Paragraphs one and two provide a lengthy description of the town and its
geographic location relative to the capital. The narrator also describes the tax-
collector's home in paragraph three. How do these details about the setting
contribute to your understanding of “The Refusal”? How does the setting help
develop the conflict and events of the story? Your analysis should be a minimum
of 300 words. Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.


Answer 1

The details given in paragraphs one, two, and three help us to understand that the setting of the story is a small, very isolated, and poor town, with almost no alternatives for the citizens who are unhappy.

The Refusal is a story about a small far-away town that is run by a tax collector. Throughout the story, the narrator explains what everyday life is like in this small town, and how many of the citizens are unhappy with the state of affairs. The details offered by the author as to the location of the town greatly help to understand the story, it speaks as to the impossible nature of making the journey to the capital, or any other town that may offer a better quality of life. This helps to explain how despite the flaws of the town, there is no alternative to living there.

The conflict of The Refusal is about how the members of this town blindly follow any order coming from the capital, or any decision made by the tax collector, despite it not being beneficial to them. The tax collector is an elderly man with the rank of colonel, who, as described in the story, looks down upon the citizens of the town. This is backed by evidence in the story such as:

The colonel does not allow his grandchildren to interact with the children in the town because he claims they are not worthy of his grandchildren. Any memory from the narrator, of the colonel, includes him sitting on his veranda watching the town, never interacting with citizens.Even when deciding whether or not to grant a petition, he does not speak directly to any citizen of the town but instead speaks through a subordinate of his,

and so on. The colonel is stated to almost never grant the citizens approval for important petitions or provide help in times of need. Despite this, the citizens go about their lives normally.

The setting of the story helps to develop this conflict, as well as contributes to the understanding of the story because it makes it clear that despite how bad the situation gets, or how unhappy the citizens are, there is no easy alternative to living in the town, the distance to the nearest city is nearly impossible to overcome with the resources the citizens have access to.

For more on "The Refusal" by Franz Kafka, visit:

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The answer is “learns”
If helpful pls brainliest ^^



( if she learns computer, she would find a good job. )


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Look at the picture guys



I had all the questions correct except for question seven.

1. Do you think there is more environmental awareness among people in your country than a decade ago? Why?
2. What measures are being taken to protect the environment in your country? How successful have these been?
3. Is protecting and preserving the environment the responsibility of individual citizens or national governments? Why?


Answer: plz mark as brainliest spent a lot of time for this question

Increasing economic activities in developing countries result in more energy and

consumption demand, which generally lead to environmental degradation. There is a

conventional belief that such environmental degradation would resolve as soon as these

countries grow economically since that would enable them to afford environmental

friendly technology as well as pro-environmental regulations and policies.1


several studies indicated that many developing countries already equipped with

environmental policies, legal frameworks and economic instruments, which are regarded

as highly sophisticated by international standards (Huber et al, 1998, Fujisaki et al, 1997)

and yet face the worsening of environmental conditions. Major difficulties these countries

confront are not only the lack of legal and economic framework for environmental

protection, but also lack of participation among general public in pro-environmental


Moreover, there are increasing needs for such public participation due to the

recent change in sources of environmental problems. Today, the sources of pollution have

shifted from production to consumption processes. The Human Development Report of

1998 (UNDP) affirms this trend and states that growth in consumption and unbalanced

consumption patterns 3

are placing unprecedented pressure on the environment. In this

light, the acceptance of pro-environmental behavior by general public, that is, to adopt

sustainable life style, is an urgent issue in protecting environment.

The participation of citizen can complement existent legal and economic

instruments, which are facing shortage of institutional, managerial and financial

capabilities for enforcement. The increase of participation of citizen means that legal

frameworks would be more respected and economic mechanisms would be more

accepted thus increase their effectiveness. However, it remains unclear what can cause

the participation of people in environmental actions. In this paper, hypothesis is

established that more environmental awareness means more environmental behavior and

intends to answer the two following questions: What can induce people to participate in

the pro-environmental behavior? How people’s behavior can be changed in more pro environmental way?

This paper attempts to discuss the role of environmental awareness and its

effectiveness in changing people’s behavior by reviewing previous works.


Pro environmental behavior is defined as an environmental conscious behavior such as green

buying, recycling and car-pooling.  

The Human Development Report of 1998 by the United Nations Development Programme reports

that the increasing world consumption which has now reached $ 24 billion a year, 6 times more than that of



The review of major works on environmental awareness is organized into the

following order:

1) Review of the major trends on environmental public opinions;

2) review of the major hypothesis on environmental public opinion and socioeconomic factors;

3) review of the major studies on scale of values and world view;

4) review of the major studies that link awareness and behaviour; and finally,

5) conclude by mentioning further research possibilities and policy implications

plz mark brainliest :)

Refer to the “Of Their Voyage and How They Passed the Sea, and of Their Safe Arrival at Cape Cod” section from Of Plymouth Plantation.

According to Bradford, how were the weakened passengers able to survive the perilous journey across the Atlantic and their first days in the American wilderness? They were well prepared for the difficult conditions and were supported by the ship’s crew. They received assistance from the native people living on the Cape. The Lord guided their ship to land where there were towns, inns, and houses to shelter them. The Lord rewarded their bravery and faithfulness with His protection.


According to Bradford, the weakened passengers were able to survive the perilous journey because the Lord rewarded their bravery and faithfulness with His protection.

William Bradford was on the Mayflower which was one of the first ships to come to the Americas. It carried Puritans and landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

In his journal, William Bradford wrote about the very harsh conditions they faced when they first arrived including:

A very cold winter and,Lethal diseases

William made mention of how their children would talk about how they only survived the trip because God decided to protect them because of their bravery in leaving England to go to the Americas.

In conclusion therefore, Bradford believed that the weakened passengers were only able to survived thanks to divine intervention from the Lord.

For more information on the William Bradford look at

The weakened passengers could survive the difficult journey because they received assistance from the native people living on the Cape.

It should be noted that it was a difficult journey and the Pilgrims survived through the left over food that they had. Also, the Wampanoag Indians of the eastern part of Massachusetts  also played a pivotal role as they helped the Pilgrims survive in this new land by teaching them how the land was cultivated.

In conclusion, the correct option is B "They received assistance from the native people living on the Cape"

Read related link on:

Two similarities of the giver and the hunger games



The giver and the hunger games are both dystopian novels, they both take place in fictional worlds.


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They both are about surviving in the wilderness

How to make a good impression at a job interview.


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1. Dressing appropriately. I’m not talking fancy, or lazy. But you need to seem professional and approachable.

2. Tell them what would make you a good employee. Don’t include anything bad, it might throw them off.

3. Let your good personality shine. Don’t be mean, cold, or distant. They want someone present, someone who looks forward to working.

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Answer: Detected is the answer

The verb is detected

write a letter to your friend telling her or him how you spent your holiday



Your name


Dear friend

I am fine and hope you are also doing well. I want to tell you about how I spent my holidays . Last month I went to my parental village to spend my vacation . It was so nice experience that I can't tell u in words. I was very happy to meet my grandparents . They love me so much . I visited the whole village with my grandfather. My father showed me his school. I enjoyed every thing in my village..

There are number of things that I want to share with you .. but words are not enough to tell the whole thing. I will tell u everything when I will meet you

Your friend

Your name

Having media literacy enables you to do what?

A. Make money by advertising your ideas

B. Use different tools of media production

C. Figure out what products to buy

D. Become a "critical consumer" about the information you receive


i think a is the answer

Im 99% certain its D

What does it mean when someone says “my friends are literally just filler” I have one friend.???



not really sure bout the answer , but it the word filler might mean to fill or engage yourself with them at free times.


Hope it helps :)

Use the meaning clearly in the sentence:
Need, opportunity, invitation, surprise, food, promise​



I need your help.This is great opportunity for me. The invitation has been sent by the hr.It was surprise for me. We should eat healthy foods. I promise that I will do my best.


Tho I need the opportunity, and the invitation would greatly surprise me, if I can make it, I'll bring the food, I promise.

Think about a funny moment that lasted for fewer than three minutes. Use strong verbs to show what happened.


Answer: Me and my brother made a inside joke


It / started / rain/we/buy/umbrella.


it started to rain, so we bought an umbrella

Interpret the following sentences and identify the figure of speech employed.
a. I don’t know much about the childhood of the world.




which text evidence best supports the author's claim about plantations in Sugar Changed the World ?​



Answer:The correct answer is "Guests at sugar plantations often remarked on how many one- armed people they saw." Explanation: The given text is taken from the passage Sugar Changed the World. This text evidence best supports the authors' claim that a frantic pace made working conditions even worse.


Guys answer this question



We can hold a meeting everyday.


Every- So if we do not change the word but its way then it'll be everyday.

Determine if each of the following is a sentence (S) or fragment (F). For any fragments, make them into complete sentences.

1. Write down everything I say.
2. Across the room under the bookshelf.
3. Wishing he’d brought his umbrella.

Will mark brainliest help asap!!!



1.   sentence

2.  fragment

3.  fragment


Of course, there are MANY ways to correct the errors. Here are two creative solutions:

2.  My guard dog is stealthily hiding across the room under the bookshelf.

3.  As the rain began to fall more heavily, Bob Brainly grabbed a paper sack and placed it over his head, wishing he’d brought his umbrella.

what is the difference between a topic sentence and a thesis statement?



A topic sentence comes at the beginning of each paragraph and tells what that specific paragraph will be about. A thesis statement usually comes at the end of the first paragraph in an essay and tells what the rest of the paper will be about.

Hey buddy I just got home from work buddy and I will

Apple shows r_ _ _ _ _ _ to employees by treating them with fairness and kindness.





1.what is one thing you think will make a difference to someone's happiness?
2. when did you last take a break?
3. when did you last donate time to something or someone?
4. what is one good way to care for others?
5. Do you know anyone who does communit service? who?
6. when was the last time someone gave you their time? what was it for?



its absolutely 4 no what is one good way to care for other

Question 9 of 10
If a reader wants to evaluate a text, which is the best question to ask while
reading it?
O A. How many hours of research did the author put into writing this
B. What elements are used, and do they help the author's purpose?
C. How does this text affect me and what I want to say to the world?
D. What elements do I find interesting, and do I care about the
author's purpose?



D. What elements do I find interesting, and do I care about the

author's purpose?


Hope it helps :) pls mark as brainliest

Which phrase from the passage is an example of indirect characterization?

I lazily flipped through the pages of my textbook and yawned. “Too bad I can’t be more like my brother,” I thought. He is very studious and a bit of a perfectionist, and he’s always anxious to learn new things. It’s hard to believe that anyone can be that focused. But me? Well, that’s a different story. I am much more likely to spend my time daydreaming.
1. a bit of a perfectionist
2. anxious to learn new things
3. can be that focused
4. spend my time daydreaming



A bit of a perfectionist

What can a reader infer about Iroquois culture from this passage? Check the three best answers



Corn, beans, and squash are important to Iroquois culture.

Iroquois ceremonial practices include singing and using tobacco.

The Iroquois use creation myths to help explain their cultural practices.

An Iroquois culture stated the Corn, beans, and squash are important to Iroquois culture, Iroquois ceremonial practices include singing and using tobacco. Thus, the correct option is (1,2,5).

What do you mean by Iroquois culture?

The Iroquois were a very religious people who trusted in the Great Spirit as the impetus behind all life.

Men of the Iroquois tribe handled hunting, trade, and warfare. Iroquois women managed the family, the land, and the business.

Iroquois women held absolute power; they decided what should be done with each clan's territory and resources. Both sexes participated in traditional medicine, music, painting, and storytelling.

Therefore, an Iroquois culture stated were:

Corn, beans, and squash are important to Iroquois culture.Iroquois ceremonial practices include singing and using tobacco.The Iroquois use creation myths to help explain their cultural practices.

To know more about the Iroquois culture, visit:


This is an incomplete question, the compete question is:

What can a reader infer about Iroquois culture from this passage? Check the three best answers.

Corn, beans, and squash are important to Iroquois culture.Iroquois ceremonial practices include singing and using tobacco.Corn symbolizes grief in Iroquois culture.The Iroquois must constantly engage in conflict to defend their land.The Iroquois use creation myths to help explain their cultural practices.

write accurate direction to a friend who wishes to visit you​



first come through bus and stop at the said place. after that see the board of mu locality any come straight and you can see one Japanese shop ani in front of that shop you can see me waiting for you.

How does Orwell use satire in this passage?



Hi, There! The Correct Answer is Below!

C.) to expose and condemn the corruption and character flaws of the pigs


How does Orwell use satire in this passage? to present the opposite of the normal order of things to mimic the situation directly to produce a comical effect to expose and condemn the corruption and character flaws of the pigs to exaggerate Mr. Pilkington's kindness toward the animals on the farm.


-Darkspirit- :)

High School Vs. University. Writing



The biggest difference between high school and university is that you're treated as an adult. ... That means you get to take greater control of how you spend your time and what you study. It also means that your education is your responsibility, no one is going to do it for you.

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