know F=45NF=45N, thus we should deduce the acceleration. The problem does not specify the initial speed at which time began to count, so for the first time interval, we may write the kinematics equation in the form

(1) S_1=v_1\cdot t_1+a\frac {t_1^2}{2}S











, where S_1=8m, t_1=2s S




=2s , other quantities we don't know. The similar equation we can write for next time interval

(2) S_2=v_2\cdot t_2+ a\frac{t_2^2}{2}S











. where S_2=8.5m, t_2=1s S





Note that during the first time interval, the speed of the block increased in accordance with the law of equidistant motion and it became the initial speed of the second interval, i.e.

(3) v_2=v_1+a\cdot t_1v






Substitute (3) to (2) we get

(4) S_2=(v_1+a\cdot t_1)\cdot t_2+ a\frac{t_2^2}{2}=v_1\cdot t_2+a\cdot t_1\cdot t_2+a\frac{t_2^2}{2}S


























From equation (1) and (4) we can exclude unknown quantity v_1v


, then remain only one unknown aa. For determine aa we dived (1) by t_1t


, (4) by t_2t


to find the average speed at time intervals and subtract (1) from (4).

(5) \frac {S_2}{t_2}-\frac {S_1}{t_1}=v_1+a\cdot t_1 +a\frac {t_2}{2}-(v_1+a\frac{t_1}{2})=a\frac{t_1+t_2}{2}-





























− For acceleration we get

(6) a=2\cdot ( {\frac{S_2}{t_2}-\frac{S_1}{t_1})/(t_1+t_2)}=2\cdot \frac{(8.5m/s-4m/s)}{3s}=3ms^{-2}a=2⋅(


















For mass from second Newton's law we get

(7) m=\frac{F}{a}=\frac{45N}{3ms^{-2}}=15kgm=








Answer: The mass of the block is 15 kg

Explain this to me I don't understand




Step-by-step explanation:


tan 43 = about 0.933

than times it by 28 and get


Work out 8^1/3 divide by 5^-2




Step-by-step explanation:

answer is 66.6666666667

The solution of the division of 5⁻² by 8^(1/3) will be 50.

What is an expression?

The mathematical expression is the combination of numerical variables and operations denoted by addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division signs.

Mathematical symbols can be used to represent numbers (constants), variables, operations, functions, brackets, punctuation, and grouping. They can also be used to denote the logical syntax's operation order and other properties.

Given numbers will be solved as:-

Division = ( 8 ^ (1/3) / 5⁻²

Division = 2 x5²

Division = 50

Therefore, the solution of the division of 5⁻² by 8^(1/3) will be 50.

To know more about an expression follow



Determine whether ABC are functions:

A. (2,5) (3,7) (-1,4) (0, 6)
B.(-3, 1) (4, 2) (5,-2) (-3,-1)
C. (3,4) (-4, 6) (-1,0) (0,1)



A. Function

B. Not a function

C. function

Does the graph have even symmetry, odd symmetry, or neither ?



Odd symetry I think

Step-by-step explanation:

Sorry I'm new can you be my friend too please?

Hope this helps!:)

Have a nice day.

Keep scrolling for more....

Have a great day

You can do anything you put your mind to



This is it

what's is 11 divided by 620​




Step-by-step explanation:

En un triángulo ABC, se traza la mediana BM, si AM = 5x - 4 y MC = 3x + 6. Calcula AC.
A) 5 B) 7 C) 14 D) 21 E) 42



A) 5

Step-by-step explanation:

A restaurant freezes a cherry and lime juice mixture to create slushes. Cherry juice costs $5 per quart, and lime juice costs $3 per quart. Each day, the restaurant spends a total of $36 on 8 quarts of juice. The restaurant manager organizes the information in the table below.

Which equation can be used to determine the amount of cherry juice in each mixture?

5q + 3(8 – q) = 36
5q + 3(8 – q) = 8
q + (8 – q) = 8
q + 5 = 5q



I think 5q+3(8-q) =36 is the answer for this question

Based on the amount the restaurant manager spends on the juice mixture, the amount of cherry juice can be found as 5q + 3(8 – q) = 8.

What is the amount of cherry juice used?

Assuming the cherry juice is q and the lime juice is r, the following formulas would be true:

q + r = 8

5q + 3r = 36

The first equation can be rewritten as:

q + r = 8

r = 8 - q

Using substitution into the second formula we get:

5q + 3r = 36

5q + 3(8 - q) = 36

Find out more on simultaneous equations at https://brainly.com/question/16863577.


7. La somme de deux multiples de 3 consécutifs est de 129. Quels sont ces deux nombres?



Les deux nombres doivent avoir une différence de 3. Algébriquement, ce serait x + (x + 3) = 129. 2x est alors égal à 126. X est égal à 63 et x + 3 est à 66. Ces nombres sont des multiples consécutifs de 3 dont la somme est de 129.

Step-by-step explanation:

The two numbers must have a difference of 3. Algebraically, it would be x + (x + 3) = 129. 2x then is equal to 126. X equals 63 and x + 3 is 66. These numbers are consecutive multiples of 3 whose sum is 129.

Evaluate the following expression using the values given: (1 point)

Find 3x − y − 3z if x = −2, y = 1, and z = −2.


3(-2) - 1 - 3(-2) = -1

find the least square number which is exactly divisible by 8,12,15&20​



first we need to find the LCM of the given numbers i.e. 8, 12, 15 and 20



as 2, 3, 5 are not in pairs, we need to multiply the LCM with 2*5*3=30


least perfect square number which is divisible by each of numbers 8 12 15 and 20


Step-by-step explanation:

Hello can we be friends.....

Connor wants to represent 25 divided by the difference of 12 and seven he writes the expression of ( 25÷12) -7 is Connor expression correct explain


Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Check to see if Connor is right

25 divided by the difference of 12 and seven

25 / (12 - 7)

Since we have a 12 and seven, that means that we have them together.  However, how Connor is presenting it, it would be 25 divided by 12 subtracted 7.  Therefore, Connor is incorrect.


No he's not correct.

Step-by-step explanation: Let's take a step back and look at the question, he wants to represent the difference of 12 and 7 ÷ by 25. Therefore in order to do that we need to figure out the difference 12 and 7 so the equation would look like this 12-7=5  after doing that we divide 5 by 25 so it would look like this 25÷5=5.

So the correct equation is (12-5) ÷25

Hope this helps!


What type of line is PQ?

A. side bisector
B. altitude
C. median
D. angle bisector




Step-by-step explanation:

Since ∠ RPQ = ∠ SPQ = 60° , then

PQ bisects ∠ RPS and is an angle bisector

PQ exists the angle bisector of angle RPS. It means PQ divides the angle RPS in two equivalent parts.

What is angle bisector?

Angle bisector in geometry directs to a line that divides an angle into two equivalent angles. A bisector represents the thing that bisects a shape or an object into two equivalent regions. If we draw a ray that bisects an angle into two equivalent parts of the exact measurement, then it exists named an angle bisector.

It is given that ray PQ is the angle bisector of angle RPS. It means PQ divides the angle RPS in two equivalent parts.

[tex]$m \angle R P Q=m \angle QP S=60^{\circ}$[/tex]

Now, [tex]&m \angle R P S=m \angle R P Q+m \angle Q P S \\[/tex]

[tex]&m \angle R P S=60^{\circ}+60^{\circ} \\[/tex]

[tex]&m \angle R P S=120^{\circ}[/tex]

Therefore, the measure of angle RPS is [tex]$60^{\circ}$[/tex].

Therefore, the correct answer is option D. angle bisector.

To learn more about angle bisector



Cassie paid 55% of the bill. The remaining $18 was covered by her friend. What was the total bill


40 dollars since 50% of 40 is 20 and an extra 5% cuts 2 dollars off so 55% is 22 dollars thar Cassie payed leaving her friend with 18 dollars
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