opinión sobre el cyber bullyng


Answer 1


El ciberacoso es uno de los problemas de la sociedad que existe desde hace un tiempo y proviene de personas celosas o absurdas.


espero que esto ayude

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Is it likely an extremist party to emerge on either end of the political spectrum?





No, an extremist party will not emerge on either end of the political spectrum because extremist party only emerge when all the members of this party are extremists so their ideology also turn extremists while on the other hand, if the number of non-extremists are more in the party than extremists then the party will not turn into extremist party so it depends on the ideology of members that is present on that party.

Guys do you have any idea about prison uniform colors meaning?



Prison clothes are orange because it makes it harder for inmates to escape and remain inconspicuous. if they're orange, they're a lot easier to spot and a lot harder to lose track of. It also makes it really obvious to other people if they do escape, and it allows them to be more easily recaptured.


I think some red uniforms means or signify danger,or its to restrict the prisoner,to place his or her mind on the fact that they're under Purnishment

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We can see this clearly in the joke Nelly's co-workers made. Just trying to let her know of her actions which they do not approve of.

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Small sample size affects the generalization of research results

How is assimilation relevant to previous waves of immigration to the U.S?



Social Policy and Welfare

Employment and Income Dynamics

The Context of Immigration


Immigration researchers disagree about many major issues that are essential for revising social policy, including the criteria used to admit immigrants and the extent of social supports required to ensure their successful integration. More specific areas of disagreement include: whether recent arrivals are less skilled than earlier arrivals; whether the pace of socioeconomic assimilation has slowed in recent years and, if so, why; whether the net social and economic impacts of immigration are positive or negative; Contextual analyses of immigrants' integration experiences are an important area of needed information. In practical terms, this means that future national surveys of immigrants should not only permit subgroup analysis, but should also represent the social and economic spectrum of communities in which immigrants reside.

I didnt have much to explain base on your question i hope this helps but good luck <333

What does the debate over amnesty and a path to citizenship involve?



The debate regarding the path to citizenship and amnesty for illegal immigrants is part of a broad social discussion in the United States, where issues such as national security, the rule of law and respect for immigration institutions are weighed, on the one hand; and the right of people to live in peace, freedom and security, on the other, considering that illegal migrants, in the vast majority of cases, come to America escaping from undesirable situations such as poverty or violence.

Sara’s Family Sara was
a teen parent when she had Ty four year ago; now she is 20.



and? Df is the question


Trong giao tiếp, ở lần gặp gỡ đầu tiên, đâu là yếu tố quan trọng quyết định ấn tượng của đối phương về bạn.
Cách ăn mặc
Cử chỉ điệu bộ
Phương tiện đi lại
Ngoại hình



cách ăn mặc, cách cư xử vẫn quan trọng nhất


ăn mặc gọn gàng vẫn là điểm cộng đầu tiên, cách cư xử với mọi người xung quanh và đối phương. dù cho ngoại hình quá cỡ chỉ cần ăn mặc gọn gàng là ổn.

Why are most native born Americans unwilling to pick oranges, and what challenges do illegal immigrants who do that work face?
Detailed answer please!!



Illegal immigrants face many problems in U.S. They are given low paying wage jobs. They also face difficulties in living. There is labor exploitation and slavery. They usually do blue collar jobs as white collar jobs are mainly done by U.S. natives.


Native born Americans are unwilling to do blue collar jobs, such as picking oranges. This is very demanding job because it creates physical pressure on human body so most native Americans are not willing to do this job. These work are mostly done by immigrants who come to america in search of work from different countries.

Elmira can jump 10 feet every
4 seconds? At this rate, how
many feet can she jump in 6



15 ft


We need to divide 10 by 4 to find the number of feet per second. Then, we multiply that by 6 to find the answer.

10/4 = 2.5

2.5 × 6 = 15




We need to find how many feet Elmira can jump per second

10feet÷4seconds= 2.5feet/second

Then we determine how many feet she jumped in 6seconds

2.5feet/second × 6seconds= 15feet

Which behavior would best describe someone who is productive at work ? a) Multitasks as much as possible b) Takes frequent breaks to answer personal calls and emails O c) Sticks to routines and prioritizes work d) Waits for directives from the boss before simple tasks





if a person is productive then they can definitely multitask(they can do alot)

I hope this helps

When researchers looked at larger trends in childbearing, they found that people’s childbearing is often affected by



economic conditions


I hope this helps

Racial socialization in the African American community
A. attempts to hide the realities of being African American in America
B. has proven to be ineffective
C. discourages any sort of preparation for racial discrimination for fear of "shaping" the minds of young children
D. encourages the teaching of cultural pride and preparation for racial discrimination



D. encourages the teaching of cultural pride and preparation for racial discrimination


Racial socialisation is defined simply, as the process of development in children where they learn behaviors, values, and other characteristics of an ethnic group and identify themselves with that group.

In the African American community, children are raised to learn the ways of the black man and to understand how the system works and how to rise above hate and racial intimidation.

Therefore, racial socialization in the African American community encourages the teaching of cultural pride and preparation for racial discrimination.

Extroversion is highly connected to the need for stimulation in a way that is similar to ADHD. If a pill were developed to make people extroverted should some people start taking it, what are the risks and benefits



some of the risks if you become extroverted you miss out on events with friends and family benefits more sleep and less people.


How has the US believe human rights affected other countries
A. By causing an end to diplomatic ties with countries that refused to participate

B. By raising money to help poor nations grow their country’s

C. By making some country decide to no longer want close ties with United States

D. By causing the United States to intervene militarily to stop human rights abuse


the answer is a please
The answer would be A

during shakespeares time how were plays usually funded



through patrons such as king James 1st

Lab: Density of Solids Assignment: Reflect on the Lab


can you add a picture of the lab so i can see it?


0.07 1.15


How has Plantation Country changed over time?

A. The economy started to thrive due to the rebirth of the plantation system of farming.
B. Environmental protections have caused the agricultural industry to decline in the region.
C. Oil and chemical companies caused many plantations to close.
D. The region has become less populated due to jobs moving south.


Answer: C. Oil and chemical companies caused many plantations to close.




What is a feature of the Crossroads region?

It has many historic plantations.
It is known for its excellent Cajun food.
It is home to the state capital.
It had more French settlers than any other region.




Crossroads:Located in the center of Louisiana, the Crossroads region was once known as "No Man's Land," and wasn't included in the original purchase in 1803. But times have changed and this area is now notorious for its rich culture and beautiful and diverse natural habitat

1. Why should judiciary be independent?​


Answer:It is vitall important in a democracy that individual judges and the judiciary as a whole are impartial independent of all external pressures and if each other so that those who appear before them and the wider public can have confidence that the cases will be decided fairly and in accordance with the law.

nêu cơ sở pháp lí quy định về hệ thống văn bản quản lý nhà nước




Sarah is experiencing negative moods, sadness, lethargy, sleeplessness, and fatigue. How would she BEST know if she needs professional diagnosis and treatment



It's impacting her daily life (e.g. difficult in her relationships, unable to do any schoolwork, etc), she can't control it and these symptoms have been present for a while (e.g. for a few weeks).

nguyên tắc xác lập lợi tức tiền cho vay?



Khi cho vay phải lập hợp đồng vay tiền

Cho vay với lãi suất đúng quy định

Đòi nợ... đúng luật

Doanh nghiệp nếu cho vay không được dùng tiền mặt


What is the DREAM Act, and has it been implemented? How has the election of Donald Trump impacted this policy?


Dream act (The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act) is a United States legislative proposal plan to allow momentary conditional residency, with the right to get a job and to unauthorized migrants who arrived at the United States as juveniles. Unfortunately, this act has not been passed. The proposal plan has been reintroduced numerous times, but has not been approved. Furthermore, Former President; Donald Trump, dislike migrants, so he does not want anything to help them succeed, therefore, he negatively impacted this policy.

what is the policy of nepal regarding the religions followed here​



Since both Hinduism, as well as Buddhism, are Dharmic religions, they usually accept each other's practices and many people practice a combination of both. In 2015, a new constitution was adopted and granted equal rights to all religions in Nepal. However, influencing others to change their religion is prohibited.

Since both Hinduism, as well as Buddhism, are Dharmic religions, they usually accept each other's practices and many people practice a combination of both. In 2015, a new constitution was adopted and granted equal rights to all religions in Nepal. However, influencing others to change their religion is prohibited

is it equality righ
t first generation right?​



The first generation of human rights encompasses an individual's civil and political rights. … The second sub-category relates to norms of “civil-political liberties or empowerments.” This includes rights such as freedom of religion and the right to political participation


The second generation of human rights are based on the principles of social justice and public obligation—they tend to be “positive” rights, based on continental European conceptions of liberty as equality. ... 2)The right of protection against unemployment. 3)The right to equal work for equal pay.

Is a superstar such as Angelina Jolie, who reportedly is paid $15 million or more per movie, overpaid?



No because their time is valuable and super star presence is enough to sell out box offices!


For example, Angelina Jolie earned over $20 million for starring in SALT. Salt grossed almost $300 million by the way, which is all earned by the starring role of course. Against a budget of $110 million, there was major profits that was guaranteed simply by having an A-list actor, one of the most famous women of modern cinematic history.

A superstar like Angelina Jolie is overpaid is a subjective judgment that depends on individual perspectives. Factors such as market demand, skill, talent, economic impact, and concerns about wealth disparity all contribute to the complexity of this issue. Determining whether a superstar like Angelina Jolie, who reportedly earns $15 million or more per movie, is overpaid is subjective and can vary based on different perspectives.

1. Market Demand: Superstars like Angelina Jolie often command high salaries because they bring in significant revenue through their fame and popularity. Movie studios are willing to pay such amounts because they believe it will attract audiences and generate profits. In this sense, Jolie's high salary could be seen as justified by the market demand for her talent.

2. Skill and Talent: Superstars like Jolie have honed their acting skills and built a strong reputation over the years. Their performances can elevate the quality of a movie and attract more viewers. The high salary may reflect the value of their talent and the unique contributions they bring to the industry.

3. Economic Impact: The film industry is a significant contributor to the economy, generating jobs and revenue. Superstars like Jolie, with their large fan base, can have a substantial impact on box office sales, merchandise, and tourism related to their movies. Their high salaries could be seen as a fair share of the economic value they generate.

4. Wealth Disparity: On the other hand, some argue that paying exorbitant salaries to celebrities while many others struggle financially is a reflection of wealth disparity. This viewpoint questions the fairness of such high earnings and suggests that the money could be better used for more socially impactful purposes.

Learn more about Superstar here:



true or false
Catholics believe in witchcraft and zodiacs?


False (Unnecessary Stuff)




Some do, but not all of course. Some which which craft is part of somes religions.

Chính sách nào gây ra hiện tượng lấn át đầu tư



what does that mean


What role do teenagers play now in diffusing respect rather than hate in out local and global community?



Globalization is increasing enormously beneficial impact on adolescent personality development, causing teens all over the world to go through a period of self-discovery and encouraging them to strike a balance amongst their diverse cultural culture and global civilization.

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