Part of your electrical load is a 60-W light that is on continuously. By what percentage can your energy consumption be reduced by turning this light off


Answer 1


Following are the solution to the given question:


Please find the complete question in the attached file.

The cost after 30 days is 60 dollars. As energy remains constant, the cost per hour over 30 days will be decreased.

[tex]\to \frac{\$60}{\frac{30 \ days}{24\ hours}} = \$0.08 / kwh.[/tex]

Thus, [tex]\frac{\$0.08}{\$0.12} = 0.694 \ kW \times 0.694 \ kW \times 1000 = 694 \ W.[/tex]

The electricity used is continuously 694W over 30 days.

If just resistor loads (no reagents) were assumed,

[tex]\to I = \frac{P}{V}= \frac{694\ W}{120\ V} = 5.78\ A[/tex]

Energy usage reduction percentage = [tex](\frac{60\ W}{694\ W} \times 100\%)[/tex]

This bulb accounts for [tex]8.64\%[/tex] of the energy used, hence it saves when you switch it off.

Part Of Your Electrical Load Is A 60-W Light That Is On Continuously. By What Percentage Can Your Energy

Related Questions

The bulk modulus of water is B = 2.2 x 109 N/m2. What change in pressure ΔP (in atmospheres) is required to keep water from expanding when it is heated from 10.9 °C to 40.0 °C?



A change of 160.819 atmospheres is required to keep water from expanding when it is heated from 10.9 °C to 40.0 °C.


The bulk modulus of water ([tex]B[/tex]), in newtons per square meters, can be estimated by means of the following model:

[tex]B = \rho_{o}\cdot \frac{\Delta P}{\rho_{f} - \rho_{o}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]\rho_{o}[/tex] - Water density at 10.9 °C, in kilograms per cubic meter.

[tex]\rho_{f}[/tex] - Water density at 40 °C, in kilograms per cubic meter.

[tex]\Delta P[/tex] - Pressure change, in pascals.

If we know that [tex]\rho_{o} = 999.623\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex], [tex]\rho_{f} = 992.219\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex] and [tex]B = 2.2\times 10^{9}\,\frac{N}{m^{2}}[/tex], then the bulk modulus of water is:

[tex]\Delta P = B\cdot \left(\frac{\rho_{f}}{\rho_{o}}-1 \right)[/tex]

[tex]\Delta P = \left(2.2\times 10^{9}\,\frac{N}{m^{3}} \right)\cdot \left(\frac{992.219\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} }{999.623\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} }-1 \right)[/tex]

[tex]\Delta P = -16294943.19\,Pa \,(-160.819\,atm)[/tex]

A change of 160.819 atmospheres is required to keep water from expanding when it is heated from 10.9 °C to 40.0 °C.

Three spheres (water, iron and ice) of the exact same volume are submerged in a tub of water. After the spheres are lined up, they are released. The spheres are made of plastic with the same density as water, ice, and iron.

a. Compare the weights of the three spheres.
b. Compare the buoyant forces on the three spheres.
c. What direction does the net force push on each of the spheres?
d. What happens to each sphere after it is released?



(a) Iron > plastic > ice

(b) Same on all

(c) Iron downwards, plastic net force zero, ice upwards.

(d) Iron sphere sinks, plastic sphere is in equilibrium and ice sphere will floats.


Three spheres have same volume , plastic, ice and iron.

(a) The weight is given by

Weight = mass x gravity = volume x density x gravity

As the density of iron is maximum and the density of ice is least so the order of the weight is

Weight of iron > weight of plastic > weight of ice

(b) Buoyant force is given by

Buoyant force = Volume immersed x density of fluid x g

As they have same volume, density of fluid is same so the buoyant force is same on all the spheres.

(c) Net force is

F = weight - buoyant force  

So, the net force on the iron sphere is downwards

On plastic sphere is zero as the density of plastic sphere is same as water. On ice sphere it is upwards.

(d) Iron sphere sinks, plastic sphere is in equilibrium and ice sphere will floats.  

prove mathematically :
1. v = u + at
2. s = ut+1*2 at ​





combining two equation we get,









UT +1/2at^2=s





Define relative density.​


Relative density is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a given material.

What is the energy equivalent of an object with a mass of 2.5 kg? 5.5 × 108 J 7.5 × 108 J 3.6 × 1016 J 2.25 × 1017 J



E = m c^2 = 2.5 * (3 * 10E8)^2 = 2.25 * 10E17 Joules


The answer is D. 2.25 × 1017 J


got it right on edge 2021

A transverse sine wave with an amplitude of 2.50 mm and a wavelength of 1.80 m travels, from left to right along a long, horizontal stretched string with a speed of 36.0 m s. I Take the origin at the left end of the undisturbed string. At time t = 0 the left end of the string has its maximum upward displacement,
(a) What is the frequency of the wave?
(b) What is the angular frequency of the wave?
(c) What is the wave number of the wave?
(d) What is the function y(x,t) that describes the wave?
(e) What is y(t) for a particle at the left end of the string?
(f) What is y(t) for a particle 1.35 m to the right of the origin?
(g) What is the maximum magnitude of transverse velocity of any particle of the string?
(h) Find the transverse displacement of a particle 1.35 m to the right of the origin at time t = 0.0625 s.
(i) Find the transverse velocity of a particle 1.35 m to the right of the origin at time t = 0.0625 s.



Given that,

Amplitude, A = 2.5 nm

Wavelength,[tex]\lambda=1.8\ m[/tex]

The speed of the wave, v = 36 m/s

At time t = 0 the left end of the string has its maximum upward displacement.

(a) Let f is the frequency. So,

[tex]f=\dfrac{v}{\lambda}\\\\f=\dfrac{36}{1.8}\\\\f=20\ Hz[/tex]

(b) Angular frequency of the wave,

[tex]\omega=2\pi f\\\\=2\pi \times 20\\\\=125.7\ rad/s[/tex]

(c) The wave number of the wave[tex]=\dfrac{1}{\lambda}[/tex]

[tex]=\dfrac{1}{1.8}\\\\=0.56\ m^{-1}[/tex]

Is the actual height the puck reached greater or less than your prediction? Offer a possible reason why this might be.



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The puck's real altitude is lower than ones projection. That's because the mechanism may not be completely frictionless. Electricity is nevertheless wasted owing to particle interactions such as friction, which might explain why the present the results is lower than predicted.




Your fart only has so much force, not nearly enough to launch you into oblivion. Your fart and you still exert a force onto each other, so I guess, hypothetically, you could fly if you really, really try hard enough. Just make sure you don't try too hard and prolapse as a result :)

During a practice shot put throw, the 7.9-kg shot left world champion C. J. Hunter's hand at speed 16 m/s. While making the throw, his hand pushed the shot a distance of 1.4 m. Assume the acceleration was constant during the throw.

a. Determine the acceleration of the shot.
b. Determine the time it takes to accelerate the shot.
c, Determine the horizontal component of the force exerted on the shot by hand.



a)   a = 91.4 m / s²,  b)    t = 0.175 s, c)  


a) This is a kinematics exercise

           v² = vox ² + 2a (x-xo)

           a = v² - 0/2 (x-0)


let's calculate

          a = 16² / 2 1.4

          a = 91.4 m / s²

b) the shooting time

          v = vox + a t

          t = v-vox / a

          t = 16 / 91.4

          t = 0.175 s

c) let's use Newton's second law

          F = ma

          F = 7.9 91.4

          F = 733 N

How are elastic and inelastic collisions different?

A: Elastic collisions occur when the colliding objects move separately after the collision; after inelastic collisions, the objects are connected and move together.

B: Elastic collisions occur when the objects are going the same direction when they collide; inelastic collisions occur when the objects are going in opposite directions when they collide.

C: Momentum is conserved in elastic collisions; momentum is not conserved in inelastic collisions.

D: Elastic collisions occur between objects of the same mass; inelastic collisions occur between different masses.






the answer is c



Four equal-value resistors are in series with a 5 V battery, and 2.23 mA are measured. What isthe value of each resistor



560.54 Ω



V = IR'............... Equation 1

Where V = Voltage of the battery, I = currrent, R' = Total resistance of the resistors

make R' the subject of the equation

R' = V/I............ Equation 2

From the question,

Given: V = 5 V, I = 2.23 mA = 2.23×10⁻³ A

Substitute these values into equation 2

R' = 5/(2.23×10⁻³ )

R' = 2242.15 Ω

Since the fours resistor are connected in series and they are equal,

Therefore the values of each resistor is

R = R'/4

R = 2242.15/4

R = 560.54 Ω

1.- Que distancia recorrió una carga de 2,5x10-6 coul, generando así un campo eléctrico de 55new/coul.​



r = 20.22 m


Given that,

Charge,[tex]q=2.5\times 10^{-6}\ C[/tex]

Electric field, [tex]E=55\ N/C[/tex]

We need to find the distance. We know that, the electric field a distance r is as follows :

[tex]E=\dfrac{kq}{r^2}\\\\r=\sqrt{\dfrac{kq}{E}}\\\\r=\sqrt{\dfrac{9\times 10^9\times 2.5\times 10^{-6}}{55}}\\\\r=20.22\ m[/tex]

So, the required distance is 20.22 m.

PLZ help asap :-/
............................ ​




[tex]\underline{\boxed{\large{\bf{Option \; A!! }}}} [/tex]


[tex]\rm { R_1} [/tex] = 2Ω[tex]\rm { R_2} [/tex] = 2Ω[tex]\rm { R_3} [/tex] = 2Ω[tex]\rm { R_4} [/tex] = 2Ω

We have to find the equivalent resistance of the circuit.

Here, [tex]\rm { R_1} [/tex] and [tex]\rm { R_2} [/tex] are connected in series, so their combined resistance will be given by,

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm { R_{(1,2)} = R_1 + R_2} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm { R_{(1,2)} = (2 + 2) \; Omega} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm { R_{(1,2)} = 4 \; Omega} \\ [/tex]

Now, the combined resistance of [tex]\rm { R_1} [/tex] and [tex]\rm { R_2} [/tex] is connected in parallel combination with [tex]\rm { R_3} [/tex], so their combined resistance will be given by,

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {\dfrac{1}{ R_{(1,2,3)}} = \dfrac{1}{R_{(1,2)}} + \dfrac{1}{R_3} } \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {\dfrac{1}{ R_{(1,2,3)}} = \Bigg ( \dfrac{1}{4} + \dfrac{1}{2} \Bigg ) \;\Omega} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {\dfrac{1}{ R_{(1,2,3)}} = \Bigg ( \dfrac{1 + 2}{4} \Bigg ) \;\Omega} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {\dfrac{1}{ R_{(1,2,3)}} = \Bigg ( \dfrac{3}{4} \Bigg ) \;\Omega} \\ [/tex]

Reciprocating both sides,

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {R_{(1,2,3)}= \dfrac{4}{3} \;\Omega} \\ [/tex]

Now, the combined resistance of [tex]\rm { R_1} [/tex], [tex]\rm { R_2} [/tex] and [tex]\rm { R_3} [/tex] is connected in series combination with [tex]\rm { R_4} [/tex]. So, equivalent resistance will be given by,

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {R_{(1,2,3,4)}= R_{(1,2,3)} + R_4} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {R_{(1,2,3,4)}= \Bigg ( \dfrac{4}{3} + 2 \Bigg ) \; \Omega} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {R_{(1,2,3,4)}= \Bigg ( \dfrac{4 + 6}{3} \Bigg ) \; \Omega} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \rm {R_{(1,2,3,4)}= \Bigg ( \dfrac{10}{3} \Bigg ) \; \Omega} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\longrightarrow \bf {R_{(1,2,3,4)}= 3.33 \; \Omega} \\ [/tex]

Henceforth, Option A is correct.



[tex]\underline{\boxed{\large{\bf{Option \; B!! }}}} [/tex]

Here, we have to find the amount of flow of current in the circuit. By using ohm's law,

[tex] \longrightarrow [/tex] V = IR

[tex] \longrightarrow [/tex] 3 = I × 3.33

[tex] \longrightarrow [/tex] 3 ÷ 3.33 = I

[tex] \longrightarrow [/tex] 0.90 Ampere = I

Henceforth, Option B is correct.


[tex] \tt \purple{Hope \; it \; helps \; you, Army! \heartsuit } \\ [/tex]

A 31 kg block is initially at rest on a horizontal surface. A horizontal force of 83 N is required to set the block in motion. After it is in motion, a horizontal force of 55 N i required to keep it moving with constant speed. From this information, find the coefficients of static and kinetic friction



The static and kinetic coefficients of friction are 0.273 and 0.181, respectively.


By Newton's Laws of Motion and definition of maximum friction force, we derive the following two formulas for the static and kinetic coefficients of friction:

[tex]\mu_{s} = \frac{f_{s}}{m\cdot g}[/tex] (1)

[tex]\mu_{k} = \frac{f_{k}}{m\cdot g}[/tex] (2)


[tex]\mu_{s}[/tex] - Static coefficient of friction, no unit.

[tex]\mu_{k}[/tex] - Kinetic coefficient of friction, no unit.

[tex]f_{s}[/tex] - Static friction force, in newtons.

[tex]f_{k}[/tex] - Kinetic friction force, in newtons.

[tex]m[/tex] - Mass, in kilograms.

[tex]g[/tex] - Gravitational constant, in meters per square second.

If we know that [tex]f_{s} = 83\,N[/tex], [tex]f_{k} = 55\,N[/tex], [tex]m = 31\,kg[/tex] and [tex]g = 9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], then the coefficients of friction are, respectively:

[tex]\mu_{s} = \frac{83\,N}{(31\,kg)\cdot \left(9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}} \right)}[/tex]

[tex]\mu_{s} = 0.273[/tex]

[tex]\mu_{k} = \frac{55\,N}{(31\,kg)\cdot \left(9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}} \right)}[/tex]

[tex]\mu_{k} = 0.181[/tex]

The static and kinetic coefficients of friction are 0.273 and 0.181, respectively.

a vessel with mass 10kg intially moving withthe velocicity 12m s along the x axis explodes into three exactly identical pieces Just after the explosion one piece moves with speed 10 m s along the x axis and asecond piece moves with speed 10 m s along the y axis What iis the magnitude of the component of velocity of the third piece along the y axiss




Apply law of conservation of momentum along y-axis.

Initially there was no momentum along y-axis. So there will be nil momentum along y-axis again finally.

Let the mass of each piece after breaking be m .

Momentum of piece moving along positive y-axis

= m x 10 = 10m .

Let the component of velocity of third piece along y-axis be v .

Its momentum along the same direction = m v .

Total momentum along y -axis = 10 m + m v

According to law of conservation of momentum

10 m + mv = 0

v = - 10 m/s .

Component of velocity of the third piece along y-axis will be - 10 m/s .

In other words it will be along negative y-axis with speed of 10 m/s.

The relation of mass m, angular velocity o and radius of the circular path r of an object with the centripetal force is-
a. F = m²wr
b. F = mwr²
c. F = mw²r
d. F = mwr. ​



Correct option not indicated


There are few mistakes in the question. The angular velocity ought to have been denoted with "ω" and not "o" (as also suggested in the options).

The formula to calculate a centripetal force (F) is

F = mv²/r

Where m is mass, v is velocity and r is radius


While the formula to calculate a centrifugal force (F) is

F = mω²r

where m is mass, ω is angular velocity and r is radius of the circular path.

From the above, it can be denoted that the relationship been referred to in the question is that of a centrifugal force and not centripetal force, thus the correct option should be C.

NOTE: Centripetal force is the force required to keep an object moving in a circular path/motion and acts inward towards the centre of rotation while centrifugal force is the force felt by an object in circular motion which acts outward away from the centre of rotation.

A generator is designed to produce a maximum emf of 190 V while rotating with an angular speed of 3800 rpm. Each coil of the generator has an area of 0.016 m2. If the magnetic field used in the generator has a magnitude of 0.052 T, how many turns of wire are needed



The number of turns of wire needed is 573.8 turns



maximum emf of the generator, = 190 V

angular speed of the generator, ω = 3800 rev/min =

area of the coil, A = 0.016 m²

magnetic field, B = 0.052 T

The number of turns of the generator is calculated as;

emf = NABω


N is the number of turns

[tex]\omega = 3800 \frac{rev}{min} \times \frac{2\pi}{1 \ rev} \times \frac{1 \min}{60 \ s } = 397.99 \ rad/s[/tex]

[tex]N = \frac{emf}{AB\omega } \\\\N = \frac{190}{0.016 \times 0.052\times 397.99} \\\\N = 573.8 \ turns[/tex]

Therefore, the number of turns of wire needed is 573.8 turns

Your cell phone typically consumes about 300 mW of power when you text a friend. If the phone is operated using a lithium-ion battery with a voltage of 3.5 V, what is the current (in A) flowing through the cell-phone circuitry under these circumstances



I = 0.0857 A


Given that,

Power consumed by the cellphone, P = 300 mW

The voltage of the battery, V = 3.5 V

Let I is the current flowing through the cell-phone. We know that,

P = VI


I is the current


[tex]I=\dfrac{P}{V}\\\\I=\dfrac{300\times 10^{-3}}{3.5}\\\\I=0.0857\ A[/tex]

So, the current flowing the cell-phone is 0.0857 A.

A cylindrical tank with radius 7 m is being filled with water at a rate of 2 m3/min. How fast is the height of the water increasing (in m/min)?



0.013 m/min



dV/dt = (dh/dt)(dV/dh)............. Equation 1


V = πr²h................ Equation 2

Where V = volume of the tank, r = radius, h = height.

dV/dh = πr²............ Equation 3

Substitute equation 3 into equation 1

dV/dt = πr²(dh/dt)

From the question,

Given: dV/dt = 2 m³/min, r = 7 m, π = 3.14

Substitute these values into equation 3

2 = (3.14)(7²)(dh/dt)

dh/dt = 2/(3.14×7²)

dh/dt = 0.013 m/min

A car accelerates at 2 meters/s/s. Assuming the car starts from rest how far will it travel in 10 seconds



Distance = velocity x time, so 10 m/s X 10 s = 100 m


If you accelerate at 2 m/s^2 for 10 seconds, at the end of the 10 seconds you are moving at a rate of 20 m/s.

V(f) = V(i) + a*t

Final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration x time

Your average velocity will be half of your final, because you accelerated at a constant rate. So your average velocity is 10 m/s.

Distance = velocity x time, so 10 m/s X 10 s = 100 m


100 m



Initial velocity ( u ) = 0 m/s

Acceleration ( a ) = 2 m/s^2

Time ( t ) = 10 sec s

To find : Displacement ( s ) = ?

By 2nd equation of motion,

s = ut + at^2 / 2

= ( 0 ) ( 10 ) + ( 2 ) ( 10 )^2 / 2

= 0 + ( 2 ) ( 100 ) / 2

= 200 / 2

s = 100 m

The block in the drawing has dimensions L0×2L0×3L0,where L0 =0.2 m. The block has a thermal conductivity of 150 J/(s·m·C˚). In drawings A, B, and C, heat is conducted through the block in three different directions; in each case the temperature of the warmer surface is 35 ˚C and that of the cooler surface is 16 ˚C Determine the heat that flows in 6 s for each case.



1140 J, 6840 J, 10260 J


Lo x 2 Lo x 3 Lo, Lo = 0.2 m,  K = 150 J/(s · m · C˚) , T = 35 ˚C, T' = 16 ˚C,

time, t = 6 s

The heat conducted is

[tex]H = \frac{K A (T - T') t}{d}\\\\H = \frac{150\times 3\times 0.2\times 0.2\times (35-16) \times 6}{3\times 0.2}\\\\H = 1140 J[/tex]

The heat conducted is

[tex]H = \frac{K A (T - T') t}{d}\\\\H = \frac{150\times 3\times 0.2\times 2\times0.2\times (35-16) \times 6}{3\times 0.2}\\\\H = 6840 J[/tex]

The heat conducted is

[tex]H = \frac{K A (T - T') t}{d}\\\\H = \frac{150\times 3\times 0.2\times 2\times0.2\times (35-16) \times 6}{2\times 0.2}\\\\H = 10260 J[/tex]

A grade 12 Physics student shoots a basketball
from the ground at a hoop which is 2.0 m above
her release. The shot was at a velocity of 10 m/s
and at an angle of 80° to the ground.
a. Determine the vertical velocity of the ball
when it is at the level of the net. You
should get two answers.
Please show ALL steps



7.84 m/s


Height, h = 2 m

Initial velocity, u = 10 m/s

Angle, A = 80°

(a) Let the time taken to go to the net is t.

Use second equation of motion

[tex]h = u t + 0.5 at^2\\\\- 2 = - 10 sin 80 t - 4.9 t^2\\\\4.9 t^2 + 9.8 t - 2 = 0 \\\\t= \frac{- 9.8\pm\sqrt{9.8^2 + 4\times 4.9\times 2}}{9.8}\\\\t = \frac{- 9.8 \pm 11.6}{9.8}\\\\t = - 2.2 s , 0.2 s[/tex]

Time cannot be negative.

So, t = 0.2 s

The vertical velocity at t = 0.2 s is

v = u + at

v = 10 sin 80 - 9.8 x0.2

v = 9.8 - 1.96 = 7.84 m/s

Assuming the atmospheric pressure is 1 atm at sea level, determine the atmospheric pressure at Badwater (in Death Valley, California) where the elevation is 86.0 m below sea level.



Atmospheric pressure at Badwater is 1.01022 atm


Data given:

1 atmospheric pressure (Pi) = 1.01 * 10[tex]^{5}[/tex] Pa

Elevation (h) = 86m

gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s2

Density of air P = 1.225 kg/m3

Therefore pressure at bad water Pb = Pi + Pgh

Pb = (1.01 * 10[tex]^{5}[/tex]) + (1.225 * 9.8 * 86)

Pb = (1.01 * 10[tex]^{5}[/tex]) + 1032.43 = 102032 Pa


Pb = 102032 /1.01 * 10[tex]^{5}[/tex] = 1.01022 atm

You need to calculate the volume of berm that has a starting cross-sectional area of 118 SF, and an ending cross-sectional area of 245 SF. The berm is 300 ft long and is assumed to taper evenly between the two cross-sectional areas, what is the calculated volume of the berm in cubic feet


6 cubic feet I’m pretty sure that’s the answer

Question 9 of 10
According to the law of conservation of momentum, the total initial
momentum equals the total final momentum in a(n)
A. Interacting system
B. System interacting with one other system
C. Isolated system
D. System of balanced forces



The answer is C. Isolated System


C. Isolated system

Explanation :

∵According to law of  conservation of momentum ,In an isolated system ,the total momentum remains conserved.

a microwave operates at a frequency of 2400 MHZ. the height of the oven cavity is 25 cm and the base measures 30 cm by 30 cm. assume that microwave energy is generated uniformly on the uipper surface. What is the power output of the oven


Complete question is;

A microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2400 MHz. The height of the oven cavity is 25 cm and the base measures 30 cm by 30 cm. Assume that microwave energy is generated uniformly on the upper surface of the cavity and propagates directly

downward toward the base. The base is lined with a material that completely absorbs microwave energy. The total microwave energy content of the cavity is 0.50 mJ.


Power ≈ 600,000 W


We are given;

Frequency; f = 2400 Hz

height of the oven cavity; h = 25 cm = 0.25 m

base area; A = 30 cm by 30 cm = 0.3m × 0.3m = 0.09 m²

total microwave energy content of the cavity; E = 0.50 mJ = 0.5 × 10^(-3) J

We want to find the power output and we know that formula for power is;

P = workdone/time taken

Formula for time here is;

t = h/c

Where c is speed of light = 3 × 10^(8) m/s


t = 0.25/(3 × 10^(8))

t = 8.333 × 10^(-10) s


Power = (0.5 × 10^(-3))/(8.333 × 10^(-10))

Power ≈ 600,000 W

A charge Q exerts a 1.2 N force on another charge q. If the distance between the charges is doubled, what is the magnitude of the force exerted on Q by q



0.3 N


Electromagnetic force is F= Kq1q2/r^2, where r is the distance between charges. If r is doubled then the force will be 1/4F which is 0.3 N.

The magnitude of the force exerted on Q by q when the distance between them is doubled is 0.3 N

Coulomb's law equation

F = Kq₁q₂ / r²


F is the force of attraction K is the electrical constant q₁ and q₂ are two point charges r is the distance apart

Data obtained from the question Initial distance apart (r₁) =  rInitial force (F₁) = 1.2 NFinal distance apart (r₂) = 2rFinal force (F₂) =?

How to determine the final force

From Coulomb's law,

F = Kq₁q₂ / r²

Cross multiply

Fr² = Kq₁q₂

Kq₁q₂ = constant

F₁r₁² = F₂r₂²

With the above formula, we can obtain the final force as follow:

F₁r₁² = F₂r₂²

1.2 × r² = F₂ × (2r)²

1.2r² = F₂ × 4r²

Divide both side by 4r²

F₂ = 1.2r² / 4r²

F₂ = 0.3 N

Learn more about Coulomb's law:

as the ball rises the vertical component of it's velocity_____. explain​





because its moving against gravitational attraction and at maximum height its velocity will be and it will decrease until it reaches maximum height and the start to increase again

A basketball of mass 0.608 kg is dropped from rest from a height of 1.37 m. It rebounds to a height of 0.626 m.
(a) How much mechanical energy was lost during the collision with the floor?
(b) A basketball player dribbles the ball from a height of 1.37 m by exerting a constant downward force on it for a distance of 0.132 m. In dribbling, the player compensates for the mechanical energy lost during each bounce. If the ball now returns to a height of 1.37 m, what is the magnitude of the force?



a)[tex]|\Delta E|=4.58\: J[/tex]  

b)[tex]F=61.90\: N[/tex]



We can use conservation of energy between these heights.

[tex]\Delta E=mgh_{2}-mgh_{1}=mg(h_{2}-h_{1})[/tex]  

[tex]\Delta E=0.608*9.81(0.6026-1.37)[/tex]

Therefore, the lost energy is:

[tex]|\Delta E|=4.58\: J[/tex]  


The force acting along the distance create a work, these work is equal to the potential energy.

[tex]W=\Delta E[/tex]


Let's solve it for F.



Therefore, the force is:

[tex]F=61.90\: N[/tex]

I hope is helps you!

Assume that I = E/(R + r), prove that 1/1 = R/E + r/E​


[tex]\implies {\blue {\boxed {\boxed {\purple {\sf { \frac{1}{I} = \frac{R}{E} + \frac{r}{E} }}}}}}[/tex]


[tex]I = \frac{ E}{ R + r} \\[/tex]

[tex] ➺\:\frac{I}{1} = \frac{E}{R + r} \\[/tex]

Since [tex]\frac{a}{b} = \frac{c}{d} [/tex] can be written as [tex]ad = bc[/tex], we have

[tex]➺ \: I \: (R + r) = E \times 1[/tex]

[tex]➺ \: \frac{1}{I} = \frac{R + r}{E} \\ [/tex]

[tex]➺ \: \frac{1}{I} = \frac{R}{E} + \frac{r}{E} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ Hence\:proved. }[/tex]

[tex]\red{\large\qquad \qquad \underline{ \pmb{{ \mathbb{ \maltese \: \: Mystique35ヅ}}}}}[/tex]

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