people living in hot climate bear more children give reason why

urgent ​


Answer 1


Climate change has begun to change our world in unprecedented

ways. We are already witnessing increasingly frequent and severe

floods, droughts and changes in precipitation as well as heat and

water stress. These phenomena are having, and will continue to

have, a devastating impact on living conditions in many parts of the

world, particularly where many of the world’s poorest and most

vulnerable children live.

Children will suffer disproportionately from climate change and

growing environmental risks:

• The youngest will have to contend with the immediate and

life-threatening dangers of climate-related disasters, food

insecurity, rising air pollution, increased risk of vector-borne

diseases, acute respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases and

malnutrition.1,2 Evidence is increasingly showing that these

risks can have a markedly detrimental impact on a child’s early


• Children, especially young children, live their lives at a faster

pace than adults. Consequently, anything harmful in the

environment is bound to have a relatively greater impact on

them. For example, young children breathe at twice the rate

of adults. In polluted environments, their risk of respiratory

infections, such as pneumonia, or conditions such as asthma,

is likely to be far higher than for adults.5, 6, 7

• Children’s vulnerability to vector-borne diseases such as

dengue, malaria, and diseases associated with poor water

quality, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene practices, such

as diarrhoeal diseases, is also far higher than adults. In 2015,

malaria is estimated to lead to 438,000 deaths, of which more

than two-thirds are children under 5 years of age.8 Children are

also more susceptible to undernutrition. Diarrhoeal diseases

are a major cause of under-five mortality, and are estimated to

result in 530,000 deaths in 2015 alone.9

• Some of the most dense child population areas in the world

are likely to suffer significantly from flooding, drought and

water and heat stress. These include parts of South Asia,

particularly coastal South Asia and south of the Himalayas;

the Mekong Delta; the Nile river basin; the Pacific Islands and

other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) across the world;

Equatorial Africa; and the Pacific coast of Latin America. Due

to several major global trends, including demographic and

migration trends, more and more people are living in disaster-

prone areas and exposed to weather extremes.10 Those

with the highest exposure to climate risks are also likely to

experience repetitive crises, which also makes it more difficult

for poor families and children to recover. Even without climate

change, the challenges ahead would stand to be enormous;

climate change will significantly compound these challenges.

• Children, particularly young children are reliant on adults for

their survival and development: whatever happens to adults

often has a devastating impact on children too. Besides the

direct risks of climate change, children are also affected when

climate change hits their parents and other caregivers, such

as loss of livelihoods and crop productivity. Moreover, when

climate change sparks conflict over dwindling resources,

children again pay the price for adults’ actions.

Today’s children will live longer than most of the people

who read this report. The impacts of climate change are

only just beginning, and will likely continue to worsen over

the lifetime of todays children, and future generations.

The decisions made now will have greatest impact on our


The number of children potentially exposed to climate risks and

their effects is alarming. Currently, over half a billion 7children are

living in areas with extremely high levels of flood occurrence, and

nearly 160 million live in areas of high or extremely high drought

severity. Most of them live in some of the world’s poorest

countries with the least capacity to manage these environmental


Strengthening the resilience of the poorest children and families

to not only absorb these changes, but also adapt and transform,

will be critical. It will also require, as part of these efforts, that

we address the profound social and economic inequities that

drive the ways in which many children will be so deeply impacted

by the climate crisis.


May be it has been long answer. you can summary the answer and write it.

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seminiferous tubules is the correct answer

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Effective communication involves the following:

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Homeschooling might be the best option for which of the following students?

A. Jake, who excels at math and science, enjoys challenges, and thrives in a social environment with his peers; his family has their own transportation to and from school for him

B. Kat, who has a hard time with the daily school routine and prefers to do most of her studying later in the day; her parents also prefer to make their own decisions about her curriculum

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B. Kat, who has a hard time with the daily school routine and prefers to do most of her studying later in the day; her parents also prefer to make their own decisions about her curriculum.


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Allergic reaction


Nothing but an allergic reaction will happen if they did not properly sterilize the safety pin and do the proper things right after puncturing the skin.

Hope this helped.

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All of these are correct,

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List three ways in which peers can affect one another's behavior.



Peers can motivate their peers, peers can discourage each other, and peers can affect others emotionally.


Peer pressure, Social reinforcement and Modeling an affect one another's behavior.

What is peer pressure?

Peer pressure refers to the influence that peers, or individuals in the same social group, have on one another's attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making. It can take many different forms, including direct persuasion, ridicule, teasing, exclusion, and even physical coercion. Peer pressure can be positive or negative, and can influence everything from academic performance to substance abuse to sexual behavior.

Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to peer pressure, as they are often more concerned with fitting in with their peers and maintaining social connections than with making independent decisions. However, individuals of all ages can be affected by peer pressure, and it is important to develop the skills and confidence necessary to resist negative peer influence and make healthy, independent choices.

Learn more about peer pressure, here:


What characteristic should a person look for when purchasing a health product or service?





When choosing a health product or service the most important characteristic is its effectiveness/quality. Unlike other types of products, the entire reason an individual would purchase a health product or service is that they absolutely need it to improve their quality of life or in some cases continues living. Therefore, you want the product/service that you purchase to be as effective as possible so that it provides the benefits that you are in dire need of. This is why, unlike products such as those for entertainment purposes, the main characteristic should be the product's effectiveness/quality.

20 POINTS!!!!
Perform research using books and reputable websites to learn more about studies on brain development of children from birth to five years of age. Explain why the first five years of life are critical to a child’s lifetime development. Summarize your findings. Consider organizations such as Zero to Three and the National Institutes of Health for your research sources.



During the first five years, the child's brain is at its most flexible, making it a critical period for growth and development. That is why you should always start education early, with educational toys and learning equipment. It's never to early, but it can be too late. Proper nutrition can also come into play.  

 Hope this was helpful :)

busco novia hot que quiera ver mis 17 cm? de 14 para arriba 7w7





17+14. you will get the answer.




yo tengo 14

what should you do to stay safe before a wildfire starts? select three correct answers



clean up dry grasses around, clean roof, apply fire hydrants


Make sure you have escape routes and an emergency ready to go backpack

_____ is one of the oldest forms of medicine, it weaves the healing traditions of China, India, Greece, and Native American cultures together with modern scientific principles and technology. Treatment is individualized, with significant time and attention devoted to lifestyle counseling.



Natureopathic medicine


Brainliest, please!

write 10 multiple choice questions where you ask 3 respondents 10 questions about teenage pregnancy ​



Should I tell my parents? ...

Am I keeping this baby? ...

What about adoption? ...

How do I keep myself healthy during this pregnancy? ...

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I only know this much

hope this will help you if it did make me brainliest .

Do you know who the dad is?
How old are you?
Are you’re parents supportive?
Are you financially stable?
Do your parents know?
Is the baby gonna have a dad?
Are you keeping it?
Do you know your options?
Does the dad know your pregnant?
How far along are you?

Which of the following is an example of an Interval training set?


Examples of Interval Training
Jog or walk at a more comfortable pace for three minutes.
Sprint for 60 seconds.
Perform five to ten cycles or continue until you've completed two or three miles. Total workout time will depend on your fitness level and running speed.

how do you residential and outpatient rehab programs compare

Outpatient is more cost-effective

Outpatient offers greater program variety

Residential allows patients to continue working

Residential provides religious support




Outpatient rehab involves daily treatment, such as therapy, counseling, or group sessions, at a clinic or facility. People who choose outpatient treatment can continue to live at home as they recover, allowing them to take care of children or family members, keep up with their jobs, and stay on track in school. Outpatient care typically costs less than inpatient rehab, but the level of support may be less intensive.

Most programs involve individual or group counseling and use a step-down approach, which means sessions become less intensive and frequent as you grow during treatment. These programs help patients overcome their drug or alcohol dependence and then maintain their recovery over the long-term.


Inpatient also called residential rehab because you live at the rehab facility. Inpatient rehab can be effective for people with severe problems with drugs or alcohol, and especially people who are dealing with other mental health conditions. Living at the rehab program facility helps you avoid the temptations and influences in your daily life that trigger your substance use. Living in a healthy environment supports your recovery.

Licensed inpatient facilities offer 24-hour support and intensive care. They incorporate three phases of recovery into their treatment plans: detox, reflection, and growth. They are focused on helping patients learn to adopt drug- or alcohol-free lifestyles after treatment. Many of these programs involve a step-down approach to help patients transition from inpatient care to individual or group counseling outside of the facility.

There are both short-term and long-term residential rehab programs. Patients typically stay at long-term residential facilities from six months to a year, while short-term facilities require stays of about three to six weeks.

。˚.✧‧₊˚. •。˚✧₊˚.•

Outpatient is more cost effective


When I answered "B," It was incorrect, and according to other people residential isn't as it seems.

Therefore, it must be A.

。˚.✧‧₊˚. •。˚✧₊˚.•

if this is incorrect, my second guess would be the answer "C."

Your quality of life is the extent to which you experience a healthy, happy, and fulfilling


Hi! I think this statement is True because if you life is unhealthy, sad, and unwilling it will most likely result in a unhappy life. I hope
this helped, Goodluck.
I believe that the best answer is True.

Competition and predator-prey relationships are examples of how organisms misbehave in the environment.
Select one:


A . True hope this helps

How is population growth rate calculated?​



Population growth rate is the percentage change in the size of the population in a year. It is calculated by dividing the number of people added to a population in a year (Natural Increase + Net In-Migration) by the population size at the start of the year.



A relative has acknowledged abusing alcohol and has asked you to hold her accountable as she tries to stop drinking. Which of the following behavioral signs is the greatest indicator of an abuse problem?



Incoherent or slurred speech and multiple schedule changes

A lack of interest in previously normal activities.
Appearing intoxicated more regularly.
Needing to drink more in order to achieve the same effects.
Appearing tired, unwell or irritable.
An inability to say no to alcohol.
Anxiety, depression or other mental health problems.

in which condition the troop is made Dismissed in the drill​



Never, a troop is never dismissed from a drill.


Depending on the army, he can be dismissed of sickness like brain disfunctions and everything like that, but he will go make to training after he healed.

Anything could really happen. But a troop is never dismissed from war.

4. Part of the reason why individuals have stereotypes and prejudices toward out-group members is based on how the human brain is wired due to strategies that were evolutionarily adaptive for human ancestors, as well as the motivation to fulfill fundamental human needs. Briefly elaborate on three concepts/terms that are consistent with this perspective.



jahan na is that they can see from a local to you by

What is the order for safely donning a gown?


Pull away from neck and shoulder, touching inside of gown only. Turn gown inside out. Fold or roll into a bundle then discard

state atleast 10 full body workouts
what are some experiences you encounter when you do this sort of workouts and at least state your favourite activity



Aerobic activities make you breathe harder and make your heart and blood vessels healthier. These include:




Water aerobics

Jogging and running

Aerobic exercise classes

Bicycle riding (stationary or on a path)

Some gardening activities, such as raking and pushing a lawn mower


Golfing (without a cart)


i would like to prefer some workouts that actually worked out on me at home.


# star jumps- it helps to maintain ur blood circulation in a body.

#Squats- it actually relaxes the every muscle of lower parts of a body.

#push ups- after push ups fires up ur lower parts, u can try exercizing upper parts.

#lunges- after push ups, ur upper body needs to relax. so u can try lunges, to exercise ur lower body.

#plank- Best exercise u can do is plank which exercises ur whole body parts.

#side plank- It is the best exercise if u need abs in ur stomach.

#step ups-keep a bench or stool in front nd try climbing up nd down maintaing ur posture.

#chair dips-u can try this with the same bench that u used for step ups. It helps the strength of ur muscle.

#Wall sit-when ur legs relaxes, u can try this exercise maintaing a correct posture.

#pull ups- At last u can try pull ups which works on ur entire body. Although its tough nd may be difficult at beginning but its result is 100% effective.

Write Short Note On:
Happiness as the indicator development



Happiness allows you to grow better and live longer, meaning that, if you are happy, your skin is better, you live 7.5 years more than average, and you are successfull in life,

A man with a Body Mass Index (BMI) measuring at 27% would fall into what range?






BMI is a score calculated by dividing your weight (usually in kilograms) by the square of your height (usually in metres and centimetres).




A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is Overweight or Obese.

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

Select the correct answer
What is the best source of information for deciding whether a product meets your needs?
the product's advertisements
the product's brand name
Oc the product's label



the product's advertisements

The product Advertisement because if you advertise it well then more people will buy

The influence of self-esteem and teenagers participating in risky behavior



One study found that self-esteem had differing effects on sexual behaviors in teen boys and girls: Younger girls with lower self-esteem are more likely to engage in sexual activity. ... Boys who have high self-esteem are nearly 2.5 times more likely to initiate sex

Define dehydration.
What problems can it cause?


Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions. If you don't replace lost fluids, you will get dehydrated. The basic causes of dehydration are not taking in enough water, losing too much water, or a combination of both.
Dehydration: The loss or removal of water from something.

dehydration can cause heat injury, urinary and kidney problems, seizures, and low blood volume shock.

HELP PLEASE! describe what would happen if while wearing roller skates you pushed as hard as you could against a wall why does this happen​



You'd get a concussion.


the impact from you hitting the wall at such a velocity while wearing roller skates would cause a concussion due to TBI or traumatic brain injury. See a simple bump, blow, or jolt to the head can cause a concussion A concussion can also occur from a fall or a blow to the body that causes the head to move back and forth rapidly.


if your pushing away from a wall, you would move at a rapid-ish speed. if you were to hit a wall you'd end up with a concussion.


velocity helps with the first one and concussions are caused when your head is forced to move at a rapid rate back and forth

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