One way an auther uses direct characterization is by telling the reader about the character through
what the character says.
O what the narrator says.
O what the character does.
O what the narrator does.


Answer 1


what the narrator says


because narrator is the one who describes

Related Questions

10. What are some differences between Poe's literary impact and his cultural impact??


Edgar Allan Poe influenced Literature in many ways. He has influenced comic books, novels, series, and short stories. He influenced science fiction and also detective fiction. ... This character and Poe laid the 'groundwork' for the Sherlock Holmes books.

Passage AHume argued that we have no rational basis for believing in miracles. But think about all the many miracles of modern medicine that have improved human health and dramatically extended the average lifespan during this century! Hume was simply wrong.Passage BMost people will tell you that it is important for kids to go to school. But those people are wrong. The dictionary
defines "kid" as denoting young goats. Surely, it is a bad idea to fill our schools with goats!Passage CThis newspaper headline says, "Earliest chocolate use has been found in what is now U.S." But that can't be true: The cacao plant isn't native to North America, whereas it has been grown and harvested in Central and South America for nearly 2,000 years. Surely, the earliest use of chocolate occurred somewhere south of what is now the U.S.Passage DMinneapolis is north of St. Louis, and New Orleans is south of St. Louis. Therefore, New Orleans is south of Minneapolis.Passage EPolice officers in this city swear an oath to "serve and protect" its citizens. Obviously, to "serve and protect" does not involve undue force or physical assault. So, the allegations that these police officers physically assaulted the defendant must be false.Passage A,B,C,D,E: DOES/DOES NOT commit a fallacy. Specifically, it DOES OR DOES NOT commit the fallacy of equivocation, and it DOES OR DOES NOT commit the fallacy of amphiboly.



Passage A commits a fallacy but does not commit a fallacy of equivocation or amphiboly.

Passage B commits a fallacy and specifically commits a fallacy of equivocation.

Passage C commits a fallacy but does not commit a fallacy of equivocation or amphiboly.

Passage D does not commit a fallacy

Passage E commits a fallacy and specifically commits a fallacy of amphiboly.


A fallacy is an argument that isn't sound because it has a faulty logic. There are many different types of fallacies. The fallacies dealt in our example here: fallacy of equivocation and fallacy of amphiboly both deal with fallacies stemming from ambiguity of words or sentences such that they can mean so many things at the same time. While fallacy of equivocation deals with fallacies resulting from ambiguity caused by use of a word that could mean so many things, fallacy of amphiboly deals with fallacies from ambiguity of phrases and sentences.

What do you think a child most understand to study cultural diversity?


To respect and love others. It can affect social and emotional development.

please write story about disability and discrimination person.​




The morning of my job interview brought excitement and anxiety. At the same time, I felt prepared and confident. It was the beginning of 2017 and already I had gone through three rounds of phone interviews, all rigorous, yet fair. This final interview would be our first face-to-face meeting. After passing through such an extensive interview process, backed by my impeccable credentials, I felt this meeting would be a formality.  

A 14-year veteran New York City public school teacher, I was applying for a literacy coach position to train new teachers. The interviews had gone so well, I was certain a job offer would soon follow.  

I met my interviewer for the first time at Starbucks. Soon after we started, I saw the sparkle leave her eyes. I noticed the fidgeting, a symptom of her sense of discomfort. Instead of asking about my pedagogical philosophy or leadership style, she asked me this: How am I able to get the students to listen to me?  

The implication behind her question was clear: She didn’t think my students pay attention to me. Despite 14 years of exemplary performance evaluations, including high ratings for classroom management, somehow she believed my skills were wanting.  

Later, I was informed that I was not selected for the position. After sailing through every stage of the application process, something had changed. Suddenly, she seemed to lose all enthusiasm for my candidacy.  

What happened?  

Disabled in a city not made for me

Meeting me for the first time, my interviewer saw a woman in a motorized wheelchair. She didn’t see a black woman. She didn’t even see a capable professional. What she saw was a disabled person.  

I am a tenured, New York City teacher with a master’s degree in School Leadership from New York University. At my school, I held four leadership positions: English Department chair, testing coordinator, grade level chair and professional development committee member. The next step in my career would be educational administration.  

I also have spinal muscular atrophy type II, a neural disease that occurs in 1 in every 6,000 children. It leads to decreased motor skills and deteriorating muscles. In 2008, I survived a risky surgery in which my spine was exposed, untwisted, and reinforced with titanium, possibly adding as many as 20 years to my life.    

How to prevent corruption, protect the rule of law and repair democracy: Bharara & Whitman  

Immigrant detention centers keep profiting from immoral policies  

Despite my professional qualifications, there have been some programs I am unable to take full advantage of because of a lack of disability access. I was accepted to the CUNY-NYC Leadership Academy Program for Future Middle School Principals. The program was extremely rigorous. The reality of living with a disability means that my physical needs had to be met before I could work toward any goal. I had to consider whether the “reasonable accommodations” that employers are required to provide under the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act — certain protections are guaranteed by law — would allow me to participate.  

Classes were held from 4 to 8 p.m. once a week in Queens. The journey from my school in the Bronx began right after work. In a society where the infrastructure is designed for able-bodied individuals, most people can’t conceptualize how challenging it can be for people with physical disabilities. A small thing we take for granted — going to the bathroom in a public place — can present a serious problem when there are no bathrooms that are wheelchair accessible.  

Of course, if I had to use the bathroom during the school day, I couldn’t because I could not enter with my wheelchair. I had to wait until I got home to relieve myself. Under this program, I would not make it home until 10 pm. My doctor had warned me to consider the long-term impact of this schedule on my kidneys and overall health.  

To further complicate the matter, the only wheelchair access to the building where the class was being held was on a side street that required me to pass through a parking lot. When I arrived at the door, I would have to wait for security to let me in.  

Dayniah Manderson is a 38-year-old veteran public school educator and single mother. She served as Ms. Wheelchair New York 2017 and is an advocate for people with disabilities.  



Nelson Cornwall was hard of hearing, yet he wanted to be a commercial air-pilot. This dream of his would always get him laughs and mockery by part of the men and women who hung around him as well as the kids. “How can a man who has no hearing be capable to fly a plane?” asked the people who met Nelson. Yet, Nelson did not give up. He interned in the “Wayward Aviation Academy” and got his license.

Once he had his license in hand he looked for employment as a cargo carrier. However, no matter where he went people mocked him saying a man who communicates through sign language cannot become a pilot. Once man who interviewed him by the name of Joel laughed at his attempt to communicate with him through sign language, the man spoke slowly. Very slowly so Nelson could understand what his lips spoke: “Listen kid, no one will hire you. You think you are complete? You aren’t complete, no one will hire you”. Nelson understood his words, and left the place with tears in his eyes.

He kept looking for work desperately. Until, one day a nice and kind gentleman gave him a chance, an opportunity. “Can you fly” asked the man to Nelson. Nelson read his lips and understood him. Nelson nodded yes, and rode one of the aircrafts provided by the nice gentleman. When everyone saw he could ride an aircraft they were shocked and learned their lesson to not mock a man with a disability. For who knows maybe a man with a disability may just do the same thing that you can do.

I need help of rewriting these passive sentences to active.
The negotiations were thought by the workers to be unfair because they included five management representatives but only one union representative.



The workers thought the negotiations were unfair because they included five management representatives but only one union representative


The negotiations are thought by the workers to be unfair because the include five management representatives, but only one union representative.

I need help please.



where is poem? in that content

. Katia ______go to university next year
A. is hoping to B. I hope C. is hope to




Katie is hoping to go to university next year.

I think that it will be letter A

help me please I will mark you as brainliest and it is 29 point who cannot do this homework do not answer and you will not get the point ok grade 7



When you came back, she already cleaned the house.

He felt sorry that he hurt his father so much.

When I finished my homework I helped father in the garden.

The policeman said he witnessed the whole scene himself.

Mother hung the clothes on the line after she washed them.

The firemen arrived only a few minutes after our neighbor telephoned them.


Very much explantory.

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which two sentences contribute to a sense of hope in this excerpt from "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin?
She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent Itself she went away to her room
alone. She would have no one follow her.
There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted
her body and seemed to reach into her soul.
She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aqulver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain
was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her faintly,
and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.
There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her
She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,
as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.
tum. All rights reserved.



1. The tops of trees that were all aqulver with the new spring life.

2. The delicious breath of rain

was in the air.


The two sentences speak about newness of life(hope)

1. In a paragraph the first sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph or what the
paragraph is about is termed as:
A Topic
B. Tile
C. Topic sentence
D. Conclusion​



Topic sentence is termed as first sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph


Topic Sentence


It is in an persuasive essay, body paragraph

By using try TEEL format.

how does the author effectively build suspense in this passage ?
A. The narrator claims to have had an acute sense of hearing
B. The old man and the narrator seem to like one another.
C. The narrator has announced that a crime will take place.
D. The old man’s eyes described as pale blue.



D. The old man’s eyes described as pale blue.


According to the excerpt from Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator talks about how his senses were sharpened and not dulled as most people would imagine. He considered taking the old man's life, not because of some personal slight or to take his property, but because he wanted to end the man's life and rid himself of the pale blue eyes.

The author effectively builds suspense in this passage by describing the old man's eyes as pale blue

Think of an argument you've been in where you wanted someone to agree with you, or to change their opinion on something. How did you try and convince them? Did you see things from their perspective? Did you give reasoning for your viewpoint? What was the outcome?



i seen things from their perspective and gave my reasoning for why i think what i think and we came to a agreement

anybody free plz. tell. me​



yes I'm free what you are going to tell

Why did the author write this passage


Provide the passage for an answer!

can books and stories about characters and event that are not real teach us anything useful



yes , ofcourse


they will have a good moral in them


Yes they can


an example of this would be fables, fictional stories sometimes told through talking animals in a fictional stories such as the rabbit and the hair to teach us important moral values

what do you do daily?Have you noted down details of your daily activities? what do you call it if you keep it as your personal document?​



Best Daily Routines for a Healthy Life

1. Start the Day With a Glass of Lemon Water. Simply add the juice of half a lemon to your glass and drink it to enjoy a refreshing start to the day. ...

2. Exercise in the Morning. ...

3. Eat a Good Breakfast. ...

4. Stay Hydrated. ...

5. Get a Healthy Lunch. ...

6. Do Some Mid-Afternoon Stretches. ...

7. Dinner. ...

8. Take Time to Relax.

In your words provide a brief definition for "target language"?



the language into which a text, document, or speech is translated

what is full form of coumputer​



the full form of IS is indian standard

Identify the symbolism in the poem. For instance, what do the birds, the singing, and the sky represent? What is the central meaning of the poem?



Caged bird, open sky, free birds


The caged bird depicts the African American who has been bound by society, and the cage symbolizes society. The laterally sky, which is far away from the imprisoned bird, represents freedom, since the free bird “identifies the sky his own.” White Americans might be represented by the free bird. 


In the poem, Maya Angelou compares a caged bird to a free bird. The caged bird represents the African American who is restricted by society, and society is represented by the cage. The sky, which is wide-open, yet distant to the caged bird, symbolizes freedom, as the free bird “names the sky his own.” The free bird could represent white Americans. The free bird’s life is carefree and unfettered, and its voice is beautiful and free. The caged bird, on the other hand, is trapped in a cage and “stands on the grave of dreams.” Its voice is fearful and unnatural. The singing of both birds represents self-expression and how discrimination and inequality can hinder and distort the views, ambitions, and expression of those who are persecuted.


Sample answer from Edmentum :)

self control in the hit of rage/extreme anger



When you start feeling angry, try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or stopping your angry thoughts. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax" or "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply until the anger subsides



If you start to get angry, stop and take deep breaths. Then count back from ten very slowly. Afterwards go to a solitude place to think about what your so angry about. Listen to relaxing music or do something calming to take your mind off that problem.When your calm enough talk about your problem to someone like a parent or friend.

Thinking Critically and Solving Problems
Which conclusion is supported by the graph?
Food Spending and Percent of Income
Spent on Food
Spending (eftaris)
Percent (right acis)
People in the highest quintile spend about
$4,000 on food or about 30% of their income.
People in the lowest quintile spend half as
much on food as people in the highest quintile.
As their incomes rise, people spend a greater
portion of their total income on food.
As their incomes rise, people spend more on
D) food, but it represents a smaller portion of
their income.
Average annual food spending


The correct answer is D. As their incomes rise, people spend more on food, but it represents a smaller portion of their income.

The graph shows the relationship between "food spending and percent of income spent on food". In the left part, it shows the values ​​of "Average annual food spending ($) that go from 0 to 16,000. In the right part, it shows the values ​​of Percent of income spent on food" that go from 0 to 35. In the part below, five "income quintiles" are shown.

The first (lowest) quintile spends about $ 4,000 per year on food, which is 35% of income.

The second quintile spends about $ 6,000 per year on food, which is about 18% of income.

The third quintile spends about $ 7,000 per year on food, which is about 12% of income.

The fourth quintile spends a little less than $ 10,000 per year on food, which is about 10% of income.

The fifth (highest) quintile spends a little less than $ 14,000 per year on food, which is about 7% of income.

According to the above information, the reader can establish that people who have more income spend more on food. However, this represents a lower percentage of their total income. For example, people who spend just under $ 14,000 on food are spending about 7% of their income, while people who spend about $ 4,000 per year on food are spending 35% of their income. According to the above, the correct answer is D. As their incomes rise, people spend more on food, but it represents a smaller portion of their income.

What is the irony in the following quote?

MACBETH: “I drink to the general joy o' the whole table,
And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss;
Would he were here!

1. Macbeth misses Banquo.
2. Macbeth wishes Banquo was there because he is seeing his bloody ghost.
3. Macbeth is scared about what the future brings for himself and his country.
4. Macbeth is sad because he knows what he has done.


the irony is : Macbeth misses Banquo

Select the correct superlative form of the adverb far in the sentence below. Of all the runners, Jan ran _______.
A. farthest
B. more farther
C. farther
D. more far


Answer: A. farthest


Jan ran farthest is correct.

worksheet 64
Edited (Errors)
incorrect correct
5. Most of the people which appear(a) ........ , ....... most often into history books (b) ........... , ......... are greatly conquerors and generals. (c) ......... , .........
The people which really helped(d) ......... , ......... civilisadoestion forward are never (e)........ , ....... mentioning at all. We (f) ......... , ........
does not know who made (g) .......... , ..........
the first-boat or calculating (h) ........... , ..........
the length of the year. (i) ........... , ...........

please answer me please I need this ​


(a) which - who

(b) often - oftenly

(c) greatly - great

(d) which - who

(e) are - were

(f) mentioning - mentioned

(g) does not - do not

(h) calculating - calculated

(I) the - a

According to the chart above, which roller coaster has the largest drop?
a. Top Thrill Dragster
C. Kingda ka
b. Titan
d. Steel Dragon 2000



The answer is C.Kinda ka

Select the correct answer.
Read this sentence:
The outside of the house has deteriorated so much because of the gritty salt air from the ocean... I wish that it could be improved.

Which context clue from the sentence helps clarify the definition and connotation of the word deteriorated?


“Gritty salt air from the ocean”
“Could be improved”

Read this excerpt from "The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes.”

I'm only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this earth would be!

Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that


Answer: Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that the money spent on the war would be better utilized if it were used to help end poverty or find answers or solutions to environmental issues.

Which option is the best example of internal rhyme?
A. Becca discovered a moth/ and scared it away with a cloth.
B. Cassandra lives / to care for doves / and gaze at leaves.
C. I am told / that Tia found / a bar of gold / in Puget Sound.
D. He's a wiz in the biz of selling / oil and soil to companies.


Answer: A is the best example of an internal rhyme.

Explanation: The reason being, is that the end of verse one, the word moth, rhymes with the last verse of line two, cloth. Basically moth and cloth rhyme, making it an internal rhyme.

Please, help me.

Someone can teach me English, because I'm from Brazil and if you know how to speak Spanish, it's better for me.


Answer: I could get in but I don’t know Spanish properly is that ok??


b. The word ‘fresh’ in the phrase ‘fresh measurement’ in the second paragraph means:
i. having its original qualities unimpaired.
ii. not frozen, tinned or otherwise preserved.
iii. not previously done, new or different.
guys i need your help. what could be its answer



iii no.


I just guess so because it says fresh measurement

Other Questions
There are 9 people in an office with 4 different phone lines. If all the lines begin to ring at once, how many groups of 4 people can answer these lines? what is the meaning of bio a microwave operates at a frequency of 2400 MHZ. the height of the oven cavity is 25 cm and the base measures 30 cm by 30 cm. assume that microwave energy is generated uniformly on the uipper surface. What is the power output of the oven why were. children in such high demand Consider this report belongs to an athlete with a calculated BMI of 28.9. The BMI value mathematically correlates height and weight with risks to health. BMI is useful for evaluating health risks of obesity. However, BMI is not equally useful in all populations because BMI fails to:________.a) measure how much of a person's weight is fatb) measure weight in kilogramsc) where the fat is locatedd) a and ce) all of the above One of the major difference between Japanese immigrants as compared to Chinese immigrants was A that Japanese immigrants were literate. B that the Japanese government was muchstronger in its influence than the Chinese.CJapanese women came in greater numbers than the Chinese, D all of these answers are correct. :. In the diagram below, AC is congruent to CE and D is the midpoint of CE. If CE = 10x + 18, DE = 7x - 1, and BC = 9x - 2, find AB. In the equation 17x2 = 12x, the value of c is:O 0O 12O 17 Write a program in c++ that will:1. Call a function to input temperatures for consecutive days in 1D array. NOTE: The temperatures will be integer numbers. There will be no more than 10 temperatures.The user will input the number of temperatures to be read. There will be no more than 10 temperatures.2. Call a function to sort the array by ascending order. You can use any sorting algorithm you wish as long as you can explain it.3. Call a function that will return the average of the temperatures. The average should be displayed to two decimal places.Sample Run:Please input the number of temperatures to be read5Input temperature 1:68Input temperature 2:75Input temperature 3:36Input temperature 4:91Input temperature 5:84Sorted temperature array in ascending order is 36 68 75 84 91The average temperature is 70.80The highest temperature is 91.00The lowest temperature is 36.00 find perimeter of the semicircular region A generator is designed to produce a maximum emf of 190 V while rotating with an angular speed of 3800 rpm. Each coil of the generator has an area of 0.016 m2. If the magnetic field used in the generator has a magnitude of 0.052 T, how many turns of wire are needed For a particular species of wolf, 55% are female, 20% hunt in medium-sized packs, and 15% are both female and hunt in medium-sized packs. What is the percent of wolves that are female but do not hunt in medium-sized packs? Which process is the one that starts all things off by generating glucose from sunlight? photosynthesis cellular respiration aerobic respiration why atoms of magnet differ from normal atoms?Copied answers In a standard cost accounting system, the entry to record purchase of raw materials on account for $13500 when the standard cost is $12620 includes:______.a. debit to Raw Materials Inventory for 12,750, debit to Materials Price Variance for $750 and credit to Accounts Payable for $13,500. B. debit to Materials Price Variance for S7S0 and credit to Accounts Payable for $750. c. debit to Raw Materials Inventory for $13,500 and credit to Accounts Payable of $13,500. d. debit to Raw Materials Inventory for $12,750 and credit to Accounts Payable of $12,750. Can someone help me explain this question? :( I have to record myself answering it and send it to my teacherWhat is the effect on the graph of f(x) if it is changed to f(x) + 7, f(x + 7) or 7f(x)? Giving full details three strategies that the government may use to build a positive relationship with citizens I need help with this please The following industries have a market-oriented location A. Newspapers B. Yahoo! Data center C. Paper mills D. Textiles I saw in a show that love and altruism is mainly just genetic because it is for our self preservation. Could someone elaborate on this more and explain how love could be more than just being selfish?