One of the sales consultants at Ebhayi furniture store is performing very poorly. She arrives late for work and phones in sick at least once a month. She is also rude to customers and doesn't mix well with the other staff. The owner has asked you to deal with it. Discuss how you will handle this staff member.


Answer 1


i will give many works like carpenter and also I give her my position just for one day to maintain the shop . I think if she do shop owner's work she will definitely understand it and she becomes change


I will bring the same worker like she and the staff will behave rude to her and she becomes change if she understand the rude staff disturbance that how all staffs and customers feel like her. one day her behaviour will change

Related Questions

Explain how the hotel business could create added value to the goods they buy in?



Well-designed rooms, attractive and comfortable appliances, well-dressed and respectful assistants, good quality entertainment equipment, and delightful food made by experienced chefs.


Guests will feel more welcomed to a clean and comfortable hotel. Respectful assistants, good quality entertainment equipment, and food made by experienced chefs can boost the morale of guests.

A consumer's weekly income is $250, and the consumer buys 12 bars of chocolate per week. When weekly income increases to $280, the consumer buys 13 bars per week. The income elasticity of demand for chocolate by this consumer is about





Given that we have the formula for calculating income elasticity of demand as the percent change in quantity demanded divided by the percent change in income, hence, we have the percent change in quantity demanded => 13 - 12 = 1 ÷ 12 = 0.083

the percent change in income => 280 - 250 = 30 ÷ 250 = 0.12

Therefore we have => 0.083 ÷ 0.12 = 0.69

Hence, the final answer is 0.69

The following data apply to Elizabeth's Electrical Equipment:
Value of operations $20,000
Short-term investments $1,000
Debt $6,000
Number of shares 300
The company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock. What will the intrinsic per share stock price be immediately after the repurchase?





Calculation to determine the intrinsic per share stock price be immediately after the repurchase

First step

Total Assets=Value of operations of 20,000+ Short term investments of 1000

Total Assets=$21,000

Second step

Equity =Assets - Debt

Equity= $21,000-$6,000

Equity= $15,000

Now let determine the intrinsic per share stock price

Intrinsic per share stock price=$15,000/300

Intrinsic per share stock price=$50

Therefore the Intrinsic value per share will be $50 immediately after the repurchase has occured.

The intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase would be approximately $166,716.67

How did we get the value?

To determine the intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase, we need to calculate the new number of shares outstanding after the repurchase and then divide the remaining value of operations by the new number of shares.

Given data:

Value of operations: $20,000

Short-term investments: $1,000

Debt: $6,000

Number of shares: 300

First, we need to calculate the new number of shares outstanding after the repurchase. Since the company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock, we can use this information to determine the number of shares repurchased.

The value of operations ($20,000) plus the short-term investments ($1,000) minus the debt ($6,000) gives us the total equity value of the company before the repurchase:

Equity value before repurchase = Value of operations + Short-term investments - Debt

= $20,000 + $1,000 - $6,000

= $15,000

Let's assume the repurchased shares are denoted by R.

Now, we can set up an equation to represent the total equity value after the repurchase:

Equity value after repurchase = (Number of shares - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price

Given that the total equity value after the repurchase is $15,000 and the number of shares is 300, we have:

$15,000 = (300 - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price

We also know that the company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock, so we can set up another equation to represent the total value of the repurchased shares:

Total value of repurchased shares = R × Intrinsic per share stock price

Given that the total value of repurchased shares is $50 million, we have:

$50,000,000 = R × Intrinsic per share stock price

Now we can solve these two equations simultaneously to find the values of R (repurchased shares) and Intrinsic per share stock price.

We have the following system of equations:

$15,000 = (300 - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price ...(1)

$50,000,000 = R × Intrinsic per share stock price ...(2)

Divide equation (2) by Intrinsic per share stock price:

$50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price = R

Substitute this value of R into equation (1):

$15,000 = (300 - ($50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price)) × Intrinsic per share stock price


$15,000 = 300 × Intrinsic per share stock price - (50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price) × Intrinsic per share stock price

$15,000 = 300 × Intrinsic per share stock price - 50,000,000

Rearrange the equation:

300 × Intrinsic per share stock price = $15,000 + $50,000,000

300 × Intrinsic per share stock price = $50,015,000

Intrinsic per share stock price = $50,015,000 / 300

Intrinsic per share stock price = $166,716.67 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase would be approximately $166,716.67.

learn more about stock price:


the gap between 'where we are now' and 'where we want to be' is known as the.....​



Planning gap.


Planning can be defined as the process of developing organizational objectives and translating them into action plans or courses of action.

This ultimately implies that, planning is a strategic technique used by organizations to make an aggregate plan for its manufacturing (production) process typically ahead of time, in order to have an idea of the level of goods that are to be produced and what resources are required so as to reduce the total cost of production to its barest minimum.

The planning gap can be defined as the gap between "where we are now?" and "where we want to be?"

Basically, "where are we now?" describe the current situation of things or financial and non-financial activities that a business firm currently holds.

On the other hand, "where we want to be?" is a vision and mission statement that focuses on achieving the goals and objectives set for a business firm.

Big Red Motors, Inc., employs 15 personnel to market its line of luxury automobiles. The average car sells for $75,000, and a 6 percent commission is paid to the salesperson. Big Red Motors is considering a change to the commission arrangement where the company would pay each salesperson a salary of $1,600 per mont plus a commission of 2 percent of the sales made by that salesperson. What is the amount of total monthly car sales at whit Big Red Motors would be indifferent as to which plan to select?


Answer: $600,000


The commission earned per car in the initial arrangement is:

= 6% * Total cars sales

With the second arrangement the amount spent would be:

= Salary of employees + commission

= (15 * 1,600) + (2% * total car sales)

= 24,000 + (2% * car sales)

Assuming total car sales is x, relevant expression is:

6% * x = 24,000 + (2% * x)

0.06x = 24,000 + 0.02x

0.06x - 0.02x = 24,000

0.04x = 24,000

x = 24,000 / 0.04

x = $600,000

A permanent flood control dam is expected to have an initial cost of $2.8 million and an annual upkeep cost of $20,000. In addition, minor reconstruction will be required every 5 years at a cost of $200,000. As a result of the dam, flood damage will be reduced by an average of $180,000 per year. Using an interest rate of 6% per year, the conventional B/C ratio will be closest to:





Present Value of annual Maintenance cost = $20,000 / 6% = $333,333.33

In five year time, $200,000  is required as major maintenance cost. So effective rate for 5 year = [(1 + 6%) ^ 5] - 1 = 1.3382 - 1 = 0.3382 = 33.82%. Present Value of 5 year cost = $200,000 / 33.82% = $200,000 / 0.3382 = $591,366.06

Total Present Value cost = $2,800,000 + $333,333.33 + $591,366.06 = $3,724,699.39.

Annual Cost = $3,724,699.39 * 6% = $223,481.96.

Benefit / Cost = $180,000 / $223,481.96

Benefit / Cost = 0.805434138845032

Benefit / Cost = 0.81

So, conventional  B/C ratio is 0.81.

During 2017, Benson purchased $1,450,000 of raw materials, incurred direct labor costs of $250,000, and incurred manufacturing overhead totaling $160,000. How much raw materials were transferred to production during 2017 for Benson



Raw Materials transferred to production during 2017 $1,466,000


The computation of the raw material transferred to production is given below:

Opening raw material 2016 $80,000

Add : Purchase of Raw material $1,450,000

Less Closing Stock raw material 2017 $64,000

Raw Materials transferred to production during 2017 $1,466,000

Hence, the same should be relevant

Mr A is unemployed but he decides to move out the labor market to stay at home and enjoy the rest of his life by inheritance. Other things equal, the action will decrease the unemployment rate. True or false? and why





In general, the unemployment rate in the United States is obtained by dividing the number of unemployed persons by the number of persons in the labor force (employed or unemployed) and multiplying that figure by 100. › story

la·bor force

all the members of a particular organization or population who are able to work, viewed collectively.

"a firm with a labor force of one hundred people"


Definitions from Oxford Languages

Your father offers you a choice of $120,000 in 11 years or $48,500 today. Use Appendix B as an approximate answer, but calculate your final answer using the formula and financial calculator methods. a-1. If money is discounted at 11 percent, what is the present value of the $120,000





Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows

Present value can be calculated using a financial calculator

Cash flow in year 1 to 10 = 0

Cash flow in year 11 = $120,000

I = 11

PV = 38,074

To determine PV using a financial calculator take the following steps:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  

Given the choice, i would choose $48,500 today.

MC Qu. 101 The following information... The following information describes a company's usage of direct labor in a recent period. The direct labor rate variance is: Actual hours used 46,000 Actual rate per hour $ 16 Standard rate per hour $ 15 Standard hours for units produced 48,000



$46,000 Unfavorable


Calculation to determine what The direct labor rate variance is:

Using this formula

Direct labor rate variance = Actual hours * ( Actual Rate - Standard Rate)

Let plug in the formula

Direct labor rate variance=46000*($16- $15)

Direct labor rate variance=46,000*$1

Direct labor rate variance=$46,000 Unfavorable

Therefore The direct labor rate variance is: $46,000 Unfavorable

Identify whether each of the following statements best illustrates the concept of consumer surplus, producer surplus, or neither.
Statement Consumer Surplus Producer Surplus Neither
Even though I was willing to pay up to $83 for a watch, I bought a watch for only $75.
I sold a used textbook for $55, even though I was willing to go as low as $47 in order to sell it.
A local store was having a sale on sweaters, so I bought a jersey sweater for my brother.



Consumer surplus

producer surplus



Consumer surplus is the difference between the willingness to pay of a consumer and the price of the good.

Consumer surplus = willingness to pay – price of the good

The willingness to pay for the watch was $83 but the watch was bought for $75. There is a consumer surplus from the purchase

Producer surplus is the difference between the price of a good and the least price the seller is willing to sell the product

Producer surplus = price – least price the seller is willing to accept

The least price the seller was willing to accept for the purchase was $47 but he was paid $55 for the textbook. This is a producer surplus

Show Me How
Cost Flow Methods
The following three identical units of Item LO3V are purchased during April:
Item Beta
April 2
April 15
April 20
Average cost per unit
($816 + 3 units)
Assume that one unit is sold on April 27 for $345. Determine the gross profit for April and ending inventory on April 30 using the (a) first-in, first-out (FIFO); (b)
last-in, first-out (LIFO); and (c) weighted average cost method.
Gross Profit
Ending Inventory
a. First-In, first-out (FIFO)
b. Last-in, first-out (LIFO)
c. Weighted average cost



Cost Flow Methods

Gross profit and ending inventory on April 30 using:

                                                          Gross Profit     Ending Inventory

(a) first-in, first-out (FIFO)                     $75                   $546

(b) last-in, first-out (LIFO)                       $71                   $542

(c) weighted average cost method     $73                   $544


a) Data and Calculations:

Item Beta   Cost

April 2  Purchase   $270

April 15  Purchase   272

April 20  Purchase 274

Total                      $816

Average cost per unit = $272  ($816/ 3 units)

Assume that one unit is sold on April 27 for $345

Gross profit and ending inventory on April 30 using:

                                                          Gross Profit            Ending Inventory

(a) first-in, first-out (FIFO)                 $75 ($345 - $270)  $546 ($816 - $270)

(b) last-in, first-out (LIFO)                   $71 ($345 - $274)   $542 ($816 - $274)

(c) weighted average cost method $73 ($345 - $272)  $544 ($816 - $272)

Ending inventory = Cost of goods available for sale Minus Cost of goods sold

Gross profit = Sales Minus Cost of goods sold

The closer the smoothing constant, ALPHA, is to 0 the greater the reaction to the most recent demand the greater the dampening, or smoothing, effect the more accurate the forecast will be the less accurate the forecast will be


Answer: the greater the dampening, or smoothing effect


The smoothing constant determines the level at which a forecast is influenced by previous observations. It simply determine the sensitivity of forecasts with regards to the changes in demand.

It should be noted that large values of α will lead to a scenario whereby forecasts will be more responsive to the more recent levels. On the other hand, the smaller values will result in a damping effect. Therefore, the closer the smoothing constant to α, the greater the dampening, or smoothing effect.

At year-end (December 31), Chan Company estimates its bad debts as 0.30% of its annual credit sales of $896,000. Chan records its Bad Debts Expense for that estimate. On the following February 1, Chan decides that the $448 account of P. Park is uncollectible and writes it off as a bad debt. On June 5, Park unexpectedly pays the amount previously written off. Prepare Chan's journal entries for the transactions.




Dec 31:

Debit Bad debts expense = 0.003 × $896000 = $2688

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts = $2688

February 1:

Debit Allowance for doubtful accounts $448

Credit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

June 5:

Debit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts $448

June 5:

Debit Cash $448

Credit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

Pecan Theatre Inc. owns and operates movie theaters throughout Florida and Georgia. Pecan Theatre has declared the following annual dividends over a six-year period: 20Y1, $80,000; 20Y2, $90,000; 20Y3, $150,000; 20Y4, $150,000; 20Y5, $160,000; and 20Y6, $180,000. During the entire period ended December 31 of each year, the outstanding stock of the company was composed of 250,000 shares of cumulative, preferred 2% stock, $20 par, and 500,000 shares of common stock, $15 par. Assuming a market price per share of $25.00 for the preferred stock and $17.50 for the common stock, determine the average annual percentage return on initial shareholders' investment, based on the average annual dividend per share (a) for preferred stock and (b) for common stock.



Pecan Theatre Inc.

Average annual percentage return

                              Cost    Market   20Y1   20Y2  20Y3  20Y4  20Y5  20Y6

                                 per share

Preferred stock   $20.00 $25.00    2%        2%       2%      2%      2%      2%

Common stock    $15.00  $17.50    0%         0%       0%   0.7%   0.8%   0.11%


a) Data and Calculations:

Dividends:                              Cumulative               Common Stock

                                         Preferred Stock               Dividends

                                    Dividends   Per share                   Per share

20Y1,     $80,000           $80,000   $0.40                 $0           $0

20Y2,    $90,000             90,000   $0.40                   0           $0

20Y3,   $150,000           150,000   $0.40                   0           $0

20Y4,   $150,000           100,000   $0.40              50,000      $0.10

20Y5,   $160,000           100,000   $0.40             60,000       $0.12

20Y6,   $180,000           100,000   $0.40             80,000       $0.16

Average annual percentage return

                              Cost    Market   20Y1   20Y2  20Y3  20Y4  20Y5  20Y6

                                 per share

Preferred stock   $20.00 $25.00    2%        2%       2%      2%      2%      2%

Common stock    $15.00  $17.50    0%         0%       0%   0.7%   0.8%   0.11%

Average annual percentage return = Dividend per share/Initial Cost per share

Stephen is a graduate student at West University. He works part-time at the campus coffee shop earning $5,000 this year. Stephen also receives a $25,000 scholarship that pays for his tuition, fees, and books. What amount does Stephen include in his gross income





Stephen is a graduate student at a university

He works part time at a shop where he earns 5,000 this is als like compensation

He receives $25,000 for scholarships

The amount Stephen includes in id groas income is 5,000

what are the purpose of the information in Management?​



The purpose of information management is to: design, develop, manage, and use information with insight and innovation. support decision making and create value for individuals, organizations, communities, and societies.


It helps dictate how businesses form strategies, and implement processes based on them.

Read the argument below and determine the underlying principle that was used to come to the conclusion presented: A free college education for every citizen is important because it helps the United States create the best-educated workforce in the world. European countries like Germany are able to provide a free college education to their citizens, and the United States should as well. Which other argument uses the same underlying principle as the argument above?

a. Children should get free dental care, even if they drink a lot of soda which causes cavities.
b. Children should get free dental care because it will help prevent more serious issues later on and reduces future healthcare costs.
c. Every child should get free dental care, even if they can afford to pay for it.



1. The underlying principle is

to create the best-educated workforce in the world.

2. The argument that uses the same underlying principle as the argument  1 above is:

b. Children should get free dental care because it will help prevent more serious issues later on and reduces future healthcare costs.


The underlying principle is a general rule which can be applied to different situations.  It shows the reason for doing something or embarking on a program.  For example, to offer free college education for every U.S. citizen, the underlying principle is to "create the best-educated workforce in the world."

In addition to the date of recordation, what other factor is used to determine lien priority?



Two factors primarily determine lien priority. Firstly the lien's categorization as superior or junior, and secondly the date the lien was recorded.


An encumbrance is most broadly defined as

another's right to use a property without the permission of the property owner.

another's right to claim the sale proceeds of a property that has been used as collateral for a loan.

another's interest in a real property that limits the interests of the freehold property owner.

another's right to control how the freehold owner of a real property uses the property.

In addition to the date of recordation, lien's categorization is other factor used to determine lien priority.

What is lien priority?

Lien priority helps to know the order in which creditors get paid following a foreclosure.

Date of recordation is one of the factor yo consider because those on the earlier dates are attended to first.

Therefore, lien priority is so base on categorization because Superiors are been attended to first.

Learn more about lien priority at;

Cara has just come in for her morning shift , but the sales floor is a mess . Looks like the night crew didn't clean up . She groans , but then gets to work cleaning the displays before customers come . If she doesn't , who else will ? What good problem - solving skills is she exhibiting? a ) Seeking advice when necessary Ob ) Open to seeing new perspectives c ) Having a solutions - oriented attitude



having a solutions-oriented attitude


she seen things wasn't done so she starts cleaning because she takes pride in her job

why multinational company are developed​



Multinationals provide an inflow of capital into the developing country.


This capital investment helps the economy develop and increase its productive capacity.

Multinational corporations (MNCs) have a global presence, even in developing countries. There are over 80,000 companies that drive the 21st-century economy. For example, Coca-Cola sells its product in nearly every country and has established over 900 bottling facilities worldwide. MNCs have propelled the GDP of their parent countries, most notably the United States, Japan, China and Western Europe, but how do their international operations affect developing countries?

It is difficult to say whether multinational corporations in developing countries are decidedly ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ One must consider many perspectives before making that judgment. However, researchers have identified a variety of positive and negative impacts applicable to most MNCs

Steve King and Chelsy Stevens formed a partnership, dividing income as follows: Annual salary allowance to King of $128,250. Interest of 7% on each partner's capital balance on January 1. Any remaining net income divided to King and Stevens, 1:2. King and Stevens had $75,000 and $81,000, respectively, in their January 1 capital balances. Net income for the year was $225,000. How much is distributed to King and Stevens



King and Stevens Partnership

                                King         Stevens       Total

Distributions        $162,110     $62,890   $225,000


a) Data and Calculations:

Annual salary allowance to King = $128,250

Interest rate on capital = 7%

Income sharing ratio = 1:2 King and Stevens

Net income for the year = $225,000

Capital balances = $75,000 King and $81,000 Stevens

                                King         Stevens    Total

Capital                 $75,000     $81,000    $156,000

Net income                                             $225,000

Annual salary      128,250                 0     (128,250)

Interest on capital  5,250         5,670        (10,920)

Share of profits     28,610       57,220       (85,830)

Capital, ending  $237,110    $143,890    $381,000

Distributions      $162,110     $62,890   $225,000

On October 1, 2020 Sheffield Corp. issued 5%, 10-year bonds with a face value of $6140000 at 104. Interest is paid on October 1 and April 1, with any premiums or discounts amortized on a straight-line basis. Bond interest expense reported on the December 31, 2020 income statement of Sheffield Corp. would be:_________


Answer: $70610


Following the information given, the issue price of the bond will be:

= $6,140,000 × 1.04

= $6,385,600

The premium on bonds payables will be:

= $6,385,600 - $6,140,000

= $245,600

Cash interest Payables will be:

= 6,140,000 × 5% × 3/12

= $76,750

Bond Premium amortization for Each Year will be:

= 245,600 / 10

= $24,560

Then, the premium amortized will be:

= $24,560 × 3/12

= $6,140

Therefore, the interest expenses on Dec 31 will be:

= Cash interset Payables - Premium amortized

= $76,750 - $6,140

= $70,610

acc 430 Firm B, a calendar year, cash basis taxpayer, leases lawn and garden equipment. During December, it received the following cash payments. To what extent does each payment represent current taxable income to Firm B


Answer: See explanation


a. Even though firm B received a cash of $522, only $22 which is the interest will be taxable as the $500 which is the principal isn't taxable.

b. Even though Firm B got $600 cash, there'll be no taxable income as the receipt brought about a liability. Hence, taxable income is 0.

c. Even though Firm B got $10000 cash, there'll be no taxable income as the receipt brought about a liability and the net worth wasn't increased. Hence, taxable income is 0.

d. The taxable income here will be $888.

Standish Company manufactures consumer products and provided the following information for the month of February:

Units produced 131,000
Standard direct labor hours per unit 0.20
Standard fixed overhead rate (per direct labor hour) $2.50
Budgeted fixed overhead $65,000
Actual fixed overhead costs $68,300
Actual hours worked 26,350

a. Calculate the fixed overhead spending variance using the formula approach.
b. Calculate the volume variance using the formula approach.


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

a. Fixed overhead Spending Variance is

= Budgeted Fixed Overhead - Actual Fixed overhead

= $65000 - $68300

= - $3300 (unfavorable)


Fixed Overhead Volume Variance is

= (131000 × 0.20 × $2.50) - $65000

=$65500 - $65000

= $500 Favorable

In this way these can be determined

1. Costs that do not change with the change in the level of production for some time is classified as ________.
a. variable costs.
b. fixed costs.
c. mixed costs.
d. none of these choices are correct.
2. Under variable costing, the cost of goods manufactured consists of all except:_____.
a. direct materials.
b. direct labor.
c. variable factory overhead.
d. fixed factory overhead.
3. Costs that have characteristics of both a variable cost and a fixed cost are classified as ________.
a. variable costs.
b. fixed costs.
c. mixed costs.
d. none of these choices are correct.



1. b. fixed costs.

2. d. fixed factory overhead.

3. c. mixed costs.


Costs are usually classified as fixed and variable cost. Fixed cost are cost that don not vary with the level of activities (usually expressed as units of production or sales) of an organization.

Variable cost on the other hand are cost that varies with the level of activity. A combination of these cost is called mixed cost.

Under variable costing, all cost are dependent on activity level hence are not fixed.

In the short run, open-market purchases a. increase investment and real GDP, and decrease interest rates. b. increase real GDP and interest rates, and decrease investment. c. increase investment and interest rates, and decrease real GDP. d. decrease investment, interest rates, and real GDP.


Answer: a. increase investment and real GDP, and decrease interest rates.


During an Open Market Purchase, the central bank of the country would be buying back securities from the public which means that it would be infusing money into the economic system.

With an increased amount of money in the economy, people will be able to save more which means that interests rate will drop because there are now more loanable funds. This drop in interest rates will encourage more companies and people to borrow cash for investment which will then lead to a higher GDP.

In the short run, in the open-market purchase, there has been an increase in investment and real GDP and decreased interest rates. Thus option A is correct.

The interest rate has been the amount of interest lent onto the principal sum. The GDP has been the gross domestic product that has been the market value of the final products.

In the open-market purchase, there has been an increase in the amount of money in the market. The government has been buying the securities and results in the market flow of money. The market flow will eventually result in an increase in the GDP with the decreased interest rates.

Thus in the short run, in the open-market purchase, there has been an increase in investment and real GDP and decreased interest rates. Thus option A is correct.

For more information about the open market purchase, refer to the link:

which of the following attributes is not necessary for the information to qualify as a trade secret?



short and long to type


i hope this question is helpful

please like comment


Corporation produces a single product. The cost of producing and selling a single unit of this product at the company's normal activity level of 46,000 units per month is as follows:

Per Unit Direct materials $45.60
Direct labor $8.70
Variable manufacturing overhead $1.70
Fixed manufacturing overhead $18.50
Variable selling & administrative expense $3.00
Fixed selling & administrative expense $14.00

The normal selling price of the product is $98.10 per unit.

An order has been received from an overseas customer for 2,600 units to be delivered this month at a special discounted price. This order would not change the total amount of the company's fixed costs. The variable selling and administrative expense would be $1.80 less per unit on this order than on normal sales.

Direct labor is a variable cost in this company.

Suppose there is not enough idle capacity to produce all of the units for the overseas customer and accepting the special order would require cutting back on production of 1,000 units for regular customers. The minimum acceptable price per unit for the special order is closest to: __________



Ash Corporation

The minimum acceptable price per unit for the special order is closest to:

= $94.93.


a) Data and Calculations:

Normal production capacity per month = 46,000 units

Per Unit

Direct materials                                            $45.60

Direct labor                                                     $8.70

Variable manufacturing overhead                 $1.70

Fixed manufacturing overhead                   $18.50

Variable selling & administrative expense  $3.00

Fixed selling & administrative expense     $14.00

The normal selling price of the product = $98.10 per unit.

Special order = 2,600 units

Relevant costs:

Direct materials                                            $45.60

Direct labor                                                     $8.70

Variable manufacturing overhead                 $1.70  

Variable selling & administrative expense   $1.20

Total relevant costs per unit                      $57.20

Total variable cost for the special order = $148,720 ($57.20 * 2,600)

Loss sales revenue (1,000 * $98.10)              98,100

Total cost for the special order =             $246,820

Minimum acceptable price per unit = $94.93 ($246,820/2,600)

A firm's market-to-book ratio might be greater than 1.0 due to accounting reasons. An example of an accounting reason that would cause the market-to-book ratio to increase is


Answer: off-balance-sheet assets arising from investments in successful research and development programs that are expensed according to conservative accounting principles.


The market to book ratio refers to the financial valuation metric that is used in the evaluation of the current market value of a company relative to the book value of the company.

It should be noted that there'll be an increase in the market price of a company when there are investments which are made by the company in successful research and development programs which entails the use of the conservative accounting principles.

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